Member Reviews

4.5 ⭐️
I have never read a King Arthur/Camelot retelling before Queen of Roses and I can honestly say I thoroughly enjoyed this book!
I loved the characters, world building and story line with a bit of 🌶️
The writing was beautiful and descriptive enough without being heavy or confusing.

I’m so glad that I have the 2nd book to jump into straight away and will certainly be reading the whole series!

Thankyou Netgalley and Briar Boleyn for this opportunity in reading this first installment of a series I know I won’t be able to put down.

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I struggled to initially get into the book - something wasn’t quite clicking. Sometimes I can be a bit of a mood reader so it may have been that too but the world building needed more in the beginning to hook me in I think. Once I reached 30% I couldn’t put the book down - it has been a while since I stayed up til 2:30am reading a book!

The morally grey character of the story is appealing even when he is so silent and broody. The spice levels in this book are fairly low compared to some stories out there at the moment however the author has promised the next book has even more spice in the next book.

In an ever increasing world of fae storyline books, this is one I would recommend picking up - the Arthurian retelling brings a new shine to the genre.

Fans of SJ Maas, Holly Black and Katharine Corr will love it.

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Unfortunately, this was a DNF for me, though that's not to take away from the awesome setup for the characters and plot. This book is just not for me at this time, but I will be coming back to this once it has been published! Thank you NetGalley for letting me read the arc for this book.

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Thank you NetGalley for early access to this amazing book!

This book hooked me right away! and I read the three books back to back.

I can not wait to buy physical copies for my collection!

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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5
Spice Level: 🌶️/5
Time spent reading: 8 hours, 15 minutes

Queen of Roses is a wonderful read. The slow burn romance, Draven being…the perfect “who did this to you?” MMC/love interest. I have never read a retelling or twist on King Arthur and Camelot, at least that I noticed (can you tell I never really read or consumed much about King Arthur/Camelot in general 🫣), and I really did enjoy this read.

To be honest, I get distracted fairly easily, and sometimes I need a book to read in between or mid-book of a long series, and I usually go to books that I have no previous knowledge about when I feel I need a break. This was one of these breaks, and it was such an enjoyable one. And I am sorry, but any man saying “I would burn for you” means I am automatically in love with him.

I would like to thank NetGalley and author Briar Boleyn for allowing me to read and (honestly) review an ARC of Queen of Roses. It was a pleasure and I am always grateful.

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This book had everything I love in a romance and fantasy story. Enemies to lovers, slow burn romance, found family, epic quest and fantastic world building. I use to read King Arthur stories as a kid and this was like returning to world I knew but with a twist. The author does a great job crafting a story that I found captivating with the perfect balance of character development and world building that had me completely immersed and wanting more. I am so glad I had book 2 to read straight after as this ended on a cliffhanger and I wasn't ready to put this world done just yet.

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‘Queen of Roses’ is described as a King Arthur retelling, which I wasn’t sure I would enjoy. Luckily, this wasn’t a true retelling — rather, this book used Arthurian characters, settings, and plot points as loose inspiration to weave a uniquely new story.

The novel flowed from a compelling first chapter into a slower middle section that was largely focused on character introductions and world building. The final 20% of the book was faster paced, with a twisty-turny cliffhanger ending. One particular plot point was particularly haunting/disturbing and I’m still thinking about it…and that’s all I’ll say to avoid spoilers.

I saw some reviewers commenting about Morgan’s naïveté. I felt like her characterization was a fair depiction for women in her position during medieval times, so I didn’t mind it. I look forward to continued character development of her and the MMC in the next novel.

I also enjoyed the LGBTQIA+ representation in this book, and how generally open-minded Camelot is (for example, that firstborn women remain first-in-line to ascend the throne).

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3.5. This is a well written book but it wasn't for me personally. I think a lot of people will like this book, especially those of a younger audience.

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😳😳😳 the ending of this book… I NEED to read the next one!

I received this as an arc through NetGalley and it did not disappoint, I finished it in 2 days.

A spin on the story of King Arthur the story follows his sister Morgan’s and her life as part fae part human. I don’t want to give anything away so just read it :)

There is minor spice in this first book, but the world building is great, looking forward to the rest of the series.

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4.5/5 ⭐️
0/5 🌶️

An incredible Arthurian retelling set in a complex magical world that totally sucks you in!

This beautiful fantasy book has an incredibly well thought out detailed world with characters that either make you hate or love them, and some that you’re just not sure if you can trust. While this book contains next to no romance, it leaves you with the distinct impression that you’re in for a very very slow burn, in all the best ways.

I highly recommend this for my fantasy lovers out there who aren’t afraid of some intense world building with a very slow burn romance. There are darker themes so I recommend checking the warnings for this book.

I’ll be picking up the second book in this series immediately because it’s got that kind of ending that leaves you wanting more.

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Thank you NetGalley for the book in exchange for an honest review!

I devoured this book. I went into it not knowing it was a King Arthur retelling but the storytelling was great. I was so happy when my girl Morgan had found someone who cared for her only to have him be a traitorous, selfish, prick. It's always the ones that are too good to be true. The way Boleyn writes about Draven makes him seem so mysterious and more than he is, I truly want to be able to know more about him and how his goals align with keeping Morgan alive.

"You could tell a great deal by what a monarchy chose to remember about its own history-and even more by what it chose to forget."

The politics in this book were well thought out and Boleyn does a great job at showcasing how trauma manifests differently in two siblings who underwent the same experiences. I cannot wait to read the next book!

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A wonderful start to a new series! I was a little hesitant at first because I haven’t read an Arthurian tale but this quickly sucked me in! I’m excited to see where the rest of the story leads.

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First off, I’d like to thank NetGalley, publisher Starwater Press, and author Briar Boleyn for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I just finished reading Queen of Roses and I’m still trying to piece my brain back together after that ending!

Friends, foes, strangers, anyone listening…this author has me hooked!

The story is an Arthurian tale with names you’ll recognize (King Arthur, Galahad, Merlin…), but these characters are not who you expect them to be and this is NOT the Camelot you think you know. (We have fae!)

I don’t like spoilers, so I’m not going to be super specific about the story/characters.

The first half of the book was slower, as is fairly common with the first book in a series where all of the world building and characters have to be established. What kept me hooked in the first half? 1) The reimagining of familiar, traditional characters into far more diverse and interesting people. 2) The female main character is named Morgan, and we discover/experience her trauma, naïveté, rebelliousness, courage, and struggle to make sense of the world in which she has grown up.

The second half of the book is where things really picked up. It came with a faster pace, more action and adventure, new characters, developing relationships. We’re on a quest here, friends. Morgan begins discovering and accepting truths about herself, her family, the world around her. I found myself intrigued by the landscape, the lore, the people and beasts we encountered. I say “we” because I felt like I was in that forest, too, okay? Part of me is still on that road, in that village, on the floor of that cavern.

What you can expect from this book:
- Familiar characters reimagined in intriguing ways
- Strong female main character on a sort of coming-of-age journey
- Fae vs. mortals
- Mythical beasties
- Broody, morally grey, darkly appealing male character
- Quest/journey/road trip introducing diverse scenery and landscapes
- Family drama
- Trauma (there are trigger warnings)
- Don’t touch her, who hurt you, she’s mine
- Very slight romance, very slight spice

I’m pausing long enough to write this review, messaging my best friend to update her on my thoughts/feelings about this book and tell her she needs to start this series, and then I’m diving headfirst into the next book in the series.

I’ll see you there!

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I finished this book in 2 days, I had a really hard time getting into the story at first but by the half way mark I was hooked.

The action really picked up & it was amazing! I love the side characters just as much as the main characters

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Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. This fantasy romance puts a fresh spin on the King Arthur and Camelot story, throwing in a fascinating fae twist that I found quite intriguing. The author has done a commendable job crafting the world, and I particularly enjoyed the chosen time period, which added a distinctive and appealing atmosphere. While the romance is subtly woven into the narrative of this installment, I'm convinced that the next book will delve even deeper into that aspect. I genuinely enjoyed this read and am eagerly looking forward to what unfolds in the next installment.

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Queen of Roses by Briar Boleyn reads like a WattPad fanfiction that uses names from Arthurian legends. If that is your thing, you might like it. As for me, it was not my cup of tea.

The first 10% of Queen of Roses was enjoyable and I had high hopes. I found the idea of Arthurian characters - Arthur, Morgan, Kaye, Lancelot, etc. - with a dash of fairies thrown in, a great idea for a romantasy. I also love good dark fiction. At the beginning of the book, I found Morgan, the main character, to be believable. She was passive, but it felt accurate for the time and the dangers of court.

But then things began to take a turn. A new character enters and a typical plot trope is used that immediately makes the story feel forced, unbelievable, and tropey. Without spoiling, a major motivation in the first half of the novel for Morgan is assault with sexual undertones. It felt like Morgan was using sexual assault as a plot device to move the story forward and it felt very icky.

Beyond that, after the halfway point in Queen of Roses, Morgan became an insufferable character. She was rude beyond measure to everyone she met, made horrific and stupid choices, and had very few redeemable characteristics. The plot within the last 50% of the novel made little to no sense. For example: Morgan has taken potions to reduce her fae characteristics for the majority of her life, but also she does not believe in fae and neither does anyone around her. Plot holes such as this are commonplace throughout the story and made the novel feel less like a story and more like a fanfiction, or a device to get to some spicy scenes. Also, I am so tired of love interests who have the personality of a stone.

My last quibble: Queen of Roses uses Arthurian names and plot points (Excalibur), but the story itself does not align with actual Arthurian legends at all. If you are going into Queen of Roses because you love Arthurian legends, this book may not be for you.

If you are a lover of romantasy, pine for love interests who resemble a rock, and don't care if anything makes sense, Queen of Roses may be for you. Thank you Briar Boleyn, NetGalley, and Starwater Press for the ARC in an exchange for an honest review.

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Queen of Roses (Blood of a Fae Book One) by Briar Boleyn
This is an ARC ebook, provided in exchange for an honest review. Big thank you to Netgalley, Starwater Press, and author, Briar Boleyn!

Book Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Spice Rating: 🌶️/5

If you’re looking for a SLOW burn, dark romantasy, with “touch her and you die” vibes and major plot twists- look no further! Queen of Roses is an Arthurian retelling with fae and other fantastical beasts, loads of banter, found family, and major world building.

What I Love:
-The author puts such a focus on world building and history for the story for the first 50% of the book
-The Exmoor
-Draven (aka new book bf)
-The ending! I RAN to Book Two!
-The supporting characters are interesting and relevant to the plot

What I Didn’t Love:
-I’m a big fan of slow burn, but this was TURTLE PACE slow burn. Hoping for more of the Draven/Morgan bond in the next book!
-The beginning of the book leaves you going into the second half with a lot of questions. There were several times when I stopped and made sure I didn’t skip pages because I was like, “that’s it? There’s no explanation?”
-Vesper and Florian🤢

“Whatever might have happened to you, you’re choosing to fight back. I don’t see how that’s a bad thing. All of life is a fight. There’s no point in avoiding it.”

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I received this arc in exchange for an honest review.

Please read the triggers prior to starting this dark fantasy.

This was fun and one of the better debuts I've read. The chrmistry between the two main characters could have used some help but overall it was an engaging book. If you're a fan of From Blood and Ash you will like this slow burn romantasy.

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I was lucky to be sent through this book from Netgallery for a honest review.

I found it hard to put this book down. I can’t wait to pick up and read the next one.

The main character is a female who is learning about her self and learning to be strong. She seems weak and fearful. But it is a very powerful coming to strength story that has not even scratched the bigger story yet.

There are 2 love interests with darkness and intrigue to both of them! It had be guessing who’s side I wanted to be on!

And the end was a fantastic cliff hanger making you thirst for the next book!

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A great start of an epic fantasy series! Love the setting and all the lore. The first few chapters did a great job hooking me in and I enjoyed the rest of the book. Also love all the characters and the underlying arthurian theme. Looking forward to read the next one!

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