Member Reviews

I'll start by saying i really enjoyed the second book of the Reaper Series. However i felt like the pace was a bit weird and i felt. a bit lost at some points.
The characters are well developed and i could feel their emotions through each other. But the action was lacking comparing to Silver Under Nightfall. I missed some of the elements of the previous book, specially the monsters, that had little protagonism in this one.
I still enjoy Chupeco's writing and i'll read the next book with enthusiasm.

Remy Pendergast has won the battle against the Night Empress, but at what cost? Lady Xiaodan Song has been stripped of her powers and her health because of it, and so the two and Lord Zidan Malekh seek refuge at his court - until they are forced to travel again, because Malekh is next in line for the vampire throne, and so they have to attend a meeting of all court leaders Meanwhile, the mutant attacks haven't stopped, and Remy keeps dreaming of the Night Empress.
I really enjoyed the second book in the Reaper Series! The characters are well shapen and the love they bear for each other is unmistakable. I felt like the plot was a bit twisty-turny though; quite a bit happened and while it all made sense, it was a lot to take in and I feel like there was almost two finales to this book, although I do understand that the lead-up to the second one might not have been enough story for its own book. Rin Chupeco's writing is really beautiful and I am very much looking forward to their next book!

Having absolutely loved Silver Under Nightfall, I had high hopes for the sequel, Court of Wanderers. Unfortunately, the sequel didn't live up to my expectations, particularly when held up against the high bar set by Silver Under Nightfall.
The story follows Remy Pendergast and his royal vampiric companions, Zidan Malekh and Xiaodan Song, as the travel through the kingdom of Aluria and seek refuge at the Court of Wanderers. There is a lot of focus on Remy's relationship with their foe, the formidable Night Empress, whom he has long suspected of being his mother. Throw in the strange character development of his father, whose transformation feels unconvincing, and whose story arc becomes more and more convulted, and there were a lot of mummy and daddy issues to unpack. While this was done pretty well for the conflict with the Night Empress, the same can't be said for the relationship between Remy and his father.
In the end, I felt that the action wasn't as good as in the first book, and while the polyamourous trio at the heart of the story was still there, their banter and bond didn't feel as strong as in the first book.
I went into this hoping for another five star read, but in the end it's only 3 stars from me.

Who doesn’t love vamps! Great book and I couldn’t wait to read it. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book.

I really don't feel like I can rate this one as I got a few chapters in before realising it was the sequel! Will hopefully go back to check out the first book at some point soon :)

Unfortunately, Court of Wanderers, the sequel to the excellent Silver Under Nightfall, turned out to be a disappointing read. The book feels chaotic and underdeveloped, particularly in the aspects of world-building and political plotlines. The story is full of inconsistencies and plot holes that detract from the reading experience.
One of the biggest criticisms is the lack of elements that made Silver Under Nightfall so special. The monsters, which were a key part of the first book, are practically absent here. Action scenes are rare and lack any dynamism, while the political storyline is not only dull but often illogical. The author introduces far too many new concepts that feel forcibly "tacked on" to the world established in the first book. These concepts are often uninteresting yet dominate the plot.
Character development is also disappointing. The most glaring issue is the transformation of Remy’s father, which feels completely illogical and unbelievable. His change isn’t even handled as a redemption arc—the character simply behaves as if he were someone entirely different from the first book. This undermines the emotional weight and trauma that Remy endured in his relationship with his father.
There are moments that remind readers why Silver Under Nightfall was so captivating—mainly in the relationships between Remy, Xiaodan, and Malekh. Unfortunately, their dynamic in Court of Wanderers relies heavily on erotic scenes, creating an illusion of depth in their relationship but failing to develop a meaningful bond. The lack of focus on Malekh is particularly disappointing, especially considering the previous criticism of imbalance in their relationships from the first book.
The only highlight is the relationship between Remy and the Night Empress, which has emotional depth and authenticity. Their interactions are raw and impactful, although the Night Empress as a character could have been better written.
The book's ending is unfortunately drawn out and filled with plotlines that are introduced and resolved within the same chapter, reducing the stakes and causing the story to lose its tension. The emotional engagement that defined the first book is entirely missing.
In summary, Court of Wanderers fails to meet expectations, especially when compared to Silver Under Nightfall. I recommend the first book as a standalone read because, despite the disappointing sequel, it’s still worth exploring the world in its original, better version.

messy pacing. messy plot. poorly written and unnecessary sequel. but to be perfectly honest, i ate it up. a love hate relationship and i probably wouldnt recommend, but i quite enjoyed hate reading this.

This was a disappointing sequel.
The tension from the first book, paired with the development of the deadly characters was missing from this book. It was very surface level and I did not want to pick it up again after I put it down. The writing was okay, and the ending felt rushed. Overall, this made me not want to continue the series. The explicit scenes were random and felt like they were the main aspect of the book.
Although this book had no plot, the concept was good, execution was just poor.
Thanks to the publishers and netgalley for the e-arc!

Court of Wanderers continues where Silver under Nightfall left off: the vampire hunter Remy Pendergast and his unexpected vampiric royal companions, Lord Zidan Malekh and Lady Xiaodan Song won their battle against the Night Empress ans are now on their way to a meeting of all vampire courts.
I don't think the second book is as bad as some reviews discribes it, although it's not as good as the first one. Again, I loves Remy, Zidan and Xiodan as a team together and enjoyed how their relationsship developed, especially in comparison to the other courts. I also liked the politic aspect of the story and surprisingly didn't find it boring. I think Chupeco is really good at describing people and their relationship, so every court felt real to me and I liked their different aspects and view of what it means to be a vampire.
However towards the end, everything got a bit rushed and I'm still not sure how I feel about the family connections Chupeco choose for Remy. It felt as if their should have been more time and space to build up this part of the story, so at the and everything didn't feel right.
Overall I loved coming back to the world and story of Remy, Zidan and Xiodan and loved to get to know them and theor relationsship even better than in book one, and also liked that some of the side characters got a bigger part in the story now. I just wished that Chupeco had taken more time for some of the plot points to build up slower.

I love this series! The characters are so well written, I feel like I actually know them! Lots of action (in more than one way) to keep you going! The descriptions of the settings are great so you feel immersed in the story. The relationship between Remy, Xiaodan and Malekh is complicated but heart-warming.

I love the characters so much that I honestly didn’t want it to end. I do think it left me with more questions than answers but I’m not too mad at that if I’m honest.

A well plotted story full of potential even if it's not always up to the potential.
Dark, exciting but also a bit dragging at times. A well plotted story in a complex world building.
I enjoyed it and I want to read the previous novel featuring these characters
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

Rin never misses they truly never miss I will absolutely read anything and everything they write, I would happily read their grocery lists to be honest

Court of Wanderers was the second and final book of Reaper series. The story following an Alurian young vampire hunter Remy Pendergast who found love and companionship with spouse wannabe Lord Zidan Malekh and Lady Xiaodan Song. This first book absolutely grabbed my attention with all good romance tension, action pack, political intrigues and characters personal growth. All my favorite in one book. Sadly the second book feel like water down quality version of the previous one.
I still got my favourite trio with their harmoniously polyamorous relationships. But I cant feel intensely from their scenes or banter. I remember I hold my breath with anticipation and tension at first simple scene when Remy met Malekh. I missed that strong bond and relationship from book two, beyond all sex scenes feel like only filler on journey plots.
Half pace felt dragging but another half it pick up and thickened the plots. The conflicts are alot but some felt unnecessary busy, inconsistent and rush to the end. The worldbuilding didnt get any new improvements or developments. And although this story is done, I am still found my self longing and wait something that missing from this story.
Thank you to Netgalley and Hodderscape from Hodder and Stoughton Publisher for providing copy of this audiobook and ebook. I have voluntarily read and reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Expecting Publication : 2 April 2024

I liked this book a lot better than the first, which I was just really uninterested in for some reason that I couldn’t really place. The plot on this one caught my attention though and I enjoyed the relationship between Remy and his mother.
I adored the polyamory. I thought it depicted that kind of triad relationship really well. I loved how much they all loved each other and were so protective over each other, especially while Xiaodan was ill.
I did find with both books, they had a bit too much sex for me. Though this one was better than the first. This one also had a lot of characters especially in the Vampire courts, so that was a lot to keep track of. Every time one of the court leaders did something I had to stop and remind myself which one of them it was.
In all, I don’t think this is a series that I will read again, but I’m glad I went on to the second book.

I was really looking forward to this book after really enjoying the first but I was left missing the depth I wanted in the relationship. There were definitely some nice moments between Remy, Xiaodan and Zidan, but I felt there were many missed opportunities as things just kind of felt a little too on the surface.

Although "Silver Through Nightfall" was one of my favourite books last year, this sequel was a huge disappointment to me. Everything that I loved about the first one isn't really elaborated on and the characters I so loved, especially Remy, felt like a shadow of what he was in book 1.
Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for the digital ARC, it has not affected my honest review.

An enjoyable read in this sequel to Silver Under Nightfall where we reconnect with our favourite characters from Book 1. Although this didn't live up to its predecessor for me, this will definitely have its audience.

I am quite sad that the ending to the series was quite disappointing. I loved Silver Under Nightfall and had Court of Wanderers as my most anticipated reads.
Not that I didn't finish it just that it didn't tug at my heartstrings or make me feel as much as book one did. What I did enjoy was Remmy and his relationship with his vampires, i think I just needed more of the spark that made book one so special.
Overall 2.5/3 stars and I am still intrigued to see what else Chupeco writes in the future and I will be shouting about Silver Under Nightfall from the rooftops but as a standalone.

The download date was unfortunately missed, I would be happy to re-review if it became available again. I have awarded stars for the book cover and description as they both appeal to me. I would be more than happy to re-read and review if a download becomes available. If you would like me to re-review please feel free to contact me at thesecretbookreview@gmail.com or via social media The_secret_bookreview (Instagram) or Secret_bookblog (Twitter). Thank you.