Member Reviews

Thanks to the author and NetGalley for this ARC in return of an honest review!
Under a Summer Skye by Sue Moorcroft is a lovely book, but not my cup of tea. It's a read that I can imagine a lot of romance readers will enjoy, especially in the summer time. The story was a bit slow paced for my taste. Especially the first 40% gave me a hard time to keep my attention. 🌞 Even if this book doesn't fit my romance novel taste, I can tell that the characters are written in a loveable way. You want to root for them, even if they mess up! 3.5✨I recommend this book as an easy read if you're looking for something that's not overly exciting. I can see people enjoying this type of book on a summer holiday at the beach!

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Sue Moorcroft books always make me happy and this one was no exception! I'd been looking forward to this one a lot, partly because the book cover is so beautiful, but also because being Scottish, I love reading books set here and Skye is absolutely beautiful!

This is the first book in a three part series following three sisters, with this one focussing on Thea. She moved to Skye eight years ago to escape bits of her past and now spends her days contentedly looking after the gardens at Rothach Hall, surrounded by incredible scenery.

However, when Deveron turns up, things change. He saves a puppy which Thea promptly adopts, but as she and Dev grow closer, we discover that he has his own secrets, and Thea's past is dragged back up. At the same time, other family secrets come to light and she has to navigate how to deal with that.

This was a lovely book and despite the flaws and mistakes made by the two main characters, both were very likeable too, making you want to root for them and their happiness.

Skye was also a beautiful setting and the author did the descriptions perfectly, I could picture the setting and great weather! It's made me look forward to summer now!

Thank you so much to Sue Moorcroft, Avon UK, Harper Collins UK and Netgalley! 💕

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This is a great summer read set on the Isle of Skye. The scenery descriptions were so real and it just made me want to be there! I loved the characters and the building romance between two of them as well as a great overall storyline. I would definitely recommend this book!

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. I enjoy this authors style of writing and this book was lovely and it was set in a place I have always wanted to visit. Would recommend to others.

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I have always loved Sue Moorcrofts books so was excited to read Under a summer Skye, the first book of a new trilogy following the lives of the three wynter sisters Thea,Ezzy and Valentina.
Book one concentrates on Thea the youngest of her siblings and her story of how she came to be living on Skye and working as a head gardener.
Thea’s life changed irrevocably one day and the repercussions of that event have followed her as she starts a new life on the beautiful Isle of Skye, full of revelations, new discoveries,angst, trust issues and heartache but balanced by friendships of locals and neighbours, family support , love and the most gorgeous little dog, we tag along as Thea experiences life changing experiences and enters a new phase of her life!
So excited to see what books two and three bring to the trilogy.
Thank you NetGalley for this early read.

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This is a lovely story set on the beautiful Isle of Skye, which the author describes perfectly. Thea and her love interest are both appealing characters with flaws. I was rooting for them from the start, and it kept me turning the pages to find out what happened next. We discover that Thea is adopted, and part of the story is about the way she deals with finding out about her birth family. As an adoptee myself, I felt Sue described the mixture of emotions involved in that search accurately. This is my first Sue Moorcroft book, and it's made me want to read her others. I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

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I loved the setting for this book; the description of the scenery was wonderful. However, I did find the story a bit slow and found myself just wanting something to happen. If you are looking for an easy read, this might be for you.

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Thanks to NetGally for the chance to read this book! This is my first Sue Moorcroft book. I loved the Scottish isle of Skye and the beautiful landscape described! Thea and Dev were easy characters to love and root for a happy ending. Told with both perspectives the book kept you guessing with a few twists and turns. The road wasn't always easy, but it brings them together in the end! I enjoyed Thea and her relationship with her sisters and am excited for future books about them. The book has a little spice. Overall it was a great read and a great first book in a trilogy.

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What a fantastic start to a trilogy based around the Skye Sisters Valentina, Esmerelda and Thea on the magestical Isle of Skye.

Prepare to be transported on Thea's journey of self discovery, her history and the trials and tribulations that unfold from that one night that turned many lives upside down. Who can be trusted?

But in the beautiful Isle of Skye where neighbours are more like extended family, the flowers are blooming and the sun shines over the idilic sea will the past ruin any chance of a peaceful and perfect future?

Buckle up for a bumpy ride, tears fell but my heart was left full ❤️ Another fantastic read and I can't wait to return to Skye and its characters in the books that follow.

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Free courtesy of Netgalley

I absolutely love Sue Moorcroft books, and this one is no exception, I always finish her books wanting to go to the place the book is set.

Thea is head gardener at Rothach Hall on the Isle of Skye, she absolutely loves her job and life is easy for her, as she gets to work with her sister, who also works at the hall.

One day whilst she is spending her break, feeding the ponies, an unknown man runs across the paddock and jumps over the fence, straight into a stream, and comes out with a bedraggled puppy.

They both start to change Thea's life as her past, which she thought she had escaped, catches up with her and not in a good way. Is the stranger there to help her or cause her upset or maybe both.... What secrets are they keeping from each other, and can these revelations implode Thea's family

I loved the characters in this book, and you are desperate for things to work out well for them (except for one). I loved the setting and would love to visit Skye to see what it is like.

This book is the first in a trilogy and I am gutted I have to wait for next year for the second one.

I would definitely recommend this book as it is a lovely read

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A new series from Sue Moorcroft is welcome. This book set in Skye; a favourite holiday destination for many manages tom combine romance, mystery and the vagaries of social media in a very readable format.
Thea Wynter is very happy with her gardening job on an estate in Skye. She’s not prepared for the arrival in her life and her heart of Deveron Dowie. It’s made for romance and there’s a cute dog involved too but they both have their secrets and in their own way they are quite devastating.
In real life this would have never got off the ground but this is a novel where all odds are to be surmounted. I have issues with some of those secrets and although I did enjoy the novel the central secret was too much for me. The way this was dealt with did not fit in with acceptable morality for me and definitely felt like it was on shaky ground. I am wondering if this will continue into the next book and if there will be a more satisfying resolution.

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I absolutely loved this story! Sue paints a wonderful portrait of the Isle of Skye and, in gardener Thea, has created a very likeable but flawed character who gradually overcomes her troubles with the help of a good man and a lovable dog. I very much look forward to reading the next books in this series which will focus on Thea's sisters. Maybe she will make a guest appearance as I would love to see what happens to her next.

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Thea has moved to Skye to be head gardener at an estate there. Her sister Ezzie is Assistant Manager there. Thea wanted to get away from all the publicity of when she was on a show about gardening. Love all of Sue Moorcroft's books

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What a pleasurable read this book was. Can’t beat the Isle of Skye as a dramatic backdrop to a romance. The descriptions of the different settings and the characters relationships were exquisite and a joy to read.

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Gosh Sue Moorcroft at her best . This is a first of a series and they are all going to be good, you just know it. Three sisters all adopted and sadly their parents are dead. Family secrets come out and two of sisters have a secret which I did not see. Two of them work on a lovely estate on Skye. The descriptions of Skye are lovely… Their past comes to the estate and their employer is amazing. You have a great love element, gutter press and a fantastic setting.. I don’t want to spoil it. Read it. Fab.

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This was really difficult to put down so much so I was burning the midnight oil until the early hours. I loved the location on Skye - it brought back memories of my time in the area many years ago - Plockton and Broadford. The characters were wonderful and the story made for a compelling read. So much happened to Thea and I loved the twists and turns as the story unfolded. A brilliant setting and a heartwarming story. I loved it. Looking forward to the next book i this series.

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I feel full of enthusiasm for this new series and the first story in the series has not disappointed. I had to read it as soon as I was sent a copy and it went right to the top of the TBR! Thea is an interesting central character and you begin to sense that there is quite a story in her background. Family means so much to her and you can tell that the three sisters are a tight knit unit. With a glorious setting and lots of potential in the local characters, you are hooked from the start. Thea has some vulnerabilities and a built in wariness around newcomers. When a mysterious stranger appears, it takes time for her to lower her defences. This is a novel with interesting things to say about attachment and relationships in adopted children and whether childhood experiences can be moved past. With second chances and a real feeling for the environment, I enjoyed it very much and can't wait for the second in the series

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