Member Reviews

I’ve enjoyed Lucy Foley’s past work so I was really eager to read this. I loved the scene setting which immerses the reader into the manor retreat which blurs between luxurious and spooky. The twists were great and unexpected. I found it a bit confusing to remember who was who and it’s strange that the characters who knew each other so well as teenagers didn’t recognise each other at all as adults - despite being back in the same place for similar reasons.

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I was a huge fan of the Guest List and The Paris Apartment, so was expecting a other great thriller this time.

I must admit that this one, for me, didn't quite live up to the standards of those earlier thrillers. I appreciated the theme with a bit of a supernatural feel to it with the spooky woods and the mythical Crows.

The scene setting was very good and I felt that I was on the Guest List and part of the action at the coastal manor where this thriller was set.

However, the characters were a bit lacking for me. You never really got to grips with any of the characters and to have so many of them that were closely linked in childhood to not recognise each other in adult life just seems a little far-fetched on reflection.

It was a good book with lots of different plot lines going on but a few too many characters and not really enough 'thrill' for me.

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3.5 stars but rounded up to 4.

The Midnight Feast follows several characters who are all at The Manor, an idyllic retreat with a bit of intrigue for those with the money to partake in it.

I have read several of Foley's books and this one follows a similar plotline to previous published works. These are books which I enjoy as they're quick to read, mostly easy to follow and allow the reader to guess throughout. They are a very reader friendly thriller/mystery book for both beginners and advanced levels.

The Midnight Feast in particular was enjoyable because of the supernatural and spooky aspect that sat alongside it. I very much enjoyed the village of Tome and the mystery surrounding it. I liked that as the book progressed, you found out more and I didn't see the plot twist coming even though it was there in front of me the whole time. That is exactly what I want in a thriller.

The writing style is good. Some of the language seemed a bit odd but I appreciate Foley was going for a specific style and a specific narrative. This did not impact my opinion on the book and I quickly got into the flow of the writing.

It is a thriller/mystery which I'd recommend to others as it's an easy read and enjoyable at the same time.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, Harper Collins, for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Lucy Foley is back at her best. I devoured this.

A whodunnit that is up there with The Hunting Party, I absolutely loved it. The characters were a good mix of innocent and unhinged. The backstory and the present story were very easy to keep apart. There was more than one gasp out loud moment from me.

I don't want to spoil it but just read it. Its so good!!!!!

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The Manor has been recently renovated and is reopening as a wellness retreat for anyone who can pay for it. Which is decidedly not the locals. No expense has been spared and London's richest have come to bask in the coastal glow for opening weekend.But with strain between the owner and the locals, secrets start to slip out, the manor catches fire, and a body is found.

No one, and I mean no one, can form an unexpected connection like Lucy Foley. After reading her other books I’ve come to expect that I’ll have no idea what is going on, but she will explain everything to me when the time is right. The way that she seamlessly threads together the seemingly unconnected into a tangled web of secrets and lies is unmatched in every way.

If you’re looking for a mystery with so many twists and turns it’s hard to keep count, this book is for you.

Thank you Netgalley, HarperCollins UK, and Lucy Foley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved this, it was well paced and kept me engaged throughout, some parts were slightly predictable but it didn't take any enjoyment away! another classic Foley!

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Not great. This was very confusing and not in a "I want to figure out wtf is happening" kind of way, but in a "this makes NO SENSE to me" way.

I'm not a thriller expert. I casually pick them up and I don't have strong feelings about what they should or shouldn't be. The only thing I expect is to be thrilled. Even if I have to suspend disbelief or just go along for the ride, I want to feel the tension ebb and flow throughout the story, to lean forward in my seat, to want to connect the dots. None of that happened for me with this one.

I liked some elements of it, like the incorporation of folklore into the story, which was interesting and unexpected, the dual timeline, and the short chapters, but not much else. Maybe this just wasn't the Lucy Foley book for me and another of her books will work better, but this was a flop.

About the audiobook: the narration was fine. A solid audiobook that delivers the story quite well.

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The Midnight Feast is very on brand for Lucy Foley, lots of characters (almost all) who are not what they seem and twisting, turning plots. We follow the opening weekend of an exclusive retreat hotel that predictably starts off perfectly and slowly unravels as the characters reveal their true agendas. I found it slightly confusing to establish who was who between the past and the present, but overall it's a good engrossing read: perfect for summer reading, especially as it is set around the solstice. The ending is also well thought out and satisfying for the reader who has been invested in these characters.

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I have read Foley’s previous works and so expected this non-linear style of narrative from the offset and could not wait to dive into ‘The Midnight Feast’.
It reads like a locked room mystery set in a glamorous and exclusive hotel called The Manor, but as with all of Foley’s works- not everyone is as they seem. It definitely felt eerie with references to past secrets and hazy summer evenings, which pulled me in from just the synopsis. Although I enjoyed the dark and midsomer vibe to this novel so I think it will be a perfect summer read but personally the pacing slacked a little in the middle, but because I know how talented Foley is with her twists and turns I had to keep going.
Lucy Foley is quickly becoming one of my go to writers for thrillers and contemporary whodunnits so I have no doubt that she has plenty more up her sleeve. Brilliantly sharp and wicked in all the best ways.

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"The Midnight Feast" is another wonderful thriller from Lucy Foley. The narrative focuses on a few of the characters who are key to events which take place on the summer solstice of 2025. Chapters vary between the action before the solstice and those afterwards. We gradually learn what happened, why and how, with a number of plot twists along the way. I thought that the shadows of witchcraft and the Wicker Man would put me off, but this was not the case. Chapters are very short (think Dan Brown) which encourages the reader to carry on, although that unfortunately means getting to the end quicker! An engrossing read with some great characters.

Thanks to Net Galley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Woow! I never read a book by the author, and I think it is only due to the fact that the covers don't really attract me, but this is a perfect "don't judge a book by his covers" because this was very good!

At first it gave me Nine perfect Strangers vibes, but the story line quickly became different (and better!). I loved the short chapters, the back and forth, and the many many discoveries along the book that kept me reading till the early hours because I needed to know what the hell happened!

There are a few good twists that I did not predict and I loved how everything came together at the end. The writing is good, the pace is just right and the atmosphere is incredible with pagan rituals and old folklore.

I have put the hunting party on top of my tbr pile and hope it is this good. Out on the 6th of June - do read it! Love finding a gem like this when I am not expecting it 🙉

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Francesca Meadows and her husband are opening The Manor, a luxury retreat in Dorset. However, the night of the solstice when they are throwing a huge event things turn nasty.
I enjoyed how the plot unfolded. There were POV’s from several different characters, jumping between the build up to the solstice and after the solstice as well as diary entries from 15 years earlier that explained how the characters knew each other and how their stories connected. It kept me guessing throughout.
There is a local folklore weaved throughout the book as well which makes it stand out from other similar thrillers and gives it a slightly gothic edgy feel.
Overall a great read.

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I loved The Hunting Party. It feels like all of Lucy Foley's books since then have been of the same formula: someone is dead/attacked/something bad has happened, spend the whole novel working backwards to find out who/how. I enjoyed the setting for this and the plot moved along easily enough. Wasn't blown away by it, but an engaging read.

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4.5 stars

I absolutely loved this book, i had never read anything rom Lucy Foley before and i as happily surprised! The only reason why it is not a full 5 stars, its because the beginning was incredibly slow and it took some time to pick up the pace.

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3.5 stars rounded down. A very slow burn mystery told from multiple points of view, the day before/of/after the solstice. Sticking with it, you begin to see a few revelations and piece bits together, until it all becomes clear at the end. As soon as I saw one character’s surname near the end, I guessed what had happened.

If you’re not a fan of “teens wildly misbehave, someone dies, and years later the past begins to reveal itself”, then I’d give this one a miss. If you don’t like irritating characters, especially hippy dippy fuzzy wuzzy woo woo ones, then you really won’t like Francesca…

Overall I can see how it was intricately thought out. But I can’t say I particularly cared for many of the characters, beyond thoroughly disliking Francesca. So it made it a bit hard to care much about their actions. I’ve enjoyed some of Lucy’s books before, but I’m not sure this is one of her better ones unfortunately.

I received a free ARC copy of this via NetGalley and the publishers in return for an unbiased review.

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This book was a bit of a let down for me. I usually love the remote setting and various dodgy characters that Lucy foley has to offer however I didn’t warm to any of these rich and over privalidged people. I also didn’t like the cult type aspect of the story with the bird people.

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I really enjoyed Lucy Foley’s latest offering, finding the characters both more likeable and hateable than in her previous novels. Every page reveals more about each of them and their past, pasts which have driven them towards this day, all combining as everything falls into place. I enjoyed the movement from character to character and felt it built well towards the climax. Thank you to Netgalley for the advance reader copy.

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Wonderfully written. I have never read a Lucy Foley novel before. I was not disappointed. The story kept me page turning, wanting more and to find out all the secrets. Twists and turns a plenty. Gripping.
As delicious as a feast!
Thank you to netgalley and the publishers and the author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest opinion

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I’ve read a good few of Foley’s thrillers and they tend to follow a very similar format but I found The Midnight Feast to be a little bit different. It still had the close setting, with danger unfolding in a costal hotel, but there wasn’t quite as much of a whodunnit as I would have expected. I also found the concept of The Birds, an almost supernatural group who are suspected of various crimes, totally unnecessary and a bit of an easy joke at the end.

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This was my first time reading a book from the author but I am delighted to say I thoroughly enjoyed the story and I look forward to reading more books from the writer in the future.

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