Member Reviews

thankyou to Netgalley for allowing me to read this arc early! I enjoyed Done and Dusted but I think I liked Swift and Saddled more! Ada and Wes are such a fun, cute couple and I liked the flow of their relationship. Lots of real life situations brought to life in this book too which I appreciated. A cast of fun side characters, a couple of typical romance tropes and a sprinkle of spice and it was a really fun book if you're in your cowboy reading era!!

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**ARC provided by the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

I think this is the first time I have said this, but I love the first sentence of this book. I don't think I've seen anything so amusing in a while.

Also, I was kinda scared because sometimes romance novels' female main characters are unlikable since they tend to catastrophy, but fortunately, I liked Ada. She's quite witty and fun.

Not only that, but I quickly realized it was the addictive kind of book. I really needed it after my last read (I'm talking about you; we were liars). You can see why on my profile! 👀
It's definitely a new addition to my favorites list. I would love to have a physical copy (it's a necessity) when it's out 👀 Just saying, Quercus Books.

It made me wonder why I hadn't read Done and Dusted, regret not doing it, and consequently buy it. Then I had an inner debate about whether I should keep reading it or wait until I finished because I didn't want to miss out the references. Did I do that? No, because I'm impatient and already attached to this book. I guess you could still read it and enjoy it, but I want the full experience, so I'll re-read it. I'm pretty sure it'll be even better, so I'm excited about that. I'm pretty sure it'll be a solid five-star read then.

Not only that, but I liked the mental health topic being present, especially when some people think that someone who's bubbly and nice can't be struggling with mental health. Also, a professional who's good with their work regardless of their educational background? Yes, thank you. I am sick of the degree and resume excellency obsession that's going on nowadays.

Overall, it was a really cute romance. It's not just spice, as the cover suggests. It was way more romantic than I expected it to be. Ngl, it had me smiling and feeling literal BUTTERFLIES in my stomach. If you have been following my reviews, you will know I love me a soft, emotionally available book boyfriend, so reading this made me extremely happy. It didn't have unnecessary drama, and they had one of the healthiest couple dynamics I've read.

Also, I loved the extra content! It was a pleasant surprise.

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firstly thank you for this arc! it was an anticipated read, so i am glad i got to get my mitts on it before most! weston rhodes ryder, what a beautifully soft yet strong man. always there to help and with a dimpled smile to boot. ada hart is the black cat woman of my dreams - a tatted interior designer tasked with renovating the guesthouse on rebel blue ranch. this story was a pleasure to read. the only reason i marked down a little is because it felt a little to slow, and i dont think i will remember this book long after i read it, like i will with most of my 5 star (and sometimes 5 star plus) books.

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A massive thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my copy of this e-arc!

I really enjoyed this book and got through it in 1 sitting! Lyla Sage really knows how to write a good country boy, I think this book was phenomenally written and I love that there wasn’t really a 3rd act break-up, that’s something I really enjoy about her romance novels.

I cannot wait for the next book in the series!

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This book was so good!!! I love it!!! Wes is so amazing, gentle and patient with Ada. I loved the intimacy between them and I liked the depression representation.

I love how he is like the sun for her (“He was like the sun. No matter what, he would keep coming up.”) and she is like the moon for him (“You are the moon. And I’m the tides. You pull me in without even trying, and I come to you willingly. I always will.”).

I can’t wait for the next book in this series!!! Laya writes beautifully, I love the vibe from her books.

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I loved this book! Wes and Ada, love them. Wes is such a sweetheart will do anything to make anyone happy. Ada is sweet but troubled from past relationships. They both have things they are working through with Wes having depression and Ada having trust issues etc from her ex husband but Wes and Ada make each other better and whole. Was a beautiful story and was great seeing more of Emmy and Luke. Can’t wait for the next book!

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I loved Swift and Saddled as much as Done and Dusted - Lyla Sage's writing, characters, and stories are absolutely incredible. I cannot wait for the rest of this series and to keep up with Sage's writing beyond it. Truly they are feel-good, entertaining reads with a lot of heart.

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I don’t know where to start with this book, so I will simply say I really liked it.

I love stories where characters are broken, and then they find each other, and through love, they get that missing piece that they didn’t know they were looking for, and this story delivers.

I am finding that I love that Lyla uses real issues that people have and are often not talked about enough, in this case, depression. I liked how she dug into this sickness and how it affects people but doesn’t stop them from having an everyday life.

I am from the north of Mexico, so the cowboy thing is quite normal for me; I grew up with a dad who worked in the meat industry and arrived home with dirty boots, and my mom would make him leave them outside. I love all the similarities I find in these cowboy stories.

I recommend this book to people who love small-town romances, are in their cowboy romance era, and love slow burns with your toes curling and blushing in public.

Also, there is a hint of the third book at the end, and now I need more.

Thanks, Quercus Books, Lyla Sage, and Netgalley, for sending this book my way in exchange for my honest opinion.

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After having read and loved Done and Dusted, I was super excited to read Swift and Saddled. It didn't disappoint. I'm thoroughly in my Cowboy Romance era, and Ada and Weston were everything I had hoped for. I am fast becoming a huge fan of Lyla Sage - I adore her writing style and characters, and look forward to reading whatever she brings us next.

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I am so beyond grateful to have received an advanced reader copy of this book because I would have simply died if I had to wait till March! Holy cow(boy) did I devour this book 🤠 I have officially been converted from an ice hockey girlie to a cowboy princess.

- I am and will forever be obsessed with Weston Rhodes Ryder
- I only go by ✨sweetheart✨ if you are romantically interested in me 🥹
- The way trauma from a past relationship and depression was written about was incredible and Wes was an absolute king in the way he handled it
- I am obsessed with the Ryder family dynamic including the found family aspect
- The mirror scene 🪞🌶️
- The driving lesson/ seat adjustment scene... feralllll behaviourrr
- I need Lost and Lassoed yesterday. The heated tension between Gus and Teddy is crazy
- The covers are so gorgeous and I am desperately considering buying the physical copies even though I am a devout Kindle girly
- My only complaint is that there is a plot hole, but I suspect this is being left for the next book

Thank you NetGalley, Quercus Books and Lyla Sage for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I absolutely adore this author and have loved both of her books! After how much I loved "Done and Dusted" I did worry that the second book wouldn't be anywhere near as good as the first but I was wrong! Lyla Sage has done it again!
Rebel Blue Ranch has a special place in my heart and I honestly cannot wait to see more from this series! Ada and Wes are absolutely everything and both together and individually had me squealing and kicking my feet!

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This was such a wonderful and enjoyable read!!!! I loved this book and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys this genre. Thank you so much to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Swift and Saddled follows Wes Ryder as he embarks on pursuing his dream of turning ‘the old big house’ on Blue Rebel Ranch into a guest house, with interior designer Ada.
These two meet by chance the night before the work begins and sparks fly, so imagine their surprise the next day!

Ada is scarred from her past, but she really frustrated me at times. Wes was so patient and understanding with her, willing to wait however long she needed.
I didn’t love them quite as much as Emmy and Luke but still really enjoyed their story, and can’t wait for Teddy’s next!

Thank you to the author and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved this book, it was fun and made my heart melt and I ate it up in one sitting. Weston Ryder has my heart 🫶🏼

Thank you to NetGalley and Quercus for giving me an e-ARC of this book to review.

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✨️Small town
✨️Cowboy romance
✨️Mental health rep
✨️Forced proximity

I wasn't ready for the perfection that was this book. Lyla Sage, you created a masterpiece.

Wes and Ada are two characters so real, with insecurities and dilemmas that I could relate to. I think Lyla did an excellent job building these characters, and seriously, I fell in love with them.

What can I say about Ada? She's such a strong woman, finally breaking free and chasing her dreams. I enjoyed seeing her scenes with the girls, and her feelings in those moments felt very real—many people can relate.

Wes is a wonderful character, protective, and genuinely cares about others. Dealing with depression, I think Lyla addressed this topic very well without making it too heavy.
The story grips you, and I lost track of time while reading. Before I knew it, the book was ending. The chemistry and connection between Ada and Wes is insane, but I love how they truly see each other for who they really are, not for who they think they are.

This book warmed my heart, and I highly recommend it. Please clear your schedule on March 5th because you need to read it.

I received an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review, but all opinions are my own.

Thanks, NetGalley and the publisher, for sending me this ARC.

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Swift and Saddled is a swoon worthy, heartfelt love story that has be wanting to move to Wyoming to live out my Rebel Blue Ranch dreams 🥺😭

Ada was such a relatable character to me, I have often felt like people don’t like me or just tolerate me for the sake of it so to have a character go through the same feelings and emotions made me feel seen and not alone! As a fellow introvert I feel like me and Ada would get on really well! 😅
Wes gives off such golden retriever vibes and I LOVE IT! But I also felt like the struggles he had with depression just shows that you never know what goes on behind the mask of someone that generally appears “happy”, It was a nice inclusion and I feel like Lyla does these topics so well with care and gentleness!

I did feel like it was a little rushed at the start, I also felt the same while reading Done And Dusted, but Swift And Saddled seemed to slow down around halfway through which I was glad about!
I think because by Chapter 2/Page 13 they were already sharing their first kiss it just all felt very fast and I’d have ideally liked a bit more introduction before they jumped into that!

As I did with the first book, I absolutely fell in love with the beautifully descriptive way that Lyla Sage writes! I really felt like I was at Rebel Blue Ranch I could picture it that well from the vivid details she provided!

Overall I did really enjoy it and it was my favourite in the series out of the 2 so far! I would recommend it to my friends and to the people who follow me on booktok and Bookstagram!
It’s an enjoyable fun cowboy romance that is way but also has some heartfelt and more serious topics!

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✨️In a world of boys he's a gentleman✨️

This book was so good omggg, Wes was so amazing and Ada was so relatable, reading this book I was laughing, I was crying, I was swooning, literally all the feels, the way that man would do anything for her, he's so obsessed and he remembers every little detail about her, they're so cute, I can't. Ada is so strong, cus if I saw that man with a baby cow🐄 I'd literally die from cuteness overload and I'm not even kidding.

"I think I'm actually good. Thank you for offering, but it's not urgent. I don't want to derail your day." Derail my day? I'd drive my truck off cliff if it meant that I got a few moments alone with her, but she didn't need to know that."

I read the first chapther from next book and lemme tell you Teddy and Gus are going to serve. I was waiting for them since the first book, but now I'm even more hyped for Dusty and Ash, I'm so curious what's going to happen there, like I know this book isn't even published yet and I already can't wait for the next two books.

Also can we talk about the covers? I absolutely adore the covers in this series, they're so pretty and unique.

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when a debut novel takes the book community by storm its always difficult for a second book to do the same thing. but lyla sage pulled it off with flying colours.

swift and saddled is just as perfect as done and dusted is. all i want to do is give ada the biggest warmest hug and tell her that shes more than enough and worthy. and weston rhodes ryder is such a golden retriever cowboy. he feels like a cinnamon roll and a warm cup of coffee on a rainy day. this book is more emotional than the first but so beautiful, and the depression representation is immaculate.

rebel blue ranch and the ryder family (all of them, also the not blood related ones) have completely captured my heart. and i already cant wait for the next book in this series!

<b> "you say that youre not nice, or warm, or bright, or any of these other stupid fucking words that people use to describe the sun, but i never asked you to be the sun. i would rather have the moon anyway. youre the moon. and im the tides. you pull me in without even trying, and i come to you willingly. i always will." </b> 😭💗😭💗😭💗😭💗😭💗

<i> thank you so much to netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to have an e-arc in return for honest review. </i>

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So I’m not going to lie, I was a little disappointed when I found out this book wasn’t going to be about Gus and Theo. It’s not that I didn’t like Wes, but such a good job had been done setting up Gus’s story I was super excited. To be honest, I wasn’t even sure I was going to read this.

But then I was lucky enough to get an ARC, and I started and there was a line, said by the FMC which goes ‘as far as friend’s went; I didn’t really have any - not because I didn’t want them; but because making friends as an adult is hard’, and my lord, did I feel seen. The mental health, struggles of being an introvert are so well represented in this book and I wasn’t expecting it after the first’s storyline, and I was pleasantly surprised and engrossed to see where it went. Whilst I felt the romance to be a bit instalusty and not really based off anything but physical attraction, as the characters developed so did the relationship, in a way that had me fully backing the two.

Now Ms. Sage, I see you over there introducing another attractive cowboy to the crew for us to fall in love with, but the please give Gus his time in the spotlight. You can’t make all these brilliant characters so lovable without me wanting to devour them all now!

I recieved a copy of this ARC, but all opinions are unbias and my own :)

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Lyla Sage does it again with another hit in Swift and Saddled. I absolutely adored this book and really connected with both Wes and Ada's characters. I loved the representation of different life struggles such as a messy divorce and depression. I think these were both represented with care and mindfulness. It made the characters feel real and in doing so made them relatable.

I lovvveeddd the banter in this book. The cow scene when Ada comes to the ranch lives RENT FREE in my mind. Also the girls supporting girls vibes is elite and I need friends like Emmy, Teddy and Cam.

The black cat x golden retriever vibes in the relationship between Wes and Ada was phenomenal ! Their love story is is tangled with Ada's journey of starting fresh, so there was a lot of depth and vulnerability that was explored throughut the book.

Overall I rate this book 5 stars. It was a fun and easy, light-hearted read that I highly encourage you to read. Her writing just feels like home.

What to expect:
- Black Cat x Golden Retriever
- Cowboy romance
- City girl x country boy
- Slow Burn
- Found Family
- Grumpy x Sunshine
- Dual POV

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