Member Reviews

The Hot Henry Effect is the latest in the STEM romance novel craze. We are first introduced to Clara when he is studying at university where her lab partner Henry who is in the lab temporarily is causing quite the stir among the scientists. Unfortunately, that atmosphere is not for him. Clara and Henry are friends but you don’t see much passed that. Following a time jump Clara is now a successful scientist in her field. She is doing her best to prove her worth in her male-dominated employment. A new partnership is formed with a business and Clara is front and centre, working hard to ensure it’s success. Turns out Arthur, the boss is actually Henry, as he uses his middle name on a more casual basis.
The two hit it off as it no time had passed with Henry helping out when Clara has an obsessive pursuer in her workplace.
Now for my opinion. Clara, for such an intelligent woman, sure says some dumb things. At times I felt like I was reading an old book that had misogynistic comments and thing said in bad taste. One thing that was near the beginning of the book was Clara commenting on her make-up saying she needed to make sure it wasn’t ‘slutty’. This just left a bad taste in my mouth. Do women need any more grief about their appearance? How much make-up you wear doesn’t mean you’re ‘slutty’. And labelling someone with that word is just sad.
A main plot point through the book is the uncomfortable pursuit one of Clara’s co-workers had. Clara said on a few occasions that she was not interested but ultimately is leads to a sexual assault which I definitely wasn’t expecting going into this book. Unfortunately it wasn’t handled the best way. I think it is dangerous to encourage the narrative of ‘well I acted in a certain way therefore I must deserve it’ and Clara is written in this way. I understand the message that Henry tells her she was not to blame, she was the victim etc, but I just felt sad reading it. It was quickly brushed away and that’s that. I don’t know, it didn’t sit right with me.
Unfortunately, this wasn’t the book for me. I’m glad others enjoyed it though!
Thank you for the eARC!

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The Hot Henry Effect in 3 words - Fun. Spicy. Swoony!

I really enjoyed this, and would recommend it to fans of Ali Hazelwood for its similar themes - a blend of romance, science, drama, and humor. Don't be fooled by the cutesy cover, this book does have deeper issues and emotions at play.

It's a slooooow burn with SO many great 'WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!' moments, and yes, Henry and Clara getting together was predictable, but it was still fun to read. And that moment when it all clicks... worth it!

TW: Sexual Harassment

Overall, 3.5 stars - Very good.

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I really enjoyed this fast, easy read. I like that the characters are both intelligent but still have fun, quirky personalities that aren't over the top. The tension between them was so well done, and I loved their chemistry!

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I recently had the pleasure of reading "The Hot Henry Effect" by Lucy Chalice, and it's a delightful and charming romantic comedy that will leave you with a smile on your face. The story follows Dr. Clara Clancy, whose career-defining presentation is derailed by a mishap with a pain au chocolat. Unexpectedly, Dr. Henry Fraser, a familiar face from her university days, comes to her rescue.

The novel cleverly explores the dynamics between Clara and Henry, delving into their past at Oxford and their rekindled friendship in the present. The concept of the "Hot Henry Effect" adds an intriguing and humorous element to the story, providing a unique twist to the typical romantic comedy.

Lucy Chalice has crafted a wonderful blend of science, humor, and romance, making "The Hot Henry Effect" a compelling and enjoyable read. The characters are endearing, and their interactions are filled with warmth and wit. The author skillfully weaves together a tale of friendship, secrets, and the complexities of falling in love.

Overall, "The Hot Henry Effect" is a fun and heartwarming novel that will appeal to fans of romantic comedies. Lucy Chalice's writing is engaging, and the story is brimming with both humor and heart. If you're looking for a sweet and entertaining read with a scientific twist, this book is definitely worth picking up.

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This book was very intriguing and fun to read! I love STEM romances so much, and this was just one of the books that I can give high praise to for how well it was executed. It left me intrigued and hooked from beginning to end. I’m glad I got the chance to read it!

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A really enjoyable fun read. Good characters and a great story.. it definitely kept me engaged to the very end.

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i thought this was cute but i couldn't really get into it until very late in the book. i love a slow burn but i think this might've been too slow for me? i think it was pretty funny, though!

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I found The Hot Henry Effect to be a sweet, slow burn read with interesting characters.
I enjoyed the laugh out loud moments.
The spice level is there though not overly much.
Perfect summer/beach read!

Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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While there were elements of The Hot Henry Effect that I enjoyed, overall, it fell short of my expectations. The friends-to-lovers premise was fun, but I wish the writing had been stronger on the sentence level. There's also a subplot focused on a coworker whose harassment of the main character was not treated with the seriousness I would have wanted.

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The story was a bit too slow for me personally. I had a hard time getting into the book, probably because of all the STEM terms (weird since I’m literally in the field professionally for a while). Maybe my expectations were a bit too high.. I think the book is meant for a very specific group of people, but if you’re into this kind of romance, then you would give it a chance.

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A fun read the story of Henry and Clara, who meet again years after their phd's at Oxford. A work place romance, and will Clara see Henry this time round?

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Absolutely cute! I enjoyed this a lot. Plus I kept picturing Henry Cavill, which is never a bad thing. The writing was really good, the story flowed well too. Will definitely read more from her!

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A classic romance that felt like an Ali Hazelwood book, 'The Hot Henry Effect' was a cute read. It definitely followed the notes you'd expect and nothing was surprising, but I still enjoyed it and read it in one sitting.

There's definitely a lot of drama and the characters could be frustrating in the, "grrr, why don't THEY SEE IT. WHY ARE YOU-" Nonetheless, seeing Clara open up and finally see Henry was lovely because that man has been head-over-heels for her for YEARS.

We love Henry. Respectful, supportive, and so in love with Clara. I also liked that he knew how he should be treated, and kindly requested what he deserved and needed from a partner. Clara's defense mechanisms were tough to crack, which was understandable, so you're proud when she takes the risk for love as they're perfect for each other.

Thank you to One More Chapter, HarperCollins and Netgalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review!

CW: sexual harrassment and attempted SA

Read for: single POV, 32 yo FL, women in STEM, simp hero, awkward humor to cope with trauma, friends to lovers, so much frustration/angst, workplace romance

3 stars
1.5 spice

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I loved the sound of this book and thought it looked a lot of fun. I quite enjoyed the friends to lovers trope and the growing relationship between Clara and Henry. The ease between the characters was obvious from the start and the post it notes were the cherry on top. I would say the spice level is at the lower end of the scale and it's use wasn't cringey.

My only criticism with the book was the back and forth between Clara and Henry. I loved them but they irritated me at times as well. Nevertheless this was an easy listen, that kept me entertained.

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Thank you to HarperCollins UK – One More Chapter and Lucy Chalice for the opportunity to review The Hot Henry Effect in exchange for a fair and honest review. STEM romances have become a bit of a guilty pleasure for me since reading Ali Hazelwood's first book. Nothing sexier than a handsome academic armed with a sharp intellect and a Henry Cavill body paired with slow-burn romance and sizzling chemistry.

The Hot Henry Effect is a 4-star read with an entertaining writing set between biology and engineering in the medical science industry. Written from the single POV of the protagonist, Clara Clancy – who has an amusing perspective on the world. She made me laugh and cry with her insights, anecdotes on life, and misfortune of saying the wrong things at the wrong time. Shame we didn't get Henry Fraser's POV, but I think it would have given away too much of the story.

A lot of plot is packed into the pages of The Hot Henry Effect – gelling together to develop a rich story around Clara and Henry's dynamic when interacting with each other. They are fun, playful, and flirty with chemistry that endearingly leaps off the page between these two equally, at times clueless brainiacs. I loved reading about their friendship and the precipice you see that both hover at but never entirely take the plunge to cross the line they are both terrified of.

Clara's Dr-Jekyll-and-Mr-Hyde personality could be a little off-putting at times. I felt the story took a long time to build up to her emotional wound driving her behaviours and insecurities. Once everything came out of the woodwork, I found it easier to relate to her. Henry Fraser reads like a Henry Cavill clone to me – no complaints here. Dr Henry Fraser lives up to that dishy mantle perfectly, with an endearing, unsure, nerdy side.

A cute, fun debut STEM romance from Lucy Chalice - full of sexy brains, flirty banter, and stoked electric chemistry. A feast of good tropes within an easy read – though eye-roll for the third-act break-up. Redeemed by the quirky use of post-it notes in a heart-warming, swoony way. If you want to know more, I encourage you to check out The Hot Henry Effect, which I concur must be a natural scientific phenomenon, given all the swooning and sighs going on for Henry Cavill.

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This was a super fun STEM romance! I've read a few of these types of books but I think this has to be my favourite.

Scientist Clara first met engineer Henry when he was working on his PhD. Seven years later, Dr Clara Clandy heads up the cardiovascular team at a pharmaceutical company and they are about to collaborate with FraserTech, Dr Henry Fraser's company.

After seven years away from each other, Clara and Henry's friendship continues like no time has passed. They catch each other up on the last seven years of their lives and we learn that they lost contact when Henry moved to work in the States.

What Clara remembers most about Henry was that every woman he came in contact with was taken in by The Hot Henry Effect but he never noticed. He was only waiting for one person.

I loved the characters of Clara and Henry and even the supporting characters were so much fun. We get a little depth when it comes to Clara's trust issues and Henry's pining. All round, a nice little romance!

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Henry is the heartthrob of the lab, not only is he handsome but he is witty and kind as well. When Clara is assigned Henry as a student she seems to be the only one immune to his charms. Fast forward years later and the two come face to face however Henry is now the owner of his own company while Clara is unhappy at work. Sparks fly as the two spend more time together but will they be honest with one another.

Cute little STEM story that is easy to read in a short time. Henry is very likeable as a character and Clara starts out being difficult but really grows as a character. The break up arc at the end of the story felt a bit over inflated but I still enjoyed the story.
A good read if you like fluffy STEM love stories.

Thank you to the author, publisher and netgalley for the chance to read this. I voluntarily read an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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❥ He Falls First
❥ Second Chance
❥ Workplace Romance

4.75/5 ⭐️
1/5 🌶️

“𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒎𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒐𝒏𝒆.“

Let me start off by apologizing for the super late review. I’ve had it ready to go, and just couldn’t get around to actually posting it.

Now that that’s out the way, I absolutely 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 this book! As I was reading this book, the only person I could picture in my head was Henry Cavill lol. Between the MMC’s name being Henry, and the multiple Superman references, it was bound to happen though.

I adore Henry with my whole heart. He’s literally perfect, which is unfortunately how we know he’s fiction. Seriously though, he’s fantastic! Green flags all around for him.

I loved Clara too! It was easy to see where her insecurities came from, so I tried not to judge her actions so much. She’s also really funny. Both of them are now that I think about it.

For my smut lovers, there’s really only 1 smut scene, but you should still absolutely read this book. It’s so good. The way both MC’s are so oblivious though! The slow burn was worth it, however.

This was a very quick and easy read. I enjoyed the book so much, and I’ll definitely be reading more from this author.

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I originally picked up this book because it gives Henry Cavill vibes, so you know your girl had to read it. The storyline is engaging with Clara and Henry both working in STEM fields, but the characters do not act their age. Unfortunately, somewhere around the 40% mark my attention started to wane. It eventually won me back over, but pacing was an issue for me. Additionally, one of the subplots didn’t get a resolution and left me disappointed. While the book had its flaws, t was an enjoyable read overall.

Read this if you like:
- Friends to Lovers
- Characters in STEM
- He falls first
- Workplace romance
- Unrequited Love

Thank you to Netgalley & Publishers for giving me a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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"You're crazy and funny and kind and beautiful, and so bright and intelligent that it makes my brain hurt just trying to keep up with you. Please don't ever feel that you need to be anything other than yourself."

Since first reading Ali Hazelwood two years ago, I have been interested in reading more STEM romance novels. I have read three Hazelwood books, but I was excited to try another book from a different author. Enter The Hot Henry Effect by Lucy Chalice. The premise seemed to be my cup of tea: a workplace romance and a second chance romance, both tropes I have loved in the past. I read The Hot Henry Effect in two days, and I have a lot of thoughts about it. Let's get into it!

First of all, THE COVER!! I have seen a lot of readers complain about the illustrated romance covers, but I love this trend so much. I love being able to see what the characters are meant to look like. 

I always love a second-chance romance story, and this one started off strong. I loved the banter between Clara and Henry as soon as they reunited, and I honestly felt like the two characters had loads of chemistry.

There were a few great romance elements. The declarations of love, the sticky notes... all of these were things I enjoyed reading.


There was a subplot following a creepy coworker who kept making advances on Clara throughout the book. I never felt like this subplot was handled with care, and I finished the book with an icky feeling about the entire plot line.

While I loved the second-chance romance aspect of the story, I really wish they had developed more of their past so that we could see the sexual tension early on. In the past, they just seemed better off as friends. I didn’t feel any lusting from either of them. 

In the beginning, I appreciated Clara’s honesty about her mental health and her fear of relationships. I was excited to see how she would grow and work towards healing herself. Sadly, by the end, I didn’t feel like Clara had grown enough with her mental health, and I could not see how their relationship was going to work long-term at this point. 

There was a point towards the end of the book (like 80%?) involving Clara that frustrated me so much that I didn’t even want to continue reading (also, I know a lot of people avoid therapy, but making a comment like “I don’t need therapy because I know what’s wrong with me,” and then never growing from that doesn’t make me feel like a lot has changed). 

The book had one open-door spicy scene, which was just okay. However, when I see an "erotica" tag on Netgalley, I am expecting something much more spicy. It's not really the fault of the book, just the marketing.

The Hot Henry Effect started off strong for me, but the lack of character development and backstory made this one fall short.

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