Member Reviews

The book is set on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, and the descriptions of the environment are glorious. I challenge anyone who reads this not to want to hop on an aeroplane and go there.

The main character is Thea, the head gardener at Rothach Hall. When Dev arrives and unexpectedly ends up as one of the seasonal gardeners, the chemistry between them is undeniable.

What is great about the plot is that the reader knows from the outset the real reason behind Dev being at the hall, and it was obvious that sooner or later, this would become apparent and have a huge impact on the burgeoning relationship between them. The author has created a cast of believable characters, not just in Thea and Dev but also in the secondary characters too. Pivotal to Thea and Dev meeting is Daisy the dog, who is a wonderful addition to the story.

Ms. Moorcroft has a story-tellers instinct, and she conveys this on the page extremely well. Anyone who enjoys contemporary fiction will love this book every bit as much as I did.

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Set on the Isle of Skye Thea has moved there to take up a post of head gardener in a bit to escape her past. Along comes Dev who Thea mistakenly believes is there to take up a post on the estate, not realising he could be the one who exposes her families past and secrets. A heartwarming story with twists, turns and romance. The perfect summer holiday read

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This book begins with a particularly intriguing and dramatic prologue – an introduction to Thea and a life-changing incident in Suffolk, nine years earlier – that immediately drew me into her story. We then find her having left her former life as a recognisable face on a TV gardening programme, travelling North together with sister Ezzie, now living a far quieter life while working as head gardener at Rothach Hall on the Isle of Skye – and this book’s sense of place is absolutely stunning, with the most beautiful descriptions of the setting that now nurtures her troubled soul.

We learn that she’s one of three sisters, all adopted, and that fact drives a significant – and tremendously engaging – part of the developing story, with that fine emotional touch that always distinguishes the author’s writing. But that’s not the only strand. A coincidence, an unexpected bit of drama and a touch of heroics brings Deveron into her life – a man who just happens to be in the right place at the right time, who takes up a seasonal gardening job at the Hall, and their friendship slowly develops – but he’s a man with a few hidden secrets, and when they surface it seems inevitable that the trust between them will be damaged beyond repair. But both of them have made mistakes in their lives, and need to handle the consequences – and I really liked the way the writing shared their separate perspectives and moral dilemmas, making them both immensely likeable and sympathetic.

The whole story is an emotional one, beautifully told – and it introduces a number of serious and complex issues, all so well researched and very sensitively handled, while never losing sight of the very real tenderness of the developing and perhaps ill-fated romance. The writing is just wonderful – their relationship was one I really believed in and I found their story compelling, entirely caught up by the unexpected twists and turns in their lives, desperately wanting them to have their happy ending.

There’s a strong focus on family and its many complications, which is something I always enjoy – and while Thea’s own story takes centre stage, I’ll look forward to getting to know the two other adopted sisters better, both particularly intriguing and well-drawn characters. But there’s plenty of lightness to this story too – gentle touches of humour, with much of it arising from the antics of the lovely four-legged Daisy, whose own story also brings a few touches of the unexpected.

I’ve enjoyed every book that the author has ever written, but this was one I loved – the story, the setting, the individuals at the story’s core and the emotional impact were all quite exceptional, and I really couldn’t recommend it more.

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Sue Moorcroft is one of my favourite authors. Her novels are filled with emotion and romance but are always very thought-provoking too. This is the start of a trilogy with each book featuring one of three adoptive sisters: Thea, Ezzie and Valentina. Under a Summer Skye focusses on Thea’s story.

Thea is a gardener on the Rothach estate on the beautiful Isle of Skye. I thought that the author’s descriptions of Rothach hall, the estate, the village, Thistledome Cottage and the Sleat peninsula were wonderful. It really is a stunningly beautiful island and although I must admit it’s not always blue skies like on the cover, it was scorching the last time we went to Skye. This book has certainly put me in the mood for a return visit.

Thea used to be on a tv gardening programme but following a traffic accident, which wasn’t her fault, she wanted to make a fresh start out of the public eye and moved to Skye. She thought her past was well and truly behind her but two strands of her past catch up with her over the course of the novel. Firstly, there’s a journalist snooping about trying to bring the story back into the limelight again. Then there’s a friend of her adoptive mother who it seems might be able to tell her a little about her birth mother.

Enter the love interest, Deveron. Now Dev wasn’t entirely being honest with Thea but as he fell for her charms, he tried to hide what he was really on Skye for. I won’t tell you about that of course, you’ll need to find out for yourself. I felt that Dev was in quite a difficult situation but I was dreading what would happen when his secret came out as inevitably it must.

We really see the bad side of social media in this book and my heart went out to Thea. She only wanted to live a quiet life but it seemed that other people just wouldn’t let this happen. With her story splashed all over the internet again, it didn’t take long for the ‘trolls’ to get really nasty. It seemed that Thea might lose everything she held dear with very li way of contradicting what was said about her or putting her side of the story. Not that she really wanted to, she just wanted to get on with her life.

There was an interesting storyline too about Thea birth family and the dilemma she had about whether to find out more about them or not. Sue Moorcroft really showed the conflicting emotions her characters felt and the dilemmas they had around what was the right things to do regarding their birth families. It’s clearly not an easy thing for either parent or child.

I must just mention too the use of Scots dialect in the book. I felt that Sue Moorcroft judged this perfectly so that any Scots words in the narrative appeared very natural. Sometimes I feel non- Scots authors are so keen to emphasise the Scottishness of their characters that they can over-do it making the characters seem stereotypical and twee. Not so here. I never felt that any of the dialogue of the Scottish characters was jarring in any way.

Having so enjoyed Thea’s story, I am already looking forward to finding out about Ezzie and Valentina. I think the next book will be set around Christmas time so am looking forward to spending Christmas on Skye. Wouldn’t that be lovely?

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This was bitter sweet, a very emotional romance which somehow combined old fashioned living outdoors as a gardener on a historical property and living life with sisters, with the nightmare of social media and clickbait websites. The mix was lovely and done in a rather tender way. The pure love for a new dog, the romance of someone who felt that lift might have passed them by and the raw fear of changes in the story of Thea's upbringing are beautifully told. A real whimsical read for me, with all the perils of the nasty end of journalism running through it. Read this book!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review. "Under a Summer Skye" by Sue Moorcroft is my first foray into her work, but I fell instantly for her writing style and the story was just right for a light summer escapism read. Sue has swiftly made it onto favourite authors list. This delightful romance, set against the stunning backdrop of the Scottish Isle of Skye, offers a perfect blend of warmth, intrigue, and heart.

The story centres on Thea Wynter, who, after being involved in a traumatic accident nine years ago that ended her brief stint as a TV star, now finds solace as the head gardener at Rothach Hall working alongside her older sister Ezzie. However we soon learn that the sisters are hiding a potentially devastating secret, when an awful celeb website dedicated to 'where are they now' stories uncovers Thea's location the sisters become panicked there secret will come out.

A handsome stranger Deveron Downie, a former sports journalist appears in their lives and Thea feels an instant attraction however unbeknown to her Dev was working for the very website that threatens Thea's anonymity.

Their budding relationship is fraught with challenges, not least of which is Dev's own secret that could shatter Thea's trust. The novel beautifully navigates their journey, exploring themes of redemption, trust, and the power of truth. Alongside the romance, the book delves into serious topics such as adoption, drink driving, criminal liability, and the influence of internet trolls, adding depth and realism to the narrative.

Despite these heavier themes, the heart of the book remains its warm and hopeful romance. Thea and Dev's story is one of overcoming misunderstandings and finding new beginnings, and it leaves readers cheering for their happily ever after.

"Under a Summer Skye" is a wonderfully engaging read that has left me eagerly anticipating the next installment in this trilogy. I am also excited to dive into Sue Moorcroft's other works, adding them to my ever-growing TBR pile.

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A lovely romance set in a beautiful location. There were many threads to this story such as Thea’s childhood, her past and Dev’s secrets but they all weaved together to create a great story.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Thea has run away for a quiet simple life in Skye until her past rushes up to catch her. She's also about to learn about her early life and all that might mean. PLus there's a cute guy to get to know.

Aww I do like a Sue Moorcroft novel. I've read a couple of festive ones and they're so good. This was another great one. A sweet summer romance in a gorgeous location. I've always wanted to visit Skye. The plot is interesting and its more than just one story which I liked. I also loved the little twist around the accident. The ending is really well done and finished the story well. Thea is a sweet lead and I like the strength she shows through the book. A fun read for the beach.

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There is a certain inevitability about this book in that you knew immediately girl and boy will hook up, you get that right from the off. However, that was really an non-storyline for the book, it was two other storyline that were the more dominant and if anything, were actually more enjoyable and kept you hooked to read more to find out what happens with them. Three great main characters and the others that pop up were enjoyable too. Definitely a book to take with you on holiday or read with a glass of wine in the winter. Highly recommended.

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Under a Summer Skye was a beautifully written book set in the most amazing, idilic settings on the Isle Of Skye.
Thea and Ezrz moved from Suffolk to Skye running away from a terrible secret . When stranger Dev arrives after saving a stray dog from drowning Thea thinks he has come for a job in the gardens she manages. Dev soon falls for the Isle Of Skye and Thea in equal measure.
Why has Dev come to Skye and can he unwittingly open a can of worms which could change Thea and Eva for ever.
Thank you NetGalley for an ARC of this beautiful book.

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A great start to a new series for Sue Moorcroft, I have high hopes for the other two books in the Skye sisters series. Thea used to be a tv gardener until she and her sister Ezz moved to Skye for a different life. Deveron comes to Skye to complete an assignment he doesn’t want to do but when he meets Thea he finds a way out of his predicament and finds a new job gardening at Rothach Hall and finds a new life. With a lot of twists and turns along the way maybe Thea and Dev can find their happy together

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This is the first in a Skye trilogy about three adopted sisters,with this story focusing on youngest sibling Thea.

Thea is head gardener at Rothach Hall, and is trying to move on from her past. Mistaken identity, a lost dog, revelations about her past and a potential romance fill this story of love and family. There are plenty of beautiful descriptions and some wonderful characters. I love this author's writing, and this story doesn't disappoint.

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I really enjoyed this book. The setting was amazing, the story had lots of elements but, most of all the characters felt real. They had flaws and made mistakes. Thea only had two rocking chairs in her lounge because she was saving up for a couch ,they had normal jobs (in a beautiful location) and not everything went according to plan.
The majority of the book takes place on the isle of Skye which is described beautifully. So much so it has made me want to take a trip to Scotland.
The main characters are the Wynter sisters (all with very grand names) two of which work at Rothach Hall - Thea as head head gardener and Essie as assistant manager. They moved here over a decade ago to start a new life but, the past has a way of coming back to bite you!
Lots of twists and turns , plenty of story lines coming together at the end to keep the reader turning the page.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Sue for an ARC of this book.

This is another great story by Sue. I absolutely loved the setting for this one as I've been to the Isle of Skye with my family when my brother and I were younger. The descriptions of it are spot on. Its a peaceful place and I loved it as a kid.

I loved Thea and wanted the best for her throughout the book, she was a very likeable character I felt.

The details and relationship building in this book are brilliant and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I chose this book as I have visited Skye several times and have a family connection. The author didn't disappoint, it was just glorious and I felt like I was back there.
It was a cute story, with lovely descriptions. It made me smile!
It's a summer must read!!
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A delightful story - the first of three about three adopted sisters. Their parents die young and the girls are left to find their adult feet supported by each other. This book centres around Thea who finds her past is not as straightforward as she was led to believe. Her search for her birth mother forms one strand of this story.

Another centres around a car accident which leads to a cyclist being injured - his fault - but Thea feels responsible and supports his influencer
career. Until both she and her sister Essie escape to Skye for a fresh start.

Add in the love interest, Dev, with his own demons and you have an interesting tale.

Heartwarming. I will look forward to the next instalment.

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I received an E-ARC with a request for my honest review.

This beautiful romance follows Thea Wynter, who is head gardener at Rothach Hall on the Isle of Skye. When she moved, Thea was trying to move on from mistakes in her past and has a found a new home for herself with a job she loves.

A sudden encounter and a mistaken identity with Deveron, a journalist, leads to a new colleague at the Hall. Soon Thea starts to wonder if there could be more of a relationship than friendship.

When the past catches up with Thea she must try and work out how to stop her life being destroyed. With an unexpected discovery about her birth mother to deal with too, Thea feels her life is being turned upside down.

Will Thea find love? Will Thea be able to move on from her past?

This romance is beautifully written and has an added edge of mystery as there are secrets to be discovered about Thea’s past. With the possible lead on her birth mother arising too, there is plenty to keep you hooked.

You get to hear from both Thea and Deveron throughout, which is nice as you get to see both sides of the story and how each is feeling about the situations, they find themselves in.

This is the first book in a trilogy about the Skye Sisters, they seem such a close family so it will be interesting to see what the other parts will bring.

Overall, a beautiful romance where a mistaken identity and secrets revealed may change Thea’s life forever.

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Beginning with a past traumatic event, the reader soon understands why Thea has chosen the serenity and seclusion of Skye, where she works as a gardener at a lovely historic house. Thea has two sisters, Ezzie, who works with her on Skye and Valentina, who lives in Edinburgh. It is a multilayered story with emotional depth, moral dilemma and contemporary issues. The love between the sisters and the pressure of shared secrets are at this story's heart. Thea faces unexpected and unwanted revelations, threatening her life on Skye. Meeting Dev makes her consider romance, but he has secrets, too. I like the complex moral dilemmas, the believable emotional bond between the sisters and the gentle romance and humour that balances the characters' angst and soul-searching.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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I wish I had connected either to the plot or the characters in this book, because there is a lot going for it based on the description. I couldn't get a full picture of Thea - she had been on a TV show, but she hated that spotlight? I just seems odd, that she would have agreed to that to begin with. The secrecy of her current position surrounding her "scandal" seemed odd as well. Deveron lying from the beginning is never a good look, and its hard to really connect when you know the hammer will drop eventually. The setting, the garden, the town, all are beautifully described and very idyllic. Perhaps this one just wasn't for me. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to provide my honest review.

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"Under a Summer Skye" is the latest romance from Sue Moorcroft. This is the first book of a trilogy about 3 adopted sisters, and this one features Thea. Thea is a gardener working at a stately home on Skye, where her sister Ezzie (Esmerelda) also works. In a previous life Thea had been a minor TV celebrity but now she is enjoying a much quieter life on the beautiful isle of Skye. Everything changes when Dev and Daisy burst in to her life.

This story has so many facets, including families, friendships, celebrity, social media and finding your true course in life. The characters are great and the setting is wonderful. I can't wait for the next book.

Thanks to Net Galley and the publishers for the opportunity to review this book.

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