Member Reviews

Absolutely adored this book! It was hilarious, heartwarming, and totally relatable. While the romance is swoon-worthy, the real star of the story is the friendship between the girls. Siobhan, in particular, had me laughing out loud with her witty one-liners. This book is begging to be made into a movie! A must-read for anyone who loves a good laugh and a feel-good story about friendship.
#Hitched #NetGalley

Hitched is a book you want to read on a girls holiday in the sun. It's a quick and easy read, with plenty of romance, but it stops short of being too sappy by having a fabulous cast of women, who love to roast one another, but also love fiercely. I properly laughed out loud at some of the one-liners.
I think Hitched was described as the Hangover meets Bridesmaids and I'd say that was a fair description. I was picturing this as a film a lot of the time and I think with the right cast this could be an epic movie.
It is purely a personal thing for me, but storylines involving miscommunication or lack of communication really ramp my anxiety up, I think it's probably because I'm autistic, and miscommunication is something I worry about all the time. So I did feel quite anxious reading this book, yet at the same time I had to keep reading as I was demanding a satisfying resolution and I wasn't disappointed.
Fun, cute, sassy and smart, I really enjoyed Hitched.

Hitched @j.f.murray
Oh this book is an absolute belter. I loved this book. It was so much fun. It's labelled as Bridesmaids meets the Hangover but this book just gave me pure escapism. I couldn't wait to keep reading and I'm only sorry that it has been on my to be read list for awhile.
Kate is on her hen do in Las Vegas with her 3 Bridesmaids. She has perfectly planned every last detail and even has an itinerary for the occasion. She has also planned her wedding to Norman aka Normy the dental surgeon in minute detail. But all her planning goes out the window when she runs into her Ex, DJ Trevor Rush and wakes up hungover to find that they got married!
Trevor will only sign the annulment if Kate agrees to go on 3 dates with him. He plans to win her back and show her that he's the love of her life and not Norman. Furious Kate can't see an alternative so agrees but decides she will work to give him the ick factor. But will Trevor see through this act?
The Bridesmaids are hilarious and add a lot of fun to this book. The author did well to create diverse characters in a friendship group setting. Trevor is a complete hoot and I loved him immediately and whilst I did like Kate at times I wanted to shake her.
It was a really great story that would make such a great rom com. Parts of this reminded me a little bit of What Happens in Vegas which is one of my fave films so it's no wonder I liked this book so much. It's a really great read and I'd recommend giving it ago.

Funniest book I have read in a long time. The banter and the friendship. Great book to pack for summer vacation.

This book was amazing! This was equal parts absolutely hilarious and heartwarming. I loved my time spent with these characters and I definitely need a book about Siobhan. Trevor was such a great mmc and he was so amazing to Kate getting her to realise her self worth again. I will definitely be picking up everything J.F. Murray writes. Highly recommend.

I think this is one of the funniest books I've ever read. The humour flows so wonderfully that you are drawn into the plot almost immediately. Although there were some expected narrative points and some awkward moments throughout, the writing was done so in a way that didn't really take away from how much I enjoyed the book. I truly wanted Kate to have the best possible ending, and the last 20% of the book seemed like a rollercoaster with how I felt while reading it.

It just wasn't for me because I strongly dislike reuniting exes tales, but I know it'll do well with my audience.

This book is absolutely hilarious!! I have often seen on Tik Tok and reading reviews of various books that people say "this was a real laugh out loud book for me!" but I've never experienced that until now!! I would be reading this in bed and laugh and then have to read the paragraph out loud to my partner and we would both be in fits of giggles. I especially adored "I knew Burger King when he was just a prince!!!" Fantastic!!
If I did have a few "icks" - the name of Norman aka Normie - for a character as strong as Kate, I hated the fact that she used "baby language" when talking to him, and the number of times she used it wound me up completely. Also Siobhan's constant sex talk and innuendos got a little tiring after a while, and she would have driven me mad if I'd been on a hen weekend with her!!!!
However! Saying that this book was wonderful and extremely funny and I could relate to it as I too, got married in Vegas, although my wedding was planned and the marriage lasted a little longer!!
Recommend everyone to go out and read this book

Lighthearted fun read
A hen weekend in Vegas....what happens in vegas stays in Vegas.
Funny easy read great for a holiday read
made me laugh out loud

What the girls get up to on a hen weekend in Vegas, is funny, and cringy but well worth spending a weekend reading this. Vegas sounds great if you’ve never been but remember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. A funny laugh-out load read that will cheer you up on a miserable winter's day.

Amazing book!
I was thoroughly engaged throughout this book and I didn't want to put it down! The author captured my attention from the get go! Five stars from me :)

Hitched definitely reminded me of the movie What Happens in Vegas but it was more of a second chance romance.
Kate is organised. Down to the minute of her bachelorette party taking place in Vegas a week before her wedding. She knows exactly what will happen when and then she will return to her structured life with her god-awful fiancé Norman. Who I honestly could no stand. He was pretentious, controlling and manipulative. Now I understand that was his purpose in the book. To show what Kate didn’t want in a fiancé by the end.
After her friends go rogue and arrange a wild night out, Kate runs into her ex, celebrity DJ Trevor Rush as he is performing in the club, they’re at. It didn’t end well. Trevor cheated on Kate, and she ended things over a text and left immediately. The chemistry and tension between the two are great and it is clear that Trevor never got over Kate and still holds her in his heart.
The following morning, Kate wakes to find a ring on her finger and a killer headache. In shock and disbelief she realises her and Trevor got married at some point last night and not Trevor is refusing to get the marriage annulled unless she goes on a few dates with him. It was really fun to read. It was reminiscent of some classic comedy movies like the Hangover, What Happens in Vegas and even elements of Bridesmaids as the blurb states.
Norman the god-awful fiancé gets no better and becomes even more demanding and controlling. Kate’s control slips around Trevor and you see her have some fun and relax.
This was a great read, definitely recommended to those looking for a fun rom-com.

Thank you NetGalley and MacMillan for letting me read this book!
First of all, omg this book was so good. It’s the perfect second chance romance book. I normally don’t like books written in third person but this book was *chefs kiss*.
I loved all the characters but especially the girls, their connection with each other was amazing and they are such an iconic group of swifties!!
Kate has planned a perfect, well thought through hen do to Las Vegas with her girlies. But when they have too much to drink one night, she wakes up in a hotel room with a ring on her finger. Only to discover that she married her ex however in order for her to get the annulment, he gives her a condition, go on three dates with him and then he will sign. What could possibly go wrong (or right 😏)

This has been probably one of the funniest books I've read. It grips you into the story from pretty much page 1 with the humour that flows amazingly. The plot was a bit predictable at times throughout and some parts were a little cringey at times but it was done in a way that didn't really affect my enjoyment of the book. The last 20% of the book felt like a rollercoaster with what I felt while I was reading and I really rooted for Kate to get the best ending that she could have possibly got.

I came into this book with high hopes having enjoyed Murray’s previous release, ‘Fling’, and I was really not disappointed! This book had the perfect balance between humour, emotion and relationships. The friendship between Kate and her circle was so hilarious, heartwarming and relatable and I loved how much I was rooting for Kate and Trevor from our first time meeting them!

This was a light read, good to unwind after a long day. I enjoyed the writing and the banter between the four lokos, my favourite of the group was the sarcastic and witty Siobhan.
However, I found the main character Kate unlikeable, almost as much as her mother and "Normie" (don't get me started on those two). The plot was predictable, and as much as I like second chance romances, I found that Kate didn't do anything to make Trevor trust her again, which confirmed my initial dislike of her.
Thank you to the publisher who provided me with an e-copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Kate is the ultimate planner and she has biggest event yet... her wedding! She's planned for the happily ever after until Kate and her 3 best friends head to Vegas for her hen party!
Typically me and third person books do not get along but I'm so glad I gave this book a go! I found it easy to keep up with all of the characters, I loved all of their personalitys.
I don't think I've ever read a book that made me laugh as much as this one, the girls all work so well together and the banter between them is A*.
No spice involved and this might be one or my top books for the year.
I had this in my list of books to read for a while and I'm disappointed in myself I didn't put it higher in the list.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an eARC of this book.
My favourite part of this book was the banter between the four lokos group which had me laughing out loud at points. Had this story explored their friendship more, I think I definitely would've loved this book but everything really fell flat.
My main issue with this book was the main character, Kate. I just found her wholly unlikeable. She irritated me so much and the rest of the character just seemed to really gloss over her character flaws. The entire book was just one big miscommunication trope and I wished she had worked to gain Trevor's trust back more at the end.
Overall, l don't think this book was for me but I would definitely read any stories by J.F. Murray that explored the female friendships more.

Please please please please please Hollywood turn this into a hit rom-com film. It would be completely amazing on the big screen, and needs to be turned into a movie so that even more people can see how much fun this story is.
As you might be able to tell I totally and utterly loved this book, and think I read the last quarter or so in one sitting oblivious to the world around me. Easily one of my favourite books of 2024 so far.
It is just so so so much fun, from the first couple of chapters until the end I was invested in Kate's love life.
And the rest of her friends, the rest of the hen party, the bants between them is just classic. They love roasting each other, and there are so many funny lines.
Between the four of them after their first night in Vegas, one wakes up in handcuffs, one wakes up with a tattoo, one with no eyebrows and the other apparently got married to her ex -love of her life who broke her heart years ago, but Elvis in a Wedding Chapel, despite her wedding being later that week to her fiancée!
I mean if that alone isn't the makings of a classic rom-com then I don't know what else is. Add in how Trevor is determined not to give Kate the annulment she desperately believes she wants, for various reasons that will become apparent and make sense, a lot of time spent in Vegas and you have a book that hits all the right the boxes for me.
With action including the Bellagio, Venice, New York, Paris (all on the strip). a famous strip show with an unexpected finale, and a memorable trip to the Grand Canyon, plus a bit of gambling this is totally my sort of book.
I loved every word of it, it's funny, it's refreshing, I knew what outcome I wanted, but was never completely sure how it would end, and some wonderful both romantic and also embarrassing moments, this book was perfect for me!
I am so eager to see what else this author writes, as I think they may have a new fan!
Thank you to Macmillan and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

This book wasn't necessarily for me because I don't really like cheating in books, saying that Norman was such an absolutely horrible character, I couldn't even feel bad for him. There's to say whilst I liked the friendship between Kate and her girls, the other dynamics didn't work for me. Kate's mum guilt tripping her with telling her that her father would get cancer again because of her angered me so much, I had to force myself to carry on reading. The romance didn't really work for me, I expected more getting to know each other all over again, after all 9 years is a long time, especially going from early 20s to 30s. Regardless, this was a quick read, nice flow to it.