Member Reviews

A really good premise but it fizzled out for me after a very promising start and became a bit predictable. I'm a huge fan of the author and have enjoyed many of their other books but this one didn't quite hit the mark for me.

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DNF @ 22%

I tried to like this book, read a good chunk of it in a day, and then just felt bored. I tried to give it time and go back to it, but in the end there’s just too many books to read & this isn’t one I wanted to give anymore time to 🥲

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This book was very hard for me to get into. I almost DNFed it. However I did finish it and it was good. However it isn’t one that I would put high in my favorite list.

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I really enjoyed this book. I’m a big fan of mysteries and thrillers, and this fit the bill for me. There was enough suspense, although predictable at times, the way Shiner built up the characters and plot meant it wasn’t too much of an issue for me that it was predictable in places. I have only given a 3/5 as some of the characters were really unlikeable.

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an intriguing psychological thriller!

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to review this work!

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Full review and links to social will be posted as soon as possible.

I'd like to thank the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This was absolutely amazing! I was totally enthralled with this story from beginning to end, I could barely put it down, and when I finally read the last page, the house was dark, I was hungry, thirsty, needed to pee and my neck was stiff. But damn, it was worth it!

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I wanted to enjoy this a lot but the story kind of felt flat. It was a good example of how parenting shapes your kids. I would recommend it but I just wish there was more story to it. I would give it a four out of five stars

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Started out promising but kinda fizzled for me. I wasn't a huge fan of the main characters and had a hard time finishing this book.

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This book wasn't for me unfortunately! I found it to be rather boring & really difficult to get into!!! A no from me!!!

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What would a mother do to protect her son?

While a one-liner description might have some appeal as a plot, unfortunately this book drastically missed its mark. Without going into detail, the mother is an uneducated, oblivious, and naive woman who only wants to think the best of everyone (even when they blatantly channel the devil) and thinks that talking will instil better morals in the other person; her son is the worse menace to society; and her neighbor/coworker is misguided in her intentions. The execution of the plot was less than stellar, and 128 uses of the word “good” to describe how the mother wanted her son to be and behave had me questioning why the author doesn’t own a thesaurus. This book is nowhere near this author’s first attempt at writing, and I seriously have to question what her other books are like. This was a definite fail and waste of time to read.

This ARC was provided by the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this psychological thriller about a single mother and her son. My first Emily Shiner book I didn't know what to expect and there were definitely some things I wouldn't have expected from the blurb, but I did find some of it quite predictable from the story by the time I reached it in the book. A surprising take on the nature vs. nurture argument with a son born to a terrible father he's never met, and a mother who's raised him to be good and kind. I have to admit, neither mother Anne Marie (our MC) nor her son Dave were particularly likeable characters but that was definitely intentional. Anne Marie was certainly trying, and I thought the struggle of a single mother with a son like that was shown really well. She's a good person but definitely makes some questionable decisions and is blinded by her love for her son and knowledge that he can be such a good kid if he wants to be.
I shan't say anything else as I don't want to give anything away but I'm very interested to read some more of Emily's books in the future!

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This book sounded really promising, and started out that way. But in the end I didn't love it as much as I thought I would. Anne Marie is the waitress - she's also the single mom of a teen-aged son who's out of control, and all too often reminds her of his father, who's in prison. Dave seems to be on the same path as his father if Anne Marie can't get him to change his ways. And it becomes clear that she really has no influence over him. He's not just a teen boy out of control, he's pretty much a psychopath, and there's precious little she can do to influence him. All she can do it protect him. Problem is, the last thing society needs is a psychopath with a helicopter mom. I'm not one who usually needs to like all the characters in a book to enjoy the read, but it was really hard to be on anyone's side here. On the one hand it was well written, it was just a very frustrating read because of the characters and their actions. It was easy to feel empathy for Anne Marie and her financial struggle to provide for herself and her son. But then she'd do something that just canceled that empathy right out. And when the book was done, all I could think was "Okay, but...".
But having said all that - the writing was good, and with more likable (or more relatable) characters I'd have enjoyed it more. So I'm definitely open to reading more by Emily Shiner, even though this wasn't my personal cup of tea.
Thanks to Netgalley and Inkubator for providing a copy for an unbiased review.

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This was an excellent book and had me reading more and more I could not put id down! honestly never read a book so fast. I will be reading more by this author.

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A story about the lengths a mother will go to protect her son. To protect him no matter what he’s done………even If it’s murder.

A fast paced read that will keep you guessing.

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How far does a mother go to protect a child, especially one that is a psycopath - this forms the crux of the story.
Thanks to Netgalley and Inkubator books for providing a digital copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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The Waitress by Emily Shiner is a thriller about Anne Marie and her son Dave. Anne Marie is a single mom who works as a waitress and Dave is her 16 year old son.

Dave is out of control with bad behaviors. He skips school, sells drugs, is disrespectful and acts foolishly and impulsively. Throughout the whole book Anne Marie tries to get him to change his ways to ‘be good’. The phrase ‘be good’ is mentioned over and over. It got a little repetitive to me. I wish the author would have used phrases such as making poor choices, or taking responsibility for his actions instead of classifying Dave as good or bad.

Anne Marie is constantly talking about how she will do anything to protect her son. When Dave does something horrendous, she covers up for him as she feels she is ‘protecting him’. Dave really needed to own his actions and take responsibility for his poor choices.

Over and over Anne Marie covers for him to the point of me wanting to yell at Anne Marie to get her son some help because she can’t fix his behavior.

The twists in this book are pretty predictable. I was hoping for more surprising twists.

This is the first novel I have read by Emily Shiner and although I didn’t love this one, I am intrigued by some of her other books.

Thank you to Netgally and Inkubator for this book in return for my honest assessment.

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This was pretty good. I gave it 5 stars cause it kept me captivated. I knew the mother was the one who wrote the last letter. I thought of doing that earlier in the book. She crazy to go along with all that tho!

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Definitely a bit predictable but I definitely enjoyed it. I’ve read quite a few ‘how far would you go for your child’ type thrillers and this was an easy, quick read with some nice twists along the way.

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“The Waitress” by Emily Shiner in a good psychological thriller and my first read of a book by this author. Anne Marie is a single mother struggling to make ends meet while grappling with the challenges of raising a rebellious teenage son, Dave. Anne Marie faces daily challenges with both her waitressing job and her never ending battle with her troubled son.

The novel deals with family life, sacrifice, and the lengths a mother will go to protect her child. Anne Marie is desperate but she is determined in her efforts to balance between love and tough love in her efforts to protect Dave.

I thought the author dealt with issues well in the writing and it was easy to empathize with Anne Marie’s dilemma. The story was well paced with decent characters and enough twists and turns to keep it interesting.

I did feel it was a little predictable at times but still enjoyable although the characters lacked a little depth. Well worth a read for a story of maternal devotion and the complexities of family dynamics. 3.5 stars rounded up.

I would like to thank both Netgalley and Inkubator books for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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