Member Reviews

3/5 ⭐️

My friend recommended this book to me! I enjoyed but at the same time I felt it was missing.

Don’t get me wrong it was such a fun time but it was missing something. I will say though the writing was DREAMY and we love a good enemies to lovers but I WASNT PREPARED FOR THE LOVE TRIANGLE 😭

Its a fun vibey read and I do recommend :)

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This is a very well written and captivating book. It was absolutely a wonderful read! I can absolutely see what others are saying about it in relation to The Bear and the Nightingale so if you liked that book you will definitely enjoy this one.

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Let me start off by saying the WRITING in the book is DIVINE. It reads like a magical fairy tale, whisking you away into a world of magic and wonder. I felt so transported by the writing in a way I haven’t in quite a while. This story follows Zerryn, a girl who seems to be kissed by darkness. After the boy she loves becomes possessed, she decides it’s up to her to save him. She’s prepared to make a deal with the devil (literally) to keep the people she loves safe and compete in a set of trials to become the Bride of Death and use that power to defeat him. Her plan begins to shatter when she finds herself seeing the man behind the face of Death and he says to her “You are the one in power, and you have brought me to my knees.” I loved that Zerryn struggles with light vs. dark and that this book explored the complexities of looking at things in a “good vs. bad” light. So many stories follow that type of framework and it’s always refreshing to find stories that explore more of that grey area. We love a powerful love interest, but even more we love a powerful FMC. I only wish there had been even more of the romance because I could not get enough!

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I received this ARC from NetGalley and Northern Light Press in exchange for a fair review.

First of all, I loved the title and cover art and that’s what really drew me in… and then the description sounded beautiful, but unfortunately I have to admit that because I wanted to treat this book fairly, I allowed myself to add this to my DNF at about 60% because I lost complete instrest before I even hit 40%.

The beginning was so good and I wish it went deeper into the back story of the grandparents and better develop her love interest. I loved the backstory to Zerryn and her black eye but it felt rushed over and just brought up randomly as if to contrast her light to Erlik’s darkness but to be honest, Erlik was a super fluffy softie and Zerryn was an overly untitled brat who would say such hateful things unprovoked. She was a very hard character to like and Erlik had nothing about his character to fear for being the underlord. It was honestly boring and it made me not care about their uncomfortably awkward romance. I had second hand embarrassment and I honestly don’t even know why.

The other bit I didn’t enjoy at all was the world building. I couldn’t get a feel for anything and Erlik would just appear out of no where and I couldn’t tell how Zerryn would be with some people one second then him the next. Then there were the scenes that felt more real than the actual scenes but then you found out they were just fantasies. It was super confusing and made me lose interest.

Outside of the strong beginning with the dark mystery of the outcast girl with the black eye, I didn’t find myself enjoying much else about this book. I hate not finishing books and I fought to get through this one because I kept hoping that there a light at some point, but sadly I couldn’t keep going. I do appreciate this early read and I’m very sad that this book was not what I was necessarily looking for. I’ll keep the author on my radar for future reads!

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This book originally pulled me in because of title and cover! Digging in a little deeper I learned that the premise sounded incredible, I love anything involving completely impossible tasks and especially love the folklore sprinkled in to this novel. While I did enjoy this book, some parts fell a little flat to me. Because the world-building confused me, I found other parts confusing me as well and would have desperately loved to have a map to look to. I am giving this 3.5 stars and rounding to 3. Thank you netgalley!

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I have a lot of mixed thoughts on this book.

On the one hand, I flew through this book. I was obsessed with Erlik and Zerryn and I needed to know what was going to happen. The story is dark and twisty with so many great gothic vibes.

On the other hand, so much of this book reads like your sub-standard YA novel. The male love interest says something vaguely witty and the female love interest says how much she hates him while inwardly thinking how beautiful he is. The actual writing compared to the dialogue are like reading two different books. I found the writing to be beautiful and descriptive and the dialogue was honestly just awful.

Overall, I think the plot suffers a bit because of the focus on the romance. But I still ate it up.

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All Zerryn wanted was to be accepted by her village. But after being touched with a sign from Death, her only companions lie with stories of the Underworld and tales of Lord Death himself. She finally finds comfort with her grandmother’s village, growing closer with her friend Celik and eventually forming a budding relationship. However, Celik begins to withdraw from her and the village, making increasingly more and more disturbed demands. Zerryn is determined to exorcise the demon the village believes is possessing the boy she loves, but once she is faced with him, discovers he is possessed by Lord Death, Erlik Khan himself- and what he desires is none other than Zerryn. In order to save the boy she loves and the village she has only ever wanted to be accepted by, she must travel to the Underworld and compete in three trials to become the Bride of Death. But the longer she spends in the Underworld, the more her desires are blurred and her path unclear… until even Zerryn herself questions the path she is on.

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. The blurb hails it as a book for fans of Uprooted and The Bear and the Nightingale, and I definitely got vibes of both in this book. The scenes were definitely atmospheric, and I felt like I could have lifted my eyes from the novel and be right next to the characters. It has the feel of a Hades and Persephone retelling, but with its own twists. We have enemies to lovers, a morally grey male character, and a female main character who comes into her own. If you’re looking for a good romantasy tale with some low descriptive spice, this one is for you.

I do wish I had a map. It would have been fun to be able to follow along with Zerryn as she makes her way through the trials. I also felt the beginning of the book was a little disjointed and rushed. I would have loved more details before she entered the Underworld and I was left with several questions about plot points I didn’t understand why they were included.

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Definitely giving this book a solid 5 stars!

There are so many good things to say about this book, but let me highlight a few:

1) THE PLOT! This book's plot is incredibly rich. The romance! The thrill! I got totally immersed in the narration. 🥹

2) The writing style is straightforward and easy to understand. Anyone can enjoy each moment effortlessly and get right into the feels.

3) The world-building is outstanding. The detailed descriptions are impressive.

4) Every character is unique, with interesting aspects that make us wonder what they'll do in each arc!

Minus points?

I forgot long ago what the minus of this book, really

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I really wanted to like this book. It intrigued me from the very beginning and the premise drew me in. However, I found myself putting off reading this book more and more. I unfortunately had to dnf this book. The story felt slow, too slow. I’m a fan of dark fairytale retellings and morally grey villains, but this fell flat for me.

I’ve read that the author has another book in this world and I’m wondering if maybe I read this book in the future with that book if that wouldn’t make me like the book more.

I’m not opposed to trying this book again in the future because the writing is very pretty, the story telling is there but the pace of the book is what killed me.

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I was definitely intrigued by the cover and synopsis of this story that combines fantasy and romance. In the end, it didn't hit perfectly for me, but is still a solid read. I enjoyed the trials, the side characters, the main characters, but overall world building seemed to lack a little. Read this one if you like: enemies to lovers, folklore and mythology, slow burn dark romance, magic and demons. Thank you to Netgalley and Northern Light Press for this eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Zerryn finds herself on a hero's journey to the Underworld to save her village and her childhood sweetheart from the Lord of Death's destruction. To save herself and her village she must win his hand in marriage and survive the Underworld with its many creatures and undead servants.

After the clunky first act, this book really shines in act two. The trials are fun, the character development of not only the FMC and MMC but also the assistant characters is great. Bride of Death hits that beautiful mark of gothic fantasy romance without relying on over used tropes. This book is based on Mongolian and Siberian mythology and was a great introduction to a different myth system that we rarely see in romantasy.

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A fantastical world, where all the odds are against you, the only way to win is sacrifice. Aden creates a realm that whisks you into dangerous times, where you feel helpless against the protagonists fight. Though, as the ploy unfolds, you become her champion almost fighting with her to the very end. Complete page turner. Read and re-read.

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F.M. Aden wrote a intrically and delicious book about the power of good and evil; right and wrong; light and dark. The world she brings readers to is magical and something set apart from other fantasy books being published now.
The rich hisyory of Hungarian gods and mosnters is extremely interesting and something I fully enjoyed reading about in the story, but also researching outside of this title. Aden's writing make the reader fall deeping into the mythical land of the dead and sympathize with a four-eyed and armed god who is seemingly a villain. Zerryn is a strong lead, but also waivers in her beliefs, which makes her very relateable.
The idea of having three tasks to complete made the story more exciting and readers never know what to except.
I fully recommend The Bride of Death, as well as Aden's novel The Court of the Undead, which takes place in the same world.

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It wasn't until I was immersed in the world, that I realised just how much I was going to adore this book. It is all the things I love, The dark gothic fairytale setting for one, from the very beginning I loved spending time getting lost in the bone forest among the dark creatures and spirits. It's also filled with mentions of folklore, such as the irshi, jinn, ubir and uylak. The main characters are very reminiscent of Hades & Persephone, with their warring magical energies of life and death, light and dark.

"The forest released a deep sigh the moment Zerryn entered. It was a subtle shift in the air, the mere sway of the branches stretching to scrape the sky before gently tracing the dirt, almost as if they were welcoming her home. The trees shifted to make way for her like earthen escorts sent to bring her to the demon who ruled their land."

There are so many beautiful quotes throughout the book, including words of wisdom often spoken from one woman to another. I appreciated that our main character was able to forge bonds with women at unlikely times.

I enjoyed seeing the arc of the monster becoming a man in Zerryn's eyes and her in turn losing her innocence and naivete. He wasn't the traditional morally grey leading man we have come to expect from fantasy romance books, mostly due to his hair, additional eyes and limbs but the strangeness of his appearance faded once I became familiar with his character as a reader.

I wasn't totally satisfied with the resolution of the plot surrounding the main character's magic, however, I do feel like this book had an overall satisfying ending. Although the plot or tropes themselves weren't groundbreaking, each stop along the way of the journey brought fresh life to the story through magic, folk and legends, which lent uniqueness to the story and kept me engaged until the very end.

Thank you Northern Light Press and F.M. Aden for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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This book took me by surprise.

Initially, the story unfolds slowly, introducing us to Zerryn in her childhood and slowly unraveling her intriguing connection with Death. My initial impression was to be slightly hesitant as I had to reread the first couple of chapters twice and initially thought that this might not be the book for me.

Ohhhh death am I glad that I persevered.

Honestly, the narrative's pacing occasionally felt off, especially during the first part of the story where we see Zerryn's growth from a child into adolescence into adulthood which was very fast-paced.

I wish we saw deeper dive into Derya's backstory—her origins and her essence remained somewhat enigmatic, leaving me finishing the story and wishing this was a part with further exploration and understanding. I can only assume that Erlik had sent her? But thought it would have been an interesting addition in the storyline for Zerryn to meet her again in the Underworld.

The supporting characters, Beyza and Minay, captured my heart. Beyza, in particular, resonated with me deeply, as a character who I wish I could be friends with. (I know, interesting choice)

And then there's Erlik—oh, where do I start? His moral ambiguity, undeniable charisma, and formidable power, not to mention his four arms and the... possibilities they suggest, had me utterly obsessed.

The building tension between Erlik and Zerryn was utterly delicious, and I devoured every moment of it. While the conclusion wasn't what I had initially hoped for, it provided a satisfying sense of closure, wrapping up this standalone story with a sense of completeness.

Has this book left me on a quest for a spicy dark romance featuring the devil, or rather, Death himself? Absolutely.

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2.5 stars.

I was initially intrigued by this as it was described as a gothic, mythological book and compared to the Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden, which is one of my favorite series. I also thought it was an adult fantasy romance, but it turns out it was not.

I really enjoyed the first third of this book, and it starts out super good, but it changes greatly in the second act. It reminded me so much of Katherine Arden's work, both in tone, setting and characters, so I can definitely see why it was compared to her work. The only criticism I had with the first third is that many year passed by quickly. The story would jump several years ahead, and then begin speaking of events in the past that we didn't read about. It was very much a show versus tell situation.

In the middle of the book we were introduced to a competition that I thought would be more entertaining than it was. I usually love competitions in books, but this one did not make much sense to me. It started to go downhill after this, and I gradually lost interest. The ending was a slog and I almost dnfed it, but because I liked the beginning well enough, I wanted to read to the end to see what happened. Unfortunately, the ending was lackluster and left much to be desired.

At the end of the day, this was an alright book, but I have read books that were similar to this story and much better many times before.

*******From here on out there will be minor spoilers, proceed at your own risk*********

I liked in the beginning how Zerryn was trying to go on a mission to save the innocent boy she loves. However, as she starts to slowly started falling for Erlik I was pretty confused. Erlik and Zerryn have basically no chemistry, and the things he did to make her fall for him made no sense. I did not see how he was appealing to her at all, especially given that he tortured and killed villagers she knew for funsies. Meanwhile, he was still holding her lover boy hostage and she seemed to forget the whole reason why she went to the Underworld in the first place was to save innocent people, NOT fall in love with Erlik, the evil God of Death. I just was not convinced by the pacing or the logic of this book, or any of the relationships. Celik was always a sweet boy, but the end of the book he turned into a completely different person, and also made decisions out of character just to further the plot.

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I am really bummed that I just did not enjoy this one. I thought the setting was dark and atmospheric and the writing was fine. I was just bored out of my mind. I also just didn’t like the characters, I thought they were a little one dimensional.

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For a retelling based on Turkish folklore, this is a weird smörgåsbord of vaguely Turkish, Greek, and Christian lore that I'm not sure mixes quite well.

Full review in link!

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5 ⭐

A heartfelt thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for selecting me as an ARC reader, and while I received this copy for review, my thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.

I LOVED it (this is the first time I've loved an ARC like this)!

"The Bride of Death" by F.M. Aden reads like a romantically dark fairytale, a beautiful middle ground between Winter and Spring. I couldn't put it down – the pacing and storytelling were spot-on, I finished it in a day. I enjoyed how the story embraced folklore, and its most stunning take on a very popular trope, that I've ever read (I don't want to spoil anything). I also enjoyed that I was so engaged in the characters' inner struggles in the second half of the novel (I was legit STRESSING), which truly speaks to F.M. Aden's ability as a writer to immerse readers so deeply in the narrative

I can't praise it enough, I found this to be such a beautiful work.

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Based on Turkish mythology a story of Zerryn a girl touched by the devil when she was young she's able to sense when people are about to die.
The story turns into a quest to save the boy she loves and her village from the lord of death Erlik who set three tasks to complete.
A well written story of light and dark, good vs evil with a slow burn romance

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