Member Reviews

*Thank you so much to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the chance to review an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

Audra is a storyteller, which should be a magical wonderful thing, but since all of the stories have lost their endings it is anything but. When she wishes to start over in a brand new place she hopes to find peace in her new life. Everything changes when the unthinkable happens, she finishes a story.

There was so much of this story that was original and interesting, such as storytellers truly not being able to end their stories, but the beginning was just a little too slow for me. I understand the need for exposition, but it felt like it went on for too long. I think if the story picked up faster this would have been a five star book for me.

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A Story Spun In Scarlet by R. Dugan

"Let Me Tell You A Story..."

A World of Assassins & Story crafters

Magick powered by the thrill of stories, the romance of adventure and war and mystery in lengthy tales of brave princesses and knights.

Stories come to life through words, through magic and fate and destiny. A novel of incomplete stories finally coming to close, for the first time in a world of starving people, pitiful scraps, little coin, and bloodthirsty soldiers.

Tales of Rebellion, of pirates scrounging for gold and exploring an ocean whilst ruthlessly slaying opposing ships on a vast, open blue sea.

A running girl, a weaver of stories and whispering make-believe into the living world. A farmhand, amplifying a dying magic. Brought together by a single story in a little tavern where flowers of all colors and sizes sprouted and burst forth from the floor and the ceiling and everywhere in between.

Audra & Jaik, a StoryCrafter and Farmhand, Story and Sword, both with bloodied, mysterious pasts, a past they cannot recall.

A Cage, A Prison of Gilded Scarlet & Gold.

Blood, carrion crows swarming dreams - no, nightmares, and wolves circling the forest they tread. War wolves, stone wolves. Monsters spun up from misspoken stories, bone creatures that are ravenous and hungry, wakeful skeletons.

Sacred trees, nightbirds. Rousing those who dream of more being given the gift of story and magic and Hope.

This is a novel about the human heart finding its match in the world and doing whatever she could to keep it, and I encourage every reader out there to see if the Lady StoryCrafter gets her heart's match by the end.

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟/5 Stars!

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Let me tell you a story…

A story about a woman who feels abandoned, lost, and as though she’s not enough. Who has traveled for ages to try and find her path, only to get caught up with a man she’s just met, who seems to affect her powers in a way she never expected.

I cannot say enough good things about this book. Audra and Jaik’s tale was incredibly captivating, an adventure full of twists and turns, and I couldn’t get enough. Getting to experience their journey took me through all of the emotions, and all of the stories within the story were so well told. R. Dugan, thank you for sharing this story!

I give this book 4.5 stars. The characters, the storyline, the writing all went together beautifully in my head, and it was so easy to picture the locations, fights, and love between the characters. Can’t wait for book two!

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This book was one epic journey. This is a world in which storytellers wield power with their words until one day, the it's just gone. Until one day, when Audra is able to finish a story in the presence of a farmhand named Jaik. And they set out to find why.

It's such a unique way of wielding magic! And the writing style is so beautiful, although it did require some time for me to adjust.

The story itself is intriguing. The plot twists just keep coming. And while it's worth it in end, sometimes it does feel too long to continue reading. I'm just glad I stuck to it and didn't leave it unfinished.

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"But it was as if the pages of my life had been torn out and rewritten with a shaky hand that did not quite match the rest of the script."

When stories lost their endings Mithra-Sha fell into turmoil. When Audra meets Jaik she thinks she may have found part of the solution. Their quest for answers is full of adventure and danger, but the truth they find could be more than they can handle.

When I started reading this I was unsure if it was for me. But around a quarter of the way through I knew I had been wrong in my first judgements.
There were a few parts where I felt like it got a bit wordy and I just wanted to know what was going to happen, but that is a me being impatient problem more than a problem with the book.
But the ending...oh man, that was *chef's kiss* perfection.
4 stars because I did love this, but it's not one I'm likely to reread over and over. I will however be looking into other titles by the author.

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What I loved:
📖The world. This was such a unique and beautiful world. I loved the world building and the magic system.
📖The writing. The attention to detail and, at times, atmospheric writing kept drawing me in. There was a downside in that sometimes the details were too much, and sometimes things were more expanded than they needed to be. I still enjoyed it, though. It felt like an unabridged version.
📖Jaik. Superior book boyfriend. I just love him so much. He was perfect.
📖 The twists. I *lived* for these. Just when I thought I knew where the book was going, it shocked me. They were SO good. This was the first book in a while that was not predictable to me.

I am begging, *begging* for a prequel. I would be so immensely interested in that!

Overall, this book was incredible. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Mithra-Sha. I loved all the stories we were told. I did have a hard time with the pacing as it would speed up and slow down. There were numerous slow parts that could have been summarized to allow for a better flow for the story, and I hope that does happen. I felt the ending was a bit quick as well. I wish the resolution was extended a bit as I wanted a Sheeba reunion. (Iykyk). But I would absolutely buy this book, and I would definitely read it again, especially if more books set in this world come out!

Possible spoilers below!

Another few passes with a copy editor will have this novel in shape. There were some grammar mistakes and phrasing that didn't make sense. For example; Galan punches Jaik and it's described as "bone and bone crunched" which makes no sense. Also, Chapter 83 the formatting is off in the first word. The first and second letter are capitalized so it reads "REturning" instead of "Returning."
The pacing isn't as good as it could be. Some scenes (mostly pages describing things) could be summarized. An example is the months long hike from Krylan to Assida. It was painful to read in places because it was a lot of information and nothing happening. It would have been nice to have more dialogue with Audra and Jaik than so much describing the terrain. Same with the last days in Naomi's house. Some of that could have been summarized. Also, the book was very slow up until Jaik was introduced. Again, I think the travels into Krylan could have been summarized.
It also bugged me how unbothered Jaik seemed after his initial sadness of leaving Sheeba behind. I wish we found out sooner how Sheeba was doing or got a reunion with Sheeba and Jaik.
My main issue is Jaik and Audra spent every waking and sleeping moment together for months between Krylan and Assida, and they still seemed to not know each other by the time they made it to Assida. Even just having Audra mention how familiar Jaik's mannerisms were to her due to all the time spent, or having her know how he would react would have implied a level of intimacy and knowledge one would expect from two people who spent so much time together. But they seemed and felt, like strangers still. Especially with the ending its weird that they didn't inherently know each other.

Thank you to NetGalley and Renee Dugan for the eArc in exchange for an honest review!

(Review is posted to Goodreads as well)

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let me tell you a story... that is so gut wrenching, mesmerizing and beautiful. a unique, captivating story within a story that is written so intricately.

the story is told from the eyes of Audra Jashowin, a Storycrafter from Vallanmyre, the capital city of Mithra-Sha. like every Storycrafer in her world, she lost the ability to find endings for the magical stories they were able to tell. this lost ability and power sent their world into disarray, where disease, droughts and poverty plagued the formerly prosperous nation.

continuously ostracized and forgotten by family and friends, Audra travels up and down Mithra-Sha in hopes of a new life – yearning to one day find a home – and she briefly sets roots in Krylan, where she finds employment at a tavern as a server. one day, the tavern keeper convinces her to entertain patrons by telling them a story, despite her inability to complete one, and she agrees in hopes of not losing her job. while telling her story, she briefly locks eyes with a farmhand (who she learns is Jaik Grissom after the fact).

for some inexplicable reason, she felt a pull to Jaik while telling her story, so she kept her eyes on him – no, told the story to him – and with their gazes locked on each other, it lead to her finishing a story. to its entirety. something that hasn't been done in this nation in a very long time. that's when the whirlwind, tangled story – one filled of magic, misunderstandings, monsters, and mayhem – of Audra Jashowin and Jaik Grissom truly begins... again.

i don't want to get too into the details without spoiling too much, so all i can say is that you have to read it to understand the complexity of the characters, the detailed world and magnificent magic. i'm still in awe at how brilliant and unique this story is.

the length of the novel can be intimidating, but i assure you, once it captures your attention, it is extremely hard to put down.

the epilogue left me with so many emotions, and questions, so i'll be here sitting and waiting for the sequel.

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DNF at 32%

I think this story is good and it could be good for another reader. It just wasn’t for me.

I felt like at 32% we should be further along in the story, but we’re not and that makes it hard for me to continue.

I also don’t care for Audra.

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I absolutely loved this story. It was so original and captivating.

I really enjoyed the slow burn between the two characters and the journey Audra and Jaik went on. It definitely encompasses the pen is mightier than the sword, or in this case the words. There were many twists and turns that were unexpected and I enjoyed all of them.

This book got me out of my reading slump and I highly recommend for anyone looking to get into Dugan's work.

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Where to begin?
This story covers a lot of ground and timespan and so much happens I feel like I can hardly nail down what I want to share. I really appreciated Jaik and Audra's relationship. It was authentic and they didn't let each other get away with their foibles while challenging each other to grow in healthy ways.
Renee always crafts worlds that are fascinating and hold such depth, I always want to know just a bit more when the story is done. She's done the same for this story and I hope there is more in this world one day.
The ending will stay with you, and I cannot express how much I enjoyed this story.

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Let me tell you a story...

A Story Spun in Scarlet follows Audra Jashowin, a storyteller, who along with all storytellers, lost her ability to finish stories. Addie sets out on a journey to one of the biggest cities in the kingdom to find her purpose again.

There, in a miracle of circumstances, she meets Jaik Grissom, an ordinary farmhand, who just so happened to walk into a tavern in the right time, and for the first time in years, she finishes a story.

Haunted by guards, they set out to find truth about themselves, storytelling power and the kingdom.

This novel is beautifully written, very interesting and descriptive way of words. The worldbuilding takes a lot of time but for a first in a series of sequential standalones, it sets up a good foundation. The relationships between characters shine more in the second part and it is done for a good reason.

A Story Spun in Scarlet includes epic battles, love story, deep rooted personal struggles of main characters, found family vibes and is most certainly a book you must read.

Can't wait to return to this world in the next installment.

Thank you Wave Walker Press and NetGalley for providing me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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A Story Spun in Scarlet is a high fantasy, rich in world building, quest, friendships, betrays, and love. While this is a long book, it is well worth turning the pages as each chapter, you wander, deeper and deeper into this magical world, where story casters used to spin tails that could come to life. Ashley you enter this world you discover that for some reason the magic has changed and the Storycasters who used to enchant the lands no longer can. You will travel along with AiJay, a.k.a., Tiger, and Jaik, to discover exactly what caused the stories to not end. This is 100% for high fantasy fans of Tolken or Hobbs. I can only imagine how this author may continue the story or other stories within this incredible world. I would recommend this to somebody who likes pirates soldiers, long quests, magic, or storytelling, because you’ll find it all here.

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**Review will be published on my site and socials release week!**


Oh my goodness what an incredible book. Those last few chapters let me an utter mess and I am sitting here writing this review right after finishing and I am NOT OKAY. I mean, I am, but also THE FEELS.

I loooved this whole concept. It was really unique with the storytelling powers and how that changed the world around Audra. Meanwhile, I also adored Audra!! What a beautifully strong FMC who truly rose above an incredible amount to find the answers she was seeking and the strength to carry that through.

Jaik was such a gem too. I loved the chemistry between them and how they had that pull towards each other. Some perfectly written banter and all of the best tender moments and I must protect these two at all costs.

The reveals were fantastic and each turn in the story drew me in even more. There were some stunning moments that held such raw humanness that brought tears to my eyes. I loved this journey from the start to the finish. There’s action and romance and magic and intrigue and this sense of feeling like one of those true fantasy books you just have to read.

Overall audience notes:

Fantasy Romance
Language: very little
Romance: kisses
Violence: high
Trigger/Content Warnings: anxiety depiction, loss of life, near death experiences, blood/gore depiction

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I am quite literally obsessed with this book. I reread it immediately after I finished the first time because I needed to fully soak it in. This might be my favorite read of 2023, hands down.

The story is so incredibly unique and moving and gripping. The worldbuilding is phenomenal and stunning - Dugan truly is a master at the "show, don't tell" technique. The characters are adorable and engaging and I love them so much. SO MUCH. The plot itself. Oh my god. This book will break your heart over and over again, mending it each time, only for it to ruin you in the next chapter. And it's amazing. Please run, don't walk, to pick up this book when it comes out. I'm like in awe that I was able to read an advance copy.

Audra is an incredible protagonist and heroine. Her bravery, talent, and humanity are inspiring and humbling. Jaik is one of the best male leads I've read in a long, long time. Both Audra and Jaik had such a natural and heart-warming progression throughout the entire book, and the revelations that you learn - though they are heartbreaking - only reveal the true depths of the character's courage and bond.

The magic system and development was also so fascinating. The idea of storytellers who can bring magic to life from their spoken words reminds me of Inkheart, in all the best ways. I really hope there will be more stories set in this world, with both Audra and Jaik, but even without. Dugan honestly set up their story so well, that I can be content at least with the knowledge that they are out there existing. But I want more shenanigans in this world!

There's a hole in my heart where this book rested, and I will likely be doing another reread soon to fill it up again. A million stars if I could give it <3

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Complicated, intricate, deep world building. Quite difficult to get into but once you do, it’s a place to be lost in. More times than I can count, I found myself going back pages to reread a passage I didn’t think I had gotten right. Magic and creatures, powers and secrets all with one common denominator: storytelling.
From the moment the book starts you think you have an idea where it is going. But then it turns out being something completely different. More complicated, more profoundly connected to power and survival. And behind this all, Audra and Jaik facing something none of them was ready for. A storycrafter without the proper coat and a farmer. So different and yet so linked in a way they can’t fully understand. It felt like this book had a bit of Christian theme in it. Mildly connected to it, mind you. But still … it felt a lot like it did! With a love blossoming in a very unexpected place, but that will lead these characters deeper into the intricacies of their own being. What starts as a storycrafter without the power and ability to finish her stories, leads to a series of stories inside the main story only to finish with a revelation of forgotten identities and relationship and a bittersweet happy ending!!! I’m glad I got to read this fantasy book. In the end it turned out being better than what I was expecting!!

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A Story Spun in Scarlet by R Dugan

Rating: 4.5/5

Let me tell you a story.

Audra and Jaik go on a journey to try and discover why stories have lost their ending, and let me tell you, I went on a journey with this book as well.

It may have taken me a little while to get into, but once I was into it, I was hooked! The world building was amazing, the characters were SO lovable! Their story was just URGH and don’t even get me started on the epilogue

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4 Luck Blessed Stars ⭐
Spicy Level: 0/5 Only kissing

This is a story about stories in a world cursed with fantastical beginnings but plagued with no endings.

We follow Audra, a disgraced storycrafter, on her long trek for purpose in her life now that there is no more magic in her craft. Disowned by her family and forsaken by her friends, she finds herself destitute and desperate to survive. Serving as a barhand, she encounters a situation where she needs to tell a story, knowing it won't have an ending. However, what she doesn't expect is Jaik to walk into the bar, giving her the ability to finally finish a story.

This isn't the first book I've read by Renee Dugan, but every time I do, I'm in utter awe of her ability to write and craft. She takes the expression of "creative writing" and turns it on its head as the epitome of being a master storyteller herself. Her talent for words is enchanting, poetic, and lyrical, yet filled with description and emotion, making reading her work feel like seeing a piece of art unfold before you.

This, however, creates a small detriment to the story that I'm not sure everyone will appreciate. If you're looking for a fast plot, you won't find it in this tale. It's a slowly woven tapestry, filled with adventure, love, and twists and turns that made me gasp out loud. Like any woven work of art, it's not always clear where the image will go until the end. I found myself fumbling for understanding at the start but persevered because of the quality of the writing. I was truly hooked on the story by about 40% but often had to reread scenes as they were so full of details and sometimes abstract descriptions that I needed to concentrate to create the complex imagery in my mind.

Audra's life and struggles on her adventure are sometimes challenging to read; she has suffered so much and carries so much on her shoulders. But she doesn't let this stave off her determination to do right with her inherent sense to help those in need. Compassionate, loving, and kind, Audra has become a character deeply ingrained in my heart.

Jaik was the best quirky, protective, and perfect puzzle piece to everything that Audra was. They brought out the best in each other, with their sword and story. He allowed her to be vulnerable, to catch her when she would fall, and to help build her back up. His way to calm her down during panic attacks will stay with me for a while, and his funny quips and banter made me giggle out loud.

While the romance between the two wasn't at the forefront of this story, it was stunningly beautiful to see how these two developed from strangers thrust on the run to friends to lovers.

Overall, I'm in awe; this was beautifully written, and the world and magic system were so well-founded and unique, expertly tied into the masterful art of stories. I'm almost sad that this seems to be a standalone. I want more of this world and more of the magic-telling tales that can spin into being.
Edit: This is a standalone but there are SEQUENTIAL STANDALONES....meaning this is not the end of this world!!!!

If you love beautiful, lyrical, and descriptive writing akin to Roshani Chokshi and Erin Morgenstern, and you're a fan of traditional well-founded fantasy with excellent world-building, this is the book for you!

Trope Summary:
▶ Strangers to Friends to Lovers
▶ Only One Bed
▶ Only One Horse
▶ He does her hair (love this micro trope)
▶ Unique Magic System of Stories

Many thanks to NetGalley, Wave Walker Press, and the lovely Renee Dugan for the ARC and the opportunity

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The start of this book is rough, the first 15% is a gigantic info dump. I think I took longer to read the first half than I did the whole book. Honestly, the premise was promising but the execution was lackluster. The world building was a bit confusing but that might be because I struggled to not skim the loads on information provided. In this book storytellers cannot finish their stories (don’t ask I really didn’t get this concept because it wasn’t a concrete magic system). The FMC Audra finally finished a story when a farm hand named Jaik walks into her place of work. Then they embark on a journey. The story was sweet and lovely but boring.

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2 stars- ⭐️⭐️.

Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for providing me with this ARC for my honest review.

This book lacks in a lot of aspects. First of all its quite hard to keep your attention when the story keeps getting interrupted with another story.

I liked the plot of this story but not the way it was executed.
I think it is beautifully written but still lacks the path its supposed to have for a reader to be able to read and ENJOY reading it.

All in all, I did not finish this book, hence the 2 stars. I tried to skim through it but again failed to do so.

I wish the author the best but I might never read from them again.

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What can I say Renee has written a beautiful book with such poetic writing. The story about a storyteller is unique with twists and turns everywhere. You cannot help but fall in love with the characters. And Jaik..... I love him! Well done Renee on another masterpiece.

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