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The Outlaw Noble Salt
by Amy Harmon
Pub Date: 09 Apr 2024

If you haven't already discovered Amy Harmon, I implore her books! She is a creative genius who fleshes out her characters and all their imperfections perfectly! She has crossed several genres, but her most recent works are historical fiction with a special twist. She takes a well-known name(s) from the past and breathes so much life to her characters that it is hard to remember it is fiction created only from her mind.

The outlaw Noble Salt is in fact Butch Cassidy. He is not a good man, but he has a good heart and does good things. Talk about an oxymoron made flesh...He crosses paths with Jane, the Parisian songbird and her son, Augustus. While Jane's talent and beauty is revered, Augustus is repulsed due to a birthmark marring half of his face. Their initial meeting is one of a chance encounter when Butch is mistaken for a doctor to take care of a severely ill Augustus. And Noble Salt comes to of many aliases Robert LeRoy Parker will have in life, but none a truer name to be called nor longed to be earned.

The relationships and character building in this book are epic! The writing is lyrical and at times so heartbreaking. I think I cried as much as my heart sored. Noble, while he should probably be viewed as an anti-hero was actually one of the most heroic characters I have ever read. He was always putting others first, willing to sacrifice everything for those he loved. The family Noble, Jane and Gus created first out of necessity, but then one of choice was just so pure of heart. Even the side characters who were flawed and unbelievably selfish managed to capture me by the end. Harry and Van, how dare you make me invest any emotions in you!

This book made me feel all the feels! And the moment I read the final words, I wanted to immediately start back at the soon as my emotionally exhausted heart recovers.

Noble, Jane and Gus
Broken, but healed together
Family forever

5 stars

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I am now in love with Butch Cassidy. I didn’t know that would be possible but Amy Harmon has done it again. This book was incredible.

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" some people are just ours"

As I read through the book, I found myself drawn into the author's narrative with curiosity. The characters' struggles and triumphs painted a vivid picture of their challenging life experiences and encounters with adversity.

Their journey through difficult times, encountering obstacles and facing adversity, showcased the harsh realities they had to overcome before finding resilience and strength.

" mom always said second chances were easy to give but it was hard deciding who to give them to"

The bond between the main character and the love of his life was portrayed authentically, showcasing his unwavering dedication to protect her and her child, enriched by the backdrop of their difficult pasts.

Throughout the story, the characters' courage in facing adversity served as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, inspiring admiration.

" Running doesnt work. Life is faster then we are. Always"

The collective decisions made by the characters highlighted the importance of unity and support, emphasizing the strength found in community. The book's exploration of human connections and resilience left a lasting impression on me, evoking a sense of reverence for the human experience.

As I turned the final page, I couldn't help but be deeply moved by the author's skillful storytelling and the profound emotions it stirred within me. With each chapter, I felt a deeper connection to the characters and their journey, eagerly anticipating what the author will craft next in their upcoming book.


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This historical fiction by Amy Harmon features the infamous Butch Cassidy (under the alias Noble Salt) and a fictional leading lady, an opera singer named Jane and her lovable son Gus. Butch meets her by chance and falls in love with her, and attempts to stay out of trouble while he escorts her across the ocean for a tour in America.

Plenty of intrigue keeps the story moving along. Butch is on the run from the authorities, so there is suspense around every corner as you wait for the other shoe to drop. Ultimately this is a story about love, and overcoming the trauma that prevents us from loving fully. I thoroughly enjoyed the story, and was engaged from the very first page until the very last.

I was rooting so hard for Butch, Jane, and Gus, that I was disappointed to get to the author’s note and learn that they were completely fictional. If you go in eyes wide open knowing this, I think you’ll still thoroughly enjoy the book. I still got the exposure to a time and character with which I’m not familiar, which is what I love so much about historical fiction, so it was time well spent.

Thanks to Lake Union Publishing and Netgalley for the advance copy. 4 stars, recommend!

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4.5 stars:

There is so much emotion in this book! It’s impossible not to fall in love with these characters. There is adventure, love, and found family, and you couldn’t help but root for a happy ending. I enjoyed the haiku poems at the start of every chapter and the way the poetry became a theme within the story itself. Definitely add this to your TBR and read it when you need an epic story to fill you with hope.

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“He was Noble Salt, the very epitome of those two words, good to his bones, honest to his core—impossibly so—and such a godsend that she’d had to reconsider her limp and often lifeless belief in the Almighty.”

The story of Noble Salt is a story of love and redemption. It is based on the character of Noble Salt also known as Butch Cassidy who, in spite of his criminal history, has a heart of gold. A chance meeting with a beautiful singer, leads him to the love of his life which he finds not only in a beautiful but broken woman but in her young son. Other characters from Butch’s past continue to intrude as he attempts to make a new life for himself with tragic results. This story examines family relationships and how the need to protect those we love, can require difficult sacrifices. As always, Amy Harmon weaves an exciting plot with a tender love story. This book had me turning the next page to find out if these two wounded people could find the peace & happiness they both deserved. Amy Harmon continues to be a must read author for me.

Thank you to Net Galley and Lake Union Publishing for the opportunity to read & review and ARC of this book. The options expressed are my

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I think this book was written just for me.

Growing up, I never forgot that I lived in what used to be the Wild West, thanks to my cowboy grandpa and his love for Mormon history, wild west stories, Butch Cassidy, and Native Americans. He told endless stories and wrote scores of fiction books about the wild frontier, so I like to think these stories are somehow imprinted in me too.

The Outlaw Noble Salt combines my ancestral history, my ceaseless love and fascination with the wild west, and my current love for romances and books that make me cry. I was enthralled with every chapter, and I have a deep love for each character in this book. I feel so grateful to have spent time with these characters and to never forget them.

The plot, though not full of train and bank robberies, holds its own heart-stopping tension. I was so stressed through this book, wondering how everything would work out. Amy Harmon isn't afraid of addressing difficult subjects and creating a torrent of emotions for the reader. But true to her style, I trust her endings. And this book had the perfect ending I think it could have had. But that didn't stop me from sobbing.

This is without a doubt my favorite Amy Harmon book so far. It touched me in a deeply personal way, and reminded me of hiding in my grandpa's barn with the horses, reading his wild west stories and wondering what it would be like to have nothing but a horse, a saddlebag, a dream, and wide open space. I love this book with my whole heart.

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 5
Plot/Movement: 5
Character Development: 5
Overall: 5

Thank you, Amy Harmon, for the arc!
Releases April 9, 2024

Trigger/Content Warnings: fighting violence and death, swearing, miscarriage, sexual abuse recounted, two vague open door scenes

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This books shows a different side to Butch Cassidy than we're used to hearing about. Everyone knows him as an outlaw along with the Sundance Kid but we get to see a softer side to him in this novel. A chance meeting with Jane Touissant leads him to be her security on her upcoming US tour several years later. The are drawn to each other and both trying to escape their pasts. Butch takes on the identity of Noble Salt and it gives him a glimpse into what life might have been like if he wasn't an outlaw. Soon their pasts start to catch up with them and Butch is faced with a choice in order to keep them all safe. While it started off a little slow, I was soon drawn into the story and liked seeing another side of him. This book really focuses on character development.

Thank you to NetGalley for an eARC of this book.

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Amy Harmon’s beautiful writing shone in this book and the emotions of the characters jumped off the page. The hokku woven throughout the story gave the tale a poetic feel that elevated and showed the complexities of noble thief, warring with himself. It seemed to be less historically accurate than other historical fiction that I’ve read by her but I enjoyed the story nonetheless.

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Every Amy Harmon book I read convinces me more and more that she can do no wrong, and The Outlaw Noble Salt was no exception. I loved the concept of writing an alternate story for the famous Butch Cassidy, and as someone who grew up in Idaho and has heard many of the stories of the outlaws of the Wild West, I was really excited to read this.
It was emotional and complex, and every character had so many layers. I loved the redemption arcs of Butch and Van, the tumultuous relationship they had as brothers, and the way Butch both hated him and loved him. Jane’s story is so heartbreaking and Augustus is so loveable. The entire time you read you will be rooting for their little family, frustrated by all the problems they continue to encounter, and hopeful that Butch Cassidy can somehow get them out of their mess like he always has.
I love how Amy Harmon writes fictional stories with enough historical fact in them that you learn new things and also believe the story could have truly happened. This was for sure a 5 star read for me and a new favorite.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Amy Harmon is one of my fave authors. I’ve been reading everything she writes for YEARS. I was SO excited to be selected to receive an advanced copy to read and review.

The Outlaw Noble Salt is a retelling (telling?) of Butch Cassidy’s life AFTER his outlaw life. Might he have been a good man who fell in love with a singer and her son?

From the Wild West to London and Paris and back, this story is for everyone.

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I fell in love with
a criminal and the way
he loved so purely

The Outlaw Noble Salt by Amy Harmon is one of my new favorite books- with a morally grey character you cannot help but fall in love with. From his haikus to his swoon-worthy quotes to the gentle way he treated Augustus and Jane, I fell more and more in love with outlaw Robert Leroy Parker- or, as they preferred to call him, Noble Salt- with every page I read.

Amy Harmon’s books never fail to move me. The Outlaw Noble Salt is a masterfully written, beautiful, emotional, heartfelt story about love, second chances, and redemption. The devotion and relationships in this story- both romantic and familial- will stay with me for a long time.

The romance between Jane and Noble felt like a balm to my soul. Everyone deserves to be loved in the way that Noble loved Jane. The reasoning behind his nickname for her made my heart melt. Though this romance in the real Butch Cassidy’s story didn’t exist, it felt so incredibly real.

“They will kill you."
"They can't kill Noble Salt. He only existed for you. He's yours."

Jane’s relationship with her son Augustus was so heartwarming. They were so protective of each other and both drew strength from and for one another.

“… You are the only thing I cannot live without, the only face in this whole world that matters to me."

Augustus’ relationship with Noble was so healing. I loved the way they connected over haikus and how easy Noble made Augustus feel safe and accepted.

“And you'll be a real hero. Not just the kind in those dime novels."

I cried over Robert’s relationship with his brother. They both loved each other so much, but Van showed it by wanting to be near Robert, and Robert showed it by trying to stay away. The sacrifices they both made for each other in the end had me bawling my eyes out.

If you only buy one book this year, let it be this one. It’s perfection. Amy Harmon, I think Robert would have loved the love story you gave him. I immediately preordered a physical copy when I finished reading because I NEED this for my shelf.

Some more of my favorite quotes:
🍯 “Love doesn't always make sense. Some people are just ours."

🍯 “The way I love you... I don't even care if you love me back."

🍯 You opened me up/ And took my heart from my chest/ Now how will I live?

ALL THE STARS AND MORE for The Outlaw Noble Salt by Amy Harmon. THANK YOU to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an early copy of The Outlaw Noble Salt. All opinions are my own. *Quotes may change, since I read an unfinished ARC.*

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This is my 8th book by Amy Harmon and is definitely near the top of the list as one of my favorites. I had no idea I'd fall so much in love with a story about Butch Cassidy, but there I was looking for any spare moment to sneak in another page or two. I loved characters. I hated characters. I could practically hear Jane singing myself. This one pulled me in and along for the journey, and i'll be smiling about it for a while.

*SPOILERS* - The content warnings below may spoil a few elements of the book, but there are some heavy topics that feel necessary to mention in case there are things you wish to avoid.

CW: rape, miscarriage, gun violence, suicide

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'He was good even though he did bad things. He was honest even though he was a thief. He was foolish even though he was wise'.

Butch Cassidy, an icon of America's Wild West: train robber, bank robber, and leader of the notorious 'Wild Bunch'. But what if this dastardly bandit was misunderstood? What if he is a good person trapped within the bad circumstances of his own making? When Butch meets opera singer Jane Touissant, he recognises a good woman who has also been trapped by her circumstances. If he can't save himself, then just maybe he can save her and her son.

'The Outlaw Noble Salt' is Butch Cassidy: he is noble and he is the salt of the earth. Amy Harmon's latest book is really a romance about redemption and the self-sacrificing power of love. Harmon excels at building the connection and yearning between Butch and Jane. Everyone loves a rogue with a true heart.

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We all know the tale of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. While never been proven, it is believed that they were killed on November 7, 1908, in Bolivia. Butch was only forty-two. Amy Harmon in her latest novel The Outlaw Noble Salt explores the “what if” Butch never died in Bolivia.

On the third night of Parisian Opera songbird, Jane Toussaint performance at Carnegie Hall, Butch sneaks in by the stage entrance tripping over a bag of salt by Noble Salt Company. When Jane completes her performance she found her sick little boy in the arms of an unknown man, a man she presumed was Dr. Salt. Not wanting to bring attention to who he really was Butch calls himself Noble Salt.

Six years later outside a clinic in Paris, little Augustus and Jane encountered a familiar face, that face belongs to Noble Salt. This begins a relationship between two people that should not be. Jane hires Noble as her bodyguard as she crosses the Atlantic oceans back to the US and to accompany her on her America opera tour. Why would a woman need hire a bodyguard for herself and son? As they begin their journey in America, their love for each other grows. As Noble comes to hope that maybe his life has taken a turn, he learns it will be short live.

Amy Harmon is a master at storytelling. Her stories are magical and entertaining; I am always in awe of how beautifully she writes. Her characters pull you into a story and captivate your heart with their connection to each other. While The Outlaw Noble Salt was a novel I
was a novel I enjoyed it was missing that connection I got from my favorites: What the Winds Knows and The Songbook of Benny Lament. I will always read Amy Harmon’s books, her writing is authentic, moving, and memorizing.

Thank you, Amy Harmon, Lake Union Publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a digital ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. This novel is due to be released on April 9, 2024.

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Amy Harmon is a talented author who can write no wrong. I loved this book. While it was a tall tale about Butch Cassidy it did inspire me to look a little more into his life and the time in which he lived. Amy did a fantastic job at letting the reader know who Butch Cassidy was and that *maybe* there's more to his story that we think. Thank you NetGalley for the advance read!

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Amy Harmon's The Outlaw Noble Salt is a captivating tale of redemption and romance set against the backdrop of the American West. As the notorious outlaw Butch Cassidy strives to leave his criminal past behind, he finds unexpected love and purpose in the form of the enigmatic singer Jane Touissant. Their tumultuous relationship unfolds amidst danger and uncertainty, as Butch grapples with his demons and Jane confronts her own secrets. Harmon's evocative prose and vivid characterization breathe life into this sweeping narrative, exploring themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the enduring power of love. The Outlaw Noble Salt is a triumph of storytelling—a timeless and unforgettable journey that will resonate with readers long after the final page is turned.

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This is my first time reading anything by Amy Harmon and oh boy! Now I’ve got to go read ash her other books! Aside from recognizing the name Butch Cassidy I didn’t know much at all about him. I immediately got lost in this book! I was worried I would be a little confused or lost if I didn’t already know a little of his story. But no, I loved it and never felt I was missing some details or explanations.

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Harmon has an exceptional way of pulling on my emotions and engaging me as a reader and I've loved everything I've read by her. Outlaw Noble Salt is another winner to add to the list!

It's a spin on a Wild West novel and a redemption tale for Butch Cassidy, who is historically known in partnership with another outlaw, the Sundance Kid. They were famous outlaws from the early 1900s that many movies and stories have been made about. I liked that this was a new take on this historical criminal.

If you're in the mood for a love story/western then give this one a try.

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 (3.5)
Steam Level: 🔥🔥 (vague open door scenes)

When famous singer Jane Toussaint has a chance encounter with a man named Noble Salt, she is unable to forget the man who cared for her son and made her feel safe. As years pass, Jane realizes Noble is actually an outlaw named Butch Cassidy. Despite this revelation, Jane still believes there's a good man behind the robber. When Hane crosses paths with Butch again, she takes a chance and hires him as her bodyguard. What happens next will change the course of her life forever.

I know this rating comes as a shock, but hear me out. I do think this was a beautiful story of fate, acceptance, and overcoming the past. The characters all had rich stories and a great found family dynamic. Butch was the ultimate protector and was dedicated to those he loved. The last chapter in particular was excellent. So why not 4 or 5 stars? This was just such a slow read for me. I found myself picking up other books instead when I had time to spare. I'm not a poetry lover, so the haiku verses didn't grab me. It was also very much an insta-love romance and took time for me to believe the connection between Butch and Jane. I think many will love this one, though!

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