Member Reviews

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

4.2 rounded down to 4/5.

"Would You Rather" by Shannon Hollinger presents a gripping narrative that weaves through the complexities of a high school scandal involving a popular quarterback, Oliver Sager, and the sudden disappearance of his history teacher, Mr. Lewis. The novel promises a tantalizing mix of suspense, tension, and the exploration of hidden truths. While the story has commendable strengths, a few shortcomings prevent it from reaching its full potential.

The plot unfolds with great promise, drawing readers in from the outset with the sudden upheaval in Oliver Sager's life. The author skillfully navigates between multiple points of view, providing a comprehensive look at the characters' perspectives. The descriptions are vivid and engaging, setting the scene for a mysterious and thrilling experience. The initial chapters are strong, immediately establishing a sense of suspense that keeps readers eagerly turning the pages.

However, the novel falls short in terms of character and story development. Some characters lack the depth needed to make them truly compelling, leaving readers wanting more insight into their motivations and backgrounds. While the twists in the plot are generally well-executed, a few of them become predictable at times, diminishing the impact of the surprises. A greater investment in character exploration and more unpredictable plot turns could have elevated the narrative to a higher level.

One notable stylistic choice is the use of both first-person and third-person points of view. While the majority of the perspectives are presented in the first person, the inclusion of one in the third person is a notable departure. This inconsistency might disrupt the overall flow for some readers and could have been more effectively integrated.

In conclusion, "Would You Rather" showcases a captivating premise with a well-structured storyline and effective suspense-building elements. Despite some missed opportunities in character development and occasional predictability in plot twists, the novel manages to keep readers engaged. With a bit more depth in character exploration and a more varied approach to narrative perspectives, this book could have fully realized its potential. Fans of mystery and suspense will likely find enjoyment in this novel, appreciating its strengths while acknowledging its areas for improvement.

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WOW! So good! This story is filled with many twists and turns. It is hard to explain, but this book really stuck with me. Managing the ins and outs of high school is crazy. The day to day stuff that turns up with kids that really are just "small" things aren't really that "small" to them. Small towns are crazy. People are crazy. One minute you are the town hero and next the pariah. Why? For what? This book keeps you flipping those pages quickly to find out just WHAT IS going on in this little town.

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Just Wow!! Shannon Hollinger knocks it out of the park!! ….Again! I’m just so happy to have ‘discovered’ her. Fabulous characters and amazing storytelling. This one hooked me early on and kept me flipping pages way past my bedtime.
Crazy great secrets, lies and reveals. Can’t say enough good things about this book.
Thank you NetGalley and Shannon Hollinger for the opportunity to read and review this cracker of a book.

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I started reading, but stopped after a few chapters as I was not captivated as much as I thought I would of been.

This novel is probably not for me.
I do believe this story will be interesting and worthy of other readers but for me it wasn't.

I am not saying the novel is not worth reading as there are different styles of writing and perspective when something is captivating. However, I wanted more but was somewhat disappointed.

I do hope other readers enjoy the story though.

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #BooksGoSocial for the ARC #WouldYouRather by #ShannonHollinger. Wow, this book absolutely floored me. It enraged me, brought me to tears and gave me ALL the feels. The perspective and the story this book gives out is just amazing. My heart goes out to anyone that goes through stuff like this. Highly, highly recommend this book!

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Big thank you to Shannon Hollinger and NetGalley for the opportunity to read Would You Rather !
I need to start out by saying that this book, and everything that happens in it, is all of the things that are wrong with Florida!!!! If the book took place in a different, more normal state, none of it would’ve happened (but obviously that’s not the point). There were a little too many POVs for me to follow when starting the book, but once I got to know all of the characters, it flowed a lot better. It was also a little confusing that every one of the character’s chapters was told in the first person, but Detective Hernandez’s chapters were in the third person. I would really like to know why that was, and if it had anything to do with the story. I think my favorite character had to be Oliver, with all that he faced, he always was a good person. Satisfying ending, and I’m glad I got to read this book!

Would You Rather is set in a small, hateful town in Florida (🤮). Manny, son of police detective, Lorena Hernandez, is kind of an outcast at his school. One day, he is saved by Oliver Sager, local golden boy/football star. Oliver is soon accused of having something to do with their (creepy) teacher, Mr. Lewis’, disappearance. The accusation against Oliver has quite the domino effect. Read to find out what happens, and how their lives are forever changed!

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I was drawn in by the synopsis. I found myself easily lost in the pages as I skipped from POV to POV. I was not expecting some of the twists. I am looking forward to more from Shannon Hollinger.

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This was an interesting and fast paced book that quickly got my attention. The pace was a little slow until about the halfway mark and then it gained lots of steam and I really enjoyed it. The author portrayed the hot button issues in a great fashion and I think it all came together very well in the end.

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"Would You Rather" by Shannon Hollinger is a very well-crafted thriller that pulls you into an intriguing mystery/suspense from the very first chapter. The disappearance of history teacher Teddy Lewis sets the stage for a compelling narrative that revolves around high school student and quarterback, Oliver Sager, who finds himself at the center of a scandalous accusation.
Detective Hernandez's involvement, especially given her personal ties to the school through her son Manny, adds an interesting layer to the story. The moral complexities and dilemmas faced by the characters, particularly Hernandez's struggle between duty and her emotional connection to Oliver, create a rich and multi-dimensional storyline. Oliver was on hand to save her son Manny when he was attacked by a street mob some years earlier and she failed at the time to thank him.
Hollinger's storytelling prowess shines as she navigates the intricate relationships and hidden truths that bind these characters together. The plot unfolds with unexpected twists and turns, keeping readers guessing until the very end. Themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the resilience of the human spirit resonate deeply throughout the narrative.
"Would You Rather" is a masterfully crafted thriller that not only keeps you on the edge of your seat but also prompts contemplation about the nature of truth and the lengths people will go to protect what they hold dear. Hollinger delivers a satisfying and brilliantly wrapped-up ending that will linger in readers' minds well after they've finished the final chapter.

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Oliver Sager is a popular student - good looking, athletic, and surprisingly kind to "losers". Though other students are willing to accept the latter element as a character flaw, he ticks enough boxes in the High School popularity charts for that to be overlooked.

Until first, a teacher that Oliver hated goes missing, then a secret that Oliver has kept becomes known, and finally all hell breaks loose.

Manny is one of the students that Oliver helped out, when he was being bullied. So Manny is appalled when his mother - a police officer - hauls Oliver in for questioning over the teacher's disappearance.

I honestly didn't enjoy much about this book. The exception was Oliver's character, as he was written with empathy and conviction. I could not warm to Manny's mother, who was one of the main characters in this book. The villain's character is also written as one which has no shades or nuances. The multiple POV was done well, though.

Finally, the plot was also just too far fetched for me, at multiple levels. I am sure many people will enjoy this book. But it just wasn't for me.

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Would You Rather by Shannon Hollinger The first part of the book was confusing and jumped around a lot with various points of view. The plot began to come together halfway through and it was easier to identify the events and characters. Oliver was a fantastic character, caring and talented and intelligent with integrity. Mr. Lewis was vile with no redeeming qualities. The twists and turns were amazing and the unexpected ending tied up all the loose ends to a satisfying conclusion.

Thank you to the author, BooksGoSocial, and Netgalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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This is the first title I have read by Shannon Hollinger and it will not be my last.

Would You Rather grabbed my attention and drew me in immediately. You will have a hard time putting this fast paced thriller down! This book had me yelling out loud at the characters, crying along with the heart break and by the end, it ultimately warmed my heart. That sounds crazy, right? A heart warming thriller? I said what I said. Get this book. Read it. Then you will understand what I mean, because sometimes, you just need to take care of business. *chef’s kiss*

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Would You Rather-
My rating is 3.5 stars.

Prior to reading this book, I had never heard of Shannon Hollinger. The synopsis really drew me in and I was a bit intrigued by the somewhat simple cover. This book is marketed as a psychological thriller, a genre I enjoy.

This book has so much potential. The plot and storyline are good. The twists, are good! The navigation between multiple POV’s was done extremely well. I think the issues lie more in the delivery and lack of character and story development. There was a missed opportunity to really delve into the layers this book could have had.

I like Shannon’s writing style and from reading this book, I can tell I like how her mind works. Oliver was such a fantastic MMC. He had a heartbreaking story, coming from nothing yet still being such a beautiful person. The love he had for his mother, even with her parenting struggles and lifestyle decisions was a beautiful thing. He adored his little brother and he truly just wanted a life with opportunities for them. This is showcased throughout the story with all of the details of the plan he set in place. Being a mother myself, I had issues with the way Manny treated his mother, even when the reasons for behaving the way he did were revealed. I appreciated the personality contrasts between Oliver and Manny and the way they handled their family dynamics. Mr. Lewis was vile and my heart broke for Rachel when her story came to light. There are some really good characters in this book, I just wish they would have been developed more. The twists were really good, unfortunately I was able to predict what was happening in the moments leading up to the events. I wanted that shocking moment when the twist hits and your jaw drops and I just didn’t quite get there. The ending, while it was good, was a little anti climatic for me.

Overall, I did enjoy this book and the way the author’s mind works. I liked the “hot button” issues that were written about and I think she pulled the topics off really well. There were some areas that felt a little rough and I wanted more of the backstory of these characters, especially when it came to the dynamic between Oliver and Manny. I will definitely be keeping my eye out for Shannon Hollinger. I feel like she could be an up and coming psychological thriller author.

I received an advance reader copy and am leaving my review voluntarily.

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Yet another fantastic book by Shannon Hollinger! This was a quick paced read that certainly held my attention. It has some hot button issues and I do appreciate the trigger warning for folks that may need it. This book kept me guessing which way it was heading and was quite the journey! Thank you to Shannon, Netgalley and the publisher for this advanced reader copy!

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✰ 2.75 stars ✰

“All too soon they’re face to face.

Whispered voices rustle like the hush of reeds in the wind. A glint in the moonlight, a sharp hiss, and one of them staggers back. Moments later there’s a muffled splash.

Two went into the swamp. Only one will come out.”

If you would have asked me if Would You Rather prefer the story that I assumed would be the premise of the story, than what it actually was, then I certainly would have preferred the former. For the only promising truth mentioned in the blurb was that the ending would definitely leave you reeling. Couldn't agree with that more! Unfortunately, what else it promised failed to really be as effective as what led me to give it a go! 👍🏻

“Have you ever had the feeling that something bad was going on, and then something happens that makes the pieces of your suspicions start falling together? And even though it’s not a full picture, it’s enough for you to see that you were probably right?”

Let's examine the positives from a positive angle. That opening quote is enough to reel me in - yes, I was intrigued! I liked the setting of the story - the murky Florida swamps that spelled out the wisps of silent threats and looming danger with it's atmospheric descriptions and that suspenseful tug that a crime is afoot. The characters were introduced in a compelling and convincing manner which kept me curious to see how they would interact with one another. It had a compelling mystery that made me curious to see how it would unfold. I liked that despite I was a bit peeved by the perspectives we were offered, but I was very much curious to see how the start would come into fruition with the story - aside from my compulsive need never to dnf a book, of course. 😊

There were surprise twists - yes, the ending caught me off-guard! In fact, right from the start, there was an unexpected reveal I was not anticipating. Kudos to the author for that! 👍🏻👍🏻 The writing was easy to understand and there was no verbose or flower deliverance of expressions that was a detriment to the story. Another kudos. There are multiple POVs offered, and each was singular and unique. The characters were not all likable, but that didn't mean that they weren't real and believable in my eyes. I liked Oliver's sense of purpose and justice and honest values - I was annoyed by Manny, but still intrigued by his curious and rather self-obnoxious train of thoughts - I didn't much care about his mother, and well, the others - well, they certainly left something to be desired. They may have been caustic or bitter in their thoughts and actions, but their sentiments were valid and true. And I could relate to their trials and fears, as well. 👏🏻


The sad fact of the matter is that the blurb did not cover anything about what really did happen in the story, itself. I understand the point of keeping the element of surprise, but if you're going to deviate from the actual synopsis and make it about something else entirely - a little word of warning would be appreciated. I was expecting something else, and got whiplashed with something else entirely. I really liked the concept that it had offered - I wanted a cat-and-mouse mystery and the reveals behind it! 🙎🏻‍♀️I hoped that it would somehow ring back to that - because it really did make for a more interesting story. The writing was fairly simple and straight-forward - I know that's not really a bad thing, but there wasn't anything notable that was worth highlighting to appreciate.

Plus, I didn't quite know what message the author was trying to convey and what they intended this story to be. Is it a story about family? Redemption? Retribution? Acceptance? Hatred and Bigotry? 🤨 Intolerance of a community 'something about the way we’re cut off from the rest of the state, ringed in by ocean and swamp, that makes us like our own tiny country.' It perplexed me as to what it was trying to achieve, especially when at times I found the story meandering with no real purpose for continuing the story, rather than to make it longer than necessary. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It just couldn't seem to find a common footing that would make it coherent. And I really did not like Manny's mother - I'm sorry, she was the weakest link in the story, and I didn't quite take away anything from her character development or her presence to the story. 😒

So, while I did want to know what the conclusion would be, the trial to get there was wholly unsavory. If it could have been portrayed in a different way - I think it would have impacted me a little bit more than it did. 😞

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Would You Rather comes in hot immediately hitting hard with a jolting statement at the end of the Prologue that will keep you turning pages to get clear understanding of what actually happened and why.

The answer stems from a teacher who goes missing and the star quarterback accused of being involved. While this situation resolves itself fairly quickly what follows is a story of the turmoil of high school, teen angst, the intolerance of people in a small town, misconduct, family dynamics and more. And, that’s not all! The missing teacher is not the only mystery that needs to be solved! Can’t get into more without spoilers. Sorry!

There’s a lot going on in this book which has a section listing “trigger warnings” at the beginning.

A few things I enjoyed…

1) The main character is great. Oliver is a super kind, caring and talented kid who has integrity, is smart and wants the best for those around him. I was on his side throughout the book.
2) Hollinger does a great job making the antagonist unlikeable. I absolutely hated him!
3) While difficult to read, I found Hollinger’s sections regarding the high school experience to be relatable.
4) Telling a story from multiple POVs can sometimes be tricky but when done well, I really enjoy it. Hollinger succeeds.
5) I have to say I was surprised more than once by twists in this book. And, the twists are explained in a way I didn’t challenge too much.
6) Satisfying ending wrapped up nicely with questions answered.

A few things that irked me…

1) There is only one other prominent character I found likeable. The other two didn’t garner any kind of empathy or sympathy from me. The portions of the book dedicated to those characters had me saying, “oh brother” to myself. I’d have loved for them to be developed a little more since they take up a good portion of the book. This statement does not include the antagonist who is meant to be disliked.
2) Take this with a grain of salt. I understand that this is a YA/NA book and I’m a 51-year-old woman. But, the author’s use of the word “anyways” throughout instead of “anyway” figuratively drove me crazy!


An easy read with more than one twist you won’t see coming. I recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley for giving me a free copy for an honest review.

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Would You Rather
by Shannon Hollinger
Thank you NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the copy of Would You Rather by Shannon Hollinger.
What a wild, wonderful twist to the end.!
A teacher, a student, a scandal. Thursday morning, Oliver Sager is the popular quarterback of his high school football team. Thursday night, he’s the prime suspect in the disappearance of his history teacher, Mr. Lewis. In an instant, his life is turned upside down.

But trying to convince the police he’s innocent is just the beginning of his problems. As a deadly match of cat-and-mouse plays out, the only clear thing is that everyone has something to hide, and before the game is over, more victims will be claimed.

Three people know the truth about what happened between Oliver and Mr. Lewis—and one of them will pay. An explosive thriller that packs a punch, with an ending that will leave you reeling.

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I was hooked on this book right from the beginning. I found the characters well written and relatable. The story is written from multiple perspectives and it made it super interesting seeing events from different points of view.

And the twist was GREAT.

I’ll definitely be checking out some of this authors other books now!

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review-
This is a thriller with a shocking ending! Oliver is a popular quarterback until he is accused of murdering his history teacher. How can that be? Why? Because things aren’t always what they seem and everyone has secrets. What happened between the teacher and Oliver? Will more people die? A shocking read!

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Thank you NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the copy of Would You Rather by Shannon Hollinger. I loved the description and the beginning of the book. Somewhere in the middle I started to get confused about the plot and my interest waned a bit. I think it was because none of the four POVs seemed to advance (what I considered) the main plot. I really liked Oliver and how he tried to provide for his mother and his brother. I didn’t understand Manny’s role or how he fit into the story and Rachel was an enigma too. It did all come together at the end though, and I have to say the conclusion was beautifully done; I was dumbfounded at the totally unsuspected reveal. It made me want to read the book again to see if I had missed any clues. You will be missing out if you don’t grab this book!

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