Member Reviews

An intriguing, twisty, a bit frustrating legal drama that hinges on Lila, a barrister working without a memory. She's found herself defending an accused far far right bomber but she's not sure how she got there or how to answer some of the things being thrown her way, including threats. Thanks to Netgalley for the arc. It's difficult to describe and I suspect some will dnf but it's a worthy read albeit with a somewhat unsatisfying ending.

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I was so hopeful when I started this book.
I love me a courtroom drama, which made me so excited with the opening scenes.
As the book progressed, it just became so.... odd.
It's like the author thought, I'll throw in as much random stuff as I can and give Lila no clues along the way. There's nothing to explain anything properly. Felt so disjointed, and by the end I had no idea what was going on.
It was readable, but it needs way more structure.

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Weird and unexpected, I am not sure I still enjoyed this while reading

Still not a bad book but can definitely be improved on

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The download date was unfortunately missed, I would be happy to re-review if it became available again. I have awarded stars for the book cover and description as they both appeal to me. I would be more than happy to re-read and review if a download becomes available. If you would like me to re-review please feel free to contact me at or via social media The_secret_bookreview (Instagram) or Secret_bookblog (Twitter). Thank you.

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The Trials of Lila Dalton make me very intriguing since the first paragraph. I didnt always enjoy narrative from unreliable POV but I willing to give this one try.

Honestly I am felt lost. The writing is good and the pace is okay. But plot thinning and thickened at some points, some thrilling with action scenes and some seems stretched into cliches. But the reveals, unexpected twist, the complexity of the conflicts, abstract banter between characters make me difficult to grab into the story since the early pages. The story gave interesting storyline but not my cup of tea.

I still recommend this thriller debut to readers who love legal psychology thriller with so much surprise elements and super twist.

Thank you to Netgalley and Pushkin Vertigo Publisher from Pushkin Press for providing copy of this ebook. I have voluntarily read and reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Expecting Publication : 1 February 2024

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Wow! What a phenomenal read! L. J. Shepherd stand up and take a bow because this is a masterpiece. This book is everything I needed and so much more.

The Trials of Lila Dalton is interesting and intriguing, I was instantly pulled into this one and completely unwilling to put this down. I devoured this book in just one afternoon sitting.

Lila Dalton is a superb character, memorable and realistic. This is a professional who has no memory of who she is or what’s going on. I was desperate to know more about her and discover her character deeper.

Lila is defending a man charged with mass murder. However, she’s not even sure she knows herself let alone how to defend someone else. As a reader, we also see Lila receiving strange notes.

This book has it all, mass murder, strange notes and a group which seems very cult like. This is a book that is unique and unlike anything I’ve read previously. Shepherd has created a gem with this one.

This is a book which is perfectly plotted and beautifully written. Shepherd pulled me in and made me feel as though I was watching this play out ahead of me. I’d love to see this on the big screen.

This has been my first read by this author. It definitely won’t be the last. I have been fully converted as a fan and absolutely hope there is more to come. Everything about this book has been fantastic.

Shepherd is a superb and masterful storyteller and this is a gem. From beginning to end, this has been a fantastic read. I have no hesitation in recommending this book. This is a book worthy of all the stars and praise. A must for the TBR.

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"The Trials of Lila Dalton" by L. J. Shepherd is a gripping legal thriller that skillfully weaves together the mysteries of a courtroom trial and the enigma surrounding the protagonist's own identity. Lila Dalton, a barrister stranded on a distant island, finds herself defending a man accused of mass murder without any memory of the case or even her own past.

I rated "The Trials of Lila Dalton" 4 stars due to its compelling plot, cleverly intertwining legal drama with a personal mystery. Shepherd masterfully builds suspense as Lila grapples not only with the challenging trial but also with cryptic threats and the ominous presence of someone watching her.

The novel keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eager to uncover the truth behind the case and Lila's lost memories. The narrative is well-paced, and the character development adds depth to both the legal proceedings and Lila's journey of self-discovery. Overall, "The Trials of Lila Dalton" is a satisfying and intriguing legal thriller that offers a perfect blend of courtroom drama and personal mystery.

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Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

I’m a sucker for any kind of courtroom drama and I really enjoyed this. It didn’t end the way I expected (though there were definitely some clues) and I still have some questions but I found it an interesting and captivating read.

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✅The Trials of Lila Dalton by L.J. Dalton

✨Why do I want to read this book (Why I requested this book on NetGalley)?
Amnesiac lawyer who found herself in the trial of a high-profile case and stranded on an island far from the UK with nearly no way to leave. Basically, she was trapped there. Plus of not knowing herself and the case, somebody is watching and threatening her. That’s quite an intense description. Plus, she is the barrister, representing the suspect.

✨What is my thought about the description from NetGalley?
I have never read Shutter Island before so I cannot comment on it. For The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, yeah, both books have a kind of intense atmosphere when reading them. Basically, both main characters in both books are amnesiac and trapped.

✨What is my overall opinion about this book?
This book is heavy. I really mean it. The book has a lot of information such as documents, hints, persons, and events. For me, it is understandable because the book deals with a high-profile trial of mass murder. The book also has political and cult elements woven in it, making it more intense to me. There are also social commentary about today’s world told in this book. From my reading, this book is not a type of book that can be read in one sitting. Plus, you really need to focus when reading this.

✨What are some of my thoughts when reading this?
Firstly, the court system is a little bit unfamiliar to me, so it took some reading time to understand the situation during the trial. Fun fact: Malaysia abolished trial by jury on 1 January 1995. There are also some signs that things do not really look like what it is during the story. And, I still have some questions about some of them.

✨Do I still have questions after reading this?
Of course! But I am not sure how to articulate them without giving the plot of the story. First, who is the lady in purple who is kind of chasing Lila? I don’t truly believe the explanation. Second, if the time gap between the case and the trial is actually long, don't people age? Do they take some kind of medication? Third, based on the statement about time, actually, is there any time travel involved? (Ending, I am looking at you right now.} I do not really believe or understand the explanation, again.
p/s: Dear author, please do not get angry at me for my questions. I am always confused.

✨Last words?
In my opinion, if you like a fast-paced book or a book that can be read in a short period of time, this book is not really suitable. However, if you want to try a mystery/thriller book with a lot of information that needs to be digested coupled with an intense atmosphere, I hope you can try this book.

Rating: 4/5 ⭐
Thank you to Pushkin Vertigo and NetGalley for this ARC! This review is voluntarily written by me.

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The Trials of Lila Dalton is a heavily inspired book that builds on a gimmicky premise with some high ideas. Lisa Dalton finds herself without any idea who or where she is, in front of 12 jurors, having to defend a white supremist Neo-Nazi accused of bombing and killing more than 25 people. While her memory seems to have completely wiped, her legal skills work on auto mode as she builds a defense. Her confusion and bewilderment are transferred to the readers as she seems to be seeing things with a hint of psy-ops, odal runes, satanic worship and bugged telephone lines.

The mystery keeps you invested to know what is true and what is not. The notes on the neo nazis and their literature was something I felt right out of newspapers. I also found odd hat-tips to some of the popular literature - like the lighthouse in the end and murders - which reminded me of Shutter Island and Hotel. There is even a propaganda on how wars will be fought on misinformation and PR which I felt was intelligent - though not built upon satisfactorily.

The characters were a bit two dimensional. Like the court usher who speaks in quotations and cliches or the journalist who loves a conspiracy theory. Lila, seems to be switching on and off between confusion and courtroom though I did like a few cross examinations. The context chapters in the book were a bit off-color. The 777 and O87 - really??!

The book will have it's fan base eventually and the author can write well. However, I felt the author made it too intellectual and confusing for someone who wants a logical mystery and too tropey for someone who would have read a ideological debate. All the politics and the anachronism makes it a tough book to process. And the conclusion felt like it just didn't want to become predictable.

A good debut.

PS: I'd like to thank Pushkin Publishers for The ARC copy of the book

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I really tried to love this book, an amnesia trope is something I absolutely love, picking up the clues and working out what’s going on. The main characters ability to spout legalese whilst also actively thinking she couldn’t answer the question frustrated me as you hear of amnesiacs performing motor tasks all the time but this just wasn’t believe. Dnf. The writing was fine, I just didn’t love/couldn’t get invested in the story.

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The trials of Lila Dalton
This follows the story of Lila Dalton who works in the courthouse as a barrister (shes a junior) & shes working a trial of a Mass Murderer! From the beginning of the story we find out she’s woken up with some sort of amnesia? She can’t remember her name/why shes in the court etc so she has to start piecing it together as the trial is that day and people are counting on her! The Court case is taking place on an island.

We get to know all about the case that takes place - A bombing killing over 120 victims, we get thrown into the case and the writer really describes everything so it feels like you are sitting in the courtroom with them! After we get to know what the case Lila is representing we get to see more of Lila and her (amnesia) we find out more about Lila and her life as she finds clues too trying to piece her life together! It makes you feel the emotions Lila is feeling as she starts to uncover clues about her life and why shes on the island defending this case!

Involves the topics of Neo-nazis , satanism, cultism & white supremacy so definitely check trigger warning before reading this as it could trigger some people (it didn’t trigger me but I didnt enjoy that aspect of the story as its a pretty dark topic that I don’t enjoy reading) I tried to finish this book to get to the ending but the book was too weird for me to finish & I didn’t know how it was going to end!

I always make sure to give my true thoughts and feelings with a book and genuinely I was unable to finish this one as I lost interest at 45% because I felt like the story wasn’t progressing much and found it hard to stick with it :( maybe it was the topics it spoke about but yeah!

I appreciate Netgalley & L.J Sheperd for letting me arc this book, I always give true and genuine reviews so truthfully this book was a miss for me but I will try more from L.J in the future as her writing was great I just didn’t enjoy the topic of neo nazis etc

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Here is a very unusual book that took my twice to start but am really glad I persevered with it
imagine being somewhere that you don't recognise and even worse you are defending someone in a court case - is it real?
A truly different read that will have you thinking and thinking more and is very enjoyable

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Thank you Pushkin Press for the ARC. IYKYK my reviews are ALWAYS honest.

Writing: meh | Plot: very intriguing but got a lil too crazy | Ending: I ...????


Lila Dalton 'comes to' in a courtroom where she's supposedly defending a domestic terrorist. Can she recover her memory in time to win the case? FIND TF OUT!!!


FYI this is speculative fiction so just roll with the vibes. Honestly the first 30/40% of this was giving me 4 stars on intrigue alone. This is an all plots situation; the character development is as missing a husky's ability to chill tf out. There's a lot of action and reveals throughout, which was entertaining at the beginning... But then it became like a mega-stuffed oreo situation. Like, we wanted double stuffed but now it's just gross. By the end I was tired of the new layers being heaped onto the proverbial pile of coats, and it felt like so much went unaddressed in favour of the next reveal.

I'm interested to see how the ratings for this one shake out. I think you'll either love it, or you'll immediately delete it from your Kindle. I'm tossing this a three because it's an interesting concept, and there were several 'gems' about (I can't really say because it's a spoiler). I think this was going for a [famous classic book] meets [movie adaptation of famous book] vibe but it spent too much time on [movie adaptation of famous book] before it became clear what the damn point is. Maybe I'm just 6 short of a dozen so the point skated right over this smooth ass brain, but I was surprised when the 'master plan' was revealed.

Keeping this one short 'n sweet (unlike me). If the premise speaks to you, give it a whirl. A good book club or buddy read pick.


Pros: start was very intriguing and action-packed

Cons: a bit of an identity crisis—not sure what it wanted to be (or I'm not smart enough to cotton on), too many threads left dangling in favour of 'shocking' reveals

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The Trials of Lila Dalton follows barrister Lila through her defence of a far right member of the O87 and his involvement in a fatal bombing. The story starts with Lila suffering with memory loss at the start of these proceedings, and what ensues is a little bit bonkers and I mean that in a good way!
The story was giving me Life on Mars (the tv show) vibes all the way through as we find out bit by bit what is happening to Lila.
This book did have me gripped. I was desperate to find out what was going on and I think, for the most, I followed along well. I couldn’t possibly pigeon hole the genre but for me there was crime, thriller, sci fi elements throughout and I thoroughly enjoyed, & would recommend it, if you like a quirky ‘what the hell is going on?’ story.
I felt all the characters were well written although would have liked to have seen Malcolm a little more through the story. There were twists I didn’t see coming and I took to Lila as a main character really well. I loved the playing out of the legal proceedings, although procedure was a little too over explained at times.
I look forward to seeing more of this author in future.
Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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Immersing myself in Lila Dalton's psychological thriller was quite a ride. Lila, with no memories, finds herself defending a man accused of a heinous crime in a courtroom. I found the plot engaging, and I enjoyed most of the book, despite it being super weird and confusing at times. The book is well-written, but the ending was disappointing. I didn't get all the answers to my questions, even though the book is pretty long.

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This was a book of two halves for me, I enjoyed the set up and the premise of a lawyer with amnesia, but the second half of the story was too convoluted for me Im afraid and I didnt really enjoy it. 2.5 stars up to 3

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The promotional blurb really sold The Trials of Lila Dalton by L. J. Shepherd to me, and couldn’t wait to read it.

I loved the premise that Lisa Dalton QC finds herself in a courtroom and has absolutely no idea where she is, how she got there, or even who she is, let alone what the trial is about. She is suffering from complete amnesia.

The story unfolds from Annie’s point of view as she’s simply trying to find out what is going on and then how to defend her client. I really felt her confusion about the entire situation and how it was impossible to know who to trust on the island. Her sense of confusion and isolation was heightened by the fact that she’s on an island in the middle of an ocean thousands of miles from mainland Britain. There’s nothing familiar to anchor her…..

Without wishing to reveal any spoilers, this is a thrilling rollercoaster ride of a book. I can’t wait to read more books by L. J. Shepherd in the future.

Huge thanks to NetGalley and the publishers, Pushkin Press, for making The Trials of Lila Dalton by L. J. Shepherd available to me as an e-ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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The Trials of Lila Dalton by L.J Shepherd is an excellent debut novel. I love a good courtroom thriller (especially when written by a lawyer as this is) and one such as this which keeps you guessing as you have no idea how it is going to be resolved until the very end!
Lila finds herself in a courtroom, she has no idea who she is, where she is, how she got there, what is she doing there and how she is going to resolve the matter! What an opener! It had me utterly gripped and the mystery and intrigue just continues at a pace.
An utterly unique courtroom thriller which I thoroughly enjoyed and will stay with me for a long time. I can't wait to read the next book by L.J Shepherd.
Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for a Kindle copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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2.5* --> 3*

This is a bit of a weird one, to be honest.

Lila Dalton finds herself in a courtroom without any recollection of her life. She doesn’t have a clue what she looks like, what her name is or why she’s in court. She *does* however, very conveniently, remember all things legalese. Which is a good thing, since she needs to win a trial and at the same time figure out what happened to her, and how to get home. Wherever that is. 

Sounds complicated, doesn’t it. It gets rather worse as the story goes on. But first …

Of the good! Legal proceedings. I do love me some courtroom drama. Even if the English legal system with their QC’s, and barristers, and whatnots will forever baffle me. The fun part here is that just like Lila, the reader doesn’t have a clue what’s going on so you have the opportunity to try and figure things out alongside her. Hm, yes, good luck with that.

I had absolutely no idea where this story was heading and never would have been able to come up with something as convoluted as this storyline either. Obviously I can’t divulge any of it but suffice to say that it all became rather confusing, and as the pages went on I could feel my interest waning.

Lila’s lack of memories is at first extremely intriguing, and the mystery of what happened to her is definitely compelling, fuelling curiosity all the time. Just like her, it’s impossible to know who to trust. If anyone. However, many of the other events felt distracting to me and way out there. Truth be told, the complex tale lost me entirely in the latter stages. While a resolution and explanation was eventually offered, I must admit it went way over my head. The ending left me as confused as everything else. 

This started out quite brilliantly. I thought the initial premise was utterly promising and had tons of potential. But then it went entirely off the rails, leaving me to feel like my head had exploded. I'm afraid I just didn’t quite get “it”. A speculative thriller with two halves for me. It wasn't at all what I was expecting and while I enjoyed parts of it, there were also parts I didn't get on with at all.

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