Member Reviews

This was just one big cringe. That feeling just kept building, I read as much as I could but it was just a big nope for me.

I felt like it was extremely predictable, I could see how it was going to play out exactly. Also the female lead I hated being in her head, she just had massive “not like other girls energy”. Thankfully the other girl hate was missing at least in what I read but she definitely just felt like tropes stuck together to form the outline of a character rather than a fully rounded person.

I received an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you Netgalley for the chance to read this! I'd give this a solid 2.5/5 stars, rounded up to 3.
As a STEM girl, this seemed like it was right up my alley. Clara and Henry, previous PhD students thrust back together post graduation on an important assignment, need to navigate their previous feelings for each other. Clara noticed Henry (hence, Hot Henry) from the beginning but never really gave their relationship any type of chance due to deep daddy issues, while Henry has always pined for her and ultimately sabotaged his marriage.
This was good, by no means great. Its fun and cute and Clara has a good tribe of women in her corner to help navigate the will-they-won't-they. But the career portion never really got developed and the stakes never seemed believable. I just thought their chemistry was a little off the entire story.

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Super cute STEM centered story. I have to give props to the author for accurately describing the cell culture process as I have been a cell culturists and lab manager for the last 15 years. It's rare to find someone who writes science correctly. The characters were likeable, albeit a bit blind to the attraction from either side of the "friendship." I will say that it's not until the end of the book that the relationship really takes off, and then suddenly, we're at the epilogue. I would have really liked to see their relationship develop more. We're only given a tiny glimpse into their actual romance and in the next chapter, she's meeting his family... It seemed a rushed once we finally moved into relationship territory. My biggest issue is that this story was marketed as a spicy workplace romcom... and I honestly couldn't find any spice. The only somewhat spicy scene comes about 90% into the book comes with a fade to black ending.

All in all, it's a good book, but it needs more to move into the 5 star category for me.

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I think it's a funny book but not a great one. Although I was invested in the plot and the read, I felt everything was a little weak, sometimes it seemed that the author tried to create tension but didn't succeed.
The plot is easy and simple, not a bad thing, but I think characters and situations could give us more (more action, more complexity, more of everything). But the MC is truly great, charming and sweet and I think everyone need to feel the Hot Henry Effect.
Overall, it's a sweet and easy reading. Lucy Chalice may become one of my writers to follow.

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Clara never thought she'd see Henry again, and she certainly never expected to see him when a chocolate stain (and her annoying boss) ruins an important presentation. Henry and Clara went to Oxford together for a semester where Henry was a (exceptionally hot) nuisance; however, he also didn't seem to realize how hot he was and he was exceptionally sweet, so the two became friends. When Clara reached out to Henry after he left, she never heard from him, so seeing him again was a shock. The two work just as well together as they always have and it's clear to everyone around them that they have feelings for each other. Clara is willfully ignorant of Henry's clear feelings as she struggles with letting herself fall for anyone.

For something labeled on NetGalley as Erotica, this book wasn't nearly as spicy as I thought it would be, but the spice was *chef's kiss*. The Hot Henry Effect was laugh out loud funny and I love to see women in STEM careers. Clara was a bit of a disaster, which is totally relatable, and Henry is clearly fictional because no man in real life is that hot and sweet and unaware of his hotness. I'm hoping I can get my hands on a copy of Lucy's next book, Fundamentals in Flirting!

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Is it possible to be edged by a book? Because I think I was edged by this book 😂. The chemistry between Henry and Clara was palpable and had me begging for them to snap and give in all the way through! I got whiplash when the traditional 3rd act “breakup” came much earlier than normal which was a fun change.
The spice was very softcore, no “vulgar” words, and only one somewhat explicit scene before future interactions were simply alluded to after they happened. Would be a great gateway book for people moving over from fade to black/closed door to more overt spice.
I have one specific bugbear though: Clara is a scientist-specifically one with a PhD in cell BIOLOGY-so when she utters the words “will it fit?” my eyes rolled so far into my head I was temporarily incapable of seeing the rest of the sentence.PSA: Ladies your vagina is stretchy enough to push out a whole child, they will fit I promise oh and while we’re on the subject they also aren’t “too big for condoms” (but that’s nothing to do with the book it just needed to be said)!

Anyway I really enjoyed it and can’t wait to read more from Lucy.

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Tbis book was so sweet! I loved Henry and his whole demeanor. He was such a sweet and thoughtful man. How he loved Clara was totally swoon worthy. I really liked Clara as well, especially her banter with Henry. I think they were a great match. I enjoyed the author's storytelling and would recommend his book.

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2.5 stars, but barely.

So this was a short book with a lot going on. We had misogyny, a world-class asshole who gets what he deserves, and two idiots who don't realize they are in love and a lot of miscommunication. Usually, I would love that, especially when this was described as something Ali Hazelwood fans would love - which please stop doing; it creates an illusion on someone's book that isn't needed.
Sadly, I disliked a lot of this book: the writing style, the story flow choice, and how the love interest needs to grow a spine - with women, with Clara and in certain situations. It really gave me the ick and I forced myself to finish.

The only highlight was the fact that we did not demonize Naomi or Clara besides that small miscommunication. I really enjoyed the understanding that hearts were previously broken and that it hurt, and it was handled so well by the characters.

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The Hot Henry Effect by Lucy Chalice is another in a long line of what have come to be dubbed "STEM-inist" romances - where the main setting is science, tech, engineering, or mathematics. Having enjoyed some rom-coms in this genre (Ali Hazelwood), I said I'd give this one a go.

Clara is a scientist and Henry is an engineer. They worked together once upon a time, and everyone else had a mad horn for Henry, but Clara was immune. They became friends but gradually drifted apart - now Henry's back, and they'll be working together for the first time in 7 years.

I love a slow burn. Love it. I don't even want characters to LOOK at each other until halfway through, such is my love of angst and pining (you can thank every 90's TV show I grew up with for that). BUT. This was maddeningly slow, and the miscommunication really annoyed me.

I liked the side characters, Clara's friend Jo was nice, and Naomi was that rare gem in a rom-com - an ex who was NOT painted as a villain. Rejoice!

The side story with Clara's creepy colleague was an uncomfortable read, but I think it was handled well.

I'll be the first to admit that I cast Henry Cavill in my head as 90% of main book characters - I have no shame in telling you that I think he's a massive ride. However, I feel like 75% of rom-com readers do the same, and now authors have started using that as a plot device. There's literally no need? Please don't mention Superman. Please don't name your character Henry and then give him a date of birth one day after the guy. There's literally no need to bash us over the head with it, I'm already there, hun.

I loved that this was on the milder side of spicy (the word "squelchy" is unforgivable, mind) and I loved that consent was clear and everything was safe. I also love a book with a playlist.

This was just ok for me - but I think if you like a not-super-explicit STEM rom-com that's a slooooooow burn, you may really enjoy it.

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⭐️ 3.75 |

This book reminded me of an Ali Hazelwood story!

As this is the first book ive seen by this author I think it was done really well! The topic was interesting yet easy to understand and I was interested in the story throughout. I do think there are some aspects that I would have changed and some slightly cringy parts but nothing that bothered me too much luckily.

Definitely recommend this read.

Thank you to Netgalley and One More Chapter for sending me this ARC in return for an honest review ✨

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I really enjoyed the premise of the story and how the main characters meet. I loved the banter between the main characters and their friends, unfortunately I felt this died off a little as it got closer to the end. I also enjoyed seeing how Clara developed personally throughout the story, and how she was finally able to let Henry into her life romantically

I do recommend this book as it is a nice light-hearted read, I just wish the book was slightly longer so that it didn’t seem like it ended so abruptly - I would have loved to see how the couple navigated their new relationship around their coworkers, friends, and family more. And also what happened to Dominic in the end?

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Dr Clara Clancy is not having a good day, when she unexpectedly bumps into Dr Henry Fraser - once her slightly hapless mentee, now a big shot engineer. And the butterflies start immediately, because Henry is as attractive as ever (but also smart and kind and funny - all that shouldn't be allowed in one man!)

This is a fun read, and a sweet and sexy friends to lovers romance. I really loved the characters, and the story!

I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Not my typical genre but thought I give it a shot. It was funny, quirky, cute, romantic frustrating at time but overall very fun!
Its a quick read and a real page turner.

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Thank you NetGalley, Lucy Chalice and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

What a delightfully sweet STEM romantic comedy where friendship evolves into love amidst the world of academia!! Follow the journey of a brilliant scientist, Clara, as she encounters, Henry, a charming engineer, during their PhD program. Unbeknownst to Clara, Henry falls for her first, setting the stage for a slow-burn, unrequited love. Seven years later, their paths cross again, reigniting old feelings and offering a second chance at love. However, with both Henry and Clara concealing secrets, the questions arises: if they can't be truthful with themselves, how can they expect honesty in their relationship?? Additionally, Clara's ability to resist the allure of the Hot Henry Effect remains uncertain!!?!

Within this heartwarming narrative, you'll find a lovely mix of witty banter, palpable tension, cherished friendships, mutual attraction, a sprinkle of spice, and naturally, the perfect blend of romance and humor! The endearing friendship between Henry and Clara captured my heart, and I couldn't help but root for them. Their journey left me grinning, chuckling, and swooning every step of the way.

While Clara's cluelessness may been frustrating at times, her transformation from skepticism to embracing vulnerability is depicted with profound depth and relatability. This adds layers to her character, enriching her journey and resonating deeply with readers.

Overall, I was completely captivated from start to finish!! I do highly recommend this romantic comedy, especially if you appreciate strong female characters in STEM fields.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I really enjoyed it! It was nice to read a romance that wasn't smut every other chapter (although I certainly have nothing against those ;)) I didn't realize though that it was written by a British author so some of the vernacular made me giggle.

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Thanks so much to Lucy Chalice and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for the eARC of this title. First read of a book by Lucy. It was the perfect one! Like I have said before, I'm not the biggest fan of second chance romances. But this is extremely well written and a book I have loved! It has the perfect amount of spice The chemistry between the main characters was perfect and the story never felt rushed! Definitely one you need to add to your TBR list!!

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I really enjoyed reading "The Hot Henry Effect" ! I loved our protagonist's love story, and she was a character to root for. My one note is with the big time jump. I wish it had been a bit sooner. Overall, 3.5/5 stars! Thank you so much! :)

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DNF @ 66%.

She literally tells him she just wants to be friends. At almost 70% there is no chemistry between these characters at all. She's not feeling it. He is. But we don't get his POV which really impacts the book negatively because we don't know how much he loves her. We don't know what he's thinking at ALL.

And I can't stand when characters are too concerned about their friendship instead of just getting on with it.

So, after a very slow 66%, I'm out.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for this review.

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This book hooked me in from the first chapter. I loved the character development and how the story progressed.

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Not going to lie, this took a hot minute to get into. I felt like I was getting an info dump and of information and a lot of show not tell with cliche characters. However, fast forward to the future, you get to see the growth and development of the characters and their relationship. Clara comes across as over the to, yet dramatic and unpleasant, but then I just realized I was projecting and I saw so much of myself in her and I really identified with her. Henry seemed over the top perfect but he was loveable and the quiet flaws were endearing. A lovely relationship, in a stem novel highlighting women in the science field. I will never say no to a stem novel, give our science women a chance to shine

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