Member Reviews

This is my first book by this author, and while I would give her another chance, this book just wasn’t for me. The subject matter is very sad and Sarah’s letters to her dead wife are very emotional, but outside of the letters I found the writing lacked depth and just didn’t grab me. I soldiered on for a while, wanting to give a new (to me) author a fair shot, but when the characters finally met in person for the first time and there was zero chemistry I had to stop reading. Unfortunately this was a DNF for me.

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This story shows the reader different type of emotions when someone partner dies and how they come to grip of moving on with their life. Sarah have finally made baby steps of moving on by writing an email to her deceased wife. However the email got sent to the wrong person or really the right person. Lindsey being a good person and response back. And there is where their relationship start and grow. A good read.

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When checking her email Lindsey Cooper found a letter from someone she didn’t know but after reading the email she felt she had no choice but to contact the writer. Why she didn’t know but when she’d read the sender's letter she was moved, mainly because it appeared the writer,
Sarah was trying to reach out to her late wife. It’s been two years but it seemed she’d be in mourning for the rest of her life. Accepting Julie was indeed dead wasn’t as easy as some people seemed to think. Now she receives an email answering her email to Julie. Who was this woman? When the two women meet it’s apparent they both feel the connection but any form of relationship was not going to happen.
There is no way Sarah could move on but Lindsey was determined to at least try making a connection with the lovely Sarah. Ms Argentos has written a book with great characters, both main and supporting cast. Funny, smart, a wonderful read. ARC via NetGalley/ Bold Stroke Books

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The two main characters are Sarah and Lindsey.
Sarah wife, Julie, died 2 years ago unexpectedly. Sarah is still grieving and writes her letters to her email.
She is shocked when she gets a message back. Sarah had not entered Julie's email in correctly and the message went to Lindsey's email. Lindsey is very touched by Sarah's message and that is why she wrote back. The 2 women write back and forth a few times and decide to meet face to face. This meeting goes better than either have expected and they decide to keep getting together.
This book explores the fact that meeting someone new after the death of a loved one does not mean you don't love them any less.
I enjoyed this book and would recommend.

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This was a fairly short read, but it was a love story that moved me almost to tears, and that surprised me. At the beginning of the story, I was affected by Sarah's grief, because I felt it too. Then, when a new connection happened, I thought about how it seemed like one of life's wonderful little accidents, because that's how connections happen sometimes. This was a tearjerker, but heartwarming at the same time.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy to review.

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letters from Sarah overall, is a very sweet story. I enjoyed the first half very much and was hooked. Joy did a great job.

Thank you, Bold Strokes Books, and NetGalley.

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This story is not the typical one that addresses the topic of overcoming the loss of your partner and deciding to face new romantic relationships. Although this situation always brings dilemmas and a feeling of guilt to the person who has suffered the loss, in this case an unusual event has been what has pushed the protagonist to open up to new relationships.

The other protagonist, the one who receives the wrong email and who, due to her character, as soon as she receives it, fantasizes about the possibilities suggested by the received text, is the one who in this case, after discovering the misunderstanding of the email, is in a difficult position, since who understands the reluctance of getting involved after having lost the love of your life.

Within what can be sensed in terms of drama and reluctance, which sometimes dilates and overloads stories of this type, in this case it has been treated more uniquely, although there are still predictable topics and situations.

A sensitive topic treated with maturity and tact. A recommendable book.

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Letters from Sarah did have me hooked for the first half of it. Although I was expecting a little more build up and way more letters exchanged, that part was enjoyable! However, I feel like every thing is pretty fast in this book. They become friends instantly and when Sarah’s guilt hits her, the breakup is sudden and there’s no communication at all. When they start talking again, I feel like it could’ve been more intense.

Overall, pretty decent read. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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Two years after her wife, Julie’s death, Sarah sends an email to Julie’s old account only to get a reply from a stranger named Lindsey. Lindsey feels a connection to Sarah the moment she reads the email and they end up corresponding. Meeting in person changes everything but fighting the guilt about the feelings she has for Lindsey is a challenge for Sarah.

Such a lovely story that is prominent in its message that you can always love again after loss, whether it be through death, or the breakup of a relationship. Sarah and Lindsey found comfort in one another even though they were both dealing with very different types of loss. They had a wonderful friendship and were so good for one another in helping them to put themselves back out there and be vulnerable and reclaim their lives, but with someone who understood the sensitivities that surround taking that chance.

I loved the slow build-up of the relationship between them, and how they were with one another. They instantly clicked and you just knew that if Sarah could get passed her guilt, they’d have a wonderful relationship. However, Joy represented all the stages of that guilt perfectly. Whether you have experienced it or not personally, you can’t help being drawn in and in touch with Sarah’s emotions. They grip you and you can just understand why she feels the way she does.

Absolutely loved this story and can’t wait to read it again. It’s a heart-warming and feel good romance.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this book

grieving sarah oborn decides to write to her dead wife through her email, saying all the things she wants to, hoping it will help ease her grief

what she doesnt know is that her emails would end up in someone elses email account, lindsey herself is feeling vulnerable after a very bitter split with her ex so when she reads these emails off sarah she immediately feels a connection

though her guilt at reading those emails spurs her on to reply to sarah stating that her dead wife emails had arrived in her account and she offered support to her

and from there their friendship grew

a steady read that goes through all the feelings of guilt and grief and the added attraction between the two main characters

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I really enjoyed this book. The initial premise is a bit of a stretch (sending an email to your dead wife, but sending it to the wrong address), but it does take an interesting turn. I liked the progression and growth of the characters, which is always something I am looking for in a good book. The pace was a slow burn as Sarah and Lindsey get to know each other and become friends.

I tried to draw from my own experiences as Sarah was trying to deal with the grief of losing her wife and having to move on. I've seen that in my own family when my mother passed and my dad tried to keep going. I've also seen it with a friend who lost his wife. It was a frustrating section to read where Sarah pushes Lindsey away because of her guilt, but it was also understandable. I can only imagine how difficult it is to try to push on after losing a spouse. It is easy to look from the sidelines and think that the person should just get on with life when it is far more difficult. I think the author did a good job of covering those feelings of guilt and covering Sarah's recovery.

Overall, this was a very sweet novel and it is one I would recommend.

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Interesting premise and I like how backstory was explained.
They seemed to jump from emailing to meeting pretty quickly but I guess proximity explained that.
I didn’t find the banter between the mains particularly amusing but they did, and it did feel light.
I kept mixing up the mains back stories, which may be because I skim read it or because the voices weren’t clear enough. Not my favourite of the year but okay.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book had a strong premise (who doesn't fantasize about miraculous circumstances that bring you to a soul mate), and while I did like the exploration of grief I had a very hard time making my way through the book. The dialogue between the characters felt unrealistic to me and I think the overall prose struggled to show rather than tell, and this created a stilted, unnatural rhythm to me. The two leads didn't feel distinguished from each other enough and at points I had a hard time telling who was who in the back and forth.

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Sarah is still mourning her wife Julie and feels she need’s closure if she ever going to find happiness again. She write a letter to her wife email and accidentally send it up wrong account without realizing it. Lindsay is moved by a letter that accidentally sent to her account she dealing with heartbreak herself she feels compelled to write back and Sarah us shock that she got a response. Sarah and Lindsay meet and surprise that aren’t far from each other as they get to know each other Sarah feels guilty for feeling more for Lindsay then she wants and this causes problem between them because Sarah closing herself off and even though people grieves differently I wanted Sarah to let Lindsay help her through it even if they didn’t become couple because I thought them getting back together was rush I do like that Sarah decided to go group therapy to help her move forward.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

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Letters from Sarah has not as many letters as I expected. I thought the first stage of their relationship will involve a lot more written exchange than it did. They meet up pretty fast and fall into an instant friendship. When Sarah’s guilt hits, the breakup is sudden and lacks communication. Same with the getting back together part, could have been more intense. The book has, like the MCs, some ups and downs but all in all it was a decent read.
Free ARC via NetGalley

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I really enjoyed the first half of this book. Sarah Osborn has been a widow for two years and sends her wife an email saying it is time that she moves forward in her life. After a second email she is surprised to get a reply. Lindsey Cooper mistakenly receives the email and is touched by the forgiveness and love expressed. At first she wants the sender to know it didn’t get to the intended recipient and when the situation is explained Sarah suggests they continue to connect. They are both surprised to learn they only live twenty minutes apart. Lindsey’s character is very empathic and kind. She is open to Sarah talking about her wife and enjoys being with Lindsay whether watching a movie or eating together.

Sarah seems like she’s ready to move on until she isn’t. Of course guilt and grief are part of her baggage but I wanted her to work through that with Sarah instead of closing herself off. For whatever reason the second half of the book slows way down for me. There needs to be more wooing after a clumsy and hurtful break. I wish I connected as much to the characters in the second half as I did in the beginning. It is a sweet story and I do like that Sarah reaches out to her family and a support group so she can move forward in her life. It is also realistic in that everyone reacts to grief differently. Thank you to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for the ARC and I am leaving an honest review. (3.5 Stars)

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Grief is a constant companion in the lives of those who have lost their loved ones.
That’s the same for Sarah.
She knows that at this point in her life she has to move on and take part in her own life again.
She writes emails to her beloved Julie and these emails end up in Lindsey’s mail account.
A stranger who is extremely touched by these emails and also by Sarah.
She thinks she was left just like her.
Lindsey decides to write back to the stranger and these two women get closer relatively quickly.
They become friendly and comfortable with each other surprisingly quickly, but in Sarah's mind that shouldn't be and shouldn't happen. Nothing more than friendship, but Lindsey is so sweet and kind-hearted and funny and...
Well, how are you supposed to cope with the sudden feeling of happiness when her heart is also heavy and full of sadness?
These two are really great with each other and for each other, but the path to each other is not that easy.
I would have liked more details on the intimacy aspect of their first time.
It's neglected and only mentioned in passing, but it's a big deal.
Especially after grieving for your wife and then allowing intimacy again with the first new person. A lot more could have been written about the feelings and the experience itself. Later the intimacy between the two comes into its own much better !
Otherwise it was very pleasant to read, even though it is a relatively difficult topic.
And it has a wonderful HEA!

Thanks to the Author and Bold Stroke Books for the Arc!

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I expected a slightly more dramatic story from how it started. Emails from Sarah
to her dead wife end up in the inbox of Lindsey who just went through a dramatic breakup
with her ex-girlfriend. The women get in contact and seek ways out of loneliness
and perhaps friendship. But after this was all laid out, the story moves
slowly but steady from A to B, with many details obviously added to make it even slower.
Almost no character development.

I started wishing for some intermission from this steady slowness--a secret, a
plot-twist, some drama. Then, halfway into the novel a little drama happens, only
to go back to slowness quite quickly.

Otherwise, it is a quite sweet story with some cute scenes. So, if you like slow, sweet,
predictive, this is for you.

Stylistically, I kept stumbling over a lot of head-hopping between Sarah and Lindsey,
at least once even mid-paragraph.

(based on an ARC on NetGalley)

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I enjoyed the slow pacing of this story of a woman, Sarah, who is writing letters to her dead wife, Julie, in an effort to work through her grieving process. However. a mistake occurs when the first letter is sent. It arrives in Lindsey's inbox and she is immediately impacted by Sarah's situation and her grief. They eventually meet and both women feel a connection. But Sarah is only interested in establishing a friendship and nothing more as she finds it difficult to let go of Julie.

I think the pacing was appropriate for a person trying to work through their grieving process and say goodbye to their loved one, in this case a wife of well over a decade. The chemistry that developed between Lindsey and Sarah during their friendship indicated there was more than just friendship between them. A good read with emotions shining through for both Sarah and Lindsey. 4 stars

received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Sarah Osborn, in a attempt to move on from her wife's death, sends her a final goodbye email. She's more than a bit shocked to get a answer.

Lindsey Cooper accidentally gets the email, and is touched by the emotion there. She mails Sarah back, telling her her mail went awry, and offers to talk if she's interested.

The alternating POVs are a nice touch, especially with the concept of the book. It's also fun because you see both falling for the other, yet being clueless about the others feelings.

OK, I acknowledge it's a pet peeve, but I hate books that break up the characters temporarily about 3/4 through the book. And it hit exactly at 75% through the book!!

The very clumsy break up knocked off a star, but it's still a decent read.

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