Member Reviews

A very interesting read that mentions somewhat complex topics such as being adopted, but the story was very well developed and that is why the reading is very enjoyable. Thea's character is excellent. First time reading the author and it has been a pleasant surprise and experience.

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The first in a new series featuring adopted sisters Valentina, Esmeralda and Altheadora Wynter. This first one features Thea, the youngest.

Thea was a gardener at a venue which was part of a reality TV show when she was involved in a car accident which had life-changing consequences for Fredek Kowski, the cyclist who was hit by her car, even though he was totally at fault by texting in the middle of the road just around a blind bend. Although Thea initially did everything she could to help him, including appearing in his road-safety videos, the dissection of her life by social media trolls and trial by the internet forced her to withdraw entirely and she ended up as gardener at Rothach Hall on the isle of Skye where her sister Ezz is HR manager for a wealthy Norwegian couple who have restored the Hall and gardens. But Thea's life is about to be overturned, Fredek is gathering a social media following as an influencer and he wants Thea to help boost his numbers, with or without her help.

Deveron Dowie had been co-proprietor of a sports news business until his business partner over-extended them, crashed the business and ran off with Dev's girlfriend. In an attempt to claw his life back from the brink, Dev accepts a commission piece for a clickbait celebrity website which is running a 'Where Are They Now' series. His job is to write about Thea, who is also the adoptive daughter of two relatively well-known musicians who died tragically when she was only a teenager. Dev travels to Skye and gets a seasonal job working as under gardener for Thea, but soon realises he wants nothing to do with the article. If only it were that simple.

I've said this before, I love Sue Moorcroft's Middledip series but when she leaves there I struggle. Unfortunately, this book fell into that camp too. I can't quite put my finger on what I don't love, maybe I found Thea a bit 'wet' for a forty-something year old woman, I could better understand her actions and behaviour if she were twenty-something. Also I found Dev's reasoning for not coming clean to be even weaker than it usually is in such circumstances - again something more forgivable in a twenty year old than a forty year old.

Overall, this was a pleasant enough, fade-to-black, romance set on the beautiful isle of Skye.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley.

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A delightful read that also touches on some serious subjects- evading the law, adoption and the possible detrimental use of media. These are all bound up in the story of Thea , one of 3 adopted children . Cleverly crafted and I look forward to the rest of the promised trilogy

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This is a lovely summer read from Sue. Set on the Isle of Syke, this setting lends itself to beautiful scenery and a wonderful storyline.

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A glorious Summer read! This is the first in the trilogy and I'm already itching to read more!! It has that typical Sue Moorcroft feel, with a lovely setting and intriguing characters and so easy to read, or should that be devoured in one sitting like I did!!

WE are introduced to Thea, one of the Skye sisters who the trilogy will feature, and she's enjoying life as a head gardener on the Isle of Skye. We soon find out what made her move there and what she's trying to put behind her - and so far she's able to do that.

And then things change when Deveron arrives. He joins the estate as a temporary worker to help but there's more to him than meets the eye. He connects well with Thea, and her sister Ezzie who also works on the estate, but you really get the sense he has his own secrets!

This is a story of someone trying to move on with their life, but still unable to escape the past no matter the wrongs they have righted. I really enjoyed the character of Thea as she's a real hard worker, and also meeting her sisters, Ezzie and Valentina, introduces new threads to the storyline with plenty of secrets being revealed and dealt with so I'm excited to learn more about these women and their family goings on!!

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I do like a Sue Moorcroft book and I really enjoyed this one a great Summer read with plenty of loveable characters and as it's the first in a series I look forward to the next book

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Sue Moorcroft never lets you down and I thoroughly enjoyed this. Gardener Thea moves to the Isle of Skye with sister Ezzie to make a new life for herself. Deveron turns up at the Rothach Hall with an ulterior motive but soon finds himself questioning why he is really there. The descriptions of Skye, the hall, the village and all the characters makes you feel that you’re actually there. I got totally invested and lost in this the more I read and finding myself changing my thoughts on each character. This isn’t just a romantic read, it is escapism with twists and turns. Loved it! Thank you to Avon Books and Netgalley for the ARC

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Thea has found peace on the Isle of Skye after running away from some issues that she had previously. But will the peace continue. Throw in a handsome stranger and you wonder how this story will pan out. I love the way that Moorcroft builds her characters and this book proved to be a delight to read.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Avon books and Sue Moorcroft for this ARC.
I have read a number of Sue Moorcrofts books previously and they have all been amazing. I loved this book but have to admit it’s not the best of hers I’ve read. It took some getting into and it’s wasn’t un-put-downable but it was enjoyable.

I think I struggled as I struggled to ‘like’ Thea…she came across as a little entitled and self absorbed. In happy to be challenged on that tho haha!

Would recommend for an easy read romance on holiday!

A chance encounter is about to change everything for Thea Wynter.

The moment she arrived on the Isle of Skye, life changed for Thea. Running from a succession of wrong turns, she comes to the island in search of blue sea, endless skies, and mountains that make the heart soar. Here, she feels at peace.
As head gardener at Rothach Hall, life is exactly how she wants it, with her days spent working in the glorious clifftop garden and her evenings in the cosy local village.

But an encounter with a stranger from the mainland brings with it an unexpected turn – and only time will tell if he is friend or foe.

It seems that even on Skye, life can catch up with you, and Thea is soon faced with the past she left behind – and with it, the family she’s never met…

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Sue Moorcroft has a way of painting with words. This time the story is on the Isle of Skye and you can imagine how it looks and the gardens that Thea is in charge of. The main characters of Thea and Dev, along with their families, are so clearly drawn that they come alive and you can't help to engage with them.
Just right for chilling in the garden or on the beach.

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Another great book from Sue, you can never go wrong with anything written by her. This is a lovely summer story and set in Scotland, I recommend this book to all and give it 5 stars.

Thanks to Netgalley, author and publisher for this ARC

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A lovely, escapist romance set on the beautiful Scottish Isle of Skye, this is a story of two conflicted protagonists, Thea and Deveron. While it has a cosy feel, it doesn’t shy away from some emotional themes around adoption and the things we might be prepared to do in difficult circumstances. It was my first book by Sue Moorcroft, and it’s easy to see why her books are so popular with readers. This one had all the right ingredients for an entertaining romance with plenty of obstacles and a satisfying ending. I particularly enjoyed the opening scene in which our hero and heroine meet, and a climactic scene towards the end (no spoilers!). Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Sue Moorcroft does it again! She never disappoints, always writes gorgeous stories in stunning settings, with extremely likeable characters that draw me into her wonderful books. Under a Summer Skye is set on the beautiful Isle of Skye, and is portrayed so vividly that I really want to go there. This is the first in a trilogy about 3 sisters, and it totally captivated me! As always there is a darker side to the story, and Thea learns that things are not always as they seem, which has far- reaching repercussions on her life. This is a wonderful story about families, secrets, love, romance, and the relationship between the three sisters, set on the wildly beautiful Isle of Skye. I loved it, and can’t wait to read the next story in the trilogy. Highly recommended.

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I was excited when Sue Moorcroft said she was writing a trilogy as I really enjoy her writing style.
This her first in this series is Theas story who is the youngest of three sisters and it is set on the beautiful Isle of Skye. Thea is head gardener at the gorgeous privately owned Rothach Hall, which is open to the public, but it is also a place where she finds peace and contentment. Her sister Ezzie also works in the office there and regularly they meet up as they are both single. Thea has another sister Valenina who resides on the mainland of Scotland with her husband and little boy.
A chance meeting with Deveron as he is rescuing a dog is the start of a turbulent relationship as Dev tries to evade the reason that has brought him to Rothach Hall.
The three sisters are adopted and news that Thea’s birth Mother Ynez who lives in France, has Thea’s emotions in turmoil as she deals with the complexity and decision as to whether she wants to be reunited with her.
I loved this story and can’t wait for book two in this series.
My thanks to Net Galley and publishers for the digital ARC.

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Thank you so much to Net Galley, Sue Moorcroft, and Avon Books UK for allowing me to get the e-arc of this book 💕


Thea and Deveron's love story takes place on the beautiful Isle of Skye, told through their dual POVs. Deveron is a stranger from the mainland and catches Thea's eye even though she's given up on dating. They both work as gardeners at the same estate and Thea helped him get hired. As middle-aged adults, they are figuring out their love story with a cute dog named Daisy as Thea’s right-hand dog! Thea also tries to find her birth mother who left her as a baby. This is a trilogy, with each book focusing on the respective adopted sister's journey of truth and romance.

“He slowly closed the remaining distance between them… Thea met him halfway, heart rate rocketing as their bodies brushed once, then melted together.”

I love how descriptive this book was and it made me feel like I was in the book and it is getting me ready for summer! The romance has a strong plot and the characters are very human-like. The characters were very human-like and I felt like I could relate to them rather them just being characters in a book. Thea was sometimes annoying, but there was a reason behind it. Her life could be quite overwhelming. Thea is such a girl boss and does not let guys speak for her, but she does need Dev at some times. Dev is very caring and understanding toward Thea. We need more men like this in the world. Their first kiss was so cute and is beautifully written. The spice level was very low with closed-door romance. This book is a heartwarming and engaging read that I highly recommend!

This is my first read from Moorcroft but I will be reading more from her and I can't wait to read the rest of the series!

Under a Summer Skye comes out May, 9th 2024 in the UK and May, 14th in the US and Canada!

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Another fantastic heartwarming and entertaining book from Sue Moorcroft.
Another beautiful setting too! Sue really excels at creating gorgeous communities and breathtaking scenery.
Thea is an intriguing and likeable character who I instantly found myself rooting for. I especially liked how she met up with Dev (and Daisy) and how they gradually built up their friendship and helped each other with their issues.
Lots of intrigue happening, and some unexpected twists kept me glued to the story.
As always it’s much more than just a love story, so many other emotional happenings go on and lots of revelations too.
Honestly you really can’t beat a Sue Moorcroft story for feel good moments and a wonderful setting and adorable characters. She never disappoints with her words and I love this new series set in Skye with a cast of amazing characters. Can’t wait for book two!

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This is the first book in this series.
Thea lives on the Isle of Skye working as a head gardener at a stately estate. A past encounter threatens her cozy life.
There’s a lot going on in this book. There’s some family issues, some romance and a cute little dog. For some reason I just didn’t care too much for Thea, not sure why. It does make for a perfect beach read

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When Thea moved from her home in Suffolk to the beautiful Isle of Skye, she was hoping to leave the past behind. Now nine years later she has a job she loves at Rothach Hall and is very much part of the village community.
When Deveron Dowie arrives at Rothach Hall there is an instant spark, but Thea is wary. What is Deveron doing on Skye, and how much can Thea trust him?
As the summer moves on Thea and Deveron become closer, but the past can’t stay hidden for ever and when faces from the past reappear, Thea finds herself torn. Will her summer romance last the course or will the past destroy her future.
A beautiful setting, characters you will quickly warm to and an adorable dog, what more can you want from a book?

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Ooh what a lovely book, one of those where you feel you actually know the characters. Beautiful setting and a fabulous story. Recommended.

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Thea works at a private house on Skye, when Dev turns up for a seasonal job as a gardener. He had another agenda, but fell for Thea and couldn’t write the article he was there to do. Thea has a past and has been enjoying an easy life on the island, but it all turns when an article is written.

This was a lovely story, I found it a little slow to start, but spend up quickly. Full of great characters and the setting was fabulous. A 4.5 star read.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for a copy.

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