Member Reviews

I found this story challenging due to its slow pacing. The prolonged back-and-forth between the two women stifled the narrative, making me frequently put the book down and return to it. Overall, it was an okay story, but it didn't quite capture my love.

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This book had such an interesting premise. The story was fine, but there were some things that bothered me.

The head-jumping back and forth between Sarah and Lindsey was disconcerting. It was hard to tell whose point of view was at the forefront because it would change from paragraph to paragraph.

I am not a fan of books that have a sex scene in the last chapter or when the love confession happens right after sex. Both of these happened.

Also, there was some ableist language used, both internally and in teasing. I understand that an older generation probably wouldn't see it that way, but it was there.

All that said, I appreciated the depiction of Sarah trying to understand her grief and move onto a new stage of her life. I always love a supportive family and wonderful best friends.

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