Member Reviews

I’ll give it this, the art was really brilliant and you can really tell how talented the illustrator is. However, I just really couldn’t get along with both the thin plot and the characters.
I think this just wasn’t for me sadly as I’m sure others could really enjoy it.
(Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review)

"Webtser & Jones: Space Agents" is a fast paced and whacky retro Sci-Fi adventure in which a pair of mismatched agents inadvertently take on post war fascists bent on subjugating the earth from a hidden lunar base and wind up with some unusual and unexpected allies both terrestrial and otherwise. This book is recommended for any one who is as big a fan of Steed and Peel as Mulder and Scully.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, Europe Comics, for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

There was a LOT packed into this comic. The characters were already stereotypes, so it didn't harm them, and the madcap cold war era Nazi space shenanigans were fun. Robots! Aliens! Nazis! Communists! Eisenhower! The plot was thin and the geopolitics questionable, but the art were perfect for the genre and the story was a lot of fun.

The best thing I can say for this graphic novel is that the illustrations are amazing. It has that kitsch 1950s feeling with a modern twist. The story is a 1950s spy/space tail with comedic overtones and aliens. The people who wrote this have included heavy German accents, and it is hard to keep track of the plot and what is going on. And while the illustrations are amazing, whoever chose to letter the red words top of black bubbles are virtually impossible to read. Take a story that’s already confusing and add fake German accents to make it worse and then totally screw it over with the black and the red printing. This was more of a chore to read than the pleasure, but I hope the artist continues in the world of graphic camels.

Two stars and both of them are for the artist.
I know this book is set in 1956. But it doesn't mean the plot and the setting needs to sound and read like something that has been overdone since then. This book is extremely cliche and not even the good kind of cliche. Webster is immediately unlikeable. Jones is then put on the pedestal since she's the no-nonsense, eyes-on-the-prize kind of person. Webster keeps calling Jones "sweetheart" and "little lady" despite her telling him not to and she's the one who has to respond physically. Does it make her badass? I don't think so. This book is dripping with a sort of humor so unfunny that it makes me wish it was over. And I can only barely follow the plot around. Great art though.

1956. Amazon rainforest. A plane is taken down by UFOs while trying to get closer to a secret base that just launched a rocket into space. Captain Wallace Webster (obsessed with wiping out bolsheviks) and agent Betty Jones (obsessed with not being anyone’s sweetheart) are sent to investigate - and the first thing they fight is… a giant robot with a swastika on his belly.
Yup, this is a 007 parody that takes every single cliché known to man, a bunch of groan-inducing witticisms, and some very unlikeable protagonists, put them all in a blender, and serve a smoothie of mildly flavored retro scifi. It doesn’t help that the art gets from interesting to downright wacky too soon for my taste (to the point it becomes almost unintelligible at times) and the coloring gives up the flat tones of the beginning for weird gradients. All in all, I finished this book and I laughed a few times, which probably means it’s OK. Browse it before buying.
Disclaimer: I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. This didn't influence my opinion in any way.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley.
I really liked the artwork style. It was simplistic and had a vintage feel to it. As far as the story, it started to drag for me towards the middle, and I got tired of reading the German accent after a while. It's a fun idea, but better if used more sparsely. I also would have liked for the two main characters to be more multifaceted than they were, and to build more of a bond.

A rollicking adventure told with a stunning art style. Great fun and a good twist on perhaps the most popular conflict in the history of literature.

Loved the graphics and the storyline. It’s was giving the jetsons vibes which I thought enjoyed. I’d definitely read more from this author.

The story is rather cliched. There are bits that I found a tad sexist. I suppose some can say that it is written like this to reflect the zeitgeist of the setting, but it still annoys me a fair bit. The illustration is great though.

I enjoyed this book. It’s funny how it was able to stick with me. I started reading this book Back in Oct, got away from reading for quite some time yet I still had this book with me when I picked it back up to finish it.

I don't read a lot of graphic novels but I thought this one would be a fun one to try. Set after WW2 in an alternate history where some of the Nazis have managed to gain extra resources and built better rockets to go to the moon and launch an attack. I loved the art style, it was really fun and the sweeping block colours and muted vs. bold colours really worked. I thought the story was fun, and loved the alien aspect with alien technology and Area 51. A short novel but still managed to have some surprising twists in there. I liked the dynamic between Webster and Jones too.

Webster & Jones is fun science fiction in visual form — I especially appreciated the dynamic style of the book and the energetic storytelling.

Webster & Jones is a solid little cold war, space age throwback Ero-comic which doesn't have a single ounce of originality in it. US Investigators chase up signs of mysterious rocket activity in the Amazon, and send lunkheaded army guy Captain Wallace Webster, and smart and sassy government agent Betty Jones to investigate. He calls her sweetheart and belittles her ability, she tells him not to call her sweetheart and is infinitely more capable than him. Stop me if you've seen this before. Turns out its Nazi's who have escaped to South America and have built rockets to colonize the moon. So Webster and Jones go to Area 51 to chase them up, using hybrid alien rockets and - stop me if you know where this is going.
Iton Sky was a joke when it was written, for the very reason that Nazi's on the moon (probably with Hitler's brain being saved in fridge somewhere) had become shorthand pulp cliche from the fifties. This throws in every trope from that story with a straight face, or at least when it is joking it seems to think it invented the joke. The art at least has a dynamic air. Its Belgian comic action cartooning, where Webster has a massive head but all his features are concentrated in the 20% of the centre, and Jones has a melon head with swooping fringe and eyes that go over the hairline. Coloured in swooping washes, it has a decent a readable look but unless you are after a generic pastiche, it doesn't do enough to make this more than just average,

This was a really cool graphic novel because it reminded me of Kim possible and a lot of books I read and movies I watched when I was younger as it was a very fun quirky style. I would read more of it in the future and I will be looking into this author, but I generally think it was a really good time. I love the colours on the style, but unfortunately the story line just didn’t pull me in an offer me to care enough about the story.