Member Reviews

Another hauntingly good book by Dawn Merriman! I found The Whisper House: A totally addictive paranormal mystery with a twist to be gripping, captivating, thrilling, and hard to put down. This book was pure ghost bliss for me. This is the riveting, fun, and spooky third book in the Rylan Flynn series.

Rylan has a unique gift; she can see and speak with ghosts. She goes to where there are ghosts to investigate what is keeping them from passing on and why they haunt the living. In this book, Rylan’s ex-boyfriend, Declan believes that his home is haunted. While at his home investigating, Rylan and her best friend, Mickey, find a dying woman on the grounds of Declan’s home. Who hurt her and why? The only witness appears to be a ghost inside the home.

As Rylan attempts to solve the paranormal mystery, the stakes become even higher when Mickey is taken. My mind was full of questions while reading this book. In addition to wondering who killed the woman, I wondered why Mickey was take, by whom, and where is she being held?

I love the paranormal aspect of this series. Dawn Merriman has expertly blended the paranormal aspects and the mystery beautifully together. Like the first two books in the series (The Spirit Girls and The Shadow Girls), this book was well written, well thought out, and hard to put down. I loved the sense of dread and the atmospheric feel of Declan's mansion. I also enjoyed the tension which oozed throughout the book as well as the mounting sense of dread and danger.

I enjoy Rylan and her dedication to her friend, Mickey. I also enjoyed Detective Ford Pierce's scenes as well. Rylan and Ford have interesting interactions and I look forward to reading more about each in future books. The characters in this book are likeable and I rooted for them the entire book. I did not see the ending coming at all. I like it when that happens. The wool was pulled over my eyes.

Gripping, entertaining, fast paced, full of dread, danger, and tension.

Could this book be read as a stand-along? Yes, but as it is only the third book in the series, one could easily go back and read the first two books in the series which I thought were terrific.

Thank you to Second Sky Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I ventured out of my normal genre of young adult fantasy to this paranormal mystery. This was a quick and easy read. The book kept my attention and the storyline was well paced. I thought the plot could have used more development. The conclusion was a surprise twist that seemed to come out of nowhere; I'm sure it was planned but it seemed like rushed ending. I didn't read the first two books but it was easy to pick up on the subplots from prior books and it didn't detract in my opinion. Overall, a quick, enjoyable read that was of average complexity.

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I really enjoy this series and I liked this book the best so far. It's a little darker and there is a lot going on! Rylan is such a fun character to read. She's complex. I also really enjoy Ford. The fact that we get multiple points of view adds a lot of depth to the story. I didn't see the reveal coming. It definitely kept me guessing. I can't wait for the next one. There are some ongoing mysteries that cross all the books so I recommend reading these in order.

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Thank you Netgalley and Second Sky for the chance to read The whisper house by Dawn Merriman. This is the 3rd book in the Rylan Flynn series, and it held my attention from start to finish. Rylan sees ghosts and tries to help them cross over (Remember the show The ghost whisperer!) and has a ghost hunting podcast. Narrated from multiple POVs, it's fast paced, easy to read, and isn't too scary. Rylan is a very interesting character, and lives with the ghost of her murdered mother, and is a hoarder. Each book ends with a hint of what's coming in the next book.

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This is a great mystery thriller with a paranormal twist.
Rylan is asked to investigate her ex boyfriend’s mansion as he’s been hearing some strange noises.
With Mickey filming they start their walk round the house and are shocked to see a woman out in the grounds.
As they go out to check on her, they hear screams and when they reach her she’s badly injured. Unfortunately the stab wounds are quite severe so the woman soon passes away.
Ford arrives to investigate the murder and Rylan is frustrated as the woman passed over before she could ask any questions.
This incident shakes Mickey so she tells Rylan she wants a break from filming but soon her life is in danger.
Rylan and Ford are out looking for Mickey but there seems to be no clues as to who took her until Rylan speaks to the spirit of a young boy who has been around in Mickey’s home.
This is another great mystery thriller that I really enjoyed.
Thanks to Second Sky and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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The Whisper House is the 3rd in the series, so I was introduced a little further along. Without having any previous introduction to the story, characters, or series arc, I was able to keep up with the story and grab inferences from past books. My lack of previous knowledge did not inhibit me from understanding and enjoying this book, however, now that I've finished I want to go back and read the series from the start to catch up.

As a reader, I was immediately thrown into Rylan's supernatural world, with a reunion of sorts with an old boyfriend, a little redemption that he's asked her to help his ghost situation that they previously broke up for, and a dying woman on the lawn.

Overall, the story has enough elements to keep me interested;
* Ghosts/Paranormal
* Murder Mystery
* Relationship Drama
* Intriguing Settings

More positives for me:
* No curse words or gratuitous sex scenes
* No casual attitude towards death - It doesn't make death/murder entertaining, but gives respect to the tragedy
* Aspects of faith woven in with prayer being a common go-to
* Surprise of Who-Dunnit - I seriously had no clue as to the motive or who the "villain" was, though I had questions as to this characters presence and mystery surrounding this character
* A love interest that is gradual and built on friendship rather than jumping into bed
* While there are certainly elements of supernatural, as in seeing and talking to ghosts and helping them cross over, there aren't any additional occult practices or rituals included - at least not in this book, so it's not a "dark" story

It did take me a bit to get into, mostly because this was my first encounter with the series. I feel like if I had read from book one, this wouldn't have been a problem for me. Once I did get into the book, I was intrigued. It didn't feel disjointed, but the clues and red herrings all made sense and were head-smackers (as in, Uhh! Why didn't I pick up on that?!) It wasn't a traditional mystery to me, but was woven with emotion, relationships, drama, and multiple POVs that kept me as a reader on my toes.

Overall, I enjoyed this book and it definitely made me want to read more. I felt that the end reveal was enough to help me understand the motives and connect all the dots for me. I will definitely try to find the first 2 books and read through them, so that gets 5 stars if a story wants to keep me reading. It's also clean enough (despite the murder) that I can give to my teen to read, so bonus points for that.

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I’m really enjoying Dawn Merrimans, Rylan Flynns mysteries, they are a great mix of thriller & paranormal and not only are the stories entertaining but I also love the will they won’t they relationship with Ford, and what is trapped in her brothers old bedroom & will she ever find out who killed her mum. I look forward too the next instalment.

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This is the third book in this series. However, I didn't realise that when I requested it. I didn't feel like it made a difference that I hadn't read the first two in the series.
This book started with Rylan and Mickey going to investigate at Declan's house. The only problem is Declan is Rylan's ex-boyfriend.

I felt this story was fast-paced with twists and turns along the way. I found myself unable to put the book down, I was hooked from the first page. I would highly recommend this book, and I will definitely be going back and reading the first two in the series. I also can't wait to see what Rylan will do next!

I also want to thank the publisher and Netgalley for giving me a copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review.

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I found this book awkward and uncomfortable. Written in the present tense it didn't feel like it flowed and the jumping around from character to character narrating often confused me as to who was speaking/thinking. I had to check back a few times. The story itself is weak too doesn't make sense, it borders on ridiculous at the end. It could be a starting point for the future, but needs a lot of work and development of plot and characters. I did like the fact it was a very quick read.

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This is the 3rd in the Rylan Flynn series. I enjoyed reading this book, but I felt that I would have relished it more if I read it from the start of the series. If you are a fan of the paranormal and ghost hunting genre then this book is for you. There were hauntings, ghosts, a mystery and much more in this novel. Rylan and Mickey are on their way to Ryan’s ex-boyfriend’s house who thinks that it is haunted and wants Rylan to prove that it is. When they start to search the house and to see if it is haunted, they hear screams outside. They ran out to see what was happening and find a young girl stabbed. They try to save her, but it is too late. Then Rylan’s friend, Mickey is kidnapped, and everyone is blaming Rylan because of her ghost hunting. Rylan is devastated and starts to search for Mickey herself. Read and find out if Mickey is found alive, and will Rylan keep on ghost hunting and taping her show. I recommend this series especially if you love ghosts, romance, and some suspense. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for providing an advanced reader’s copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the third book in this easy read fantasy series. Ghost hunting, murder, family, maybe romance and witty entertaining dialogue are once again presented to the reader. The first two books have been quite light hearted even dealing with villains and murder. Here though in, giving more depth to her characters life stories, Dawn Merriman presents us with a slightly darker feel as Rylan Flynn starts to struggle with the gift she has and what that means for her personally. I can’t wait for the next instalment. I suggest you start at the beginning and read the books in order. Thank you to Second Sky and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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A one sitting read! I like how this combines a murder with supernatural elements. Questioning ghosts as witnesses brings a different twist to an investigation. I liked the characters and the fact they weren't 'perfect' (eg hoarding) and I raced through the book as the plot moved at a fast pace. I'm hoping for another book in the series

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My first book from the series which means I’ll have to go back and read the previous ones to know more.
Rylan can see and speak to ghosts, she hosts a show about helping ghosts cross over with her best friend and camera person Mickey. When Mickey is kidnapped, Rylan does her best to help the police to find her despite the lead investigators finding her to be a nuisance.
I loved the premise of the book, plenty ghosts that pop out. I would watch their ghost show! I did find the book to be a bit too short as I would love to know more especially about her mum and if she ever goes into her brothers room or sorts the house out, but I guess I will have to wait for the next in the series to find out more.

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Interesting addition to series. I felt like something was missing from this one though. I’m very interested to see where this series is going. I really like the premise and the characters.

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I was excited to see this latest in the series because Rylan is a haunted soul both literally and figuratively. In this book, her ex-boyfriend needs her help with a haunting, but it turns to murder when they find a dying woman. I felt so many things for Rylan just like I did in the previous two books because of the state of her house…in several different ways. I don’t want to spoil it, but I’m anxious to see how this plays out and we find out just what is going on. I love this type of mystery where the author mentions a “problem” and we wait for several books before we find out. Anyway, the author kept me guessing with this latest, and I had no idea who the villain was. Bring on the next book! Highly recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.

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There is so much happening in this book! First Rylan and Mickey are going to work a case for her ex-boyfriend. A semi-famous author whose new home seems to have a few ghosts, and when they arrive they experience something horrifying. Then Mickey gets kidnapped and Ford, our sexy detective and love interest (there is definite pining on both sides) has to figure out if it is related to the aforementioned horrible thing at Declan's house. We're still waiting to see if we find out who caused what happened to her mother, and that THING is still hiding out in her brother's old bedroom. Her Aunt Val needs some help with something from her past, and of course, Rylan wants to help. That's all to say there isn't one moment that's not moving the story forward in some way which kept me glued to the pages. I read it all in one sitting and am now itching to have the next book in my hand.. which will probably be a while since this one hasn't even been released yet.. sigh oh well! I will be starting a reread, and watching some ghost-hunting shows to tide me over until Rylan and Mickey come back in the next book. If you are any kind of paranormal/ghost-hunting fan you should check this series out.

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This book was okay, I feel like there was something missing between the end of the last book and this one, because the tension between Rylan and Mickey seemed to come out of nowhere. It was odd that Mickey did not tell her best friend some key info, but it was also frustrating that Rylan really wasn't listening to her either. The ending was a little surprising, so that keep me reading. I am intrigued about the dark presence that keeps showing up.

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You might remember when I  wrote my thoughts about the previous book (I did not read book 1), that I picked it without realising it was a paranormal thriller which is so not my cup of tea. I loved everything about it so much that I was utterly pleased when I saw that book 3 was next on my list.

Once again I was immediately taken by the story and the great characters, recurring and new ones. I started it last night and finished it before noon today. 

Honestly, I am a bit jealous of Rylan. I would also love to be able to see and communicate with ghosts. Well, friendly ones anyway ;)

I love the way the author has portrayed the ghosts. They are not creepy or bad, but they aim to help to solve crimes.

I do hope Rylan can meet a ghost to, not only give her some advice on how to solve a crime, but also on matters of the heart. She needs a little push there ;)

I am counting the days until book 4 lands on my Kindle. :) 5 stars 

Thank you

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And I am back with Rylan. God I love this series, I love Rylan but the books are far too short. I could sit and read about her all day...I still have so many questions that I need answers for.

I got a copy of the book, started it on the airplane and finished it before I even got to my holiday destination. I was hooked. A dark twist and it starts 2 days after the end of The Shadow Girls. I have eagerly waited for this book and I have to wait even longer for the next one!!

This was so intense, with so many ghosts but so many bigger things going on right now. I flew through the story, I just lost myself in the story. I mean an old house that holds so many secrets and who is the woman that Rylan sees in the window? Is she a threat? And the little boy! Oh and Val! Gosh so much!!

Dawn has created the best series, one of my favourites. Ghosts and paranormal are my go to and this is perfect, it gives me the occasional tingle as the fear creeps in and I love it! I want more!

I want to go into that room!!!!

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