Member Reviews

I didn’t think i’d be able to give another fae romantacy a 5* review after finishing ACOTAR, But here we are!
I’m a huge fan and arthurian legends and ate up BBC’s merlin like it was my last meal, so the idea of something like that mixed with fae storytelling had me very, very excited.
But this book is more than just that. First of all, it made me hate arthur, who, was my first ever character crush. Secondly, it goes far beyond a typical retelling and makes it entirely unique. There tends to be a lot of repetition with this trope (which, don’t get me wrong, i love and eat up as well) but this was something completely different.
The world building was excellent; It wasn’t too hard to grasp and luckily I was able to pick up pronunciation quickly due to both the guide and also recollection of other stories. Morgan was a lovable character and the incredibly (incredibly) slooooow burn (that still hasn’t happened fyi but i know it’s coming, it must!) is so tantalising! Draven has the misunderstood brute arc that is similar to that of rhysand and makes me so excited to watch his story unfold.
I’ve already started the second book and i doubt highly that it will take me long to get through it. Don’t stop me now, i’m on a roll!
Overall, Briar Boleyn did a fantastic job creating a brand new version of Arthurian legend and I am beyond ecstatic that I have managed to finally find a series that has dragged me out of my acotar hangover.

If you haven’t guessed, I highly recommend this if you’re a fan of acotar and need to stop being depressed over not having that anymore just like me.

Thanks so much to netgalley for this arc!

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This is an excellent read. The detail that went into this book was flawless, and normally world building is extremely boring but Briar came in with all the details and made it flourish. I HIGHLY recommend this series, if you loved acotar/ plated prisoner/ or from blood and ash you will certainly love this. Looking forward to starting Court of Claws!

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Queen of Roses is the first installment in the dark fantasy series of Blood Of Fae which presents myths from Arthurian legends in a dark and twisted manner with medieval time vibes throughout the book.

This was a gripping tale from the very first chapter, Briar did a wonderful job for the readers being familiar with the characters- she featured a map & a pronunciation guide. The dialogues between the characters are used to get an insight into worldbuilding to the readers, worldbuilding and lore were great for this book. The description of places was fabulous and detailed (especially roses filled in the throne room of Arthur), Briar nailed it!

Morgan, the protagonist, is the daughter of the first queen and former king who is the rightful heir to the throne but is dismissed as the heir and instead promised to be high priestess of the the temple. She is a half-fae and has suffered abuse for her whole life, which led to her concealing a part of herself. She grew up in the shadows of her step-younger brother, Arthur, the tyrant king of Camelot whom she realizes she no longer knew him or probably never knew him. When her kingdom is on the brink of a war, she's tasked with a dangerous quest of a legendary weapon- the Excalibur. Being the first book it serves as an introductory volume towards world-building and towards the growth of Morgan herself, who, slowly, begins to embrace her true nature and no longer justifies through brotherly love all the actions that Arthur has done towards her and the kingdom.

Draven on the other hand is very morally black and is surrounded by a wave of mystery until the end. I liked the fact that he treated right away with concern and like an equal, despite his rank. The dynamic between him and Morgan was the perfect start to a slow burn. The end was unseen and unpredictable for me!

Other than these two, Lancelet was a truly amazing character for me and I loved her quick wit and her friendship with Morgan. Their friendship was a big highlight for me in this book!

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This read is another Sword in the Stone retelling but is definitely a lot different than the others I have read. I really enjoyed that this retelling involves fae and a hidden prince (always love a good prince in disguise plot). I also enjoyed that mythical cats and animals played apart in it also. These book is apart of a series and I am very looking forward to see where these characters journeys take them.

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Enemies to lovers ✔️
Slow burn ✔️
Amazing ✔️
Force proximity ✔️
The world building was 🤌🏼

Overall absolutely loved this this book. Finally a Fae read that didn’t feel like an ACOTAR copy paste. It pulls from the story of King Arthur and some type of mythology? From page one I was HOOKED and by the end well…. Let’s just say I need to get my hands on the next book IMMEDIATELY!

Thank you Netgalley for a copy of this book!

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“Forged in blood and darkness. A bond that can never be broken”

A fae take on King Arthur, this was an interesting read about Morgan who is half-fae and entitled to the throne of Pendrath but her father decided to dedicate her to the temple instead and proclaim his second-born child Arthur as heir instead.

Above being replaced from being queen, Morgan faces cruelties that are unthinkable from her brother who is an uncaring ruler as well as his friend who is enamoured with her. When she is sent on a mission to retrieve a legendary weapon, only a company of two is sent with her – Whitehorn, another cruel member of Authurs court and Draven a new guard who has quickly risen to the rank of captaincy. A fae minstrel, Vesper, joins their group and Morgan finds it difficult to resist his charms despite Draven’s warnings.

The world-building is excellent and the twists in the story, keep you turning the pages late into the night. Morgan is a strong female, especially when you consider what she has been through. Vesper is charming and Draven is the perfect morally grey villain.

I found the pacing a little slower than I liked but it did allow for intricate world-building and character development. This story features all the tropes – slow-burn, stolen throne, just one bed and a quest to a dangerous land.

Thank you to Netgalley and Victory Editing co-op for the opportunity to read this series and the fact that I was able to start the sequel immediately as that cliff-hanger was something else.

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This was everything I wanted and more. I truly enjoy the twist on the King Arthur Legend. All my favorite things in a book, enemies to lovers, slow burn, a little spice in the mix. And the ending wreaked me. I think that is how all of this series is going to go.

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As a fan of the ACOTAR series and a fan of Arthurian legends, this book was high on my TBR list. The author had an interesting twist on the traditional Arthurian legend that provided an opportunity to really build out a new world with fae at the heart. Although it did get better, the first part of the book (almost half) is spent on world building and exposition. As this is part of a series, I can definitely understand the time spent to help build out the world, but it was such a slow start that I struggled not to DNF several times. I do not think that I will continue in the series as the twist on the traditional Arthurian legends is a bit much for me, but I recommend for anyone who is looking for an easy read with supernatural elements!

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My reading experience for this book was one of highs and lows. The middle section really captivated me, and I had a hard time putting it down. I love a good travel quest plot with a rag-tag crew, and this aspect of the plot scratched that itch. That being said, it was hard to not have my enjoyment overshadowed by elements that I did not enjoy. I really love the idea of doing an Arthurian spin on romantasy tropes, but I think the execution just wasn't really for me in the end.

I think one of the biggest aspects that deterred my enjoyment was the writing style, especially the dialogue. I can see the style the author was going for, but for me, it was just a bit off, and I found myself thinking about how off-kilter and false the flow and banter felt. It is worth noting this style is one that doesn't work for me very often, so I'm certain part of it is my personal preference. I also felt like the foreshadowing was heavy-handed at times. There were some good plot twist ideas, but I found myself figuring what they were much sooner than the main character, leading me to feel frustrated when she couldn't figure it out or wasn't aware of cues hinting towards them. This aspect I think also limited my ability to be immersed in the story and connect with the main character, as I found myself feeling quite frustrated. I will say though that there were a couple of twists that caught me off guard at the end, so it definitely got better as the story progressed

The other aspect that I did not enjoy about this book was the plot pace, especially at the beginning. The first 30% felt so slow, and while there were definitely plot points that were important for the later plot and the main character's growth, there was also a lot of what felt like filler. That first 30% I had no idea where the story was going to go, and when the plot did kick into gear it felt like a drastic (albeit needed) shift from the pace the plot had been going at. I found the middle of the book to also be slow, but other elements like the crew on the road helped justify its pace. I also think if I hadn't been able to predict many of the plot twists so easily I would have been able to enjoy the plot and pacing, as well as feel more immersed in the world.

All in all, this book wasn't my favorite, and I don't think I'll be continuing on, as the elements that I don't enjoy overshadow those that I do

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Queen of roses,

I was sucked in right from the start.
The book is divided in two parts. I enjoyed the second part best.

I loved the world building and getting to know the characters but had a hard time connecting to the mmc. Maybe because we didn’t get to see enough of him. I do really like Morgan the fmc.

The King Arthur retelling wasn’t a problem at all. I liked how similar characters had different genders and even tho some was taken from the original story, I still felt like a new story on its own.

It is a dark fantasy so if you plan on reading, check the triggers. For me it wasn’t as dark as I expected.

I’m exited to start the next book in this serie.

Thank you Netgalley and Briar Boleyn for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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Firstly, hats off to NetGalley for approving my request to read this.

Queen of Roses is a dark fantasy romance based off the well known King Arthur story. From the synopsis, the book seemed captivating to read, the cover was appealing and the last line of the prologue had me hooked.

However, as someone that is a big fantasy reader, I don't think it lived up to my expectations. The beginning started well and the build up was great. The slow burn was not burning as much as I thought it would but I eventually saw the disclaimer at the end that it gets better in the next book.

Some parts of the book seemed rushed and some parts felt like the book was moving too slow.

The ending left me confused and I like to believe that's the point of the whole cliffhanger…to get me to pick up the next book.

Overall, it was an okay read to me.

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Queen of Roses by Briar Boleyn is an addictive book.

This book got a little bit of folklore about fae, a little bit of romance, high sexual tension, suspense, thriller, angst and action packed. As a fan of Merlin drama series, I'm very excited to read a book about Morgan, Arthur's sister. With all those magic, Morgan as a half fae blooded, the book really give you a high imagination. Morgan shows as a strong female character when she goes for a mission to keep her little brother life from threatened by her own half brother. When she travels with Draven, the attraction between them can't be missed. The last chapters got me screaming "Noooooooooo... I can't believe this". It is expected and unexpected. This book got major cliffhanger which make you need to read the 2nd and 3rd book.

I'll definitely be reading more from Briar Boleyn and desperately waiting for the 2nd book.

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The world building for this book was amazing with a story line that interests me. However this was such a slow start and it was not holding my attention. I could not connect with the FMC. Character development needs a bit of work and usually I’m a sucker for love triangles but this one I could do without.

Thank you NetGalley and Starwater Press for giving me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley, Briar Boleyn, and Starwater Press for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

Queen of Roses is an interesting new retelling (with some twists) of the Arthurian legend we all know and love. We follow the story of Morgan Pendragon, King Arthur’s older half-sister, and rightful heir to Camelot had it not been for her “tainted” fae bloodline. Due to this, she has never really had a say in the destiny of her life and has to overcome some heavy abuse and betrayal. Arthur (ugh, despise him) eventually sends her off on a mission that could very well kill her in order to save the kingdom. Luckily, Arthur does send two of his best warriors (including the new head of the Royal Guard, Kairos Draven) to accompany her. Draven is everything we want in a MMC and probably my favorite character in the whole story so far (minus the exmoor). Morgan’s journey into the forgotten fae lands is where the story really picked up for me and I couldn’t convince myself to stop reading after that! The adventure, the secrets, the freaking plot twist I didn’t see coming?! I loved every minute of it and was so upset when it ended on a cliffhanger.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the next book in the Blood of a Fae series!

•loved the world building
•dark, broody, protective MMC
•exmoors… I want one!
•epic journey to find Excalibur
•new twist on Arthurian legend
•adventure, magic, plot twists

•FMC development - It was a little difficult to connect to Morgan at first, but as the story went on, I could see her beginning to grow and change into a more powerful FMC.
•bit of a slow start, but well worth it in the end!
•very mild romance, but I’ve heard it picks up in the next book. I am also happy that romance wasn’t just thrown in there for the sake of it.

•enemies to lovers
•who did this to you…
•forced proximity
•slow burn

I have the ears of an exmoor and the tread of a fenrir,” he said with a smirk.”I’d say comparing yourself to wild animals was fitting, except the exmoor seems highly intelligent,” I muttered.

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I've always been a fan of Arthur, Merlin and all the legends surrounding them.That's why I couldn't help but read this retelling that puts the characters we all know in a new light.For example, Arthur is the villain of the story, Morgana is our protagonist and Merlin is a woman! Plus add the presence of the Fae and we get a familiar but original story!

Morgan , our protagonist, being half fae has been abused all her life! Verbal ,physical and psychological going so far as to suppress a part of herself .This however has not stopped her through small gestures to try to undo the damage that the tyranny of her brother Arthur has brought to the citizens of Camelot. In fact, the entire book serves as an introductory volume toward world building and the growth of Morgan herself who , slowly, begins to embrace her true nature and to no longer justify through brotherly love all the actions that Arthur has taken toward her and her kingdom.

Draven, on the other hand, is very morally black and is surrounded by a halo of mystery until the very end. I cannot say more without spoilers, however, I liked the fact that from the beginning he treated. with respect and as his equal,despite his rank, Morgan.

I can only tell you that theirs is a slow burn with flakes : they don't touch each other ,they don't look at each other and they don't think of each other that way.. but something is definitely up! Also loved their interactions because they reminded me a lot of the Aelin and Rowan in Heir of Fire!

✨ It is the first book of three and is very introductory because it focuses on world buoling, the characters and gives the beginning to the plot. However, all this did not weigh on me because the whole thing came across as very original, intriguing and the author's writing was very vivid and immersive! Although Plot Twists I had seen them all coming I can say that I loved this book and look forward to reading the sequels!

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Queen of Roses: A Dark Face Fantasy Romance by Briar Boleyn is an enchanting journey into a mystical realm filled with intrigue and passion. Boleyn masterfully blends elements of dark fantasy and romance, creating a world where far magic and forbidden love intertwine. The protagonist's evolution from an ordinary existence to a queen entangled in the complexities of fae politics is both thrilling and emotionally resonant. Boleyn's vivid descriptions and rich world-building immerse readers in a fantastical setting, while the intense romance dynamics add depth to narrative.
#review #BriarBoleyn #thriller #honestreview #goodreads #fiction #amazon #QueenofRoses #NetGalley #booklover #bookstagram #miabooknook

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I liked this book very much. It was a cozy read. The story flowed and had a nice pace. I liked the characters and the worlbuilding. I look forward to book 2!

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Rate - 5/5
Spice - 1

OMG i could not get enough of this book. This one is by far one of the best books I have ever read. This was fast paced and very fascinating. Everything about this novel was exceptional. From the characters, to the romance, to the world building everything was amazing! This author is definitely one to watch!

Thank you Netgalley, Victory Editing and most importantly Briar Boleyn for this amazing novel. This story was beyond captivating and I cannot wait for the next book. I truly hope I am approved for the ARC again.

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Queen of Roses is an Arthurian legend inspired romance.

Morgan is the elder sister of King Arthur and Kaye living in a world that discriminates against her because she is part fae. She, her mother, and siblings suffered at the hands of the father, abusive King Uther. Denied the throne because of her heritage, her brother grows up to be a cruel king just as her father was a cruel man. He sends her on a mission to retrieve Excalibur. Unfortunately for her, she is accompanied by the rude but handsome Kairos Draven, Head of the Royal Guard. However, as the mission progresses, Morgan realizes how ignorant she has been of the world, and how dangerous this mission may be.

This book is the definition of an addictive slow-burn that will make sleeping impossible in the best way.

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The story line of this was ok. Don’t expect to get any real answers until the very end of the book. There were so many typos and grammatical errors. The way the author structures sentences can be difficult to follow.

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