Member Reviews

This was at times a difficult story to read and I’m sure a difficult story to tell. It was well written and it was easy to get caught up in the characters stories. I found myself cheering on Seth and Tabitha. They were both dealing with a past they needed to work through and a community that needed to forgive and understand the reality of what happened in both of their circumstances. The ending left me wanting just a little bit more, but a captivating story nonetheless.

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Seeking a story steeped in faith and forgiveness? Shelley Shepard Gray's Unforgiven is a captivating novel that explores the depths of faith, God’s grace, forgiveness, and the blessed Divine gift and power of human connection, offering a balm for the soul.

We meet Tabitha Yoder, a woman ostracized from her Amish community after escaping an abusive marriage. Haunted by her past, she lives in seclusion, her spirit as fragile as the walls she's built around herself. Enter Seth Zimmerman, an ex-con burdened by a tragic accident. Both ostracized, they find a tentative solace in each other's company.

Gray's masterful storytelling is infused with a deep understanding of Christian faith. The characters' journeys of healing mirror the redemptive power of God's grace. Each step towards forgiveness, whether for oneself or others, feels earned and deeply moving. Unlike some Amish fiction, Unforgiven doesn't shy away from the brutal realities of domestic violence. It tackles these sensitive topics with grace, offering a glimmer of hope through the unwavering strength of Tabitha's spirit and the unwavering compassion of her newfound community.

The suspense rises like a simmering pot as Tabitha's past resurfaces in the form of her abusive ex-husband. This external threat mirrors the internal battles they both face, forging a bond that strengthens with each shared burden. The supporting characters, particularly Melonie and Lott, add depth and warmth to the narrative. Their blossoming romance provides a delightful counterpoint to the central couple's struggles, reminding us that even amidst darkness, love finds a way to bloom.

Unforgiven is a gripping read; it's a transformative experience. With the precision of a season craftsman, it intricately weaves together, through the lens of Christian faith, the threads of faith, grace, and forgiveness into a narrative that penetrates the depths of the soul. Through its pages, the essence of God’s boundless, redeeming love is palpable and redemption and reconciliation unfolds beautifully.

This book is a must-read for anyone who enjoys Amish fiction with a deeper touch. It's a story that will resonate with those seeking a journey of faith and forgiveness while embracing God’s incredible and endless grace.

God says in Isaiah 1:18 (NLT): Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow.

I received a digital copy of Unforgiven from the publisher, Revell, via NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review in any way or for any reason. My honest and unbiased opinions expressed in this book review are my own. My review focuses on the writing style, the pacing, and the story’s content, ensuring transparency and reliability.

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Unforgiven by Shelley Shepard Gray is the most riveting Amish fiction I have ever read. With an intriguing cast of characters and a storyline that kept me turning the pages.

Tabitha Yoder divorced her abusive husband. Despite not facing formal rejection, her Amish community continues to treat her as if she has been shunned. While some still reach out to her, most leave her alone. Meanwhile, she is so afraid of her husband's return that she is too afraid to open her door or step outside her home.

Enter ex-con Seth Zimmerman. He tried to stop someone from raping an Amish girl, and in the process, the rapist fell, hit his head, and died. Seth received a prison sentence for his actions. And because he was sent to prison, he too has been ostracized from his Amish community.

When he finds out about Tabitha, he does everything he can to make sure she is provided for. He chops wood for her, leaves her groceries, and shovels her driveway. And while he does all these things, Tabitha is watching and slowly lowering her guard to open her door and let someone who genuinely cares into her life.

I loved the story that unfolded with these two characters. The author brilliantly captured the emotions of someone who has suffered from abuse. She has also shown how some churches today make women suffer in order to obey the scriptures (or uphold laws Jesus has already fulfilled). I am thinking of the callous and evil ways of John MacArthur and Grace Community Church and how they counsel abused women to remain with their spouses. While Tabitha's community is fictional, this book speaks to a very real problem in some churches today that value the "laws" of the Bible rather than a person's life.

The side-character romance between Melonie and Lott was sweet, and I liked seeing how they grew in their relationships with Seth and Tabitha.

This book really kept me on the edge of my seat and is one of the best Amish books I've read to date. I highly recommend it!

For my honest review, I received a complimentary copy from Revell via NetGalley.

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Set in Crittenden County, Kentucky, this emotional Amish romantic suspense story features two people scarred by their pasts struggling to navigate life and love in the environment of an “unforgiving” Amish community and unaccepting family members. The beautifully crafted characters are realistic and memorable. I love Seth and Tabitha and came to care about them as individuals and as a couple. Their story kept me turning the pages to see what and who they would encounter next and what the repercussions would be. Secondary characters, Melonie and Lott, add depth and interest to the story with their touching side story romance. I like the way difficult subjects—domestic abuse, assault, divorce, imprisonment—are treated sensitively and thoughtfully. I appreciate the strong faith thread with themes of trust and forgiveness, with emphasis on self-forgiveness. This heartwarming and at times heartbreaking story is not your typical Amish fare, and I think that even readers who are not Amish fiction fans will enjoy it.
For my honest opinion, I received a complimentary copy from Revell via Netgalley and Interviews & Reviews.

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Unforgiven by Shelley Shepard Gray was a wonderful story about two people with pasts that no one will allow them to forget. Seth Zimmerman accidentally killed someone while trying to help a young lady. Since he is out of prison he has spent 3 yrs helping those in need. Tabitha Yoder, his ex teacher, is now a divorced recluse because of her abusive ex husband. Divorce is frowned upon in the Amish faith so even though she isn’t formally shunned, the community has shunned her and Seth. Can Seth help Tabitha to not be afraid and live? Can Tabitha help Seth find his forgiveness and follow God’s path.
I couldn’t put this book down. Great story of heartache, strength , forgiveness and love. I received this book to leave my honest review. This is a must read!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this book.

Shelly Shepherd Gray is one of my favorite authors of Amish fiction. I just love all of her books. This book is no exception.

Shelly did an awesome job tackling some very difficult issues that are not often mentioned in Amish fiction novels.

The characters were believabl and she presented and the romance was a sweet and believable as well.

Highly recommend.

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I received an arc from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

Seth and Tabitha have both been shunned in a sense from their Amish community. Both did nothing wrong but both are at a lonely place right now.

Tabitha’s past threatens to return and harm her again and Seth’s protective instincts kick in but Tabitha is still leery of contact with Seth. Will they be able to overcome the obstacles thrown their way?
3.5 stars

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Unforgiven by Shelly Shepard Gray is realistic honestly told story concerning several difficult storylines; attempted rape, domestic violence, accidental death, imprisonment, an dealing with an abusive ex-husband. All topics usually left on the sidelines in Amish fiction.

The storyline was extremely good. Gray handles each topic with professionalism and understanding of each character’s involvement.

Although the story focuses mainly on the lives of divorced, Tabitha Yoder and x-con, Seth Zimmerman, the minor characters add so much to the story. All characters are realistic and protracted in believable way.

If you enjoy suspense, you are going to enjoy the book.

Thank you Revell for allowing me to read and advanced copy of this 5-star book by Shelly Shepherd Gray. Publication day is May 22, 2024. All ideas expressed in this review are mine, and I was not ask to leave a positive review.

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This is a story about abuse and accidental death and how two people over come their life negatives to learn to forgive theirselves for what happened to them! They support each other and start to believe in themselves! I was given the chance to read Unforgiven by Shelley Shepard Gray! I was not required to leave a review!

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4 1/2 stars. I’m assuming this is the first in a new series. But the way it is introduced makes me feel like I missed a previous book. So after searching and not finding a previous book, just hoping now there will be more.
I really liked the main characters, Seth who served time in prison, probably unjustly. Tabitha who is reclusive and scared of her ex husband, although neither has been banned officially, they are not made to feel a part of the community. I don’t want to give too much of the storyline away, but it is quite engaging.
I have never read a book by Shelley that I didn’t enjoy. I am glad the publisher approved a review copy through NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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Loved reading the inspirational and captivating story. Since Tabitha's divorce from her abusive ex-husband, Leo, and being shunned from the Amish Community, Tabitha's hesitancy stops her from leaving her home, and Seth, an ex-con who saved a woman from being raped, is also shunned, but he feels he should help Tabitha, a woman he has always liked, with chopping wood and leaving her items she could use. Read the highly recommended, wonderfully written, and a must read riveting story of two people finding each other in an unforgiven world. Can't wait to read the next story by the phenomenal author, Shelley Shepard Gray!

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Unforgiven is heartwarming and emotional. It explores several difficult topics - attempted rape, domestic violence, accidental manslaughter, faith, values, and forgiveness. I enjoyed this story of the Amish and Englisher, overcoming fear, forgiving oneself in order to move forward, and finding love. I was happy to learn it’s the beginning of a series and look forward to reading the next book in the series.

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This was a really sweet romance that covers some difficult topics not usually in Amish romances, and does so in a way that is very well handled. The characters are well rounded, and I enjoyed that the romance is slow and steady, and the way the characters interact is very believable. I thoroughly enjoyed the book, and will definitely look for more by this author. Many thanks to the author and Publisher for allowing me to read the book!

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I am in love with this new series and can't wait for the second book to hit the shelves! It was so good that I read the book in two days, would have been one if I didn't have to get some sleep. The storyline was extremely good, you have two people who are trying to overcome their pasts. In a community who doesn't want to forget their past. Being from a small community myself, I know the problems that arises out of people who doesn't forget or forgive the past mistakes of others. Whether you are Amish or Englishers, this book will draw you right in. Plus I love having another story inside of the normal storyline. These couple of sentences stuck out to me. "It happened all the time.Sometimes there really was someone in the right and someone else in the wrong. But that didn't seem to matter. People believed what they believed and didn't want to be swayed no matter what evidence there was to the contrary." If you want to find out if the main characters will be forgiven and their past forgotten, you will need to grab you a copy of this book and read it to find out what happens. You won't be disappointed. I want to thank Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an arc version of this book. I was not required to leave a review and this is my personal thoughts of the book.

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A beautiful heartbreaking story that tackles the difficult subjects of domestic violence, date rape, and imprisonment. A gripping storyline that pulls you in from the opening pages. Wonderfully written to make you feel all the emotions of the characters making the story come alive.

Tabitha barely escapes an abusive marriage with her life but not without scares both invisible and visible. Seth finds himself in prison after stopping a potential date rape. Both being Amish when these instances happen, they have to deal not only with their own feelings but also the fallout within their Amish community. Tabitha and Seth form a tentative friendship while continuing to work through their pasts.

This was a moving story with very difficult circumstances handled with great sensitivity. This author’s books never fail to move me and make me think. This book will not disappoint and sets the series up to be outstanding!

I was given a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are completely my own.

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I so loved being drawn into the lives of Tabitha Yoder and X Con, Seth Zimmerman. I love mysteries and it was evident from the beginning that Tabitha had secrets that she was keeping hid. After getting into the story, you meet both of their siblings along with the other friends and family of Tabitha and Seth. Then there is Leon Yoder, Tabitha’s EX husband, yes EX. Unheard of among the Amish. When Leon shows up, not only does he get a surprise, but Tabitha learns that there are many more people that care for her than she realizes and she is so much stronger than she was when she was married to him. Come to Crittenden County, KY and visit with the Yoder and Zimmerman Families and expect to be drawn into their lives with the secrets that haunts Tabitha!

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher.

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Book one of a new series. Seth has been in love with Tabitha ever since she was his teacher. Since that time life hasn't been kind to either of them. Both have left the Amish faith and are estranged from their families. Can they reconnect and have a happy ending? Time will tell. Lovely story.

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"Unforgiven" is a Christian romance. Seth and Tabitha grew up Amish but left. They're not shunned, but their Amish community doesn't quite know how to react to them. Tabitha divorced her violent, abusive husband. Many felt she should have just separated from him or maybe could have eventually reconciled, so she doesn't feel safe or accepted and hides in her house. Her ex-husband swore he'd come back and beat her to death someday. Seth accidently killed a man who was attempting to rape a girl, but even he wonders if he could have handled the situation differently. Both feel unforgiven.

Seth has long had a crush on Tabitha, so he carefully helped her with things like chopping wood or clearing her driveway of snow. She comes to trust him. They and their families worked through what happened to break their relationships so they could move forward with healing.

The main characters were engaging and came across as real, complex people. There was some suspense as Tabitha's husband was released from prison and causing trouble again. Seth and Tabitha helped each other to heal from the past, find forgiveness, and rebuild relationships. There was no sex or bad language. Overall, I'd recommend this enjoyable romance.

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This is a good read but I often question Amish fiction. Each Amish group has their own rules, but generally, baptized church members that stray are shunned for life.
Sadly, any cult that lives by a list of rules and is clannish tend to overlook or even encourage abuse. This story shows how women are to be quiet wives dealing with whatever abuse is mete out. Getting outside law enforcement involved is avoided.
I grew up in a similar cult and i have has lasting damage.
It is so true you must forgive yourself and learn how to be strong.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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Tabitha is a divorced former Amish woman. She lives a solitary life in fear of her ex husband. Seth was in prison due to an accident. He keeps coming over to Tabitha’s to do small chores. It takes awhile but eventually Tabitha welcomes Seth into her life. However she starts to receive small gifts that could only come from her ex husband. This was a delightful on the edge of my seat read. I was able to read this from NetGalley.

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