Member Reviews

This was really difficult to put down so much so I was burning the midnight oil until the early hours. I loved the location on Skye - it brought back memories of my time in the area many years ago - Plockton and Broadford. The characters were wonderful and the story made for a compelling read. So much happened to Thea and I loved the twists and turns as the story unfolded. A brilliant setting and a heartwarming story. I loved it. Looking forward to the next book i this series.

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I feel full of enthusiasm for this new series and the first story in the series has not disappointed. I had to read it as soon as I was sent a copy and it went right to the top of the TBR! Thea is an interesting central character and you begin to sense that there is quite a story in her background. Family means so much to her and you can tell that the three sisters are a tight knit unit. With a glorious setting and lots of potential in the local characters, you are hooked from the start. Thea has some vulnerabilities and a built in wariness around newcomers. When a mysterious stranger appears, it takes time for her to lower her defences. This is a novel with interesting things to say about attachment and relationships in adopted children and whether childhood experiences can be moved past. With second chances and a real feeling for the environment, I enjoyed it very much and can't wait for the second in the series

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