Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley and publishers for this ARC in exchange of an honest review.

I entered the world of Queen of roses thinking it is a retelling of Arthurian fantasy as the description says but I feel that description doesn't do justice to the book or better yet author has just used the names but I did not really find similar theme, just the names of the characters.

That does not make any difference to the overall book though. The world building in this book is strong, characters although I wouldn't say well developed but they have been given enough time. Female protagonist gets frustratingly annoying as the story proceeds. At points it feels that she is getting better at being a smart princess yet she disappoints very often.

The end twist was good but I had a nagging feeling since the introduction of the character Vesper that he is not who is letting on so it did not really shock me. But still the end sequence of action was really good which saved most of the book for me.

Overall definitely recommended. Now time to hop into second as the cliffhanger of this one was totally worth the attention.

Star rating : 3.5 stars

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I love this author and this book very much. I thought it was very well written and had a great plot! Beautiful masterpiece

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I absolutely love this book. I couldn’t put it down. I would get so caught up in it that I would think I would only read for an hour and see that three had passed by. I can’t wait to read more of these books. I enjoyed the slow burn and the overall adventure that is unfolding before us

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Wow! This book is fast paced and will pull you in right away. You will not want to put it down. I didn't know much about Camelot but this was so well done it didn't matter that I was clueless to start.

Briar Boleyn's writing style is so unique. I loved how she write dialogue and paced the book.

I really enjoyed this dark fantasy romance filled with a slow burn and angsty enemies to lovers romance, fae, secrets, and betrayal, and just the right amount of action and adventure to balance it out.

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I recently had the pleasure of delving into this book, and I am beyond impressed with the mesmerizing world that the author has crafted. From start to finish, the intricate plot weaves a tapestry of suspense, emotion, and unexpected twists that kept me eagerly turning the pages.

One of the standout features of this book is undoubtedly its characters. Each one is meticulously developed, breathing life into the narrative with their unique personalities, motivations, and flaws. The protagonists are not just names on paper; they are relatable, complex individuals with whom readers can form a genuine connection. The antagonist, too, is not a mere foil but a multi-dimensional force that adds depth to the story. The author's ability to create such well-rounded characters is a testament to their storytelling prowess.

The plot unfolds seamlessly, drawing the reader into a richly layered narrative that expertly balances tension, drama, and moments of poignant reflection. The pacing is impeccable, maintaining a perfect rhythm that keeps the reader engaged without sacrificing the depth of the story. The author skillfully navigates through various plot arcs, interweaving them with finesse to create a cohesive and satisfying whole.

What sets this book apart is its ability to tackle profound themes while maintaining an accessible and engaging narrative. The book seamlessly combines suspense and emotional depth, making it a truly immersive experience. The author's prose is both elegant and evocative, painting vivid imagery that lingers in the reader's mind long after the final page is turned.

As I reached the conclusion, I found myself yearning for more from this talented author. Their ability to craft a gripping plot and bring characters to life is truly commendable. I eagerly anticipate future works and would wholeheartedly recommend this book to any reader who appreciates a masterfully told tale. If you're searching for a book that seamlessly blends captivating characters with a compelling plot, this is a shining example. I can't wait to explore more literary worlds crafted by this exceptional storyteller.

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3.75 rating - this was a slooooooow burn so much so that it veered off in another direction and I was left wishing for some ‘will they, won’t they’! I loved the take on Camelot/King Arthur but wasn’t overly fussed with our FMC. the characters we weren’t supposed to like - I didn’t like them. I was missing some tension and romance as the romance scenes felt a little off to me. Love the ending on a what?!?! So excited to get started on book 2 straight away!

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So much potential! I like the main storyline and the fae twist, but it needs more depth, character development, and some extra pizazz. The slow burn is also done pretty well: just enough burn to make the slow worth it. I am excited to read the rest of the series.

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Overall Rating
⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5

Absolutely was sucked into this book! I loved that it was a twisted retelling of Arthur and Camelot.
Loved Morgan's character and her attitude towards her circumstances. Very graphic scenes were toned down during the book but it opened your imagination on to how she survived through so much.
I despised Florian from the moment he appeared in this book, I despised him if not more than Tamlin from ACOTAR.

Spicy Rating
🌶 out of 5

Defiantly a slow slow burn between Morgan and Draven. It starts out not so enemies to lovers but more of I don't like you type vibes. I knew from the moment they met that he was going to be the love interest. And when he saw her bruises he was determined to find out who did it and eliminate them.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.

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This was surprisingly better than I expected. Unfortunately I have read too many bad fantasy romance books lately.
It was a slow start but started to grab my attention after we leave the castle, then it was a fast page turner for me. I liked the world and the elements of Camelot, and I was reading to see where the romance would go.
However, there were some things I thought could have been made better.
The main character starts off as very naive, despite her traumatic past and being surrounded by really bad people, she does not know much about life. I didn’t see any growth throughout the book, she just kept being naive and trusting, even of people she already knew were not good and kept following and believing people she did not trust.
She is written as strong physically and mentally but is in fact a pushover, and only questions it when suggested by other people.
I loved Kairos and Morgan, but by the end I didn’t like Morgan, and since we are stuck inside her head, I will pass on this series

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This book has such a slow start but about halfway through, that all changed and I was hooked. I loved the writing and the storytelling!

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3.5 ⭐️ Thank you netgalley for granting me access to this book!
Queen of Roses is a slow burn, enemies to lovers dark romance. It kept me entertained and that ending…!!! I am excited to continue the series. I’m hoping for more action and more development in the romance.
Overall it was an easy read with a loose retelling of King Arthur involving fae and many twists!

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I was given access to this book well after it was published. I really enjoyed this story just as much as the rest of the ones in the series. I never wanted the story to end, and was invested page after page. Thank you Netgalley for an arc of this book.

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I loved this book it had me glued to my kindle !! Thank you Beth ally and the publisher for this E-ARC

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Oh wow, I didn't expect to love this as much as I did!
I absolutely devoured it from start to finish and, honestly it had most of the things I look for in a good fantasy. Briar Boleyn really knows how to paint a picture, the imagery was very descriptive and I could completely lose myself in the story. The writing is good, pacing is good, I like the character and their dynamics. And it's really freaking exciting, full of twists and turns, that are, yes, in some cases predictable, and in others really really surprising, which I loved. And it just kept getting better and better as the story progressed.
By the end (AND WHAT AN ENDING!!) I was at the edge of my seat.

I will say the choice to sort of take inspiration from King Arthur and his knights of the round table was pretty interesting...
I enjoy a good retelling of old myths, and while I would not call this a retelling per se it does, in many ways nod quite heavily toward the knights of the round table, in a way that, hear me out, I think is wholly unnecessary.
While it can be nice for the reader to sort of lean on these already existing legends and characters, in this book it sort of falls flat. And I mean that in the sense that apart from similarities in names, objects and places, to the best of my recollection there really isn't much else that tie the stories together, and that makes the connection to the classic legend just feel strange and a bit random. Truly, I mean this as the highest form of compliment - because the plot and characters and world building in this book is so rock solid it doesn't really need the "crutch" that a familiar tale provides, it has so few similarities that I don't see the point in connecting the two at all. This is good. Really, really good. All on its own. I am so, so excited to read the next one!

Massive thank you to NetGalley, Starwater Press and Briar Boleyn for the opportunity to read this. While I did receive this ebook for free, all opinions are my own.

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Fantastic novel, enjoyed every minute of it! The dark atmosphere of the book was exactly what I was looking for. Highly recommend this!

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I absolutely loved this Camelot retelling with an evil Arthur and Morgan being good. This book had me on the edge of my seat, never knowing what would happen next. Also the ending made me want to start reading the second book ASAP and I can't wait to see what happens next

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I am going to scream about this book from the rooftops forever. The perfect fantasy books for the BookTok girlies.

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3.5 stars

A really slow paced book. It took me longer than usual to finish and I almost DNF. The plot really picked up in the last 20% so I’m giving the 2nd book a shot.

Morgan was hard to love. I know she’s been mistreated by her family and has not been able to make choices for herself but man she really lacks some common sense and self preservation. It makes me feel sad for her that she’s so easily manipulated by the first person to shower her affection.

Thank you to NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for this ARC in exchange for my review

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I really enjoyed this series, it was fun, easy to follow and not too complicated. It was a great series to read in my "nearly in a book slump". I would definitely read this series again.

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This is my first book by this author, and I was very pleasantly surprised. I’m looking forward to continuing with the rest of the books in this series.
The story is an Arthurian reimagining, with Fae, and some twists, and turns that you won’t be expecting. It’s a dark fantasy, with some angsty, slow-burn romance, quests, adventure, and mystery.
Morgan Pendragon, sister of King Arthur, is sent on a quest to retrieve a legendary Fae weapon from the ruins of a long-forgotten kingdom. With Fae blood running through her veins, she has a lot to prove, and struggles to find her voice. We’re beginning to see some character development with her, which I’m sure will be explored more in the later books. On her journey, she clashes with the MMC, Kairos Draven, the royal guard sent to accompany her. He becomes the ultimate love interest- but this book just sees the seeds being planted, as not much in the way of romance, truly transpires on the pages.
I was truly engrossed in the story, and enjoyed all of the classic tropes that I have come to love in the epic romantasy genre. Looking forward to diving into the next book!

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