Member Reviews

Edge of your seat suspense wrapped up in a whirlwind of adventure.

This great new middle grade fiction novel from the author of 'Escape Room' will not disappoint thrill seeking adventure readers out there.

Imagine hearing that your local cinema was holding a Movie Marathon and you and your friends could spend the day in there; huge screen, snacks until your stomach groans and non-stop special effects. Lucas, Caitlin, Ash and the gang can't wait. As they buy their tickets and head inside to take their seats at the local cinema, known by locals as the 'Black Hole' they have no idea what wild ride is about to commence.

A tsunami of jet black darkness washes over them all and they find themselves inside the films. Thinking at first that it is a trick of 4Di cinematography, Lucas soon realises that there is more to this experience than meets the eye. As he and his friends tumble from scene to scene, taking on mystical sea creatures and missions impossible, they contend with a map of disappearances, the jungle, lost cities, missing boats as they are the unwitting stars of the show. Each scene becomes more dangerous than the last and they begin to wonder if they will ever return to the comfort of their high-backed seats.

As the final showing looms, they must navigate on last adventure before the movie marathon ends, can they escape? It's only the land of make-believe and special effects after all...or is it?

We really enjoyed this well written, original, high octane tale and would recommend it to children age 9-12.

Thank you to NetGalley and Nosy Crow for sending this eBook for review consideration. All opinions are our own.

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Brilliant book for little adventurers! I was transferred back to my childhood when these books were my favourite and I would finish them all in a week and then ask for more. I would definitely recommend it to librarians and booksellers. I can see lots of 8-9-year-olds wanting a copy of this book. The writing is transferring you to that cinema of 4D movies and the amazing worlds that unfold within the pages of the book. A very interesting and well-written book.

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A small group of friends visit the local cinema for the regular ‘Black Hole Cinema Club’, where an unknown selection of films chosen at the cinema are to be watched over a day usually on a theme.

Lucas, Ash, Maya, Caitlin and Finn get sent into a completely new immersive form of cinema (4Di) where they are actually become central characters in the story and have to work to resolve the film before the final frame, but it is left hanging as to what will happen if they don’t.

Spy thrillers, adventures, monster movies, they have to solve them all.

As they go through each adventure Lucas finds himself ot fully immersed into the activity, nowhere near as immersed as his friends.

A brilliant concept which plays out well with a fantastic conclusion. Exploring friendship, trust, responsibility and sacrifice, this is another well-written and executed book from Christopher Edge.

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The Black Hole Cinema Club follows a group of friends who go to a 4D movie marathon at their local cinema. This is not your average cinema experience, however! They were literally transported into the action-packed films- each having to take on certain roles to get to the end of the movie marathon, where they then find that they have to save the world from a dangerous black hole! It was full of excitement, sci-fi and adventure.

I read this book with my 3 children (aged 11, 13 and 15). They thought that it was an interesting concept, a unique plot and it kept them engrossed. However, they did find it a little confusing to follow at times-hence the 4 star review.

Thank you to Christopher Edge, the Publisher and NetGalley for allowing us the chance to read an advanced copy of this book for free, in exchange for an honest review.

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We love Christopher Edges books. They are so well written, exciting but a bit quirky. The whole family read and enjoyed this one. A super book for all ages. Great to read together.

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Too much action and very little character development. Even by 60% I had no idea about the personality of the characters or relationships between them.
Would not recommend for class use as narrative is scrambled and unclear. Casual reading for pleasure - maybe - but not over other titles.

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Another fab sci-fi from Christopher Edge which kept me guessing until a few chapters before the end. Likeable characters, well described settings and a great storyline! Have already pre-ordered a hardcopy for my classroom!

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My son devoured this author's last book and I was so happy to be able to give him the next book to read. He said "The Black Hole Cinema was an enjoyable read. It had twists and turns at every corner. However, the last book had more thrills and kept me hooked more than this one did. This new book seemed a bit confusing, especially the last part. I was lost in the plot of the story - where we came from to how we saved the day. Still it was an absolute pleasure to read this book and I hope there is a sequel"

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to review an advanced copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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I received the Digital Advance Reader Copy of the book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

I Started reading this book hoping to get just a nice cinematic book with loads of adventure and fun. And It delivered everything I was expecting and more. I read it relatively quickly, as it was over the holidays and being around family doesn’t always give loads of time to concentrate on one book. But this one, kept me engaged and was very easy to pick up even if I was in the middle of loads of action.

I can’t recommend this book enough to anybody who loves fantasy / action films there are plenty of famous films to be recognised dropped here and there. I Think most people around 13-17 would enjoy the most.

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What I really enjoyed about this book is Christopher Edge's unique take on the way technology and the cinema are becoming more immersive and how this can blur the line between fantasy and reality. Lucas and his friends think that they are going to see a 4D movie, so when things begin to feel very life like, Lucas initially believes it's just part of the experience. But as the different movies play out, he starts to wonder if he's wrong and he and his friends really are in danger. This book is great on its own as an adventure story but it also has matrix vibes with what is really real and what is fake becoming more and more blurred as the story progresses. I think anyone who enjoys sci-fi will enjoy this book and would highly recommend it.

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Interesting story. I was not sure what to expect, but it was not as I thought! I also didn't realise that this is aimed at children. It was an enjoyable read for me as an adult.

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What a roller coaster, a group of friends get ready for a movie marathon but what they didn't expect was to become a character themselves. They must complete their own films in order to solve the bigger picture. They tell themselves its just a movie but is it?
I love the film jump into different places and genres my favourite being asteri . However it took a turn I wasn't expecting and became very space heavy which I'm not a massive fan off. For those that like Sci fi heavy stories you will love this but for me personally I loved the book apart from that space turn as after that things got confusing and I didn't get the ending I was expecting

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This book really pulls you in quicky, and it’s got a great set of characters. I read it with a reluctant 10 year old. I always enjoy this age range more than him, but he said it was ‘quite good’ which is huge praise!!!

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Another superb sci-fi story from Christopher Edge. If you love cinema adventures, this one is for you. How immersive is the new 4Di cinematic experience? For Lucas and his friends it just got real, or did it? So many things I could say but don’t want to put any spoilers.
I will say you are in for a rip roaring, spacetacular roller coaster of a read.

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An extremely adorable middle grade story - very clever and intriguing filled with likeable main characters. i would read more from this world!

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“Totally thrilling.”
For about the first ten pages, this book lulls you into a false sense of security, and then after that it's intense. Lucas, Maya, Ash, Caitlin and Finn are regulars at the cinema - but this time the cinema goes from being a passive experience to fully interactive. With reference to every genre of exciting movie, ever, this book takes us through end of the world set ups (spoiler warning) as our intrepid team gradually unravel the awful truth that they are indeed saving the world from a giant, ravenous Leviathan. Or are they? Oh the twists! The twists! This book is a joy to read - it's going to grab every child that ever watched Star Trek, Dr Who, Jumanji, Indiana Jones, Bond, Gravity, Interstellar - and it's going to to hold you to the riveting conclusion. Laced with science and Science Fiction, Edge has woven the real and imaginary so close as to be inseparable. I read it in two sittings. Probably the the most exciting book of 2024.
Perfect for anyone 8+ with a passing interest in movies, science fiction or science. Perfect for anyone who likes their stories exciting and brilliantly plotted.

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I enjoyed reading this book because it was easy to read and it was interesting. You never knew where the characters would end up next.
The story was a little bit predictable, if you have read Escape Room by the same author, Christopher Edge, but otherwise a very enjoyable book to read.
Thank you for my Netgalley copy.
D (age 11)

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"Black Hole Cinema Club" is a high-octane, fast-paced, science-centered adventure, as we have come to expect them from Christopher Edge. Well crafted, with love for the sixth art oozing from the pages, this is perfect for young readers who like action and twists at every page turn, and to the very end. I certainly didn't see the end coming! I really enjoyed the way the dynamics of the group's friendship works, how every one has their strengths and take turns to shine, particularly with Lucas. A great read!

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Wow, what a rip-roaring ride of a sci fi thriller! Edge of your seat action and a heart pounding story that will leave the reader breathless (in a good way!). I love everything Christopher Edge writes and this one is right up there!

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I absolutely loved this book. Having read Escape Room by Christopher Edge, I was very excited to be able to read Blackhole Cinema Club. It has all the fast pace action that drew me in and loved the twist at the end. I will definitely be getting a couple of copies for the school library as the pupils in my class will devour this story.

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