Member Reviews

I loved this one. Although I didn't get every single thing about de details what happend in the lab, which isn't the main information you need. Reading the first chapter I thought it would be the most predictable story I've read recently, but then came chapter two. The story is written out of perspective from Clara. She brings us along in her thoughts, her conversations with coworkers and with Hot Henry. I loved the fact that the story takes place several years later and that there are secrets en suspense about what happened in those years. Further along in the story there's more depth to the story. This just came perfectly at the time I wanted something more from the story. Due to the fact the story is fast-paced, keeps the reader entertained and the probably predictable end I needed two days to finish this book. I liked it! If you're looking for a steamy book, this aint it. It just has a couple of pages with some light steamy paragraphs. But the story between Clara en Henry is just too cute not to read. It feels like an office romance and the chemistry between Henry and Clara is adorabel.

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A perfect, second chance STEM romance. Clara and Henry meet in Oxford while finishing up their degrees, lose touch, then meet again seven years later. Their romance builds slowly as Clara is completely obvious to Henry's flirting. Strong female friendships, office mishaps, and plenty of banter.

Single POV, Spicy, Slow Burn, Workplace Romance, Women in Stem, He Falls First & Harder, Second Chance, Female Friendships

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In a world where STEM romances often tread familiar ground, this book shines with its slow-burning allure. Clara, with her intelligence and endearing quirks, feels like a breath of fresh air in the genre. Her occasional clumsiness and sarcastic wit make her relatable and authentic, drawing readers into her world effortlessly.

Henry, the epitome of a perfect partner, complements Clara beautifully. Their rekindled connection after years apart sets the stage for a romance that unfolds gradually, filled with banter, vulnerability, and heartwarming moments.

While some may crave more suspense or emotional intensity, this story stands out for its simplicity and sincerity. It's a tale that doesn't rely on overused tropes but instead focuses on genuine character development and connection.

Overall, this book is a delightful read, especially for fans of STEM-themed romances. Kudos to the author for crafting a story that feels both familiar and refreshing.

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The Hot Henry Effect is a sweet, slow burn, and brainy second chance, friends-to-lovers rom-com - a fun and easy read.

The main characters, Clara and Henry, met during their time at Oxford where Clara had been tasked with mentoring Henry, a task that seemed quite difficult as we are introduced to an annoyed Clara trying to guide a hapless Henry in the first chapter. As they grow closer together Clara remains oblivious to Henry's affection, promptly believing that she is immune to the Hot Henry Effect. They are reunited seven years down the road, now as colleagues, and Clara's previous immunity seems to be dwindling, and fast. We follow along the characters as they find their way back to being friends, and only friends, right?

This book is cute and enjoyable, although a bit too heavy with the pop-culture nicknames and might need a trigger warning for SA, a plot line I feel didn't do much for the story. If removed, would it look any different? It follows the same theme as most things in this book; it feels unfinished, several plot lines were brought up and explained but never followed through with, and some heavier issues might have needed to be treated with a bit more care to make them not only more, for a lack of a better word, believable, but also more relevant to the story.

Thank you NetGalley for sharing this book's ARC with me.

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Thank you so much to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the free copy provided in exchange for an honest review! (I guess ?)

okay well, to put it plainly this sucked. I don't know how it turned out as bad as it was, but good lord,
Issue number one: Clara our main character. When I see reviews that are complaining about the main female lead I usually just equate it to internalized misogyny. But this time I believe any slander on the character is understandable. Clara was at first quirky, then quickly descended into being immature and poorly written. We got a dump of information within the first chapter which read more as a character summary than an introduction to a book. She has supposed daddy issues, however we never got any flashbacks or a proper look into this past that has traumatized her so badly. She mostly came off as whinny but then quickly reaffirmed that she doesn't need therapy because she doesn't want to pay to talk to someone and she already knows what her issues are. Maybe it's because I'm studying to be a psychologist but this was very irritating considering she is a scientist, and it seemed slightly unrealistic that she would have such closed off views to therapy.
Issue number two: None of the relationships seen began on-screen. There was no build up, this book felt like it began in the middle of the story and not the start. I didn't have any faith in any of the friendships or romantic relationships because I was just told how they developed instead of shown. This was also a constant issue with other parts of the book, Henry having a failed marriage that came out of no where? An assault/ stalking case that wasn't really treated with the care that it needs? The childhood trauma, briefly saying someone has abandonment issues does not count for actual back story people!
Issue number three: dialogue and writing style. I don't have much to say other than it sucked, there was not much flow. I struggled to get through this book it was exhausting to get through each chapter. It was also much longer than it needed to be.
I was really excited for this book the premise sounded promising and I'm a massive fan of all of Ali Hazelwoods works and thought this may be similar, but I was extremely disappointed with how this was executed.

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♡ Friends to Lovers
♡ Work place romance
♡ Slow burn
♡ He falls first
♡ Second chance

The Hot Henry Effect by Lucy Chalice is a feel good romance with single pov following main character Clara. I love books that feature STEM and have been looking for a few recommendations of books that feature STEM so I was so excited to read this book and it definitely did not disappoint !

This book had, Laugh out loud moments, slow burn, a little miscommunication it was so cute and wholesome and I loved both Clara and Henry and I loved them even better together.
From the very start of the book I knew The Hot Henry Effect was going to be a new favourite. I could see the chemistry between Clara and Henry from the very start which is usually rare in some books.

I find the friends to lovers trope so sweet and it was done so well in this book.

The book was a good pace and I was engaged in the story from start to finish.

The authors writing style is engaging making this book an easy read. I cant wait for Fundamentals in Flirting to come out and I cant wait to see what more this author has to bring in the future !

*Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for providing me this Arc in return for an honest review*

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I really liked the whole premise of the book, I think the writing for me felt a little to similar to other stem science romance books I have previously read. I found that some parts did have the potentially to grasp my attention but they didnt.

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Women in STEM is definitely something we need to see more of and I am so grateful The Hot Henry Effect took this on in such a fun way! After an embarrassingly bad work presentation, Dr. Clara Clancy comes face to face with an old (and extremely handsome) colleague from Oxford, Dr. Henry Fraser, where the evidence has always been clear that he is swoon worthy…I could go on and on with scientific puns but I’ll leave it with the chemistry between Clara and Henry is just wonderful! This breezy rom-com is definitely worth picking up!

Review is on Goodreads and will be posted to Instagram ahead of publication!

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This was such a cute, fun read! if you like reading he falls first, friends to lover romances, then this is the book for you. An extremely well written debut novel, The Hot Henry Effect is a thrilling, funny, angsty romance that will leave you smiling and content.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Hot Henry Effect by L. Chalice, published by Harper Collins UK/ One More Chapter, is a witty and fun read.
Henry and Clara are great together and I loved reading their story.
When a mishap with a pastry ruins the presentation of Dr Clara Clancy, the last person she expects to come to her rescue is the guy from her university days, Dr Henry Fraser.​
Back during their time together at Oxford, Clara was seemingly the only person immune to The Hot Henry Effect – a genuine scientific phenomenon whereby those around Henry fall instantly.​
Now, reunited and back working together, it’s not long before they slip back into their easy friendship. But both Henry and Clara are keeping secrets.

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Need a rom-com that will have you swooning and laughing out loud? This book is for you!! The book follows Clara and Henry falling back into friendship after 7 years of silence. But if they are both being honest, friendship is not the only thing either of them want out of this relationship. Will working together make them realize what was there all along?
I absolutely adored this book and will be preordering it asap. It is perfect for Ali Hazelwood fans looking for another science romance! This book was everything that I want in a science-themed romance. There was banter, pining, swooning, and of course a little spice at the end. But there was also pain, heartbreak, and healing to balance it out perfectly.

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If you're a fan of Ali Hazelwood books then this is definitely for you. It has similar aspects but it takes place in the UK. The main characters are likable and the plot flows nicely. Henry is definitely a golden retriever boyfriend and I'm a million percent here for it. A very easy and fast read with just under 300 pages.


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I love any book that involves women in STEM <3 This book was so fun to read and it made me laugh so much. Love the slow burn and angst that Henry and Clara had. Will definitely be recommending this to my book group

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Well, this was a great feel book book!! I absolutely loved it (for what it was). I'm rounding my rating up to a 4-star but it is definitely more of a 3.5 rating for me. It's a quick read that puts a smile on your face.

The FMC, Clara, has a very [book:Bridget Jones’s Diary|227443] quality to her. Very single, spinster cat-mom who doesn't have enough faith in herself to open her heart but has an amazing ability to really put her foot in her mouth.
Our MMC, Henry, is the equivalent of a nerdy male GQ model and is oblivious to his swoon-worthy appeal from the opposite (or same) sex.
They originally met at the ripe age of 25ish while attending Oxford for a doctorate. They eventually became friends but, once school ended, they parted ways and lost touch. Fast-forward 7 years later fate has brought the two companies they work for (or own) together and they rekindle their friendship. However, it turns out that Henry never wanted just a friendship but he was too scared to confess his true feelings. Clara was just too blind to even notice that she was the object of Henry's affection and let her low self-esteem convince her that they were nothing more than friends. With time, some courage, and perspective, they finally confess their feelings and get together.

Of course, we have some drama in the mix. It can't be all happy tales or the book would be utterly boring. So, let's throw in Dominic, a co-worker of Clara's and a total creep. I immediately thought of the character "Sean" from [book:Circle of Friends|41977] (Alan Cumming version). Total creep and he should have been punched or slapped more than just once. We also have Henry's ex-wife in the story, and while she is a lovely person, I was hesitant to accept her at first. I feel very bad for her, setting her sights and hopes on someone who was always in love with someone else.

The easy banter and comfortable friendship between Clara and Henry is easy to get sucked into. You can tell that they love each other and respect their friendship. I originally thought the book was going to be a closed-door romance but I was mistaken. We have a 1 on the spice rating. Not much, but just enough to know that there is chemistry between them. I also have to say that the book is very British. The emails between the MCs are very posh British and correct. If the spice rating had been a little higher, maybe we would have gotten a dirty text occasionally but no, it was kept low-key.
This is the first [author:Lucy Chalice|43808956] book I have read and I enjoyed it. Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC copy.

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This was absolutely fantastic! I loved the friendship between Henry and Clara, how he never pushed her for "more" without looking like a lapdog.
They were genuinely adorable and lovable people, mature and all-around fantastic.

The only reason I'm not giving five stars is that 90% of the book describes their friendship, I wish we could've seen more of them being a couple, maybe on a date or something intimate. Without spoilers, it wasn't particularly thrilling that the last scenes of the book saw them with other people. I would've liked to see more, maybe using another time jump like in the beginning.

Overall, this is a wonderful, beautifully written, and with amazing characters!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Cute read. A little far fetched as far as Clara having abandonment issues and warns Henry she can’t love anyone back but within 24 hrs of missing him she’s all in. It still was a great romcom. I can’t wait to see what Teddy ‘s story brings. Thank you to Neltgalley for this free, advanced copy and exchange for my honest opinion.

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This was a sweet read! I loved the characters - Clara and Henry are great! I loved the dialogue and all their interactions. It's a lighthearted story, perfect for a cozy night in!

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Absolutely brilliant, loved it. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me an advance copy, I will definitely be recommending.

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Characterisation was a little off - the leads came across a little juvenile considering their age and high profession. It was also a tad bit too slow, but it does have a great plot, and a nice sense of humour, with brilliant secondary characters,

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This book was a really fun and lighthearted romance that I adored. I loved the women in STEM rep. Clara and Henry got off to a rough start and it was fun to see their progression. I recommend!

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