Member Reviews

I finished this book a few days ago but I am still not sure how to put my feelings into words. The story is beautiful, the characters captured my heart and I just loved it so much. I feel forever grateful to have read an ARC.

Outlaw Noble Salt tells a story of how American’s infamous outlaw Butch Cassidy fell in love. It’s a story of hope and redemption, it’s protecting those you love and taking risks, it’s about love. This is my first book by Amy Harmon and I am not sure why because I loved the story telling and writing style. I love Jane, Noble, and Gus with all my heart, Van and Harry too. And of course I loved the slow burn romance. I felt so many emotions while reading, I cried and I smiled. I highly recommend everyone reads this book.

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As always, Amy Harmon is such a gifted writer. She out did herself on her descriptions, making the time period come alive vividly. I absolutely loved the alternative interpretation of Robert LeRoy (Butch Cassidy/Noble Salt) and enjoyed it overall.

I did feel like the story progressed rather slowly. About 60% in, they are just getting off the boat from Paris to the US. The pacing felt off, especially regarding the relationship between Jane and Noble. Jane's character felt like an extreme hyperbole of a cactus (literally is referred to as one in the text) and Noble felt very flat as a character overall. I didn't "believe" their relationship- but I feel like this was due to how I perceived the pacing of the story overall.

That being said, I would recommend this book to anyone. Three stars for me is that I liked it okay, but would recommend to others so they could form their own opinion. As always, if Harmon writes it, I will read it!

Thank you to #NetGalley for an ARC of this book!

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The Outlaw Noble Salt by Amy Harmon

It was so easy to get caught up in this story of a real life outlaw with many names. Briefly, I couldn't help picturing the actors in the famous movie about Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid but it didn't take long for this story to overshadow my memories of that movie because this Butch Cassidy seems so real. Amy Harmon blends what is really known about Butch Cassidy, what is rumored about him and those he dealt with in his life, and her own creative variation she gives to his life that I can't help wishing played out more like this book.

In this story, Butch Cassidy becomes Noble Salt, he wants to be Noble Salt and not Robert LeRoy Parker (his real name) or any of the aliases he took throughout his career of crime. Although he first justified his crimes in a sort of Robin Hood-ish way, Butch Cassidy became very disillusioned with his criminal past and wanted to shed that life and follow a straight path into the future. Even though he hadn't killed anyone, too many lives had been lost at the hands of those he ran with and led, too many of those he rode with were dead or locked up, and he couldn't get away from some of the men who still wanted him to be the Butch Cassidy who could carry off a train robbery or fix things that went awry.

Being a wanted man was no way to live when Cassidy couldn't visit his beloved mother, his harsh father, or his many siblings. Not to mention his brother Van idolized all he did and wanted to emulate him without having the smarts to keep out of trouble or not make everything worse. Between Van and the Sundance Kid, Cassidy wasn't sure which one he hated more but he knew he didn't want to see either one of them again. Doing so would just keep him on a path of crime and never allow him to make amends.

Then Butch briefly meets beautiful songbird, Jane Touissant and her precocious son, Augustus, and Butch Cassidy becomes Noble Salt, a name he clings to for years, as he can't let go of his memories of Jane. Then he meets her again and Butch knows he'll do anything to keep Jane and he son safe. This story is like a fairy tale where you know the ending (if you know Butch Cassidy's story) but you can't help wanting things to end differently, they just have to end differently. Harmon does a wonderful job with the people inhabiting her story, and my heart broke for those who were dealt horrible hands but still had to get through each day. This is an insight into history, into an alternative reality, and into compassion and love despite a man who is on a path of destruction that had already been sown well before he meets Jane and her son.

So much is packed into this story that I'll be thinking of it for a long time to come. It's another one that has sent me researching many of the real life names mentioned and events associated with those people. I really like how Harmon intertwines rumors about Butch Cassidy into this story, as if maybe some of the things that happen in this story might have really happened. History can be fuzzy and we'll never know the truth but we can wonder when all the facts of so long ago aren't really known.

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for this ARC.

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It's no secret that I consider Amy Harmon to be one of my absolute favorite authors, and I've read and loved every single one of her books that have been published so far. I added The Outlaw Noble Salt even before I read the blurb, and then I discovered what it was about and I became even more excited to read this newest story. I loved the sound of the American West setting and the outlaw Butch Cassidy trying to go straight, and I've been dying to read it ever since it appeared on my kindle. I decided to save it for a special occasion though, as it has become a tradition to start a book by a favorite author on my birthday each year... And I couldn't have wished for a better story to celebrate. It's another fantastic piece of historical romance!

Butch Cassidy is probably one of the most famous Wild West legends, and there have been countless of stories and movies made about him and the rest of the gang. The Outlaw Noble Salt is not an exact representation of what is known about his life, but instead sprinkles some facts in with the fictional encounter between Butch (aka Noble Salt) and singer Jane Touissant. If you are trying to learn more about the outlaw himself, this might not be the book for you... But if you enjoy stories about second chances, trying to do better and a little romance and adventure thrown in, The Outlaw Noble Salt will most likely charm your socks off.

This story starts out slower than expected, and I admit it took me a little while to get a proper feel for the plot. I think this had a lot to do with this slower pace and the fact that I simply had to get to know the characters better first... Because while a lot is happening along the way, there is a lot of focus on the character development and growth as well. And boy, does Amy Harmon create the most wonderful characters! Noble Salt is basically your perfect flawed anti-hero, and I simply loved spending time with him. Gus is likewise such a fantastic character, and both Noble and Gus are two of the main reasons this story works so well. They will win over your heart in record time! Jane made less of an impression on me, although I can't deny I did feel for her with everything she has been through in life... But Noble and Gus are the true stars of the show.

Like I said before, The Outlaw Noble Salt is only partly based on the life of the real Butch Cassidy, but I personally liked how the facts were incorporated with the fiction. It's definitely made me do a little research on his life, and it was fun to spot the similarities. The romance itself is really well done; proper slowburn with a realistic and growing connection along the way... Although I loved the connection between Gus and Noble even more. There is a lot of travel included in the plot, and I really enjoyed what the different scenes added to story as well. A little warning is in place for more serious topics including rape, murder, violence, miscarriage and bullying.

I might be a bit biased because I tend to adore everything Amy Harmon writes, but if you enjoy historical romance you simply can't miss The Outlaw Noble Salt. It might not have been my absolute favorite out of the 20! titles published so far, but it is still a beautifully rendered Wild West adventure slash historical romance.

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Oh, my heart. Amy Harmon did it again. Creating a story that I just cannot put down, sucked in from the very first chapter. This is a work of fiction about Butch Cassidy, but has bits and pieces of his real life. It was so much fun to imagine a different path for him, or what could have been. The story of love and loss was so beautifully written. I absolutely loved. it.

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I've been reading Amy Harmon's books for awhile and was excited to get my hands on her latest. Her style lately has been to take historical people, those known and not well known and give them a new life or a different ending than the one they have. While taking factual events or traits she weaves a tale that may change their fates or at least the road to them, and ends up with a satisfying ending.

That is no different than what we find in The Outlaw Noble Salt, where the famous bad outlaw, Butch Cassidy, is given a tale of a life if he were to go "good" and live an honest life after the crimes that he had committed in the wild west. A second chance if you will, and a love story at that, one under a new name of Noble. After seeing a young woman sing opera, Noble is enamored by her voice and the two of them go on an adventure far different than one that Butch had lead before.

Weaving historical references to crimes Butch really did do, along with his brother and partners, we are set on a love story while Butch is trying to outrun his past. It shed light on his life that I didn't know anything about before, and that there really was a mystery surrounding his death that still has questions about today, leaving an opportunity to craft a story for him. Another solid read if you're looking for an alternate ending for a historical person.

Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an opportunity to read an eARC of this book!

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Butch Cassidy REIMAGINED with a love story! Now THAT's a great twist on an old classic! I love when I read a book that is based on a real person surrounded by actual events. It's my favorite way to get a little dose of history, and Amy Harmon is the QUEEN of this concept! She easily sweeps you into that time period, and writes so eloquently, that you can vividly picture the characters and scenery.

I absolutely fell in love with Butch Cassidy/Noble Salt, but calling him a book boyfriend does't do him justice. He felt so much more REAL. A man who made some bad choices, who was flawed, but never stopped trying to be the best person he could be. He was loyal and kind, smart and humble, loving and thoughtful. Jane Touissant is the lucky lady who is the recipient of all those amazing qualities. Jane is a very layered character who is a survivor and thriver as a famous singer. Her son, Augustus, is one of the best side characters with his innocence, big heart, and voracious appetite. Two other side characters are a little like Bert and Ernie. Contrary Harry and Rip Van Winkle. Both love Butch in their own way, but have a not-so-helpful way of showing it at times.

I thoroughly enjoyed this novel as I wrapped it up with tears in my eyes, and continue to think about it. Wisdom, love, heartbreak, and adventure. Yes, I think I will read it all over again.

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I always take longer to write a review on Amy Harmon’s work because I feel she pours her heart into her words, and what kind of review of my words can do that any justice? So this time, my review is a hokku. Why? For the characters, of course. When you read The Outlaw Noble Salt, you’ll understand. I’ll also simply say, preorder this book. Pick up any Harmon book. You’ll fall in love.

Spoiler free review:
An American Legend
gets a second chance.

Gorgeous, lyrical.
Beautiful storytelling.
Noble characters.

How does she do it?
Another Harmon classic.
Never stop writing.

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Reasons to read:
-incredibly written characters
- Complex themes
- Lyrical writing
- Romance with Depth
- heartbreaking and hopeful plot

My Thoughts:

Amy Harmon captures the tragic but thrilling spirit of the Wild West in her latest novel, The Outlaw Nobel Salt.

Famed outlaw, Butch Cassidy was a genuine historical figure. A legend born during a turbulent time in American history. I so loved the way that Amy Harmon chose to portray him in Noble Salt, as I will refer to him from this point on. He embodied the name he adopted in this story, a character that, while famous for his crimes, held high morals and abided by a set of principles he carried close. I thoroughly enjoyed the many uses of poetry, or haiku, throughout the story as it added insight into Noble’s character, expressing the emotions and revealing a complex story underneath the calm and collected personality he portrayed.

The side characters, and female lead, Jane, were memorable and influential on the plot. They were pinnacle to the growth of Noble, and wonderfully complex - done to the distable villain. I was invested in the outcomes of each character's life and was not disappointed. The romance between Noble Salt, and Jane developed quickly, yet held an intensity unique to them. They felt things deeply, yet hardened by life. I enjoyed the patience shown by Noble and the strong connection he developed with Jane and her young son, Gus.

There is no denying the quality of the writing found in Noble Salt. Harmon has a gift for weaving emotion into every word. Nothing is forgotten in the plot, and no scene is without meaning. I love finding the small connections she creates throughout the story, slowly lighting your mind, moment by moment for a breathtaking conclusion. I found myself loving and pitying characters who, in real life would be considered criminals and loathing others who were deemed “ good” based on their class. It was a brilliant reading experience and a reminder that not everyone is who they seem. I fell in love with those labeled as villains in history, yet loathed the others traditionally held in high esteem in society.

The Outlaw Noble Salt, for me, was more than the thrilling grit you come to expect from a Western, it was a novel with incredible depth, a love story between wounded souls, and the liberating tale of a man on the run who came to be known as Noble.

I recommend it.

****The following content guide may contain potential spoilers***

𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 :
Romance: Vague open door
Trigger warnings: Murder, death, strong language, rape, torture, miscarriage

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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Thank you to netgalley and Lake Union Publishers for providing me a copy of The Outlaw Noble Salt by Amy Harmon. I have enjoyed reading Amy Harmons book and this one does not disappoint she it basically is a retelling of Butch Cassidy but with a romance twist.
I did not know anything about Butch Cassidy but the author explains about a character who wants to help others, even though he is an outlaw.

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Amy Harmon always and consistently delivers fantastic stories that wrench at the heart. Her style is so captivating and she always manages to write multifaceted characters. Her writing is so good, and she's amazing at doing research. The Outlaw Noble Salt is no exception, and it leaves you wanting more stories that are so we'll-written. Highly recommend for all Amy Harmon fans, as well as anyone wanting to dig deeper into the wild west.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for the eARC and for the opportunity to review this book. I am voluntarily leaving this review.

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From the publisher: a sweepingly romantic tale of risk, redemption, and what happens when America’s most famous outlaw falls in love.

Where does one begin when reviewing an Amy Harmon novel? I always feel incredibly inadequate to put into words my feelings about her beautiful books, but I’ll do my best.

I’ll start by saying that these incredibly complex and well formed characters grabbed me and held on more than probably any other Harmon novel. They dug deep into my heart (even Van!!) with their struggles and striving for second chances.

The romance in this story is so tender, beautiful, and redemptive. It’s been a long time since I wanted two characters to get their happy ending as much as I wanted Noble and Jane (and Gus) to live happily ever after.

Harmon puts your heart through the wringer with this one, but… I wouldn’t want it any other way!

And in honor of these characters, here’s my haiku for this book (I hope I did it right):

Could not put it down,
a new five star Harmon book…
No one is surprised

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I’m not even sure how to start this review. Harmon has a way of writing characters where they start unassuming and then they just weasel their way into your heart. You don’t even realize how much you love them until the end when your heart is breaking and you’re crying! Noble Salt, Augustus, and Jane wormed their way so deep into my heart that I think I want to stay with them forever!

Thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Probably a 3.75 rounded up. As much as I loved the surrounding history I just didn't feel connected to the characters.

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“Love means you stay.”

When I sit down to read an Amy Harmon book, I immediately know 3 things:
1-the writing will be stellar
2-the story will be fascinating
3-I will have trouble putting it down.
The Outlaw Noble Salt proved all of these to be true.

“Fate settles the score, and karma catches up.”

This book is a tall tale based on Butch Cassidy, the famous outlaw of the Wild West. It takes place at a time in his life when he is trying to walk the straight and narrow and leave his outlaw life behind.

He takes a job working as “security” for Jane Toussaint, a famous Paris opera singer. Butch had met Jane years earlier in New York where he introduced himself using the alias Noble Salt. She is set to tour America with her young son Augustus and is anxious to leave her skeletons behind. Jane has not had an easy life and as a result has built very strong walls and kept heartbreaking secrets.

Butch and Jane build a strong trust. When trouble arises and the past invades the present, Noble Salt will do whatever it takes to keep Jane and Augustus safe. Decisions will be made out of love but ironically cause heartbreak.

“Running doesn’t work. Life is faster than we are.”

This is another unique and fascinating story from Amy Harmon. Her ability to reach into the past and create stories that are sweeping and brilliant and make us fall in love with characters like Butch Cassidy is a true talent and remarkable gift. I dare you not to fall for the remorseful and kindhearted outlaw who desperately wants to live the remainder of his life as a good man with love in his heart.

Many thanks to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Before I picked up The Outlaw Noble Salt, I just finished a book that made me realize I don't enjoy historical fiction that leans heavily on the side of fiction but with a real, well-known person. Unfortunately, this was my next book in the queue: a sweeping historical romance that takes the character of Butch Cassidy and gives him a completely fabricated romance later in life. Fair enough, why not? This is not exactly uncommon in novel writing. Except I would have easily given in to the (admittedly) excellent writing and epic, star-crossed love story had it not been between one very real person and one very fictional person, an opera mother with a young son. This will be a great book for a lot of people; judging by the reviews, it already is. And that's great, as the writing, plotting, and characters are all excellent in this novel. I also have now realized that I don't really like heavy, serious romances - I'm more appreciative of rom-coms. So, again, I'm just the wrong audience for this book and I urge you to give it a try if you like intense, well-written, closed-door romances. Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for a digital review copy.

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I feel like I am becoming a broken record when I talk about an Amy Harmon book, but that is because she consistently blows me away with each story. And she has truly found a niche in writing historical fiction. The way she weaves a fictional story around a true-life character is simply stunning.

Robert LeRoy Parker, otherwise, famously known as Butch Cassidy, has been a person I have been fascinated with for most of my life. Mostly because there has always been an air of mystery around whether he and The Sundance Kid were truly killed in that hideout in Bolivia. And Amy expertly weaves a story that gives readers closure, albeit fictional, on what truly happened to them. I admit, when I finished the story, with tears running down my face, I was hook, line and sinker convinced that is really what happened. It took me reading the final closing notes from the author to come back to reality and reel myself in that she took fictional liberties. But that is Amy’s magic. She draws you so completely into the story that you believe you’re reading a true-life account.

I so loved Jane and Augustus Toussaint. They became larger than life for me, but at the same time the most down to earth, real people I could imagine. As did Van, and Harry and especially Noble Salt, a.k.a. Butch Cassidy. The cards in life that Jane were dealt were a losing hand, and poor Augustus being born with a facial disfigurement stacked the deck against him. But he truly was a child like no other, whose inquisitiveness and devotion to his mother endeared him forever in my heart.

On paper, Noble and Jane made no sense, but they were drawn to each other in a way they’d never been with anyone else in their lives. It made both of them rethink everything about their futures. Butch had long given up on ever finding love or steadiness, referring to himself as a tumbleweed, always blowing somewhere with the wind. And Jane, has always been the caged bird, under the thumb of men who controlled every aspect of her life and her body. Could Butch help her fly free?

There is just so much I could say about this story. I really feel like this is one of Amy’s best to date. The emotions I felt while reading, the way I could envision everything I was reading. Even though there is romance entwined in the story, it is not easy or soft and Jane and Butch have to fight for every bit of it. But that’s real life, isn’t it? The best things never come easy.

“Love means you come back.” This line resonated with me so much. I hoped and prayed that Jane and Butch would be able to find a way to be together, but knowing the real-life story of Butch Cassidy there was no way, right? All I can say is, I was raw and hurting by the end, but at the same time my heart was so full and the tears streaming down my face were both happy and sad. Only Amy could make me do that!

As with every Amy story I read, I will be thinking about this one for many years to come. And as I always do, on any random day I’ll pick this book up and revisit these characters and sit in my feels all over again.

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I will gladly read anything by Amy Harmon but when I saw she was writing a book about the outlaw Butch Cassidy, I didn't just want to read it, I NEEDED TO. This book was full of heart from the first pages to the last. Filled with characters I wasn't sure about at first, but gradually learned to love just like our heart-wrenching outlaw.
Noble is by far the best character in this book and why shouldn't he be? Its about him right? BUT MY WORD I was not prepared to fall so helplessly in love with him. He was so wise, though he didn't have much of an education. Every word that came out of his mouth, words written by Amy hands, was absolutely stunning.
There were a few things I wished we could've had a little bit more of, the outlaw side of living, BUT in reality this book wasn't about that. It took an outlaw, a legend of a man from the last of the Wild West and gave him a story I feel he so rightly deserved.
The romance, the characters, EVERY INCH OF THIS BOOK was a beautiful tale and I highly recommend if you love those morally grey characters that steal your heart.

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“He had the flavor of places she couldn’t even imagine in his voice. A land of long stretches, tall mountains, and blazing suns.”

Harmon writes male love interests that are strong, a bit old fashioned, and the ultimate protectors - which I love. I haven’t seen many people post a trigger warning for this story, which I think is important in this case. There are recurrent scenes and themes with rape, abuse, and miscarriage. These dark themes slowed me down at times but because it was Amy Harmon, the goddess of story writing, I pushed through and I’d encourage others to as well. As with all hard subjects, Harmon handles them with deep care and overarching deeper perspectives.

In this recent book, Harmon seamlessly weaves between multiple POVs. I liked this new style of weaving through different characters in the same chapter without first announcing the POV. Only in the hands of a master novelist could this be done so seamlessly.

I loved this imaginative retelling of Butch Cassidy and was impressed with how Harmon rewrote the ending in a way that made you wondering, “what if?”

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I've always been fascinated with the story of Butch Cassidy. I grew up not too far from where he was from. And I watched the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid several times when it came out. Of course we can never 100% know the full story of his life and childhood and what made him make decisions he did. But I really liked the tale that Amy Harmon wove throughout this book. And it had me as a reader really wishing and hoping that this was maybe—hopefully—more along the lines of what happened.

There's so much within these pages. Wow! I'm always drawn to this author's writing style. And this book was just as captivating with her prose and creation of characters and storyline. The way she delved into Butch Cassidy's character and creating hopes and dreams, regrets and sorrows, pulled me as a reader to connect with him emotionally. Yes, he's fictional, but there's so much about his story that you see in many people. The struggles of their upbringing, their decisions made that they wish they could change, their hope and trying for something better but not being forgiven or allowed the chance to change in some people's eyes. It was a powerful look at humans and human nature.

Not only for his character but also for the heroine's character, Jane. Her story is heartbreaking but wonderful! I loved her tenacity! Her desire to better her life for her son's sake. There's a lot going on there that I'm not going to say anymore about it because you have to discover it all on the journey of reading their story.

When Butch and Jane's lives cross it is so sweet to watch. There's a lot of trust to be earned and kept and protection and fear and hope and yes, even love. Be warned, you might feel a lot of emotions and might even cry over this one. You have been warned!

***There will be some TRIGGER WARNINGS/SPOILERS below my initial content section, within the asterisk so read at your own discretion***

Content: Definitely more of a high end PG-13 rating for this one. It pushes what I'm comfortable reading. And probably is not what most of my clean reads friends would want to read. There are moments of peril, gun fights, talk of stealing and attacks. There are curse words throughout the book. Innuendos scattered throughout the book as well as talk of prostitution. Some on page scenes of a married couple talking about intimacy as well as a couple of scenes that aren't closed door intimacy between a married couple.
********There is talk of sexual assault and long-term abuse. A character has a miscarriage that is talked about in some detail. There is also a brief mention of suicide.****************

I received a copy from the publisher, Lake Union Publishing, via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions in the review are my own.

Happy Reading!!!

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