Member Reviews

The best word I can use to describe this is fun. It's like a Devil Wears Prada vibe but more in the tech world of Silicon Valley. It's expensive and fun. But there was a bit of depth to this book too where it discussed real life issues around the fashion industry. The audiobook was great, loved the narrator.

American narrater for this silicon valley set novel. If you like the fashion industry then this is for you. Its not really my subject however the corporate world issues was well covered. Zoe has taken a new job and moved from everyone she knows, so is now struggling to get into the rhythm of the new ways of working. Is zoe out of her depth. Thank you #NetGalley for the audiobook to review.

This was a really fun, Devil Wears Prada/Disclosure mash-up, where the patriarchy of Silicon Valley clashes with high New York fashion, but brought bang up to date by the added pressure and intensive scrutiny of social media.
Zoe is a New York fashion journalist whose values and creativity are being stifled by an overpowering boss. She’s offered the opportunity to apply her skills and knowledge to a Cali-start-up, where, from the outset, she feels out of her depth. (Imposter syndrome, anybody?) Antics ensue.
I thoroughly enjoyed this audio book, which was a fast-paced easy read with some serious underlying messages. There’s strong friendships, a little romance, a lot of chauvinism and misogyny, high fashion, influencers, body positivity and cafe culture. What’s not to love?
Five stars from me, and a big thank you to NetGalley and Headline audio for the chance to read an ARC.

Ah this was such a lovely read. It’s the perfect hybrid of fashion and tech. The characters are a a loveable and eclectic bunch and I love the feminist and empowering messages scattered throughout. The main character zoe is powerful and imaginative and a great role model. You sympathise with her struggle and self doubt throughout the book. It’s the perfect mix of lighthearted and positive with a hint of important topics and discussions.

I basically inhaled this book in less than two days, and was amazed at the plethora of emotions it generated in me. Till the very end of the book, I was second-guessing everything in the story along with the narrator.

Really enjoyed the premise of the story, it reminded me of Sourdough by Robin Sloan due to the setting! I will say that the writing let me down in some places, it felt like the character was too juvenile and naive at times and that the dialogue felt like it moved too fast while also being very telling. Overall, not a bad read, I finished it in two sittings!

It was really great to see a book based on the tech industry and the fashion industry, and how they crossed over in Zoe’s character. She’s taken a bold new path and is struggling with imposter syndrome and uncertainty about whether she made the right decision, and if she has what it takes to make it in her new role - and new industry. That being said, I didn’t completely gel with this book and I found it didn’t really have a hook, making the plot a little bit light on the type of intrigue that would normally make me invested. I had a lot of sympathy for Zoe being one of few women in a male-dominated industry, and company, and the way her colleagues treat her certainly adds to that. While I do love a romance plotline, and it was really cute seeing how Zoe’s love interest was trying to get her attention, without her even realising, I couldn’t really say I felt any chemistry between them.
This book definitely shed a light on some of the harsh realities of women in business, and women in tech, as well as the lack of diversity (something Zoe has always been focused on addressing in whatever industry she’s in) and that was really important and well done but I would have loved to have something driving the plot forward.
Finally, I listened to the audiobook and thought the narrator was a great choice for this. The various voices were acted well and it was easy to listen to.
I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.

This was such a delight!
I went into this specifically for the plus size fashion girlie representation, but so much of it was such a pleasant surprise in so many ways beyond that.
I *adored* following Zoe as a protagonist, and felt like so much of her journey rang so true to life. Like any great coming-of-age-in-your-20s story (think this in the style of the best early 2000s romcoms - the Devil Wears Prada comp works so well on so many levels), VALLEY VERIFIED explores so well the tension between loving something so much that it defines your personal and professional lives at once, but having to deal with the reality of the fact that the job will simply never love you back the way you want it to, and thus you have to compromise. For Zoe, this compromise led to using her passion to carve an altogether new life for herself that is so different from what she's known before, but no less challenging, exciting or fulfilling. I loved seeing Zoe open herself up to this new world and negotiating a new life between her two worlds. I thought so many of her worries felt so palpable and real - she doesn't know where she belongs, she doesn't know how she fits in her new world, or what the one she's left behind will shape up to be now that she's left. She doesn't know where she stands with people and how they can measure up to the expectations of one another (be this with the people she just meets and tries to make sense of, or with those who've felt like constants in her life for so long that she doesn't know where they find themselves once out of each other's orbits).
I can take or leave the romance, and this felt so sweet and self-indulgent at times that it came across as a bit twee, but overall this was wonderful and I look forward to anything else Zhao has in store!
Additionally, the audio narration helped everything come together beautifully, so no notes there.

More of this please, it’s so important and I think it’s only the second time I’ve heard it. As always I’m happy to be wrong here if you wish to correct me.
Really enjoyed this. Think The Bold Type meets The Social Network. Zoe is undervalued, overworked and feeling a bit disillusioned in her dream job when she’s offered the chance to take an exciting opportunity in silicone valley still within her dream fashion role.
It’s cute, it’s funny, it’s relevant but importantly it’s the story of a young woman coming into her own in a world steeped in elitism and misogyny fighting back against the predatory behaviours of “the big players” brilliantly written and beautifully narrated!
Thank you to NetGalley and Headline for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook in return for an honest review.

I received an e-arc and audioarc through Netgalley all opinions are my own.
I needed a light-hearted and easy read, which lead me to "Valley Verified" by Kyla Zhao. The narrator's voice was generally enjoyable, though it was occasionally gratinh, depending on the character. The writing style flowed pretty well for me. My intuition about Bill turned out to be accurate. Zoe's constant negative thoughts about Lillian and her obliviousness to Bill's shadiness became a bit annoying. The romance aspect was mediocre. What stood out was Zoe's initial struggle, which improved as she discovered and embraced genuine friendships. The fusion of fashion and IT, despite not typically being my interests, added a unique and engaging layer to the story.

This was fun read/ listen. If you put the Devil Wears Prada, Uncanny Valley and Legally Blonde in a mixer, Valley Verified would be the result. Zoe leaves her fashion writer role and her friends in New York for a marketing job in a tech start up in Silicon Valley . New colleagues, miscommunications, a bubbling office romance and office politics all feature as Zoe finds her feet in her life.
This was an easy listen. If you don't overthink it or dig too deep, its a fun easy to read and entertaining book. It is also predictable , a little frustrating in how the reader could see what was going on but the main character couldn't and it was possible to see how this book would end up from the get go but it was enjoyable all the same.
The narration was fantastic on this book. I don't know if reading it would have held my interest but the dulcet tones of the narrator kept me listening.
Predictable but enjoyable sums it up for me. Perfect holiday reading.
3 stars.

This was the most surprising book! I absolutely loved the mix of depth and levity. There was a lot of confronting bias and bad behaviour in people and society at a whole, and it was approachable and through the lens of a narrator that made me feel challenged and comforted at the same time.
With internal and external conflict repeatedly pushing Zoe out of her comfort zone, she manages to move through it all with grace and curiosity that doesn’t feel forced- even when things get hard or she screws up.
I saw a synopsis that called it “legally blonde meets the IT crowd” and I can definitely see why, but honestly think this was something entirely its own. Sweet love story, amazing story in general.