Member Reviews

What this book does:
- motivates
- inspires
- gets beyond the cliche and into the action
- skips the fluff
- tell stories that make a difference and made a difference to me.
I'm not the most socially adept, but this has helped me realize the importance of connection and how to do it. Solid 4.5!

Overall this was a useful book and fits into the self-help category quite nicely. I did not like the cover as it is bland/cliched. I also thought the book could be shorter as there are a lot of quotes that seem to be used as filler given these are almost trite by now. There are some typos/editing needed: Eminem is a rapper/musician so shouldn't be described as a "music group" (p.17).

This book is an engrossing. comprehensive guide to personal and professional success. Hight mines her rich experiences woven with extensive research to present a compelling how to guide to achieve the "winning difference." Reading the thought provoking quotes from easily recognized successful people from all walks of life in Hight's narrative, I would lose myself in contemplation of how this applies to my own life. I often stopped while reading and applied her well researched observations to my own experience. thinking how much better an outcome I would have had in my career and in my life if I had been able to read this book earlier in my life. Chapter 3 especially spoke to me. It is about networking both business and social. Too many times I have attended professional and social events on my own with fear and trepidation. Hight's simple but precise advice is a game changer. One I put to use recently with great success. This is a book you will want to read more than once. For me, I plan to read it again and give it to my children, my friends and my associates. I know this is a cliché but this is a must read for anyone who wishes to succeed.

Everyone should own a copy of this book. It reminds us that each day of our life is a precious gift best lived with thoughtful purpose and planning, rather than letting it be frittered away as we are distracted by the demands each day brings. Ms Hight has been privileged to meet an incredible number of outstanding people and has not been timid about asking them what winning difference has led to success in their lives. Their stories, uniquely told, are interspersed with insightful quotes. A favorite of mine is from Mohammed Ali who said, “If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can make something out of you!”
The text is very specific, giving eight actions needed to insure that the reader can be a winner too. Solutions are given for every problem presented, including six sentences to use when one wishes to detach gracefully from a conversation, with the suggestion that the other person might be ready to move on also. There are questions to ask to go from talking about the weather to more engaging subjects. There are three productive ways to answer when asked, ”What do you do?”
There are age-old truths I benefited from being reminded of, like the unattractive habit of breaking into another’s story to top them with my own, rather than truly listening to what they are sharing, tuning into its emotional importance to the speaker, and responding in a way that assures them they are understood. As the author points out, that means more to the speaker than any clever remark I might come up with.
As a result of her special studies and consulting work, Ms. Hight is on the cutting edge of professional etiquette and promoting business usage of the latest technology. All aspects of cell phone sales, virtual meetings, attire and manners appropriate for today’s types of office environments, texting, Xing, Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn are covered. She shares the words to use to turn “nos” to “yesses”, and to help people when she can’t do what they ask for by explaining what needs to be done as she sees the solution and offering to give the help she CAN give.
After your first reading of this book, you will find it very useful on a dreary day when things aren’t going your way or you just find yourself down in the dumps. Open the book to any page and begin reading the stories and inspiring quotes. You will very soon find something fascinating you missed before and be uplifted, in high spirits, and eager to take on the world. THE WINNING DIFFERENCE is a delicious read and a valuable contribution to the challenge and thrill of getting what you want, need, and deserve.

Beyond platitudes and meaningless phrases, this book takes a serious look at what it really takes to become a winner in life and all it encompasses.

This book is a must read especially for those in the 18 -46 age range. The ideas are insightful and practical so they can applied to most anyone from any background.. Ms. Hight has done a wonderful job of providing attainable strategies for whatever type of success the reader is trying to achieve.

Experienced author who knows her audience. Topic will inspire and educate targeted readers who may share diverse backgrounds.

The Winning Difference: How to get what Want, Need, and Deserve, is a New astonishing, plural perspective, ground braking book by internationally famous motivational speaker, Jane Hight.
Through the plethora of multinational interviews, with celebrities, author reopens, and invites into the colourful triumph of the winning theories. The importance of the impact of Women, is celebrated through the wining arguments of Princess Diana, Lady Gaga, Brandi Chastain, and media mogul Oprah Winfrey, emphasising that the winning makes the difference, and it is important to win!

The Winning Difference - Book Review
by Ricardo Santiago Soto, MBA
The Winning Difference, by Jane Hight (Stellar Publishing, 2024)
Motivational speaker, Jane Hight, MA, brings her writing and communications experience to inspire an evidenced study about excellence. The author covers winning actions that are used by “Greatest Of All Time (G.O.A.T.) winners.” Hight begins by explaining how to dominate your specialization by failing often, which leads to growth and preparation. Throughout the book Hight includes GOAT insights, which are intriguing stories of 70-plus athletes, celebrities, and CEOs mentality towards achieving a life of wins. The author uses research, archives, and interviews for entries. Dreaming and positive self-talk will inspire you to surpass realistic goals, because it will not feel like hard work or sacrifice. Hight says to get up, and keep trying as one step or degree of a second is the difference between average and excellence. Hight exposes secret concepts, thoughts and actions that only winners hold dear to themselves. You will want to add this book to your The Self-Talk Solution (1987), The Millionaire Mind (2000), and Tools of Titans (2016) reading list.
5 out of 5 stars

The Winning Difference is a book that combines razor-sharp research with first-hand interviews with some of the highest achievers in the world. It is the only book that definitively explains step-by-step what winners do to win. The book is packed with quick-paced stories of successful people, including Michael Phelps and Oprah, that will leave you inspired, motivated, and knowing exactly what to do to win. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to get what they want, need, and deserve. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GXjTSfAAxg