Member Reviews

3.5 stars

After the Sleepover by Kerry Wilkinson was an enjoyable mystery with an interesting storyline that kept me coming back for more. Although the story was not very fast paced, I didn’t find myself struggling to get through the book which is always a positive in my opinion.

The story finds Leah becoming part of an investigation into three boys mysteriously disappearing when they have a camp out in one of their backyards one night. Leah is brought in by Jennifer who thinks Leah of all people will understand what she is going through, and as a result Leah finds herself with an insider view on the investigation by the police into what happened to the boys. Meanwhile Leah herself tries to dig into the pasts of Jennifer and the boys, and anyone in Jennifer’s life, trying to find her own answers.

The plot was a bit of a slow burn with more questions being asked and comparing the current events to those that happened to Leah 25 years earlier, than answers actually being given or significant movement of the plot. There was a bit of hinting at what had happened to Leah’s friends from 25 years previously without actually giving any kind of answer which had me continuing to read hoping the answer would come. It actually wasn’t until I was nearly finished the book that I realized there had actually been a previous installment that focused on Leah and the sleepover that was so central to this story, which I assume is why there was never a clear answer on what actually happened and merely hinting at it. The hinting without any clear answer still kind of annoyed me, because I feel it was referenced a lot as far as Leah knowing what actually happened to them without actually stating what that was, and it doesn’t quite make sense to me as a reader that the narrator would focus so hard on this mysterious knowledge without actually detailing it, though I assume it’s so the books can still be read as standalones. Which admittedly, I felt was possible as I didn’t feel like I was missing enough from the previous book (besides the actual answer as to what happened to the girls at the sleepover) for it to have hindered my experience of the story.

Otherwise I don’t particularly feel like I was invested in any of the characters, as the majority of them, including Leah, were if not boring, then at times annoying themselves. Jennifer in particular was a character I didn’t care much for as she was a bit grating at times, and I failed to really understand why Leah was even involved in the events happening to Jennifer as it didn’t entirely make sense as to why she was so set on having a stranger be a part of such a traumatic, trying experience.

Despite these little things I actually did quite enjoy the story itself. As I said, I never felt as if I was struggling to get through any points of the story, and in fact I kept wanting to come back for more whenever I did stop. Altogether it was a very enjoyable read and I now feel the need to pick up the first book to find the missing pieces of the storyline that I never found answers to.

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I really enjoyed this book, I didn’t realize it was a second in a series but was glad that I wasn’t completely lost since I hadn’t read the first book. The storyline, and character development were some of my favorites that I’ve read this year. Leah was the perfect main character for me. She wasn’t the snagging type or the super annoying type that HAD to figure out everything. I had a feeling through the book that Jennifer was in on it. The ending was a little predictable but I read this book in two days, so safe to say i liked it, and couldn’t put it down.

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I didn’t realise this was a sequel, and maybe not having read the first book influences some of what I am saying?

This story follows Leah who is asked to support the mother of one of 3 missing boys. Leah, herself, is the lone survivor of 3 missing teenagers!

The plot revolves around the police and Leah trying to uncover what has happened to the boys. The ending was a bit of a disappointment to me. The start was gripping but the ending fell flat. Now maybe this is because Leah’s story is told in book 1? But I don’t know that for sure. Others have said the culprit left them blindsided but I can’t say it did me, the final twist made sense and so wasn’t much of a twist for me.

It was an enjoyable read. I liked the development of Jennifer. Good but not great.

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After the Sleepover is a mildly intriguing story of the disappearance of 3 friends 25 years ago and the disappearance of 3 friends in the present. In my opinion , the book is too long and does not have a satisfying conclusion. The characters seem to be one dimensional and there is not a likable or compelling one in this tale. Some of the writing is unusually descriptive — as in “…spare bed had a mattress with the consistency of Brie left in the sun.” Unfortunately, this is not a book I could recommend. Notwithstanding that, I thank NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book prior to publication.

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Thank you to NetGaĺley and the publisher for my ARC copy of The Sleepover by Kerry Wilkinson.

The story revolves around Leah, whose friends went missing as teenagers 25 years ago. Leah was the only survivor after a sleepover with her friends. Now, it seems as if history is repeating itself when another 3 teenagers go missing while camping at one of their friend's farms. Leah is now helping with the investigation..

This was an excellent fast paced thriller with a whole bunch of suspects. Just when you think you had the ending figured out, you get left with your mouth wide open. Kerry, you have done it again with this excellent well written book

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After the Sleepover is actually the second book in a series, which I did not know going into reading this. You can definitely read this book as a stand alone as it is gripping from the very first chapter and had me flying through the rest. However, I did have a couple of questions left slightly unanswered at the end of the book and I feel that had I read the first book The Night of The Sleepover first it might have put some of those questions to rest! I’m definitely going to go back and read the first book because if it is half as good as this one I will absolutely be satisfied. There were a couple of grammatical errors but nothing that I couldn’t look past. I definitely recommend reading this series, but try to read them in order if you can!

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Well I loved the first book and was worried this one might have disappointed but it didn’t at all. This time three boys have disappeared randomly from their tents when they were camping and Leah gets asked by the police to support the mother of one of the boys even though they barely know each other. As more secrets are uncovered she is starting to question what is the truth and can she trust even those closest to her.

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Before I delve into my review, a heartfelt thank you to Net Galley and Bookouture for granting me the opportunity to explore the ARC.

The phrase "Takes one to know one" lingered in my mind after delving into "After The Sleepover."

I found myself so engrossed in "After The Sleepover" that I lost track of time, finishing the ARC around midnight. The disappearance of three teenagers again after twenty-five years sets the stage.

I appreciate the nuanced character development, particularly in familiar faces like Leah Pearce, Paul Pearce, and Zac.

I won't spill the beans on new and old characters, but let me say this: the twist in finding out the real culprit? Totally unexpected and cool. I had a blast reading it, and I'm looking forward to more from Kerry Wilkinson. If you're into psychothrillers, give this one a go. Highly recommended!

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DESPITE what I said in my review of The Night of the Sleepover, this follow-up, After the Sleepover by Kerry Wilkinson, was a welcome return to the world of Leah, the lone survivor of a sleepover from 25 years ago.

It's been a year since we last visited our dear Leah and the documentary that first introduced us has now premiered and tragedy has struck the small town again when three boys go missing after a sleepover. Is this history repeating itself or is something more sinister happening?

Just like the previous book, we are dealing with a rapid fire timeline, as well a Leah, Zac, Ben and Josh, as well as Leah's father, her adoptive parents and a host of new characters. There is mystery, terror and the twists that I've come to expect from Kerry Wilkinson. As per usual, I was kept guessing until the final page turn and I wouldn't have it any other way. Are there more Sleepover books on the way....I hope so!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book in advance of it's release.

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A well written plot with lots of suspense and believable dialogue. I enjoyed the story, it kept me interested to the end. Although I did suspect who the killer was going to be, I didn’t like the way it was left at the end. It was still a good read, and I would recommend it for anyone into mysteries.

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If you thought The Night of The Sleepover was full of intrigue just wait until you read this.. The case of the three missing boys seems straightforward but there is something brewing under the surface and when it boils over you will be left reeling. Even though there are mentions of Leah's original story there are no spoilers so this book could easily be read as a standalone but believe me you will want to read them both.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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Thank you for letting me rate this book

This Def didn't keep my attention. Was ok just didn't grab me like j thought it would

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Another great thriller from Bookouture.

Leah’s friends went missing 25 years ago during a sleepover and now it seems like it’s happening again when three boys go missing.

This is a good fast paced thriller, that will have you rethinking sleep overs.

I didn’t know this book 2 to a series and now I need to read the first book. Leah keeps mentioning she knows what happens to her friends but it’s never mentioned in this book.

This is still a fast paced thriller with a slew of suspects. When you think it’s all tied up, the epilogue throws a wrench in that and made for a perfect ending to the book.

I enjoyed every second of this nail biting thriller.

Genre: Thriller
APK: Ebook
Pages: 357
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Series or Standalone: Book 2 in The Sleepover

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I had the strongest sense of deja vous when I 1st saw this but then realised it was the sequal and I had read the original on the series and wasn't just imagining it! I loved the 1st book and whilst I didn't find myself flying through this one quite so fast or with such blind focus, I did still really it. You really do have to have read the 1st book for it to make sense and the author can't give the backstory without giving away spoilers so yeah, read the 1st book then come back to this and it'll all make so much more sense! The twists and turns are amazing and I had no clue who to trust. Really enjoyed it

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Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture, and Kerry Wilkinson for the opportunity to review with an ARC!

While I thoroughly enjoy a good mystery/thriller, this book just wasn't quite what I thought the story was about. Almost thirty years ago Leah's friends had gone missing at a sleepover and now a teenager's friends had done the same in present day. Searching for the boys, Leah and one of the boy's mom's become closer in order to help search. However, in the midst of searching we are reminded that Leah knows what happened to her friends so many years ago (previous book). Throughout the book I was waiting for more and it never really came. No shoe dropped, no smoking gun, it was just quietly revealed what happened to the boys and that was that. I felt as though you could guess what was going to happen.

I really wish there was more backstory to Leah's sleepover in this book so it could have been a standalone. I would definitely recommend reading the first book; however, I didn't realize there was a "prequel" prior to reading. I enjoyed the concept of the book and it was well-written! If you enjoy a slower paced mystery then this is for you.

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Twenty years ago Leah's three friends disappeared during a sleepover, she was the only one left. Now, three boys have disappeared in a similar way.
I had a hard time getting through this book, it just felt really slow to me. I kept on reading though because I was invested in the ending. I was so utterly disappointed. I absolutely despise when a book ends without explaining things, probably my biggest pet peeve. I was left confused and also wondering what Esther had to do with any of it.
Not a fan of this one at all. Apparently it is the first of a series, but I don't think I have the patience to get through another drawn out story with no satisfactory ending.
Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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It has happened again.. a group of teenagers have gone missing just like Leah's friends did 25 years ago. She finds herself helping with the investigation, but what secrets will she discover? A gripping and shocking sequel that keeps you turning the pages. Loved it!

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Thank you Netgalley for the arc of After the Sleepover.

I enjoyed the sequel and storyline of the second round of missing kids. It was a little predictable but I enjoyed it overall.

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*4.5 stars*

Follow up to the terrific ‘The Night of the Sleepover’, ‘After the Sleepover’ contains so many red herrings, it was difficult to know where this was going - but the journey was totally absorbing!

Twenty five years ago Leah had a sleepover with her three best friends, but the next morning her friends had vanished. Now the same thing has happened again, but this time three teenage boys have gone missing after sleeping in their tents on the farm belonging to one of their mother’s.

I’ll say no more, apart from it was an absolute page turner, with smoke and mirrors being used to maximum effect - needless to say, it kept me gripped throughout!

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After reading the previous book, I couldn’t wait to read this one! However, this one didn’t hit the mark with me. It was an average read, but didn’t really hold my attention.

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