Member Reviews

Such a great storyline. I couldn’t put it down. It’s an “Amish fiction” book but different from others I’ve read in that 2 of the main characters were no longer living Amish but for reasons that were not their fault. It was really good.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Loved the story of Tabitha and Seth. Tabitha was scared to leave her house. Her ex husband was abusive toward her. Tabitha had lost so much. I loved Seth’s character. Seth was so determined to help Tabitha and protect her. He was so patient with Tabitha. A really great book.

I received an advanced copy of the book from NetGalley. This book review is my own opinion.

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Wow! Shelley Shepard Gray tackles one of the BIG problems with the Amish faith: spousal abuse, and the limits it places on those who are abused.

Tabitha Yoder's husband began hitting her soon after their marriage. When he nearly kills her and puts her in the hospital, he is arrested and jailed. While he is jailed, she divorces him and is shunned by her Amish church district. She still lives in her Amish home but she rarely has visitors because of the shunning. Once a month, her sister visits with her children but that's all her husband will allow. When Seth Zimmerman starts showing up and simply chopping wood for her wood pile, she doesn't know what to think.

Seth spent time in prison for causing the death of an abusive husband. The death was accidental, but it was his shove that caused it. Since returning to his Amish community, he has felt ostracized. Officially, he "jumped the fence" and is Englisch, but in his heart, he still feels Amish. In his final years of schooling, Tabitha was his teacher. He fell for her then even though she was a few years older. Seeing the way she's treated by their former community hurts his heart, so he starts helping around her farm wherever he sees a need. As he draws her out of her house, can they show each other that forgiveness isn't just for those who they feel they've harmed but they each need to forgive themselves for the mistakes they've made?

When Tabitha's husband is released from prison and she starts receiving "gifts" that could only have come from him, can Seth stand as her protector without jeopardizing his own freedom?

I listened to this one on my Libby app, while reading it through NetGalley. I was struck once again with how very rigid the Amish faith can be. Divorce is unaccepted, even when, like Tabitha, the wife is nearly killed by her abusive husband. She is expected to forgive and take him back if he "repents." Unfortunately, too often, that repentance is merely lip-service, and she pays the price. Tabitha had so many women imploring her to honor her marriage vows, never mind that her husband torched his by beating her. I was legitimately sickened by the abuse she suffered, both in her marriage and from her Amish community when she ended her marriage. Finding love with Seth, another outcast, seems a miracle.

Readers who enjoy Amish fiction will enjoy Shelley Shepard Gray's "Unforgiven." It's more intense than a lot of her books, but still well worth the time to read it!

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Another great Shelley Shepard Gray book, I loved the amish setting. This follows two characters who are both trying to move forward from challenges in their past and forgiveness. Their connection is sweet and Seth is super protective, which I loved. Definitely recommend, I devoured it in one sitting because I needed to make sure Tabitha was going to be ok.

Thank you to the Author, Publisher and NetGalley UK for a free ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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I always look forward to a Shelley Shepherd Gray book! She is a phenomenal author with wonderful messages woven into her stories. Unforgiven is full of healing and sacrificial love.

Thank you NetGalley for sending this book for consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Unforgiven is the first Amish book that I have read by Shelley Shepard Gray. The two main characters deal with conflict in their lives. Seth Zimmerman served some time in Prison for helping a Woman who was attacked and he fought off her attacker who fell and hit his head on a rock and died. Tabitha Yoder married Leon who abused her and thankfully she divorced him. It is a great love story. It deals with the issue of spousal abuse, divorce, leaving and being shunned in the Amish Community, feeling unworthy, unlovable, forgiveness, trusting family/friends, and having and keeping faith in God. It also is a great story about showing how you have to ask God forgiveness in your life for your sins but it is just as important to remember and learn to forgive yourself in order to move forward in your life and be happy again. Thank you to Netgalley and Revell for giving me the opportunity to read and review a ARC of this book.

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Another outstanding book and start to a new series! This story follows Seth and Tabitha who have both left the Amish faith but who still live in the area. Included in the book were side stories of Lott, Bethanne and Melonie. It was so disheartening for me to read how the Amish treat each other who have left the faith or have been shunned due to other peoples choices or actions or things that aren’t predicted.

This story was very thought provoking and I loved that Seth and Tabitha decided to look to God and their faith for help and answers, instead of their community – since they were viewed as Unforgiven in the Amish community.

This clean Christian fiction had great characters, compelling story line, and included themes like faith, love, and working thru trauma and guilt. I can’t wait to read more in this new series! This gripping drama kept me intrigued from beginning to end. Highly recommend! My 14 year old also read it and enjoyed it as well! I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions and views expressed are my own.

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Seth Zimmerman has been out of prison for three years now. Three years of his former Amish community not accepting him. Three years of strain between his parents and sister. Seth went to prison for what some would call an accident. He heard Bethanne's cries for help. Her boyfriend was attacking her and Seth knew rape was soon to follow if he did not intervene. Unfortunately, as he was fighting the guy off of her, the guy fell, hit his head on a rock and died. Seth was sentenced to prison for murder. Seth had never joined the church, so he hasn't been shunned, but it sure feels like it.
Then, there is Tabitha Yoder, whom the Amish community has also turned their backs on through no fault of hers. She married hastily, due to deceit, and was abused on a regular basis. Finally, her husband beat her so badly she ended up in the hospital and lost the child she was pregnant with. Her husband went to prison, but had threatened her that he would be back to punish her. Tabitha spent time in a women's home getting much needed counseling. Now, she's back living in the home she had shared with her husband. She divorced him which is a no-no among the Amish. She has left the Amish, but not her faith. The Amish have not helped her in her time of need. They whisper to one another wondering about her. She is so scared and so along. Her sister and the children visit once a month. Her sister's husband won't permit any more. He is not as kind and understanding as he should be.
Seth wants to help Tabitha. He understands how it is to be a cast-off from the community. He goes to her house and chops wood, clears snow from her driveway and leaves food at her door. He expects nothing in return. She watches from the window, but doesn't acknowledge him. She is just a little older than Seth. Before she married, she taught school and Seth was one of her students. Little does she know that Seth was in love with her way back then.
Finally, one day, he saw her watching him. After that, she opened the door and thanked him. Very slowly, they began to talk and she began to trust him and they forged a friendship. Her first one. She was scared and very skittish.
Then, the sheriff lets her know that her ex-husband is out of prison and may be in the area. She is terrified all over again. She begins to find gifts on her porch from him. The police are watching for him and driving past her house frequently. Will he get to her again? A must read!
Wonderful story with great characters. I thoroughly enjoyed this one! A story of healing, redemption, forgiveness, second chances.
I was given an advanced ecopy by the publisher, Revell through Netgalley. I was under no obligation to leave a positive review.

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Unforgiven has characters from The Rumors in Ross County Series and I enjoyed it just as much as Edgewater Road and Sycamore Circle. After much turmoil in both their lives, Seth and Tabitha are both in search of forgiveness and peace. They had such a sweet love story and I was sad when it ended.

Shelley Shepard Gray is always a must read for me... I always get through her books fairly quickly so they make for wonderful lazy afternoons.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review. All opinions are my own.

Publication date: 21 May 2024

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Set on the periphery of Amish country of Crittendon County, Kentucky, Unforgiven by Shelley Shepard Gray focuses on ex-con Seth Zimmerman and divorcee Tabitha Yoder. Unforgiven by their congregation and community for very different reasons, but facing similar separation from their families and former friends, both of them struggle with the consequences of their actions. Seth has longed to make Tabitha his wife since he was a student in her classroom, only a couple years younger, but unable to reach the woman who married Leon Yoder. Since Leon beat her near to death and she found the nerve to divorce him, Seth has taken up the habit of silently and consistently showing care for Tabitha. With time, Tabitha begins to warm up to and finally gets the nerve to speak to Seth, but the confidence Tabitha has begun to find is squelched when Leon is released from jail.

The interactions and building trust between Seth and Tabitha would have carried this story, as they struggle to forgive themselves in the face of what their former Amish community members will not. The addition of the family dynamic for each of them adds depth to the characters and their interactions, made more rich with the addition of the girl Seth protected on the fateful night that landed him in prison. Gray gives us characters we can relate to with interpersonal struggles that captivate. Some of the abruptness of interactions seem appropriate for the social style, but I did feel that there were times when it interfered with the flow of the story. Hence, four stars instead of five. Still, Gray leaves me looking forward to her next book, which hints at more of the story for dear Bethanne.

Thank you to the author and publisher for allowing me a copy to read and review. All opinions here are my own and are completely genuine.

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Unforgiven is an Amish romantic suspense novel written by Shelley Shepard Gray. If you love to read Amish Fiction like I do, then Shelley Shepard Gray is the author for you and this book, in particular, fits the bill.

I enjoyed each and every character that we were introduced to in this book, especially the two main characters, Tabitha and Seth.

I won't go in to the whole story with you, you can read the blurb on the back of the book for that. I am giving the book 5 stars because it kept me reading and wanting more. Anybody can write an Amish book but a good author will make you feel satisfied that you read their book and make you remember what you read, you will also find yourself wanting to read more of their work. That is exactly what I found with Shelley Shepard Gray.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Shelley Shepard Gray is a prolific writer of Amish fiction. I have read many of her books and am amazed that she can concoct so many new stories. What a great mind!

Her novel, Unforgiven is one that I enjoyed. This novel addressed the issue of spousal abuse. Tabitha Yoder was isolated in her community because she divorced her abusive husband.

Seth Zimmerman has just been in prison for manslaughter after he defended a woman from a man who was trying to attack her. Although he left the Amish and was then ostracized, he tried to make amends to the community by doing good deeds, such as helping Tabitha by dropping off food, chopping wood, and anything else he could do to help her since she was being shunned. Then when gifts appear that can only be from her ex-husband, Tabitha is afraid for her life. Seth becomes her protector.

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I was surprised by this new to me author. This story had a good balance between showcasing the Amish’ ways and beliefs and bringing it together with the English world through Seth and Tabitha who grew up in the Amish world, but due to circumstances and events, lived a life away from the Amish.

The author did a great job with Tabitha’s character – showing her difficulty to trust, fear, and timid nature due to past abuse, but also the internal growth to become the stronger women at the end.

Seth was a wonderful character, one who just served others’ needs out of love, without expecting anything back. I enjoyed all his complex relationships and interactions.

I adored all the side characters from the Amish world, especially Melonie, Seth’s sister.

I did not expect to enjoy this story as much as I did!

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Unforgiven by Shelley Shepard Gray is an engaging Christian fiction!
I was pulled into this Amish romance story from the very beginning.
The characters are memorable. The writing is wonderful and the story was great.

Thank You NetGalley and Revell for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Unforgiven by Shelley Shepard Gray is a lovely story about two people who believe they aren’t worthy of love and find it with each other. Seth is a former Amish man who went to prison for accidental murder. Tabitha is a former Amish woman who was beaten by her husband to the point of almost death. Still embracing their faith, if not their Amish traditions, they develop a tentative friendship that moves into something more. However, Tabitha’s ex husband is back and looking to harm her. Can Seth help? Beautiful as all of her books are, you won’t want to miss this one!

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DNF for the time being.

When I requested this book, I didn't realize it was a spinoff from another series by Gray (which I haven't read so far). From skimming other reviews, it sounds like I could benefit from that--both because it itself is a good series, and to set myself up for success with this read.

I was also a bit confused; the book description noted Seth's _former_ Amish community--and again, not having read the other series, I went in thinking he wasn't involved with it anymore, but he's at least doing things for his former teacher in the community, whom he'd long had a crush on? Of course, once I clued in that she was only 3 years older than he (given the Amish schooling element), that made way more sense...but as a noob reader, I felt that could have been clarified way earlier. Instead, I felt on edge/weirded out about it until clarity came. So that just set me off on the wrong foot!

I may go back and read the other series, then revisit this one. I'll admit I'm not too big on Amish fiction anymore (ODed early on in the Amish-CF market), so we'll see, but Gray is certainly a talented author and I've enjoyed other books she's written.

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Unforgiven, by Shelley Shepard Gray, opens with Seth Zimmerman stopping by Tabitha Yoder’s home to assist with some of her chores. Seth is a former student of Tabitha’s; however, after a death in their Amish community has left Seth with the label of ex-con, Tabitha is uneasy with his presence!

Although Tabitha is a mere three years older than Seth, her unease is due to her memories of her abusive ex-husband. After two years of his weekly visits, Seth is surprised when one day Tabitha steps outside to thank him. Soon you will see these two begin to converse like old friends!

When Tabitha’s ex-husband shows up again, you wonder what will happen next. Will Tabitha be able to live in the new freedom she has found or will her ex-husband bring violence back into her world? Hold fast to see how Seth and Tabitha respond to this potential threat!

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I appreciated that this book dealt with issues of abuse in an amish community and didn't try to hide how the rules that govern their community can cause harm to a victim. Yet it didn't do it in a way that makes one condemn the amish. It showed the struggle even within one's own family. It dealt with the issue in a sensitive, real way that offered hope.

Seth is a beautiful character. He spends large amounts of time serving Tabitha even when she's too afraid to open her door. He doesn't blame others for the hardships he's encountered. He is wise and caring.

This book was written well and had a good pace to it. It moved along quickly and it was hard to put down. I'd highly recommend it. Thank you to Revell for providing me with a free copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Unforgiven by Shelly Shepard Gray, gives a different view of Amish family life. It's not a simple, perfect life that we might think as we drive by and look at the clothes on the line or the buggy's going down the street. Their private lives can be more like ours then we imagine.

Both main charactors (Seth and Tabitha) have done the unthinkable in the Amish community. Of course many of the community have strong opionions about what has happened and are not so easy to forgive. Even Seth and Tabitha have to learn to forgive...themselves.

This book kept me captivated from beginning to end.
What a great read!

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Unforgiven is the latest release by Shelley Shepard Gray. Unforgiven is a spinoff from her Rumors in Ross County series. This is Seth’s story. I have been waiting for his story for a while now and it was good, but it wasn’t quite what I was expecting. I loved that Tabitha is able to overcome so much in this story. Reading Tabitha and Seth’s story was a sweet and uplifting journey. I just thought that Seth’s good friends in the Rumors in Ross County series would have made an appearance in his story. He was always there for them and their significant others, that it is odd that they were not there for him and Tabitha. If I am being honest, it was a bit of a let down for me, at least compared to her Rumors in Ross County series. If you like a sweet and clean romance, then Unforgiven just might be for you.

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