Member Reviews

I've just finished reading this book after only one sitting. I was a bit dubious as it was a then and now book, but I need not have worried. It told the plot in the current time, with what had happened at the same time 3 years before and it flowed together seamlessly. The characters seemed realistic to me with Dani desperate to discover the key to her forgotten memories and what had caused her best friends death. I really thought I had guessed who did it, but I was totally wrong. My guess had been a character who I couldn't warm to, but no spoilers!!

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This was an easy to read summer thriller- perfect for by the pool, not too demanding (in a good wau!) It starts off with a death and then back tracks along a dual timeline, recounting the hen party in a 'then' and 'now' format I found I had to constantly check which of the females was the I/narrator for each chapter which was a bit irritating. It took quite a while to remember who was who and who hated who etc. There isn't any character development, it's plot led and involves a lot of detail.about nights out and hen activities. I'm probably a bit too old to really enjoy thst sort of stuff!. Overall a quick easy fun read.

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An original psychological thriller written over two timelines. Dani returns to Spain in the hope that her memory of a fateful night returns and so hopefully discover the truth about the attack that resulted in the death of her friend. Unbeknown to the other members of the hen party they will be staying in the villa they were holidaying previously.

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The Villa is a book I raced through and couldn’t wait to find out who the killer was.
Aoife is getting married, she is marrying Nathan, who works hard but has plenty of money, he treats Aoife to everything and drives her with her career to aspire to more. Her childhood friend has organised the hen party which is being held in Marbella where Aoife has always wanted to go, there are six of them in total and they party hard at Villa Floriana. The week is strained as the dynamics aren’t what they should be. Aoife’s friend Dani from uni is there and seems to be pushing Aoife to drink more and be wilder, someone else is there that doesn’t particularly like Aoife and then there is a break in and Aoife is dead. Three years later Dani organises a trip there to go to visit the grave but really she wants to find out what really happened seeing as she was in the same room when Aoife was killed.
This was a fast paced read, even though Dani is deemed as the trouble maker I liked her, all the characters were believable and the book was dual time lined and had multiple POV from all the hen members. I enjoyed it from start to finish and more so that I didn’t get the culprit!!
I would like to thank NetGalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for this ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.

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Three years ago, bride-to-be Aoife died at her own hen party. Now the hens have returned to the villa where that terrible weekend unfolded.
They long for closure. But the moment they step back inside, old wounds open and tensions begin to rise.
Everyone has a different version of what happened that night.

There seems to be a trend in contemporary novel to switch timelines constantly. It gets a little wearing and I wonder if the skill of just telling a story is missing now. The book is written well enough but the constant chopping of time slows the pace down for me. It’s an easy read but I didn’t engage with any of the characters. They were a bit wooden in my option. From a slow start the pace picked up so I persevered and the ending was not what I expected.

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Fantastic from the get go, all the characters were very relatable and i got sucked straight into the story, the duel timelines helped add to the storyline and did not add any confusion into the mix, highly recommend

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t's an entertaining summer read, I enjoyed it even if I think there's too many novels who features friend who meet again after something happened in the past.
Enjoyable, well plotted, fast paced
3.5 upped to 4
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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I love that this fast-paced psychological thriller has multiple POV as well as a dual timeline. The fact that we were learning about the events of 3 years ago as the main characters was remembering this was a fun way to tell the story. The story itself was brilliantly written with a cast of well rounded characters.

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Oooh this was a goodun! Fast paced, with multiple perspectives and timelines, this book just had me hooked from the get go and I’d finished it within 2 sittings… I kept changing my mind about who was responsible for Aiofe’s death depending on what nugget of information we’d found at the time.

I actually really like Dani as a character, despite being plugged as the bad influence and the whole ‘tricking the group to go back to the Villa’ bit you could sense that there were hidden depths and she was clearly trying to discover what had happened for all the right reasons.

Even though we didn’t actually read anything from Aiofe’s point of view, she was probably the character that I least warmed to, her antics on the hen do and other bits that came to light as we went on just made me struggle to sympathise with her - obviously she didn’t deserve to die but she also just didn’t seem to be the nicest person!

This was my first read by Jess Ryder but it most definitely won’t be my last, I’ve already got my eye on a couple at the library!

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This authors books never disappoint. It was quite an original story line but had some good twists. Not my favourite book by this author but it was still an enjoyable read

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This is a fantastic summer thriller with its Marbella setting and hen party dynamics! I was constantly flicking between who might have done it!

Dani arranges a return trip to Villa Floriana, three years after their friend Aoife is killed on her hen. With the reluctant help of the other three girls who were there that night, she wants to piece together what happened and hopefully get her memory back.

This book was so enjoyable, I loved all the characters in a love to hate way. The relationships between the hens and the bride-to-be were brilliant even if maybe a bit exaggerated! Throw in a rich, controlling fiancé and some Marbs gangsters against the wild nightlife and you just don’t know who to accuse.


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Three years ago bride to be Aoife tragically died while in Majorca on her hen night. Three years later, Dani, one of her closest friends organises a trip back to the Med to commemorate the third anniversary of her death. Dani, however, has an ulterior motive. For her that last evening is a blur and she wants to retrace her steps, hoping to discover who was responsible for killing her best friend and why although she was there, she has never been able to remember how it happened. A burglary gone wrong had been the official verdict. From the little she remembers, Dani is reluctant to believe that is what happened.
Told from different viewpoints which switch between past and present, it is clear the group, although close friends, had issues with each other. Gradually, as Dani’s memory recalls the original stay in Marbella, those grievances and disenchantments began to surface. It soon becomes clear each of them had motive.
Overall I enjoyed this book. The plot is a good one and it was useful to see the events of three years ago observed from different perspectives. Everyone had an axe to grind in one way or another. Anyone could be guilty. It is only when Dani’s memory begins to relive that final day that the truth surfaces. All the way through this I had my own idea of who the perpetrator might be and yes, it wasn’t who I thought, and it was a surprise, but somehow for me that unmasking brought with it disappointment. I felt fully involved in the story and then it went flat, hence the three stars.
I would like to thank Penguin, the author and Netgalley for an ARC of The Villa in exchange for an honest review.

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Initially it was the cover of The Villa that caught my attention. Cliche to judge a book by its cover I know, but it caught my eye and made me want to find out more. So I read the synopsis, and it contained this opening line, “Three years ago, bride-to-be Aoife died at her own hen party”, of course I had to request it.

The pace started slowly and I wasn’t particularly invested in the story at the beginning, however as more and more of this mystery was unveiled, my interest was piqued. I wanted to know what really happened to Aoife, who knew more than they were letting on and what secrets would be discovered.

I wasn’t disappointed, some parts were predictable and I saw them coming early on but as the story unravelled bit by bit until the truth was revealed, I never would have predicted that final twist! I love it when a book can surprise you like that!

My main issue with this book though was the characters. They are what usually make a book for me but in this instance, none of the characters were really that likeable. In fact, most were unlike-able. They were all so selfish and self-centred. Aoife and Nathan appear to have been a terrible couple and terrible people in general. Tiff, the Chief Bridesmaid, was horrendous, so two-faced, bossy and pathetically jealous. Dani was an unreliable narrator, as by her own admission she could not remember the night Aoife died, and although there were times I felt a little sorry for her, she was quite underhand with some of the tactics she used to try and remember that fateful night. The other hens were self righteous and pretty nondescript. I didn’t like any of them but as the story progressed, I realised that they were likely written that way to demonstrate the flaws of being human. If that’s the case, well done to the author.

I can’t say I loved Marbella after the descriptions in this book either! But again I’m sure that was done to set the right scene and tone.

Overall, this was a fascinating read that held my interest until the truth was revealed. Just what you need from a thriller!

3.5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 rounded up.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher, Random House UK Cornerstone, for my early copy.

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A delicious twisting thriller that is split over two timelines. Full of fascinating characters. It doesn't paint Marbella in too good a light though!

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Aoife goes on her hen weekend to Marbella with her four friends in a remote villa it`s a very packed weekend and Aoife takes her drinking to the extreme and has a very wild weekend resulting in her being found dead on a smashed up coffee table, the police think it`s a burglary gone wrong.
Three years later Dani persuades the other hens to go back and try and gets closure.
The secrets are revealed and the twists begin.
Did not expect it to end that way was definitively expecting it to be someone else.
A good ending.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC and I give my honest review.

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I loved this book. Five go on Aoife’s hen night but only 4 return as the bride-to-be is murdered. Three years later, the 4 go back for a memorial and to help Dani remember what happened on that night, as she was with Aoife as she died, but has blanked out what happened.
Chapters alternate between now and then, and we hear from Tiff - chief bridesmaid and control freak, Beth - sensible and wanting to be a solicitor, Celine - Aoife’s boss and waiting to hear if she has been promoted and Dani - wild best friend from university days. With niggles between the group, and Aoife going off the rails before marrying the “perfect” Nathan, things don’t go to plan.
Highly recommended. Beyond 5 stars!

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Thanks to Netgalley and Random House UK for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Aoife, Dani, Tiff, Beth and Celine were staying at a villa near Marbella 3 years ago for Aoife's hen party when Aoife was murdered, presumably during a burglary. Now on the anniversary of her death they are returning to visit her grave and Dani is hoping to remember what exactly happened the night Aoife died, but things are tense since these women really didn't have a connection to each other besides Aoife. And then they start to receive signs that they shouldn't be back in Spain looking into what happened.

4.5 stars.

This was a good solid read. The story is told mostly from Dani's perspective with flashbacks thrown in and the other women get occasional chapters as well. It took me a little bit to get onto it and keep.the women and their Aoife straight but once I had that down I was totally engaged in finding out what really happened. I also enjoyed the Puerto Banus/Marbella setting. Jess Ryder always delivers a solid read and I look forward to her next.

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This was a fairly decent read. The flashback and jump forward kept the plot moving and kept you guessing though I had an inkling of some of the twists. Some of the characters were a bit jarring but I feel like that was intentional from the author. Would definitely read more from this author. Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I’d like to thank Random House UK, Cornerstone and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘The Villa’ written by Jess Ryder in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Three years ago Aoife died at her hen party held at the Villa Floriana in Marbella while with four of her friends, Dani, Beth, Celine and Tiff. It appears to have been a burglary gone wrong but there’s no reason why Aoife should have died or Dani be found unconscious on the floor with a damaged knee. On the third anniversary Dani persuades the friends to return to Marbella as she’s desperate to learn the truth and hopes that being in the same Villa will jog her memory.

‘The Villa’ is a twisty thriller of five women who reluctantly return to where Aoife died but it soon becomes clear that they have their own agenda as to why they’re keeping secrets. Maybe it’s me but I got confused as the chapters were narrated by too many characters telling what happened three years ago, then moving forward to the present time, and I had to keep going back to the beginning of the chapter to find out who the story was being told by and when. I’ve enjoyed the story as it leads up to Dani’s memory returning but the conclusion fell a bit flat and wasn’t as exciting or unexpected as I’d anticipated. But despite this, I’d still recommend it as it’s ideal to take with you on holiday.

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A very enjoyable mystery, thriller based in Marbella. The bride dies in mysterious circumstances on her hen party trip. The case is never solved and the girls seem to go on with their lives. However, Three years later, Dani one of the hens tricks the others into gathering in the same place to re-create the weekend and try to regain her memories. Some of them get more than they bargained for as they are all hiding something. The tension is kept throughout the story and the twists appear at just the right times making the narrative move on at a good pace. I didnt guess the ending which is always the sign of a good book for me. Recommended.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy. All opinions are my own.

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