Member Reviews

Thanks to the publishers and Netgalley for copy of this book in exchange for a review.

This is the first in a new series set on Skye and a nice summer read.

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I really struggled for this to hold my attention.

I have awarded it 3 stars though as it’s likely as much my fault for not being in the right mood to read this kind of book so it would be unfair to give it a low score

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Under a Summer Skye is an uplifting and enjoyable story of secrets and lies, family loyalty and betrayal. Sue Moorcroft blends authentic location detail with emotional drama and plenty of light-hearted notes.

A lovely diversion for a holiday afternoon.

Full review is part of the blog tour with Rachel's Random Resources.

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What a delightful escape! The beautiful landscape, workplace and home were painted with words providing the perfect backdrop for this heart-felt romance. I instantly connected with both Thea and Deveron making me invested in not only their fledgling relationship but their lives. I had to bite my lip at some of the decisions made as I didn't want their relationship affected by poor decisions. I thought I knew where the book was leading but I was wrong. As Thea's life became more complex the desired happy ever after became more elusive so I kept turning the page to see how it could be resolved.
Daisy the dog was adorable and played her part well.
This has to be my favourite Sue Moorcroft book to date and can't wait to read more from this series

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I was so excited to jump into this book, I’m a huge fan of anything Sue Moorcroft writes and there’s extra this time too, it’s set in Skye! I love Scotland, I’ve travelled over quite a lot of it because I love it so much and the Isle of Skye is a personal favourite. I can hand on heart say that Sue’s vivid descriptions do full justice to Skye, I wanted to be back there as I was reading.

Under a Summer Skye is the first book in a planned series, which after reading this I’m hoping that all of them are based in Skye, or at least feature it once or twice. But even if they don’t I will still really be looking forward to them based on reading this wonderful story. There are so many wonderful characters in this book, Thea, Dev, Ezzie and you can’t forget Daisy !

This is an emotional story, people’s hearts being in the right place despite their actions or intentions, the way social media can affect lives and not necessarily in a good way, I love the focus on family and what makes a family ? This is a wonderful read whilst full of love, family and humour, it also deals with complex issues so sensitively such as adoption, drink driving and internet trolls. I can honestly and wholeheartedly recommend this book.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Sue Moorcroft is an autobuy author for me and I’m always excited when I see that she’s got a new book coming out. This is the first book in a brand new trilogy featuring The Skye Sisters which means that we’re guaranteed more of this gorgeous location and fab characters.

We meet all three sisters in this book but the main focus is on Thea, after being the driver in a car accident years ago she left Suffolk to the Isle of Skye with one of her elder sisters, Ezzie, who she now works alongside at Rothach Hall. Thea comes across as a really strong character but the past seems to be back to bite her and you can really sympathise with her - there’s definitely quite a few moral dilemmas that crop up in this and it does make you think what you’d do in the situation or situations to be honest!

I really enjoyed going on this journey with Thea, especially her relationship with Daisy - who is just THE cutest wee little doggie 🐶🐾 and of course I couldn’t leave out Dev… although you can sense trouble happening at some point from the very first time we meet him!

This was a lovely summer read that deals with some pretty tough and emotional scenes but leaves you with a smile on your face and looking forward to the next instalment - or it did for me anyway!

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A gorgeous escapist summer read.
Thea works at Rothach Hall on the Isle of Skye, as head gardener, where her sister also works. The sisters ave left their old life behind, harbouring a big secret. Dev arrives, a former journalist,rescues a little dog from drowning and meets Thea who is expecting a new gardener and mistakenly thinks it is Dev. He takes on the job and a romance develops between them. There are ups and downs along the way. Thea's old life eventually catches up with her and her peaceful life is shattered. Dev comes to the rescue.
The setting on the Isle of Skye is simply idyllic and the author obviously loves the Isle.
A happy must read.

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I received a free copy of, Under a Summer Skye, by Sue Moorcroft, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This is book one of The Skye Sisters Trilogy. Thea Wynter escaped to the Isle of Skye. Thea learns you cannot always escape or run from your past. it has a habit of catching up with you. The Isle of Skye sounds beautiful, an idyllic place to visit or live. This is a good beach read book, I liked it.

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Thea Wynter and her sister Ezzie live a quiet life working at a big house on the Isle of Skye. Thea used to be a bit of a celebrity, appearing on TV in a popular gardening show. Now, she has been very happy to leave that world behind. She loves being a gardener and chooses to not have any social media at all.

Dev Dowie makes his way to Skye to try and find Thea. His business and marriage have both gone bust and he has been reduced to writing tawdry Where Are They Now type articles. He meets Thea when she comes up across him rescuing a puppy. He very quickly decides that he does not want to write the story so does what he can to get out of it.

Thea and her sisters are all adopted and a chance meeting changes everything that she thought she knew about her story. The question is does she want to find the truth now or is it safer to leave sleeping dogs lie. And does she want to take a chance with Dev? And can you really leave the past behind, especially when someone else has a different agenda?

I have read a few Sue Moorcroft books over the last year or so and she is now on my radar for every new release. And when I found out that her latest book was going to be set on the Isle of Skye there was no doubt that I wanted to read it, and not just because we are going to be visiting the island on our Scottish tour in a couple of months time.

I enjoyed the island setting of this book, as well as side trip to Brittany!

This is the first book in a trilogy, which presumably will focus on each of the three sisters. Interestingly, this is the second book about adopted women finding their true identity I have read in a row!

Thanks to the publisher, Netgalley and Rachel's Random Resources for the review copy. I am sharing this review with the New Release Challenge hosted at The Chocolate Lady's Book Review blog.

Rating 4/5

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We begin with a prologue set in the past, where Thea Wynter is driving a car which crashes into a cyclist called Fredek Kowski. She is on TV in a reality/gardening show called Garden Gladiators and has a live-in boyfriend called Ivan.
Then moving into the present day, we see how things have moved on. Thea is 41 now and lives in Thistledome cottage on the Isle of Skye. It’s a lovely community and she has really made it her home. Thea is Head gardener at Rothach Hall, where her sister Ezzie is the Assistant Manager. They are very close and spend a lot of time together. Her other sister Valentina (46) lives in Scotland with her husband Gary and son Barnaby.
Deveron ‘Dev’ Dowie arrives. He is 42, Scottish and divorced from Adaira. There’s a gorgeous part about a dog which brings Dev into the story and one of my favourite lines where the dog is described as looking “like a teddy bear who had fallen on hard times” – awww!
Dev begins work as a seasonal assistant job at the Hall and he gets closer to Thea. Could there be a romance blooming between them? But he is hiding a secret which Thea would be livid about, if she found out.
The Isle of Skye is a truly beautiful setting for a book and is really well described. I have never been there, but would like to now! At least I enjoyed my little trip there through the pages of this lovely book. I liked all the different characters there too, including Thea’s former landlady Maisie and Thea’s neighbour Fraser who are friends, and both in their eighties. I do like to see a wide range of ages in books. Another thing I really enjoy in novels are realistic animals with their own personalities and there are some wonderful animals in this too, especially Daisy the dog, Clive the donkey and Mary, the elderly pony.
This is the first part of a trilogy focusing on the three sisters and although I loved all the different strands of the book, it was their stories that I was most interested in. The three girls were all adopted and brought up as sisters, but in this book, Thea finally begins to find out more about her past, which sets her off on a journey of discovery. I look forward to finding out more in future books.
Overall, it’s a gorgeous book, one that is easy to get into and the kind of book you look forward to picking up again and finding out what’s going to happen. Sue Moorcroft is a delightful writer. You know if you pick up any of her books, you’re going to be taken on a brilliant journey to a wonderful setting and you’ll meet great characters with intriguing stories to tell. Highly recommended.

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Sie Moorcroft never dissapoints. Great characters with depth. Story set in the beautiful place of Skye and a little of it in France. Sisterly bonds and a romance. Can't wait for the next book.

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I adored this one so much. The setting is glorious, with the vivid descriptions of the Isle of Skye making it feel so restorative and refreshing and I immediately added it to my bucket list of places I want to visit.
The story itself is entertaining and the romance that simmers between Thea and Dev is delightfully romantic especially coupled with the locale. And then of course there is Daisy, the stray that brought Thea and Dev together in the first place. Being a dog lover I was drawn to her but she was a character all unto herself!
Thea is happy with her life as head gardener and works with her sister and all is well until Dev comes to town to apply for a job and together they save Daisy and have their meet cute that starts their ride to togetherness. Thea was an easy character to like and there are some surprises along the way for the reader. Looking forward to books 2 and 3 of the series

Thanks to Avon Books and NetGalley for this eArc in exchange for my review.

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Under A Summer Skye by Sue Moorcroft

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


A chance encounter is about to change everything for Thea Wynter.

The moment she arrived on the Isle of Skye, life changed for Thea. Running from a succession of wrong turns, she comes to the island in search of blue sea, endless skies, and mountains that make the heart soar. Here, she feels at peace.

As head gardener at Rothach Hall, life is exactly how she wants it, with her days spent working in the glorious clifftop garden and her evenings in the cosy local village.

But an encounter with a stranger from the mainland brings with it an unexpected turn – and only time will tell if he is friend or foe.

It seems that even on Skye, life can catch up with you, and Thea is soon faced with the past she left behind – and with it, the family she’s never met…

My Opinion

This is the first book in a new trilogy by Sue Moorcroft and it was a delightful read. I finished this in one sitting as it was just so easy to keep turning the pages. With a lovely, peaceful setting Under A Summer Skye was an entertaining read, with some fabulous characters.

When Deveron is introduced as an undercover journalist it is clear that there is a secret to be uncovered but I really enjoyed how it is revealed. From the opening chapters I knew that I was hooked. Hopefully we don't have to wait too long for the next book in this trilogy.

Rating 4/5

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This is the first book in a series about 3 sisters, this one focussing on Thea.

Although romance is not my usual choice of genre, I found it to be a good summer read, a nice bit of escapism and a change from murder and mystery, my usual book choices!

The scenery is beautifully described, the characters are well crafted and while it is a pretty predictable happy ever after story, I’m sure romance lovers will thoroughly enjoy it. 4*

Thank you to NetGalley for the advance copy in return for an honest review.

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This is a beautifully written book which is part of a 3 book series which is based on the Scottish Isle of Skye. Sue takes the reader on a wonderful journey of the Island with a romantic theme but also portraying the Island in exquisite detail. The storyline follows Thea Wynter Head gardener at Rothach Hall ( she used to be a TV personality until she was involved in an accident and needed to withdraw from the pressures of being on TV) Her sister Essie also worked at the hall as an assistant manager. She thoroughly enjoy’s working there and it’s exactly what she needs. But the unfortunate thing is that the past has a way of catching up with her and the details of the accident comes to the surface in an unsuspecting way when a former journalist Deveron Dowie comes into her life working for a website that will threaten Thea’s anonymity. They form a relationship without Dev informing Thea of his involvement to trace her past. I would highly recommend this book as it covers so many different topics. Really looking forward to the second book in this series

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Always a pleasure to read a new story for Sue Moorcroft and this the first book in the Skye sisters trilogy is a brilliant start to a new series.
I loved the beautiful descriptions of the gardens and house at Rothach Hall and the new life Thea and Ezzie had established sounded so peaceful. The details of the work Thea and her team completed in the garden so much of the story.
The sister’s relationship was strong and close and obviously important to both of them and to Valentina.
Emotions ran through out the story as Thea learned the truth about her family and what that meant to her as well as past troubles coming back to haunt her.

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4.5 stars, I really enjoyed this book. Thea was a fantastic character and I really appreciated her want for just a simple nice quiet life. The description of Skye most definitely made me want to go there and the hall sounded amazing. I enjoyed the romance though I really wished they would communicate a bit better but then that's always my wish with the conflict in romances. I definitely enjoyed the side plot with Thea and her birth mother, that felt really emotional. Very much looking forward to the next books in the trilogy.

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Thank you to @rachelsrandomresources for inviting us onto this book tour.

This is the first in a series of 3 based on 3 sisters who have been adopted as babies and their parents died years ago but now after many years their real parents are starting to appear in their life's.

Thea moved to skye with her sister esmerelda but their other sister valentina lives in Edinburgh she is a lawyer and does not know the real reason her 2 sisters moved to skye.

About 9 years ago Thea found a cyclist in the Road she swore she was not driving and got breathalysed and she was fine but the guy on the bike is now a influencer and uses this to make money she just wants to be left in peace and to get on with her life.

But when deveron appears at the big estate where she works and says he's looking for a job as a gardener and rescues a puppy that becomes a part of both their lives can they both move on.

I loved this story and how their friendship develops and how Thea finds out about her mum and how the story unravels I loved all the characters and can not wait for the next book in the series.

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Under a Summer Skye is the first in a trilogy featuring the Skye Sisters.

Thea Wynter is loving her life as head gardener at Rothach Hall on the Isle of Skye, having made the move from Suffolk following a traumatic event nine years before – the intriguing prologue relating to this had me hooked. She has her own cottage, Thistledome, and spends time with her sister Ezzie, who also works at Rothach as assistant manager. However her peace is to be disturbed by a stranger and a rescued dog.

I loved the vivid and evocative descriptions of Skye and the author’s research trips bring the location to life. I’ve enjoyed holidays to Scotland before but have never been to that part however it is definitely a wishlist destination. Not only Skye but also the delightful looking Quimper, across the channel in Brittany, is also a tempting proposition after the story takes us there.

I so enjoyed getting to know Thea, the youngest of the three Wynter sisters. The eldest, lawyer Valentina lives with her family on the Scottish mainland and having had this introduction to the sisters, I’m looking forward to following their stories in future books. Thea was an easy character to like and engage with and certainly didn’t deserve all the unwanted attention she received from someone in her past. Having appeared on TV years before as part of a gardening/reality show, Thea was no stranger to publicity however now she just wants to live privately and quietly. All is not quite what it seems though and there are some surprises along the way for the reader.

As to be expected with a Sue Moorcroft book, there is a rather hot male lead. Deveron (Dev) Dowie, the ‘accidental gardener’ was well suited to Thea. Both may have made unwise decisions but ultimately they were good people with a natural charm. It is clear to the reader from the outset why Dev is at the Hall and I was on tenterhooks waiting for the inevitable fallout. Thea’s story and her history is the main focus here but there is more besides. The family unit is an important part of the story however that may be formed. The question of identity is raised, and how do we become the people that we are. Is it through genes or nurture.

There is more than just romance here with other background themes including the use and toxicity of social media to make money from someone else’s distress. And there is an adorable dog – I defy anyone not to fall in love with Daisy.

This was a warm and engrossing read from an author who never disappoints. With its superb location, well crafted characters, drama and romance, I thoroughly enjoyed this and I’m definitely there for books 2 and 3.

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Sue Moorcroft - Under A Summer Skye.
(Book 1 in the Skye Sisters trilogy)

Welcome to a brand new series from Sue Moorcroft.
As the title suggests, the book is set on the idyllic isle of Skye.

The book begins with a dark and intriguing prologue, that reeled me in immediately.

Fast forward a number of years, and we catch up with tv gardener Thea. Thea now lives a quiet life out of the spotlight, as head gardener at Rothach Hall, on the Isle of Skye.

A peaceful working day is interrupted for Thea when she spots what appears to be a trespasser.
As Thea confronts Dev, his reason for being there is seemingly innocent.
He’s had his own rough journey in life, but what is his true motivation for being on the Isle Of Skye?

The past is soon calling and it could destroy Thea and other members of her family.

There are some wonderful and thought provoking threads to this story. Combined with a warm hearted community feel and a cute canine … what more could we ask for?

I adored this book. There is a colourful mix of characters who all spring into life from each page.

The plot is engaging and kept me reading late into the night.

#UnderASummerSkye is a cracking read! It’s full of warmth, heart, love, family, loyalty and all those special touches that make this a classic Sue Moorcroft novel.

I am not so patiently awaiting book 2 in this gorgeous trilogy.


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