Member Reviews

A chance meeting, a new puppy, love found and secrets discovered from long ago all in the Summer on the Isle of Skye.

Thea, the youngest of her Wynter sisters, works as a gardener at Rothach Hall on the Isle of Skye along with her sister Ezz.

A chance meeting with a very handsome stranger who happens to be holding a very sodden puppy brings Deveren to Rothach Hall, but is he friend or foe.

This story has many twists and turns, but a most enjoyable book and the first in a trilogy of the Wynter Sisters.

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This book is set in beautiful Skye where Thea is head gardener at Rothach Hall. Thea meets Deveron who she thinks has come for a job interview but really he is there to do something that could have a detrimental effect on the cosy safe life that Thea has made for herself.
Thea and her two sisters were all adopted separately. None of them have ever known or searched for their birth patents but a chance meeting with an old neighbour sends Thea on a journey that she's not quite sure she wants to go on.

This was a really good read as you're always promised when you pick up a book written by Sue Moorcroft.
It covers adoption and discovering things about yourself later in life. The dangers of the Internet and social media and how it can be used for the good but also the not so good.
How people believe they have a right to delve into your life,to photograph you and to have an opinion of you that isn't true but it can be spread everywhere in minutes.
I was delighted to discover that this book is part one of a trilogy and I can't wait to read part two.

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Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy from NetGalley. Having enjoyed previous books by Sue Moorcroft, I was pleased to be granted an ARC of Under the Summer Sky. Multiple plot strands were woven together well and the characters were engaging. Moorcroft described the setting beautifully, and while it felt a little slow-paced at times, it was an enjoyable read. I'm looking forward to reading further books in the Skye Sisters trilogy.

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Under the summer Skye is the first in a trilogy of books by Sue Moorcroft.
We meet Deveron and Thea on the beautiful island of Skye and follow the twists and turns of their story together.
This would be a great holiday read. The writing is easy and flowing. The characters are interesting and easy to like (with a couple of exceptions). You are rooting for Dev and Thea to have a happy ending. The pacing is steady but never feels slow.
I would love to hear more from Ynez as she introduced a fun lively element late on in the story.
Skye is a wonderful setting and hopefully we get to see more in future books.

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I was delighted to discover this will be the first in 3 books focussing on the Skye sisters and this one focuses on Thea, who is head gardener at Rothach Hall on Skye. As well as the developing relationship between Thea and Deveron, lots of other issues are covered such as adoption and blended families, telling lies for the right reasons, social media trolls and the negative impact this has - all handled sensitively and weaved into the overall storyline. You definitely find yourself rooting for Thea and Deveron, who despite both making mistakes and a whole lot of misunderstanding, are clearly good for each other. A great summer read - who wouldn't want to escape to Skye?

**Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read an advanced e-copy of this book. All opinions are my own **

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Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first book in the Skye Sisters Trilogy, and it's setting up the scene nicely, introducing all three sisters. This book focuses on Thea, head gardener at Rothach Hall on the Isle of Skye. Her sister Ezzie works at the same place. One day a man rescues a half-drowned dog on the estate and Thea, thinking he's a job applicant, gives him a seasonal gardener's job for the summer. However, Deveron Dowie (what a name) is actually a journalist, sent to interview her for a sleazy news website regarding a car accident she was involved in 8 years ago, but cleared completely. Unfortunately, the cyclist she hurt back then is trying to make a living as an influencer and is trying to drag her name up again. Dev is doing his best not to have to write the story, but doesn't tell Thea of his true profession, which is obviously going to bite him over long and cost him Thea's trust. It also means that there is always an undercurrent of dread which made me tense just reading it.

Further topics are the rescued dog and a sudden clue about Thea's birth mother. All three sisters are adopted but it looks like Thea's story is different to what she was always told.

This is a cracking read. Parts of it are predictable but there is enough to hold interest. Also, I've been to Skye and the scenery is just breathtaking. It's like taking a mini holiday in book form!

I also like that she tells us how to pronounce Gaelic words and names, however I didn't like how long the chapters were.

Keep your brain in gear because I didn't, thus I didn't see the twist in the accident story coming as I should have!

4.5 stars

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This is a dream of a book. I read it slowly so I could drink in the exquisite scenery of Skye, and really get to know the characters Sue has expertly created. She is a master at describing a setting so well that you actually think you are there, and painting her characters so vividly you feel as if you know them. Thea and Deveron are flawed, as we all are, and have sometimes made bad decisions but for the right reasons and I was routing for them right away and hoping they could see their way through the maze of misunderstandings, secrets and betrayal to be together. As usual, Sue brings in some complex issues - adoption, alcoholism, internet trolling - handling them sensitively and realistically. The research she undertook was evident in the authenticity of the storyline. The icing on the cake was Daisy, the little dog, and the cherry on top was the beautiful island setting. I can't wait to read the other two books in the trilogy. Sue has written another bestseller here.

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This was another lovely escapist read from Sue Moorcroft. While this book isn't all sweetness and light, since it deals with some very tough, deep, sometimes uncomfortable topics, it somehow still manages to maintain a fun, positive vibe that makes you happy and keeps you reading. I loved the setting, the characters (especially little Daisy the dog!), and the storyline, and very much look forward to the following books in what I believe is going to be a trilogy. A no-brainer for Sue Moorcroft fans, and highly recommended for those who enjoy a romantic, page-turner with some drama mixed in.

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Thank you for allowing me to review this book early.

Another brilliant heartwarming story from Sue Moorcroft. Bringing to life the Isle of Skye and the beautiful surroundings. Where the past invades the present and true love conquers all. A definite must read and guarantee you won’t stop until it is finished

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This is my first book by Sue Moorcroft. I found it interesting, I enjoyed the untangling story line with many twists and turns. I found it a little slow for my liking and found myself skimming parts to get to the next chunk of plot or character development.

I enjoyed meeting the three sisters and I feel invested enough in them as characters to want to know about them and learn more of their back story, especially Valentina as her husband sounds interesting for a few twists.

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Love Sue Moorcroft books and this one, the first in a series set on the Isle of Skye is another wonderful book by this author.

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Sue Moorcroft’s books never fail to impress, entertain and please. This tale is set on the Isle of Skye and has lovely descriptions of the scenery. Both gardeners and dog lovers will particularly enjoy this romance. A most enjoyable read.

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Absolutely loved reading this new offering from Sue Moorcroft.
A very well crafted novel about Thea, a woman who relocated to the Isle of Skye along with her sister Ezzie from England. A new seasonal gardener comes into Thea's life and she goes through a journey of discovery set against he beautiful backdrop of Skye which sounds glorious! I really enjoyed the characters and the backstory was well put together. Looking forward to he next instalment. Thanks to Net Galley for the advanced copy

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This is my first time reading Ms. Moorcroft, and I didn’t really know what to expect. I love stories set in small communities, and the setting of the Isle of Skye in Scotland definitely interested me. And just 2% into the story, when Thea witnesses a handsome stranger rescuing a drowning dog, I was hooked.

Often when I read I’ll pause to look up the pronunciation of a word, because even reading silently to myself I like to pronounce things correctly. I didn’t have to worry about that here, thought, thanks to the author who skillfully and helpfully inserted pronunciations, such as Thea remarking to Dev that when she moved to the Island from Suffolk she thought “Sleat” was pronounced “sleet” rather than “slate” (so did I). And most surprising to me was learning that “Loch” is pronounced with a “chh” sound at the end rather than as “lock”! Who knew?! There are also lot of great descriptions of the countryside, the village, the ocean, the sky. And the author is obviously very knowledgeable about gardening, or did some thorough research on the subject.

Thea and her sister both work at a manor home that is partially open to the public, Thea as head gardener, and Ezzie in administration. In her previous life Thea had starred on a reality TV show, until a collision between her car and a bicyclist spun her world into chaos. But she, along with Ezzie, has made a new life for herself in this remote area. When Dev shows up just in time to rescue that dog, Thea mistakes him for a job applicant, and Dev seizes on the idea and runs with it. He’s actually there to try and secure an interview with Thea for a trashy celebrity website, a job he hates but has taken out of financial need. The thought of spending the summer on Skye, working with his hands in the gardens instead, seems like heaven and an opportunity too good to pass up. But the purpose of his original mission has already set wheels in motion, and he spends much of the book trying to do damage control and agonizing over whether or not to confess the truth to Thea. I loved Dev, but at times I wanted to knock him on the head and tell him he needed to come clean. I often had a feeling a dread, for of course the day of reckoning would come eventually.

This was a truly delightful read, that touched on some deep issues, as Thea, who was adopted, also deals with learning who her birth mother is. The secondary characters are not necessarily fleshed out well, but I was so caught up in Thea and Dev, and Ezzie, and eventually Thea’s birth mother, that I didn’t care. And the little dog, Daisy, who is a joyful character in her own right. I gather that the second book in the series will be Ezzie’s story, and I am eagerly looking forward to it.

*Received via NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed*

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I did enjoy this easy-to-read romance, the story flowed well and I quickly became involved in the story. Set on the Isle of Sky Thea Winter works as a gardener at Rothach Hall, doing the job she loves away from all the stresses of modern life and social media. Thea's past catches up with her and she has to deal with a lot of changes in a short space of time.

I liked Thea and her sisters, as well as the other characters in this story, well most of them, anyway. As with all books in this genre, lack of communication is always the theme and this book is no exception.

If you are looking for a nice easy romance, with good characters, great scenery and some twists along the way then I recommend you pick this on e up. This is the first book in a trilogy about the sisters and I will be reading those as soon as they become available.

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I found this to be very formulaic and predictable. Man meets Woman, falls for her but has a secret that will hurt her. The worst happens, but he redeems himself and they all live happily ever after. I thought the characters were rather one dimensional and I didn’t particularly warm to any of them. Having said that, I was happy enough to read the whole book and it was a beautiful setting for a story.

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Another fabulous read from Sue. Thea and her Sister work at Rothach Hall on the Isle of Skye . They settle there enjoying the beautiful scenery surrounding the beautiful house and become friends with their colleagues and the local community. Unfortunately as often happens their past catches up with them. The story looks at this from each character’s point of view and is fascinating building up to a wonderful ending.

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Well written and enjoyable frippery.*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

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This is one of my favourite authors and I couldn’t wait to start this and read it in almost one sitting.

This was a very poignant read which covered a lot of sensitive issues and had engaging characters and the story was encased in the beautiful setting of Skye. Reading this has made me want to visit this idyllic sounding setting.

I was excited to discover that this beautiful book is the .first of a trilogy and can’t wait to read more on what the sisters and the other characters get up to in the next instalment.

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I have been a fan of Sue Moorcroft's novels for a long time and loved this the first in her new Skye Sisters series.

A tale of complex relationships, past secrets and true modern life problems. As usual in a Sue Moorcroft story, there are also some serious issues raised such as drinking, adoption and internet bullies. I thoroughly enjoyed this read, even if Sue did keep me on tenterhooks and reading on frantically waiting for the big bombshell to drop.

Loved the Isle of Skye setting, was on Thea’s side from page one and didn't want Deveron to lose the chance of a relationship with her (although I think I might have been less forgiving than she is in the novel). Even related to the dog, Daisy and her part in the book.

Now can't wait to read the rest of the series.

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