Member Reviews

Due to issues with the author on social media and being told this book will no longer be published, I have chosen not to review this.

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As this book is no longer being published, I cannot give feedback and will not be able to leave a review

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I did not read or give feedback for this title due to issues surrounding the author and the fact this is no longer being published

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I will not giving feedback on this title due to the issues and controversy surrounding the author and their actions

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I will not be revieweing which is a shame as I was really excited for this. I wish authors would learn that, in this age, how they behave influences their readers as much as the cover and blurb does.

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i did not read this book due to the issues that were brought to my attention regarding the authors behaviour

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Will not be reviewing as the book is no longer being published by the publisher. Thank you for the copy but cannot review

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Will not be reviewing as the book is no longer being published. Thanks to the publisher for the review copy anyway!

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Well, I read it, and it was an enjoyable read, despite the jarring juxtaposition of space and Ancient Greek gods - and the Underworld is somehow a ship? If you skate over the top of some of these less explained things, there is some good and compelling story, a heroine you want to root for, a droll and cheeky love interest. It is a shame that the author’s actions mean this book will not see light.

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Unfortunately I will not be reading and reviewing this title due to the actions of the author and since the publisher will no longer publishing the title.

I really want thank Daphne Press for including me in the cover reveal and for providing the physical copy of the book and would love to keep working with them on a future title.

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I really appreciate NetGalley and publishers giving me this ebook to review but given the surrounding issues with this author I can not give a review.

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This book is no longer being published due to the author's outrageous antics.

I really appreciate being included in the cover reveal and being provided with a review copy so thank you Daphne Press. I look forward to working with you in the future on other titles.

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Title is no longer being published so I will not be writing a cohesive review. I didn’t mind the book when I read it, however I’m grateful to the publishers for taking the stance that they did and siding with not only their own authors but also others. Thank you for the opportunity.

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Due to the actions of the author and the publisher no longer publishing this title I will not be reading or reviewing this book. Thank you so much to Daphne Press for including me on the cover reveal, I look forward to working with you in the future!

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Unfortunately, I will not be reading or reviewing this due to the actions of the author, but I do look forward to reading future titles from Daphne Press.

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Sadly, I will not be reading and reviewing this title due to the actions of the author. Thank you to Daphne Press for including me in the cover reveal but will no longer be reading this title or the authors works.

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Sadly, I will not be reading and reviewing this title due to the actions of the author and the publisher subsequently no longer publishing the title. I thank Daphne Press for including me in the cover reveal and for providing the physical copy of the book and I look forward to working with them on a future title.

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I was so excited to read this book but in light of the authors recent actions and the book no longer being published, I will not be reading and reviewing.

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Unfortunately did not read due to actions of the author, and the publisher decided to not publish this title anymore.

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I will not be reading or reviewing due to the author’s actions and that it’s no longer being published

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