Member Reviews

“I love you with all my heart, no matter how damaged it may be. I want to spend the rest of forever trying to be enough for you, trying to make you as happy as possible. All I ask is that you continue to be you. Because, I have finally realised, it’s always been you.”

This book was a really fun, easy read for me! It made me laugh on multiple occasions, and didn’t feel like it was trying too hard to be funny while using modern references. If you’re into STEM romance, and Ali Hazelwood-esque type of books then this book is definitely for you.

The Hot Henry Effect is a second chance, friends to lovers romance. Henry was an engineering PHD student that Clara had been asked to take under her wing during the time she was conducting experiments for her own PHD thesis. Henry was enamored with Clara, who was oblivious and put him in the friend zone. After they went their separate ways, they get a chance to reconnect when their work brings them together yet again. But the question is, will this time be any different?

Clara’s character was so real and relatable. She was so self-deprecating and always tried to turn to humor to cope with her trauma and uncomfortable feelings to the point where you wanted to shake her. She was a perfect portrayal of how our defense mechanisms can get in the way of the good and the bad in your life. I did feel as though Henry’s character was a little surface level though. Even at the end of the book, it felt like the only “personal” things I knew about him were that he was hot and an engineer.

There’s only one open-door spicy scene in the book. It wasn’t life changing, but also wasn’t terrible. The only thing that really made me cringe inwardly was the word “squelching” being used multiple times.

➝ Slow burn
➝ He falls first
➝ Second chance

Thank you NetGalley, the publisher One More Chapter (Harper Collins UK) and the author Lucy Chalice for the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a great slow burn work place romance. The banter was very cute and I really enjoyed this book. I would highly recommend this book.

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Will admit, this was a judging by the cover situation - I thought it looked so cute and gave it a go. Glad I did, was a cute quick read that's quite light.

Weirdly I am in the minority who doesn't mind the miscommunication trope... so I didn't mind this aspect at all!

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⭐️4.25 🔥1.5

💘Unrequited love
❤️‍🩹 Second chance
❤️‍🔥Slow burn
🫀Workplace romance

“You are enough, you've always been enough, and I want you, I love you, just like you are…”

I really enjoyed this book! It had a classic women in stem Romcom vibe (think, Ali Hazelwood). I devoured this in a few hours. The story is single POV following Clara, a scientist who did her PhD in stem cell research. During this she ‘babysits’ Henry, an engineering PhD student who is trying to gain experience for his dissertation, and is kind of a walking lab disaster. Fast forward seven years, and their professional paths cross again under different circumstances. Henry, now the CEO of a on a company pioneering some heart valve tech, collaborates with the pharmaceutical company Clara works for. I was really desperate to see these two incredibly smart, but incredibly clueless nerds get together.
The way Henry loved Clara, was so endearing. I truely adore him. I want him as my own. He must be protected at all costs, but also he can protect me any day. I think Clara’s character development really absolved her of the crime of “oh my god, you can’t be that clueless.” Her journey from skepticism to opening her heart again is well-portrayed, giving her character depth and relatability.
The banter was sweet. The side characters were wonderful.
The sticky notes!!!! My heart.
This book really had so many moments that were, as Clara puts it, “Swoony”

I think that it may have been marked on NetGalley as erotica, so I definitely wish it was a little spicier.
While the spice was there, it was mostly sweet and frequently interrupted 😅
So, while I feel like I was a little robbed of the quantity and calibre of hot Henry smut that I so desperately wanted; I think that it being a lil goofy, kinda fits them?
Side note: This may be just a me thing but I don’t think “squelching” or “squelchy” should ever be in spicy scenes, not to mention if the protagonist describes them as “off putting”🫣

I hadn’t seen any content/trigger warnings for this but be aware that there is sexual harassment/assault that features moderately as a part of the story. I actually felt very relieved that it was handled properly by staff in the aftermath.

In summary, "Hot Henry Effect" is a really classic slow burn, rom-com in a STEM environment. It had of intellect, humor, and heart, with just a sprinkle of spice. If you like sweet, swoony, protective nerds, or a second chance at unrequited love, I think you'll enjoy this.

I received an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review. I extend my gratitude to NetGalley and the publisher for this opportunity.

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This was a fun read! I struggled to LIKE the main characters, but that somehow made the story more… likeable? I’d love to read more from this author. Really enjoyed the STEM setting, side characters, and slow-build story. Thanks for the ARC!

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I was thoroughly entertained from start to finish. This book had the perfect blend of romance, humor, and relatable characters that kept me hooked until the very end. The story follows Dr. Clara Clancy, a brilliant scientist who is on the brink of a major breakthrough in her career. However, a mishap with a pain au chocolat threatens to ruin everything. Enter Dr. Henry Fraser, Clara's former university classmate and the epitome of the 'Hot Henry Effect' - a phenomenon where everyone around him falls in love with him, except for Clara. As they reunite and start working together, old feelings resurface and secrets are revealed, leading to a rollercoaster of emotions and a question of whether Clara can resist the Hot Henry Effect.
One of the things I loved most about this book was the chemistry between Clara and Henry. Their banter and easy friendship made their relationship feel natural and realistic. I also appreciated how the author delved into the effects of fame and how it can impact relationships. The characters were well-developed and I found myself rooting for Clara and Henry to overcome their obstacles and be together. Chalice's writing style is witty and engaging, making it easy to get lost in the story. The plot was well-paced and kept me invested from beginning to end. I also enjoyed the Oxford setting and the insight into the world of academia.
Overall, it was a charming and heartwarming read that I would highly recommend to fans of contemporary romance.

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The Hot Henry Effect caught my attention because of my interest in all things Ali Hazelwood lately. The women in STEM vibe was strong in this book and I loved that it gave another perspective on women in science while still looking at the patriarchal structures. Henry and Clara had been friends while doing their PhD studies at Oxford where Clara mentored Henry, an engineering student, in cell cultures. Seven years later he has his own company and it is working with the company she works for to make heart valves.

This is a classic friends to lovers, mutual pining, slooooow burn with some spice when they finally figure it out. Clara has some serious wit but is honestly clueless and frustrating because as much as Henry is putting out some serious male protective vibes she keeps explaining off his advances because she is too broken and other women keep fawning over him. Henry is seriously sweet but needed to step in way earlier and make his intentions clear. This dynamic would normally annoy me and yet for some reason unbeknownst to me I was riveted and rooting for them from the start. I could not put this one down. It was the strangest thing because I thought for sure about a quarter of the way in that this was going to be a tough one for me to finish but somehow I liked the book. The author made her characters so lovable together that I just kept reading and reading despite all my other responsibilities. Looking forward to book two in this series and overall good read.

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This took awhile for me to really get into. The premise of two colleagues that were in love with each other was good. Yet, the execution of the story was a bit boring. Even the best friends couldn’t save this story. I liked the ending though. Overall, it was just okay. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for my ARC in exchange for my review.

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The Hot Henry Effect by Lucy Chalice was a fun read and had me cheering for both the main characters from the beginning. (I was like Henry in the lab - horrific!)

Clara is a scientist who just wants to finish an experiment when she is stuck with Henry as a student in her lab. He's disastrous and clumsy (not totally because he's clumsy, he has FEELINGS for Clara) and ends up putting her thesis back a few weeks/months while they straighten out the mess he's made of the lab and the dwindling supply of stem cells.

Fast forward several years and Clara is a scientist who is dealing with misogyny and just plain old jerky men when she meets Henry at her job - he's the engineer that she has been copied in emails on and is a very big deal in their industry and she didn't recognize him because he wasn't going by his preferred name, but his legal name. Her employers put her in charge due to her relationship with him and then LET THE ROMANCING BEGIN.

I won't spoil the plot, but they have to overcome childhood insecurities, fear of losing the friendship they've rekindled and so on before they find their way to each other.

I really enjoyed the book and am so thrilled when STEM books come out.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in consideration of an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Great to have more STEM books with a female lead. Enjoyed this story and thought the main female character was fantastic. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This book had me giggling and kicking my feet I can’t even lie!! I adored the fluffiness between the two MC’s, although sometimes I felt like the miscommunication aspect and the FMC saying she ‘wasn’t good enough’ got a bit frustrating at times.
I really liked the happy bits we got when the MCs eventually got together🫶🏻
Perfect for STEM romance lovers.

Thank you NetGalley & OMC for the ARC in return of an honest review.

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The cover art is perfect, the premise is good, I enjoyed the banter and the 2 main characters, but some bits put me off. I could have done without certain phrases used so repetitively. Ex: caveman/woman, cartoon/comedy villain, squelchy (though only used twice it helped make the only spicy scene very unsexy), etc. It was a SLOW burn with a bit of forced relationship yoyo but the leads were a fun and sweet duo. I would definitely read the next in the series to see if it is hit or miss for me as this one straddled that fence.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. Light read with an HEA, love that the fmc was in STEM and her voice reflects that well. I definitely clicked with the author's dry humor, and the writing style very much fits the character. It's like Ali Hazelwood but with fewer interpersonal and power imbalance problems, although the interpersonal issues are definitely there. Very slow burn, mmc hot nerd who fell first, fmc fear of rejection. Very relatable concept of distancing yourself in relationships in order to avoid rejection, leading to misreading and discounting other's feelings. Could Clara really have been so clueless as to how Henry feels, or is she just that mired in her (mistaken) feeling that she's too broken to love? I'm very glad she figured it out in time (and before I got too much more aggravated with her, because I was ready to shake her by the two-thirds mark in the book). Clara and Henry are adorable together. Multiple turns of phrase in the story made me snort-laugh, which was delightful. I'm looking forward to reading more by this author!

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I unfortunately did not enjoy this book. In fact, the only reason I didn’t DNF was because it was an ARC.

The book says nothing, goes nowhere. We only get some semblance of a plot over 200 pages in. Even then, it’s bare bones.

An SA plot thrown in only to give the hero an opportunity to save the female lead is certainly a horrific choice, and not one I would have made. And the main character is incredibly tiresome. Being in her head was a tough job.

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This is an arc review through NetGalley.
From @onemorechapter

"The Hot Henry Effect" by Lucy Chalice is a delightful read for anyone craving a lighthearted romantic comedy. Personally, I found the writing style to be quite enjoyable—it flows smoothly and keeps you engaged throughout.

What sets this book apart is its ability to delve into internalized trauma while maintaining its light-hearted tone. The way it tackles uncomfortable situations with humor, without trivializing them, adds depth to the story.

If you're a fan of fluffy feel-good romance with a swoon-worthy hero, then this book is definitely worth picking up.

Additionally, I believe the author has a talent for contemporary storytelling. She adeptly captures complex emotions in a clear and beautiful manner. If she were to explore more serious themes outside of the rom-com genre (though don't get me wrong, I love a good rom-com), I think she could create something truly compelling.

Overall, "The Hot Henry Effect" offers a perfect blend of romance, humor, and emotional depth. Can't wait to see what Lucy Chalice writes next! 📚💕

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omg this
this is a super cute rom com. It's a he falls first but she falls harder, friends to lovers romance. If you're a big fan of Ali Hazelwood and STEM romance, then this book is definitely for you.

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If you are fan of STEM romance and slow slow slow burn without to much smut run do not walk R U N !
Henry and Clara first met when they were both PHD Students at Oxford. She was tutoring him and they just clicked and became friends. However, they drift apart after his departure to the US. .7 years goes by and they do not talk to each other until they are brought back together in Oxford to work on a project…
I loved that you could just tell they were made for each others, all the inner jokes and banter were 10/10. I was giggling like a 12 year old.
This is a true best friend turns to lover story, he falls first and harder ! Although Clara’s obviousness initially frustrated me - how can someone be so clueless to the point of hurting your best friends and rejecting him ? it ultimately just made the realization part even better

4 ⭐️ & 1 🌶️

Thank you Netgalley, OneMoreChapter for the ARC in exchange of my honest review.

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This was Ok. Potentially felt like it was trying too hard to be Ali Hazelwood. This took a while for me to get into and the classic stereotypes switched me off. Was left wanting more.

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Since this book was giving similar vibes as Ali Hazelwood books and had a Women in STEM theme, I decided to give it a go. The romance between Clara & Henry was cute but predictable. And Clara was way too childish and immature to be honest, I really expected her to be more mature and not so unripe. The writing was good and engaging but some dialogues came across as cringey to me. But Henry & Clara were likeable, I was rooting for them to end up together. Though I liked the first half a lot better than the second and the third act breakup came so late in the book which is what annoyed me. Also I would have liked it if something more about Clara & Henry's lives would've been shown instead of what actually was because it got really hard for me to connect with them. I had liked reading pumpkin spice cafe by the author before so hope the next books she writes are as good too.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

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This book did not convince me from the beginning, both Clara and Henry were not believable one in her incredible unawareness and the other one who did not know he was handsome and super charming. The stereotypes then were really too "classics", her father abandons her and then here she is, devastated, forever.... In short, not one of the romances I would recommend to my friends.

Questo libro non mi ha convinto dall'inizio, sia Clara che Henry non erano credibili una nella sua incredibile inconsapevolezza e quell'altro che non sapeva di essere bellissimo e super affascinante. Gli stereotipi poi erano veramente troppo stereotipati, il padre l'abbandona e quindi niente, devastata, per sempre.... Insomma non uno dei romance che consiglierei agli amici.

I received from the Publisher a complimentary digital advanced review copy of the book in exchange for a honest review.

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