Member Reviews

Omg GIRL! This book has been such a life-giving read (Sorry for the late reply)! Reading this book has changed so much of how I see rest in the best way. I'm so excited to see how this book changes so many women's lives.

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'Tired of Being Tired' has been a revelation for me. It doesn't just stop at acknowledging exhaustion; it empowers us to transform what we find. By dissecting the roots of burnout and offering actionable steps for change, this book is a roadmap to reclaiming the margin in your life. A must-read for anyone ready to rewrite their story of exhaustion into one of abundance.

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I have always loved anything that Jess Connolly puts out. Reading her work feels like sitting down with a friend, drinking a cup of tea, talking about life and Jesus. There are a lot of books out about rest, but I especially loved the way that this one was organized. It was easy to read and easy to apply some of the principles that are outined.

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Jess speaks to the issue of wearing busy as a badge of honor. Rest is what we all crave and when we don’t rest in the Lord we continually strive to make things happen and to earn the rest! We were never created to earn rest! In today's world it's hard to find anyone who isn't tired of being tired. This is exactly the message I needed in this time! True rest that doesn't leave me feeling overwhelmed by all the things left to do is hard to find. This book is helping me find rest that is true rest that releases me from the constant striving.

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A really challenging and really excellent read.
I loved how Jess divided fatigue into 4 types- something I’d not thought about before- and helps you identify which you are. There are many books on tiredness, sleep, exhaustion, burnout etc and I’ve read many of them. This was still a fresh read for me. I underlined a LOT of passages, and I appreciate that this book was written by a busy, energetic woman rather than someone who lives in a cabin in the woods off the grid with no responsibilities other than, I don’t know, foraging for berries or something.
Thank you so much to the publisher and NetGalley for the digital arc.

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Tired of Being Tired by Jess Connolly, came along for me at the ideal time. Tired of Being Tired is literally the phrase I've been repeating for about 3 years now. The author covers 4 types of tired: Spiritually, Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally. This really helped me put words to the things I was feeling and going through. Instead of one big overwhelming mess that I was facing, I was able to start sorting through each type of tired and addressing it with ideas specific to it. This book has a lot of great suggestions for how to identify the causes/sources of fatigue, as well as some practical solutions on how to work towards getting better. I have a bunch of stuff highlighted and bookmarked, but a few of things that were especially helpful for me were the "Verses to Mediate On" at the end of each chapter, all of Chapter 14, "Change the Culture," and the list of resources in the back of the book.

I rated Tired of Being Tired by Jess Connolly 5/5 stars, and highly recommend it for anyone else who is struggling with living a life where you're always tired of being tired.

Thank you to Netgalley, Jess Connolly, and Baker Books for the opportunity to read the ARC of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Like every other woman I know, I am chronically exhausted. I have been fighting my way back from a point of total burnout at the beginning of the year, and this book couldn’t have come my way at a better time. Jess breaks down the different types of exhaustion and tiredness we feel (because we experience our tiredness in different ways). She approaches it from a biblical perspective, yet there is no shame here. She makes a case for God not wanting us to live these nonstop, crazy lives. He wants us to rest! Truly, one of my favorite parts of this book are the Bible verses throughout, inviting me to rest and to thrive. I was blessed to be a part of the launch team for this book, so I was given an advance digital copy to read, but I am so eager for my physical copy to come in so that I can highlight it like crazy!

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Hands down probably the most important book I’ll read this year. I received an advanced e-copy, and halfway through preordered a physical copy for myself, and 3 to gift others. We’ve accepted tired, but that’s not what we are called to be. Jess breaks down tired into three types: physical, spiritual and emotional. Never have I thought about the differences and how each one impacts the body in a different way. I may have even cried a few times as she hit my soul right where I needed to be called out. The low-power mode suggestions and ending chapter with easy, bite-size rhythms to move us into healthy spaces are pages I’ll continue to reference as I make adjustments to my own routines. God gives rest to those he loves. And He loves us. So much. Five stars.

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Thank you NetGalley and Jess Connolly for the ARC of tired of being tired! Jess Connolly is like talking to an old friend. Her words are honest and humble. We are all SO tired and need REAL REST NOW! This book will teach you the different types of rest and help you decipher which kind of fatigue you have. I will be referencing this book for years to come.

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Tired? Maybe a nap will help, but will it?

Tired of Being Tired by Jess Connolly opens by addressing why we are tired. It's not something a nap will solve and we need to dive deeper into the root cause. We are only given this one life so why not live it to the fullest?

Jess is like sitting with your best friend and diving deep into why life seems so tired all the time. Then, like any amazing friend, travels with you to help offer advice strategies and hopefully lead you to a less tired walk through life :)

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I was hoping this book would over some big cure to being exhausted all of the time! Jess does a good job about talking about different kinds of exhaustion, how to rely on Jesus and scripture to get through tiring times, and some good stories to go along with it. It started out really strong for me, but I think i even just got too tired reading it. Kind of makes you more down to read so many stories about other people being exhausted. I really like her tips and reflection questions on how to deal with all this.

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Jess Connolly is a Christian speaker and author. Her newest book is entitled, "Tired of Being Tired: Receive God's Realistic Rest for Your Soul-Deep Exhaustion." Obviously, I am sure most women feel exhausted these days. Connolly's book is easy to read, and most chapters ends with reflection questions and a Scripture passage to meditate on. Connolly combines transparency with genuine concern for her readers, and you feel understood as you read along. She begins her book with the usual lies women believe about rest, such as, "I can't rest until the work is done," and then reminds us that rest is not a punishment but a reward. I was especially interested in the section about multi-tasking, as I believe that's something most of us wear as a badge of pride without realizing that it can be really harmful. The suggestion for "benevolent detachment" was really interesting to me!

I really enjoyed how Connolly encourages her readers to live in the present by noticing what's happening, saying thanks for it all, and then accepting how it is. Connolly ends her book with this encouraging quote, "God' kingdom comes when His will is done -- and He gives rest to those He loves." Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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With burnout on the rise, Jess invites other Believers to name their fatigue, find their rest, and move forward with Christ. As someone who’s read dozens of books about work-related stress and burnout, I can’t say this offered any new insights on my own journey. But it may be a lifeline for someone who is tired and can’t seem to figure out why. She does a good job breaking down the different types of exhaustion we feel and weaves some scripture into these pages. An accessible read for those who are struggling to to find rest.

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