Member Reviews

Really great story. Loved both main characters. This book had passion, angst ,and drama, which are some of my favorite things too read about. The descriptions of the ranch and the surrounding area were well described , I could picture everything so vividly. The secondary characters were interesting as well. Those dads were pieces of work through. Wish everyone could have found common ground. But maybe there's a sequel to this story , you never know. I like any book these two authors put out and I highly recommend this book, and can't wait to see what's happening next from these authors.

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Fire in the Sky is a compelling narrative that weaves together the lives of two women, Kelsey Brunel and Elizabeth Sutton, each grappling with their own familial challenges. Kelsey, who has long anticipated taking over the reins of the family-owned Red Sky Ranch, is blindsided when her father decides to sell. Elizabeth, on the other hand, is struggling for her father's approval in the corporate world, only to be seemingly punished by being sent to transform the newly acquired ranch into an upscale spa and health resort.

I really liked the collaboration between Cannon and Radclyffe in crafting this story and I think their two similar writing styles worked well in creating a rich and engaging story. The characters are well-drawn, with Kelsey and Elizabeth emerging as complex, intriguing protagonists whose initial fiery encounter sets the stage for a tumultuous yet passionate slow-burn romance. The dynamic between the two, fraught with professional tension and personal attraction, drives the narrative forward in a way that is both believable and intensely engaging.

I really loved the setting of this story and could picture the Arizona backdrop. The secondary characters add depth to the story, and as this seems to be the first novel in a series, I'm hoping we'll see more of Riley and Olivia in future. I was surprised by the depth of the storyline in Fire in the Sky - it is more than just a romance; it's a story about overcoming obstacles and personal growth.

A great novel and I definitely recommend a read if you like your romance with a bit of substance.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for a copy of this novel. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Having never read a collaboration between these two authors before I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but fortunately I was pleasantly surprised. On the surface this seems like your typical one night stand, enemy to lovers trope but upon reading I found so much more.

Where the authors really shine in this book is the chemistry and passion between the two leads, Elizabeth and Kelsey. You can literally feel the tension and attraction simmering between them from the get go, and it very much drives the story. Another thing very well done is the imagery of the ranch and setting in general. The description of the surroundings was detailed and put me right there on a gorgeous Arizona ranch with the characters.

That being said, there were a few things that I felt could be improved as well. Like some other reviews mention, the ending felt and bit rushed and in general I felt the book was a little too short and would have benefited from taking a bit more time to flesh out the main and secondary characters backstories. This is a somewhat minor complaint, however, as I did very much enjoy this book and I recommend it for anyone looking for a quick, passionate read by two well established authors in a beautiful ranch setting.

I was provided an ARC of this ebook by Netgalley and all opinions are my own.

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Radclyffe and Julie Cannon are great authors individually, so it’s obvious that together they would create a novel their fans would enjoy. They did that with their latest collaboration, Fire in the Sky.

The story begins on the angsty side when Kelsey Brunel finds out her family’s dude ranch in Arizona has been sold out from under her by her father, Red Brunel. Red then takes off just as Elizabeth Sutton and her assistant Olivia arrive to take control of the ranch for The Sutton Corporation. Elizabeth is tasked with turning the property into a wellness center. In spite of having nothing in common (except a hidden mutual attraction), Elizabeth and Kelsey must work together to get the renovations to the ranch done on a tight schedule. That is hard to do when it becomes apparent someone is trying to slow them down.

The beautiful descriptions of the ranch and this area of Arizona really caught my interest. Kelsey and Elizabeth and their stories also drew me into the narrative. They are both strong characters with back stories that affect who they are and how they act in this tale.

Olivia is a compelling secondary character that I would have enjoyed seeing more of. I hope we’ll see more of her in the future. I liked the slight enemies-to-lover’s beginning even though the attraction between Kelsey and Elizabeth took care of that pretty quickly.

There is one part of this book that disappointed me, and that is the ending. It is rushed. In fact, it is so rushed it felt to me like it didn’t have an ending. It really needed one more chapter or at least an epilogue.
I did enjoy this novel though I would love to see more of the story. Perhaps the authors might decide to write a short story to resolve a few things that were left hanging. I do hope so.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for allowing me the chance to read and review this book.

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Ah, quite the enemies to lovers. Kelsey gets blindsided by her father when he sells their ranch. Elizabeth's father also gives her a surprise, she's the one who has to renovate the ranch on behalf of her father's company. So, when they meet as Kelsey and Elizabeth, well, it's not a great situation. But, they get closer as the work on the ranch goes on, and as underlying issues start coming up for both of them.

The characters were all pretty awesome and all unique (and I totally wanted to slap some of them). The setting was amazing too, the descriptions of the sky and the ranch, beautiful. My only thing was the family subplots. I wish that there had been more with Kelsey's family story, and, the end of Elizabeth's family story seemed a little rushed too. Still, a really fun read.

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This is a story of two women who are brought together with a similar issue. Elizabeth Sutton is the daughter of a wealthy resort developer. She is assigned the task of developing a ranch in Arizona into a top-notch spa resort ranch. Unfortunately, there are outside forces in play which will affect her ability to complete the project by the deadline. Kelsey Brunel is the daughter of the man who owned Red Sky Ranch before he sold it to Elizabeth’s father to be developed into a luxury resort. Kelsey had no idea her father sold the ranch until the sale was completed.

Radclyffe co-wrote this book with another Bold Stroke Books author, Julie Cannon. I have read all of Radclyffe’s books and enjoyed them all. This is a good book, but it just seemed a little flat. Although the story was good, it is not a must read. Yes, the characters were nicely developed. Also, Fire in the Sky has romance and some drama, but the pace of the book wasn’t there.

I rate this book a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

I received this ARC from Bold Strokes Books through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a fun easy read with a sprinkle of spice. I liked both main characters and was rooting for them. Their first meeting was full of sparks and it was fun seeing them react when they unexpectedly see each other again and have to work together. The tension was increased by them trying to resist each other but I enjoyed that they still respected that they had a job to do and it wasn’t personal even if they weren’t happy about it. The drama is amped up by both of them having crappy parents and I loved seeing them stand up for themselves and each other. I had kind of worked out how it was going to end but I didn’t know how they were going to fix it so that was fun to read. I did find the ending felt a bit abrupt but it was still a great read and the romance was cute.

I received a copy of the ebook via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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I’m a Radclyffe fanatic and I’ll read whatever she writes.

This book obviously included. And with the featured efforts of Julie Cannon, an author I’m not familiar with.

I loved Elizabeth and Kelsey. So compelling in their own ways. But I have to admit, I hated their relationships with their fathers. Truly aggravating!

All in all, another win from Radclyffe!

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I love both of these authors' works individually and consider both to be great at creating sizzling chemistry that feels natural. While this book was very well-written, the chemistry here was slightly missing for me. That may have been because the characters met at the very beginning of the book and ended up having a one night stand, which left little time for the chemistry to develop, and there was so much else going on afterwards that it was hard to feel the attraction in amongst all the family drama, of which there was plenty. Having said that, both lead characters were likeable and I really felt for them as they navigated some tough family issues. It would have been good to know more about what motivated Kelsey's parents to behave in the way they did, I was expecting some sort of reveal on that towards the end but it didn't materialise.

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Working for your father is never easy, especially when you hope to take over the family business and your dad has other ideas. Kelsey Brunel expects her father to hand over the multigenerational ranch to her when he retires. She has been running the ranch for years waiting for her time.

Elizabeth Sutton is always striving for acceptance from her father. Working with him has never been easy but sending her out to reimagine a dude ranch into an upscale spa and health center is more a punishment than approval.

I have found in the past that novels that have cowriters are either a hit or a big miss for me. I definitely did not have to worry about Fire in the Sky. Cannon and Radclyffe have always shared similar styles and their blending produces an engaging and enjoyable read. Characters are fully developed with the mains being intriguing women. The story held my attention until the very end giving me the perfect happy ever after.

I received an advance review copy from Bold Strokes Books through NetGalley.  I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Kelsey Brunel is a real cowgirl. She lives and works on her father's dude ranch, she is sure, one day this place will be hers. It is her home and she never wants to leave. She loves the ranch life, plus the occasional night out with a woman, no strings attached, is all she needs to be happy. But sometimes things turn out differently than you think and the enemy comes straight from the family.

Elizabeth Sutton works for her father, who has built up a real estate empire. For years, she has been striving for his recognition through her achievements, because only success counts in his eyes. She takes on projects and transforms the properties into profit-oriented, luxurious wellness resorts. When the latest project takes her to the no man's land of Arizona, it feels somehow strange. This project doesn't fit into the portfolio. What's going on here?

This is Radclyffe and Julie Cannon's first collaboration and I hope it's not the last. The story has a perfect pace and takes you in from the very first moment. The story is told alternately from Kelsey and Elizabeth's point of view. The attraction between Elizabeth and Kelsey is immediate, and the chemistry is hot like hell. After a super hot and unforgettable encounter, neither knows who the other is, the surprise is all the greater when they unexpectedly meet again.

The burning sensation on the first night is just as palpable as Kelsey's rejection afterward, as she has to deal with Elizabeth unexpectedly. Both have to learn how to deal with major disappointments from loved ones and decide how to react. The emotions are real and palpable and I really wanted the two of them to find a way to take action and turn the situation into a success for them together.

An easy and entertaining story. Looking forward to reading their next work.
Thanks to Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley for receiving an ARC for an honest review.

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This book has hot romance, family problems and lessons from best friends. There was also a bunch of angst that I felt sorry for the characters going through. Both Radclyffe and Julie Cannon are two of my favorite authors, this books proves they work well together. I enjoyed this book. I'm ready for a sequel.

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Hot romance with two hot women.
The opening chapter sets the pace between these two hotties. The remainder is fun and interesting. But family let's both women down and upsets them badly.
But they survive and we get a happy ending.
The ending I guessed but wasn't sure how they were going to pull it off. That little bit was a surprise.
My real question is, why did Radclyffe and Cannon decide to write a book together and how does that even work? Does one write the first half and the other writes the last half? Or maybe one writes story line, the other the sex scenes? It is a mystery.
I was given this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I read this entire book on a Sunday afternoon/evening. Didn’t want to put it down! The story was sweet and interesting. The romance was hot. The MCs were easy to root for. I definitely recommend it!

It didn’t get 5 stars because the writing felt a bit stiff. Maybe it was the joint venture that caused some trouble, but it felt a bit forced. I think there were areas that should have been paid more attention—like their back stories /parent relationships. I also felt the ending was a bit abrupt. It felt kind of rushed overall.

None of that should stop any sapphic romance aficionados from reading this. It was worth reading. It just wasn’t my favorite Radclyffe or Cannon endeavor.

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You always know what you’re going to get with a Radclyffe book and even though this is a joint effort with Julie Cannon, it doesn’t disappoint. Well developed characters, three dimensional ancillary characters, and a great setting.

Kelsey sees her future forever on her family ranch, so is totally stunned when her father sells it with no discussion and no way back. Elizabeth is a big city businesswoman who is a disappointment to her father, regardless of how brilliantly she does her job.

The initial meeting is maybe a bit predictable but no less entertaining and the fights and flaws of the two main characters plus their best friends works well. The ranch and the day to day stuff gives the plot a sense of realism. The ending felt a bit rushed but was still very satisfying. I’m hoping because the book jacket says “A Red Sky Romance #1” that these two authors are planning a few more. I do hope so as I’d definitely read them.

I was given a copy if this book by NetGalley

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Kelsey Brunel was surprised with her father’s decision to sell the farm. The land first settled by her great, great grandfather was supposed to be hers when her father died, but unknown to her he had gambled away all their assets. The money made by the sale her father decided to keep for himself leaving Kelsey alone to meet the buyers of her farm. She had never even thought of leaving the farm. It was a part of her very being.
Elizabeth Sutton was never really surprised by any of the things he asked of her. From an early age Liz always felt like she didn’t quite live up to her family’s standards. Nobody could, they were so unfriendly and greedy. Now her father was sending her to Arizona to make the changes needed to make it another top of the line resorts/spas. These jobs require a lot of construction in and around, what Kelsey still sees as her own.
Wonderful romance with great characters, both main and supporting along with a very entertaining plot. Hope these two writers find another project to work together on. Very, very nice read.
ARC via NetGalley/Bold Stroke Books

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Being a hard fan of Radclyffe, I'm always eager whenever her new book is coming. This book is first time collab from two author Radclyffe and Julie Cannon. The summary and setting already hooked me.

Citygirl Elizabeth comes from a wealthy family. She tries her best to prove herself to her powerful father, but its always never-enough. This time she was thrown into a sudden project in Arizona.

Kelsey is a true cowgirl at heart. She takes care of everything in Red Sky Ranch and loves her life there. Until one day her father sold the whole ranch to Sutton company. She was shocked, but had no options but meeting her new "boss".

As usual in Radclyffe style, the first meet was reallyyyyyy hot. The tension, the chemistry... I love it all. It is so easy to fall in love with cowgirl Kelsey and pretty Ellie. And the ranch background is amazing! Even though I never been to AZ, I've already fell for the beautiful ranch through this book.

However, the ending is kinda sudden, I just wish that it could be longer.

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Two of my favorite authors and they didn't disappoint. An exciting, gripping read with strong well-developed characters. Great job ladies.

Thank You NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books.

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This is a story about Kelsey Brunel whose family owns a very nice dude ranch in remote Arizona. And Elizabeth Sutton, daughter of a real estate mogul, whose business is developing wellness resorts. The Sutton organization buys out the Brunel ranch, behind Kelsey’s back and she’s very upset over it.

They meet by accident at the start of the book and have a hot evening together. Neither gives their true name so when they meet the next day at the dude ranch, both are shocked and don’t know how to handle the surprise.

I liked this book because of reading both MCs point of view in alternating chapters. Radcliffe and Cannon did a great job with the characters personalities and emotions and the growing relationship. The Arizona ranch scenes were great. I’m looking forward to the next book in this series. And I want to read a book by Julie Cannon, as she is a new author for me.

ARC received from Net Galley and BSB for an honest and voluntary review.

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Elizabeth Sutton is sent to a ranch in the middle of nowhere with the assignment to convert it into a branch of her family's chain of wellness centers. On her first night in town, she has a one night stand, only to discover the woman is the operating manager of the ranch. Awkward.

Kelsey Brunel is shocked when her father, without warning, sells off the family ranch to pay off his gambling debts. Worst, when Elizabeth arrives, he drops the whole situation in Kelsey/s lap and leaves.

Now Kelsey and Elizabeth are stuck together at the ranch, with Kell hating the whole idea of reworking the ranch, yet still very attracted to Elizabeth.

Sometimes when two authors work together, it produces a better work than their average. Alas, this is not one of them. First it felt VERY short, I finished it in less than a hour. There were several plot threads that seemed to go nowhere, tho admittedly the book is first of a series. And other than the leads the characters felt very shallow.

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