Member Reviews

Downloaded as a children's book, albeit a satire, this was certainly not the first and pretty definitely not the other. Suffering complete scum as parents, who just drink and party each and every school night until 4am, and lumbering all the housework on the older child, the siblings involved here get completely unrealistically dragged away one night and without a by-your-leave end up, within the hour it seems, with someone else as a carer instead. Now I have no idea if she was supposed to be a heroine as by then I'd just seen nothing appealing – add complete lack of realism to an important topic and it was only reason upon reason for me switch this off. I mean, there is merit in calling people "TWATADOOS" – but in a kids' book it's a bit much, neither big nor clever and seemingly targetting the social carer staff as enemies, too.
Other things to note – for want of positives – prior reviews have mentioned artwork and I saw none, and the author just cannot leave her left pinky away from the CAPS LOCK as things jump IN AND OUT of upper case almost at RANDOM. All told then, this is an ugly book with an ugly attitude, ugly situations and characters. I don't do triggers, but if adoption, fostering and the care system was one, this would be my worst nightmare – and that despite the author's own experience. Irredeemable.
Oh, and it's Mabel, not Mable (or MABLE).