Member Reviews

"The Radical Mind" reads like a fever dream of a right-wing pundit, mistaking social progress for societal meltdown. Horowitz fear-mongers about the "woke left" with the subtlety of a sledgehammer, offering zero nuance and relying on tired right-wing tropes. Save yourself the eyestrain and skip this one.

This is a very good and very informative book from a right-wing author. Mr. Horowitz who was a red diaper baby and in his early life was a very active member of the hard left. But after the Black Panthers killed a woman that he knew Horowitz shifted to the far right. His book is chock-a-block full of carefully researched facts that place grave doubts about the accuracy and sincerity of the American left today. I follow the news very carefully, but David Horowitz provided me with many facts that I did not know.
I have only two minor criticisms regarding "The Radical Mind" and they concern the glass ceiling and the malleability of human intelligence. For over 100 years psychometricians have known that the distribution of female IQ scores is narrower than the dispersion of male scores. So, at plus or minus three standard deviations there are eight times more males than females. Go to any special education classroom and you will see far more boys than girls. Also, IQ scores have an additive genetic root and shared environment plays almost no role. The Nurture/Nature battle is over, and nature has prevailed.

I was baffled trying to read this as I tried to align what it said compared to obvious reality. There were lots of accusations about how deranged Democrats are, but the explanations were bizarre.
Then I got to the end and saw that, while the author used some legitimate sources to cite historical context, he actually cited: himself, YouTube, Fox News, and other nonsense sources.
I've considered myself conservative for decades but this was just nonsense politics.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

David Horowitz' latest offering is a straight forward, no nonsense look at the progress agenda. In his usual blunt style, Horowitz covers all the topics in the Far Left textbook. He refutes every charge with crystal clarity and offers hope in a dark time in our history.