Member Reviews

Holy cow! Looking for a "quickie" of a read, then you need to pick up this novella featuring three short stories. They may be short, but they are not lacking the spice. If anything, they are hotter than some full-length books I have read.
What I really loved the most about the stories is that most of the couples were not identified with names. This made it even hotter as me the reader could easily imagine me as the female in each story. Don't miss this novella. it is just what I needed to keep me warm during these cold winter days!

Flirty Sexy Love: 3 Short Stories in 1Novella
Evelyn Montgomery
Flirty Sexy Love consists of three short stories. Their length makes it difficult for the author to truly flesh out the characters and makes it difficult for the reader to connect with the characters. All three stories are hot and steamy.
Better Than Expected:
A doctor was sitting at a crowded bar he couldn’t help but overhear the sexy, steamy, hot, and slutty conversation taking place next to him. His total focus has long been on his career. However, the woman from the bar and the conversation continued to be on his mind.
Better Than Expected did little for me. Out of 5 stars this one deserves a 3.
Serendipity & Lucky Floor 13:
Lucky finds herself in the arms of a stranger in an elevator. She has a feeling she knows him from somewhere. Once she figures out how she knows him she wonders if he remembers her.
Serendipity &Lucky Floor 13 was hot. This is one of my fantasies. This short story deserves a 5.
Hot for Teacher & The Kama Sutra:
She thought she was alone in the library. She took the Kama Sutra off the shelf and began to study it. However, she wasn’t alone and the hot new professor saw her.
Hot for Teacher & The Kama Sutra is a hot short story. This one was hot, steamy and so slutty. It deserves a 5.
This is three short stories for adults. Each story’s focus is on a hot, sexy, male and a female. I would like to see the author expand on the stories. By fleshing out the characters she could better connect with her readers. At the end of this book, Author Evelyn Montgomery offers her readers a short sneak peek into several of her books.
Thank you NetGalley for a copy of this book for Review. My reviews are always my unbiased opinion.

This is a quick read of 3 very short stories. They are very spicy and that is probably what you are looking for when you grab this book. There isn't a lot of character development, but that is to be expected based on this format. I would THINK that you know going in what you are looking for and expecting in a book of short stories like this. Lots of hot action wrapped up in a few short chapters.

Definitely spicy, but no huge character development. Quick and short read and can be read in an hour.
Thank you Netgalley and publishers for an advanced reader copy.

Very quick reads. Dirty. Very dirty. Enjoyable. The no names thing was a little strange. And the last half of the book was other stories - which was very strange.

Definitely short. Definitely sexy. A great time pass from more serious reads. Set of 3 novellas, nothing over the top in all 3.

Three short steamy stories. Perfect if you’re looking for a quick read full of spice. To note, these are novellas, so they don’t go in much depth of the characters’ connection.

While these stories were interesting, I found the use of no names and the POV likeness of it to be unsettling. The steam was okay with the buildup but they never truly go into the bedroom and show their relationship. I didn't enjoy this book as much as I thought I would.

Holy helicopters!!! Spicy is an understatement!!! These are 3 short stories that leave you wanting more. The author definitely knows her spice!

Thank you for giving me the chance to read & review these stories! The warnings of spice were appreciated & needed, but what a solid way to get over book hangover. These stories certainly weren't for everyone, but are interesting & inticing!

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.
**** Spoilers****
I'm not sure if it is because the stories are so short (3chapters, roughly 30 pages each) but everything feels too rushed.
Not so much in the second because it is found out that the main characters have a backstory. I did like this aspect of the second story I found that very cute when they admit their feeling for each other from school.
I really didn't enjoy the third story. There was a moment when they almost got caught doing it in public so Erin makes it clear she wants to stop and doesn't want to take things any further and Sebastian takes that as some kind of challenge and instead of respecting her decision he corners her against the bookshelves and continues what he was doing. Later it felt very manipulative when he find out she is his student and that doesn't make him stop, think and apologise about how inappropriate it was. Instead he kind of talks her into switching out of his class, even though he is supposedly the best teacher for that subject, just so he can have sex with her.
I was leaning toward given a 2 star for this but the second story and a few of the sneak peaks for other books at the end made me bump it up to a 3.
I might give a couple of them a go at some point.

I knew going in that these were all going to be super short stories, only three chapters each, about 30 pages. That's understandably not a lot of time to build chemistry between the leads, but I still wanted just a liiiiiitle bit more. Two of the stories have a time jump before the third chapter and in both cases it feels very jarring and unearned, like we're just randomly skipping over things and missing a lot for no real reason. I would have much rather stayed in the present tense and gotten to have more time with the initial development of the relationship.
That said, if you want a smutty palate cleanser, well, here you go! This is also a great way to get familiar with the author's writing style and see if it works for you.
The second story was my favorite of the three, and I could actually see it working well as a full length novel (or even just a longer novella).
Thank you to the author for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

I went into thinking that these were three short novella style books. The first one had me adjusting my thinking very quickly. Three very short stories of about three chapters each make up this read. They are quick stories that you can easily read if you only have a few minutes so that’s a plus. They also get to the steam very fast. I personally was not a fan of the writing style or dialogue choices but for what this was it wasn’t bad.

3 sexy short stories in 1 novella!
Better than Expected A chance encounter in a bar leaves this doctor speechless. A doctor who hasn't let anything distract him from his work until now.
Serendipity & Lucky Floor Thirteen Crashing into the arms of a stranger in an elevator, Lucky gets the odd sense she knows him from somewhere. Once she realizes how she knows him, she wonders, does he remember her like she remembers everything about him?
Hot For Teacher & The Kama Sutra Twenty-two, Delilah is curious to know what these crazy sex positions are that her friends keep bragging about, as she's only been with one boy, so she finds herself at library sure no one is watching as she studies The Kama Sutra. But someone is watching, and it's the new hot professor all the girls are lusting over.
A book made for mature readers, three short stories of three separate gorgeous men getting spicy with three different women. This was a quick read, which is what I was looking for to squeeze in a couple more books before the end of the year, and I enjoyed this book. It would be great to see them made into novels to see what else is happening in their lives, what will happen next, see how they got from where they started to where they ended, and get more of their chemistry, but the short stories were great.
I rate this book 3.5 🌟
I'd like to say a huge thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.
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I was wavering between 2 and 3 stars since my rating was 2.5 but I think 2 is a better option.
In all three novellas that were available, I didn't feel the chemistry between the characters much and in two of those none at all. The writing felt inconsistent with the progress especially when we're hitting the spice meter. Which is why the chemistry is real important because the fast movement balances everything out. Unfortunately, it was missing here.
There's a lot of sneak peeks and unfortunately, I can't recommend any of them majorly because the writing didn't work for me. The conversations felt weirdly awkward with gaps and I just couldn't continue.
Lastly, the story. I liked the essence and the setting. I just felt like better job could have been done with how it was brought to life.
Thank you to Netgalley and the author for the eARC!

This set of 3 novellas is what the write up says it is! Each short story starts off with a bang that gets your attention right away and keeps it until the end. Quick reads with only 3 chapters each and a whole lot of steamy on every single page.

This trio of novellas were exactly what they said on the tin - perfect spicy little romance reads! Each story was immediately gripping and although each are only three chapters long, they were so well written to be drawn in and get a really good feel for the characters.
I've never read anything by this author before buy I'll definitely be looking for more.

Love the cover of this book; sexy but not gross. Also, as usual, I love the short story format.
Story 1: Warning, Better Than Expected: This story is about a guy who meets a woman at a bar and ends up banging her in a dressing room. The first half is set when they meet and the second half is one year later. I read a wide variety of erotica, I'm not shy or prudish. That being said, crass is not my thing. I don't enjoy it at all when a story is loaded with what I can only describe as immature vulgar language, specifically the use of the p word for female anatomy. The whole story is full of that kind of language. Ick. Just not my style. Way too crass. If she said 'Lick p**** "one (can i say that in a review if I asterisk it out??) more time I probably would have DNFed. Still, points for the time jump, I love that it just skipped all the ridiculous stuff that comes in the middle of an erotica novel and jumped right to the future. 2/5 Stars for me.
Story 2: Serendipity and the Thirteenth Floor: This is your childhood to adult glow-up story where a woman runs into a man she knew when they were dweeby kids and now they're mature and hot. Similar to the first story in the sense that it starts when they meet (or re-meet as the case may be) and then cuts to more than a year later, which I love, but also same issue as the first story where the language is just crass and the overuse of the female P word is just not my thing. Still, points for the glow-up story and the time jump, definitely less vulgar than the first story. 3/5 Stars for me.
Story 3: Hot for Teacher and the Kama Sutra": This one is the teacher/student trope. It's mostly done in a way that allows you to overlook how gross a professor sleeping with his student is. This one is definitely less crass than the previous two and if you're into the teacher/student thing or can just read it as if it's two regular adults it's well done. There was still a little too much ridiculous female p word talk, which I just find hard to take seriously. Still, definitely the hottest of the three and the easiest to read. 4/5 Stars for me.

Quick Summary: A crazy, sexy, cool fantasy fest novella collection
My Review: Flirty Sexy Love by Evelyn Montgomery is the extra scoop of candy sprinkles you didn't know you wanted. These three shorts were insta-lust yum yums. They were hit it and get it reads that accomplished exactly what the author intended, which was to serve as "a palate cleanser."
About the Novellas:
Story 1: Better Than Expected
What started out as a chance encounter at an overcrowded bar soon escalated into dirty talk, tantalizing touches, and a racy romp in a dressing room.
My Final Say: The fiery talk between "Dumbass" and "Princess" was what set the tone for this short. Although, that balcony scene was explosive. It was satisfying to get a glimpse forward.
Rating: 3/5
Story 2: Serendipity & Lucky Floor 13
Being trapped in an elevator with a sexy stranger is the fantasy of fantasies for a young and hungry journalist. Somehow, this stranger seemed oddly familiar. It all clicked as soon as she saw the scar.
My Final Say: This novella was my personal favorite. The details that came out later - the shared connection - made this one super sweet. I actually could see this one being turned into a novel. There is so much potential there for a full on story. (Sigh)
Rating: 3.25/5
Story 3: Hot for Teacher & The Kama Sutra
Erin had never considered having a sexy times moment in the stacks or in the stockroom, yet she totally did. Nothing, however, had prepared her for having a highly instructional session with her foxy professor after class.
My Final Say: Erin and Sebastian struck sparks off each other. The formula - a non-virgin virgin and a hot for the teacher professor - worked, for all intents and purposes. In the end, she got to do what she longed to do.
Rating: 3/5
Bonus: The author gives a multi-story sampler after her 3 novellas. They provide a sneak peek into her catalog. Readers are sure to find their niche read(s).
Recommend: Yes
Appreciation is extended to the author of this collection and to NetGalley. Thank you for allowing me access to a digital ARC of this work in exchange for an honest review. I am grateful for the opportunity. I very much look forward to reading more from the listed books (per the sneak peek samples).