Member Reviews

4 stars!
thank you netgalley and f.m. aden for the e-arc!

this was really good! i didn't have much expectations going into this book mainly because i dont know much about the folklore that it's based on but as a book on it's own, it was really well written in many aspects. the characters were diverse enough to feel like actual people and the plot was super interesting and i was really intrigued to see how the story would unfold and eventually wrap up.

if you're looking for a fun eerie, dark romantasy book, i would highly recommend this one.

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For a retelling based on Turkish folklore, this is a weird smörgåsbord of vaguely Turkish, Greek, and Christian lore that I'm not sure mixes quite well. So sadly, this book disappointed for the most part, but this does not mean that it cannot be the perfect gothic book for you. Definitely check out the book description and decide for yourself if you want to give this one a try

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This book was exactly what I was hoping it would be - a great blend of fantasy and mythology! It's a dark book, but beautiful nonetheless.

At the heart of the story is Zerryn, a young woman whose quiet life in a village is disrupted when her best friend Çelik falls under the influence of Erlik Khan, the Lord of Death himself. As rumors swirl and Çelik's behavior becomes increasingly erratic, Zerryn embarks on a perilous journey to save him and her village from the clutches of darkness.

The protagonist, Zerryn, is a likeable main character that I could really get behind and root for! She faces some seemingly-impossible trials (ahh!), and her growth throughout the novel was well-developed and very relatable.
I also thoroughly enjoyed the visual descriptions of the underworld, as it really took me there as a reader and it was a captivating read from start to finish.

I will definitely recommend this book in the future!

** Thank you to the author, publishers and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book! The opinions of this review are mine alone.

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I LOVED this book! Such a unique twist on the romantic fantasy genre and backed by a protagonist you can't help but root for.

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*I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks for the free book!*

I really wanted to like "The Bride of Death", it was compared to "The Bear and the Nightingale" or "Uprooted", so feminism meets a specific fairy tale tradition. In the case of this book, the god of death Erlik Khan from Turkic mythology was chosen, haunting Zerryn as his bride and taking her to the underworld. I enjoyed the Anatolian setting and the change of mythology for starters but that was about it.

The rest of the novel was quite unconvincing. The world building made little sense, the characters lacked chemistry (in case of Zerryn & her boyfriend as well as Erik), all the other characters were just stock figures, Zerryn too was depicted as a bland, frigid country girl with hidden powers who then turns all horny for the evil dude (tons of red flags here). The enemies to lovers was unconvincing and by the end, the novel read like badly crafted and embarrassing smut fan fiction.

I was immensely disappointed by this one and also felt that the way the setting, cultural background and mythology were treated lacked depth and respect. It felt like reading the clandestine dream to have sex with the devil (a lot) after being mistreated and put through trials. Well...

2 stars max but rather 1.5

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When Zerryn's village is targeted by Erlik Khan, the Lord of Death, she will do anything to keep the people she loves safe. But will she lose herself in the process?

I really enjoyed this book! The blend of mythology and fantasy was great, and I love a morally grey male main character. The world-building was pretty well fleshed out and the side characters were interesting (I love Beyza!) I also really liked Erlik, and loced the glimpses of his vulnerability and softness every now and again; I felt this really helped to make him a dynamic, interesting, likeable character.

The author's prose is well-written, and the motivations/intentions of the characters are presented well. I do think the pacing could do with some work, as at times scenes were long and in-depth, whilst others (that were just as important for character/story development) were glossed over in a couple of paragraphs.

The story was fairly predictable, and there weren't any times where I was shocked or surprised at plot developments or character decisions. In the same vein, Zerryn was quite annoying. I understand her innocence and sweetness were a bit part of her character, but at times her naivety was irritating and off-putting. Whilst she did grow throughout the novel, I wanted to see more of her power struggle with Erlik in terms of their individual magics. I would also have liked to have seen more of a redemption arc for Zerryn at the end, instead of Erlik just welcoming her back.

Overall, it was a fun, easy read, and I would definitely recommend to anyone who likes enemies-to-lovers, mythology retellings, and dark, Gothic fantasy! Well worth the read!!

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In 'Bride of Death,' Zerryn embarks on a harrowing journey to save her possessed friend, Çelik, from the clutches of the Lord of Death, Erlik Khan. As rumors swirl and dark forces gather, Zerryn faces impossible choices and a desperate quest for power. With haunting prose and compelling characters, this tale of sacrifice and survival will keep readers enthralled until the last page. A must-read for fans of dark fantasy and mythological retellings of Persephone and Hades

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I am a fan of fariyas work and think she is becoming one of my favorite authors . Fans of one dark window will love this one .
Thank you for the eArc.

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So, this was...ok

This set out to achieve a story I could have set my teeth deep into and devoured, but it felt confused, I felt like the author didn't really know who the characters were, and so, for me, they felt out of reach.

There are several places where the central character, Zerryn, who I liked at first, had a strong core sense of morality and purpose, had her own magic, and was drawn to life and the sun, so I settled down to a Hades and Persephone inspired story, mixed in with Turkish inspirations and folklore. But this kept fading as she was put through the obligatory trials to win the hand of a man/god that she despised in order to save her village, and vanishes altogether towards the end, and here I need to add spoilers:

Zerryn, at the end is filled with death's magic, her own obliterated, much like her village which sees no pity once the people see her changed appearance, claws, black eyes etc, and show her fear rather than mercy. So she takes her vengeance on them, all of her life magic and morals and original purpose gone, because of her desire for Erlik. So she just gives up on herself? The Persephone connection is lost, as was my hope for the story, I was looking forward to seeing how her life magic and Erlik's death magic could be combined, or their partnership formed, but no, she gave up, and she herself talked about Erlik as being fearsome, she knew the villagers would be afraid of her with her new appearance, but still she punished them for it, and she lost herself and me, as a reader, at the same time.

There was nothing in the romance for me to root for, besides Zerryn getting the upper hand or forcing Erlik to love her as she was, and he just didn't, he had to punish her and take her over, and I felt like the whole promise of the story up til then, which had still jumped around a lot, was left ruined. Likewise the man she went into death for, his change to being extremely paternalistic, misogynistic and domineering, happened right at the end, and it seemed forced, just to justify his fate, and Zerryn's final choice, really, I felt like that should have been done through Zerryn and Erlik's relationship, not just by force-feeding the reader into seeing Celik as an overbearing monster in a few sentences. </spoiler>

Anyway, I read the whole book in the hopes it was taking me on a Hades and Persephone journey, I was left with a mixed story of what felt to me like submission disguised as agency, and I didn't love it.

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This was an addicting gothic romance with deadly trials and rich folklore. The Hades & Persephone vibes had me hooked. Zerryn’s character growth from wanting to please those around her to reigning down vengeance was satisfying. The romance between her the cruel Lord of Death was filled with hate to love and yearning. Erlik is unapologetic in his cruelty but soft only for her. Overall, an entice read!

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This was definitely a really interesting book. The start was a bit slow and I possibly wouldn’t have persevered without a friend (who had already finished) encouraging me to. Once the pace increased I really enjoyed the story and the characters. I found my mind changing as the story went on. I thoroughly enjoyed all the mythic and lore in the world building. I would definitely read more from this author.

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SCREAMING. CRYING. THROWING UP! how is something so dark and spooky also so beautiful and telling! I am not usually a dark fiction person but the lore around this world is too good not to share.

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Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for the opportunity to read this novel. I really appreciated this novel from the perspective of someone who enjoys "obscure" (from a Western standpoint) folklore. Asia Minor is a deeply underrepresented region in both the fantasy and historical fiction genres in the English speaking world, and I'm always thrilled when I have the opportunity to read this type of setting. The author treated the region and its folklore with care, and that is something I care about.

Aside from this, the plot, pacing, and characters were well done. I was invested in the main character's story, and curious about her romantic interest. The author captures the atmosphere of folklore in her prose and choices. I think the comparisons between "Uprooted" and "The Bear and the Nightingale" are apt. I hope that this book manages to achieve a wider audience and bring interest to the history and folklore of Asia Minor!

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A story like this is an interesting blend of... well, a lot of things. I just don't think it was for me.

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3 ⭐

This story was not as I expected.
The world building was fantastic and the fairytale/folklore aspect was really good. However it wasn't consistent - it seemed to mix various folklore together, which I did not enjoy. It felt chaotic.

The main character, Zerryn, is wonderful, caring and morally strong. The actual story had a great premise, but I do not believe it was written very well. I spent a lot of time confused.

I'm sad I did not like this book more.

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THE BRIDE OF DEATH was a up-and-down read for me which I think ultimately ended more positive than negative, but which I really hoped would grab me more.
It’s comped to The Bear and the Nightingale, and in the early chapters--where we see Zerryn grow from a baby to her adult self in an isolated, superstitious village--I can really see that connection. However, this section of the book felt very slow to me, and while I can appreciate the atmosphere Aden was trying to build, there just wasn’t enough going on to really pull me through. I do think the comp is doing THE BRIDE OF DEATH a slight disservice. Some of the story elements are actually too similar, and the comp makes that stick out as you’re reading. Aden’s writing is pretty, but she doesn’t quite manage to reach the same level of atmosphere and vibes (as I mentioned regarding that Act 1 set-up) that flows through TBANTN.
The pace picks up once we get to the meat of the story – Zerryn’s trails in the Underworld. The first two trials felt exciting and full of danger, and I was really immersed throughout the second act. The action and adventure, and fantastical world-building here was great! However, with the third trial, and then the third act finale/resolution, I felt the ball was sort of dropped again, and Zerryn’s story ended with a bit of a fizzle.
There were elements of THE BRIDE OF DEATH I really enjoyed, especially the Turkish setting and the way the mythology was tied into the tale. There were shades of an overall Hades and Persephone vibe to story, but mixed in with characters from Turkish mythology, namely Erlik Khan. There was also the idea of Christian vs old word religion butting up against one another (again, The Bear and the Nightingale) but which I thought might’ve been interesting to explore more.
I liked Zerryn’s character – her moral arc/journey is incredibly compelling and not one I’ve seen often. Aden makes some brave choices that make for a truly memorable protagonist.
I think how well reader enjoy THE BRIDE OF DEATH will hinge largely on how they react to the romance plotline and the love interest. While I had no real problems with it, the romance didn’t sing for me. I think regular fans of romantasy or fantasy romance will get more out of that plot element and, ultimately, more enjoyment from the book overall.

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So, i had to force myself to finish reading this book so i don’t necessarily have a cohesive review, more so a bunch of bullet points and notes that i made throughout the excruciatingly long journey of reading this book. fyi, the biggest reason that i had to force myself to finish reading this title, and by default didn’t enjoy it as much, is because it is confusing to read as it is almost entirely in third person. This made it really confusing at times, and honestly just made it seem a lot longer that it actually was.

Anyway into the notes that i made;
- This is a tale of love, sacrifice and the pursuit of power.
- Uses a really interesting mix of folklore and fantasy to weave an incredibly complex world together.
- There is a range of really interesting characters.
- This title will definitely appeal to those that enjoy darker fantasy
- The writing style was very lyrical and beautifully written (if a bit confusing)
- I personally wasn’t a fan of the love triangle. It felt a little bit forced and was just annoying to read about at times.
- I really enjoyed all of the trials. They were probably the most interesting part.
- While the writing style is beautiful, there is a lot of disconnect at the beginning of the book. Lots of time skipping which made things more confusing than they already were.
- It was very refreshing to have a book steeped in folklore other than the usual Greek. Not that there is anything wrong with Greek mythology retellings, i just think that they have become a bit overdone now.

Overall this was an ok story with some really interesting elements, but I don’t think it was entirely fleshed out in all areas. I think for me it would have easily been a 5 star read if it hadn’t been wrote in third person (just my preference) and if there had been more time spent perfecting certain characters and plot points…

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A big thanks to NetGalley and Northern Light Press for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

A book that combines Uprooted and The Bear and the Nightingale? Yes please!

The Bride of Death by F.M. Aden is a fantasy novel about a women who seeks to defeat death and save her village in the process. As a young child, Zerryn grew up on tales of the Lord of Death, Erlik Khan, and his penchant for stealing wild girls. In her small village, she keeps to herself and tends to the temple gardens, spending her days with her best friend Çelik. But when Çelik begins to act strangely and removes himself to live on a crumbling estate atop Mount Ida, the rumors of him becoming possessed by a demon begin to swiftly arise. Each month that passes the demon within him grows stronger, his demands of the villagers growing oddly disjointed and nonsensical. Her chances of saving him become all but impossible once Zerryn learns that it is no lesser demon that has a hold of him but Erlik Khan—a demon of untold power who lords over the dead. It isn’t long before word spreads that he is in search of a bride, and creatures of untold power come before him to rule by his side. Zerryn knows that she cannot take down Erlik without power and she cannot gain power without becoming his bride. But becoming Erlik’s wife is nothing as simple as an offer for his hand. To become the queen of the Underworld, she must complete three impossible tasks or risk losing everything she holds dear.

Hands down, this is a beautifully written novel that is indeed reminiscence of Novik and Arden's works. But at the same time, some of the execution of the idea was a bit lackluster. I just wanted more from this novel. More like, Where the Dark Stands Still more. But maybe that's just me.

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In this story, we actually have the heroine being the one competing for the man this time. That was different. Lol.

This was an enthralling book based on Turkish mythology. The world building was excellent. I also loved the introduction to different mythological characters.
I did not like Celik. Not even a little bit. And my opinion remained unchanged throughout the book.

This book would be best for fans of dark fantasy and romance. Readers who enjoy mythology should also give it a try

Thank you to NetGalley and Northern Light Press for the opportunity to review this book!

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I received an ARC of this book by the publisher via Netgalley in an exchange for an honest review.

DNF @ 50%. The first 25% of this book really caught my attention and I was enjoying the gothic fairy tale vibes. But when the main character meets Erlik Khan, the god of death and king of the underworld in Turkish mythology, the story quickly degraded for me. His character is all over the place. There's a super strong insta-love on his side for the heroine and there's no apparent reason foundation for his feelings. He's also very obnoxious and is a "pick me guy" to the level of being pathetic. It also doesn't help that he's going to be part of a love triangle for the heroine and he's described as having 4 eyes and 4 arms. It's just a little too weird for me.

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