Member Reviews

I’ve been interested in Kabbalah for some time and have read various beginners books. So, I thought I might be ready to read this, but I struggled. I printed out a copy of the Tree of Life to have beside me while reading but I still got lost a few times. Kabbalah as a metaphysical, mystical Jewish tradition allows a student to go deeper into their psyche and find a path to wisdom. But I couldn’t follow the path.
I accept this is down to me and the book is possible just too beyond my understanding. I did get a lot out of it and the meditations were useful. I may revisit this book after I’ve learned a bit more of the basics.
I was given a copy of this book by NetGalley

Paths on the Tree to Wisdom is a book about Kabbalah - Kabbalah really being Jewish mysticism that has,developed in other faiths since the Renaissance. I am interested in Kabbalah and have some familiarity with concepts that are broached from its Jewish roots. I must say that all is supposed to be related. I was disappointed in this book. Some parts made sense; some parts went off to the point they were unreadable. This book was labeled religion/spirituality. From what I could make out, these book needs to be recategorized as New Age.

Truly practical work with a meaningful outcome. This book is remarkable. Very well written and also to the point. No rambling airy descriptions just accurate ways to bring the divine to life in your life. I fund the exercises to be staged in order and when done lead to a very insightful day and interesting dreams. I have read many Cabala books and have found them to be valuable . That said this one will guide you from the beginning to a structured daily program that gives light and good outcomes. My favorite exercise was the one where the student decides whether his or her daily outcomes and practices are producing angels or not so much angels in the persons life. Wow, this is a great book to learn and practice from .