Member Reviews

Rebel Girls Money Matters is a great guide to navigating financial decisions and learning about important financial matters. It teaches kids important skills and information about money and finances from an early age.

This is a very colorful, understandable guide to financial basics for middle school girls. I like the activities and questions throughout. I would suggest that parents read and discuss this with their kids. There was one item that felt biased in its presentation but it’s a common bias in financial planning.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own
This is totally my kind of book. Doesn't matter what age or gender you may be, this is a book for anyone regarding life knowledge and information about money.
Money is a tool! That's true. And if you ever seen Scrooge McDuck you also know that money is like water, it needs to flow and move. In "Money matter" it's explained more down to earth and with social scenaries, like money are the tool that should be used for living your life. There are tips and examples how money are used, how you can save money and so on. Money is something that will "control" your living situation if you don't take control and understand finance, economy and money!
I really liked the layout, the tips, the chapters/themes and the dictionary! The amount of examples are an sight for the eyes. The chapter how to make money and what type of payment you may receive, is my favourite part. I really appreciate the section and the information of how it works, how it can be saved and an beware section in the columns.
I learnt some new stuff and I always appreciate that. I would totally buy this book and use it like an bibel! I love money and the concept of money is something dear to my heart. As a person and schooler.

This is a good introduction to money for young children. I would recommend it for elementary school libraries or classrooms.

This is an excellent book for teaching Girls (and boys) about financial literacy. It can be a hard topic for adults to explain and discuss as everyone has differing ideas about dealing with money. This starts with basics explaining about savings, interest, credit cards and even investments. It also lets you think about if you are a spender or a saver or somewhere in between. It encourages saving with a goal on any money you earn or receive as gifts and encourages thinking of ways to earn money. But there is time for rewarding yourself as well. Some of the ideas are going to be beyond the reach of younger readers like investing in stocks but at least they can understand the concept. As we have become more of a cashless society, youngsters don’t always interact with money like a generation ago. My daughter is 30 and buys things with a flick of her watch and writes maybe two checks a year. (She is good at saving and budgeting.) This is the kind of book you could turn to at different times and ages. It isn’t something to be read once and be done.

There are many positives in this book, the primary one being the fact that we are teaching our kids about money from young age. I have not read many books on this topic for this age demographic, so the fact that this exists is wonderful.
I especially appreciated the sections that asked the readers to consider what type of spender they are, How to make money and to consider the expenses of any business plan, and the fact that digital money is real money.
My only complaint is that this book gives equal time to areas that may not be age appropriate for this demographic— such as risk tolerance, investing in the stock market, and the pay gap.
Also, there are some dated elements: How to write a check for instance, Or perhaps very location specific because the true cost of filling a tank of gas is quite different from the much lower numbers presented in the book.
These negatives would not deter me From introducing this book to my daughter. Almost all exposure for thinking about money is good exposure in my book.

Love Rebel Girls books! I have purchased 2 copies of this book for my 4.5 and 9 year old granddaughters. The book is geared for 8 - 12 year olds. I figured it’s a great book for the parents to read and explain to the girls. Got to start them young on being responsible with their money.
Thank you #NetGalley, #RebelGirls, #AlexvonTobel and #RebelGirlsMoneyMattersAGuidetoSavings,Spending,andEverythinginBetween for my arc for my honest review.

I think this topic is so valuable and it was pleasing to see this series tackle it. I liked how simply but effectively everything was explained. You can really easily look up a specific word or phrase to help you or just read the whole book for information.

This is a great book for financial literacy. It discusses financial goals, making money, spending money. I think this book should ber ead y all kids, not just girls. It also discusses spending/investing. Adults need to help kids understand these topics because there is a lot of information in the book; I would not just hand it to them and walk away.

Always a fan of Rebel Girl. This is a great book to help the conversation of money with kids. While it doesn’t translate perfectly for all countries it gives a pretty good basics of finances and will help lead parents into topics that could be forgotten day to day. Great book to help prepare our kiddos for big kid stuff

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this book for free in exchange for my review! All opinions are my own.
Let's face it. Money is just part of life. Unfortunately, it doesn't grow on trees so it is important to teach adoloscents how to handle it wisely. I cn say for sure I would've found this book helpful as a teenager -- and I think some lessons do carry on over into adulthood as well.
I highly recommend this book!
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We are huge fans of the Rebel Girls series and this book makes another perfect pick for bookshelves at home or within school libraries.
Although largely aimed at an American audience, the financial literacy imparted in this easy to understand and interesting book has world wide appeal. Written by a financial planner and fantastically illustrated, it presents money as a tool for life and living, explaining how to earn it and budget with it. With a focus on savings, investments and credit card use, there are 'pop' quizzes throughout to embed knowledge and a brilliant 'Questions and Answers' section posing genuine queries from the target audience to the expert, who gives comprehensive answers.
This highly accessible non-fiction guide to one of the most important topics of life is aimed at giving an essential foundation to children age 8-12 in order for them to establish the skills needed for financial stability and management in the future.
Thank you to NetGalley and Rebel Girls for sending this eBook for review consideration. All opinions are our own.

I absolutely loved this book and thought the information was really useful and presented in a very clear manner. I thought it was great that the author didn't dumb down any of the information and as a 21 year old I still learnt a lot from this book. The pages were very colourful and engaging and I loved the illustrations.
Overall this was a great addition to the Growing Up Powerful series and I'm sure this would be a fantastic way of introducing the topic of personal finance to younger girls!

When I say I love children nonfiction, here's what I mean. It gave a comprehensive understanding on how money works covering all the essentials points (incl but not limited to saving, loans, debt, credit, etc). The things no one told me about it when I was a kid.
It adds another perspective that it's okay for children to start understanding about money. This is a first step towards being financially literate.
This book is a complete package: light, colorful, accurate and easily understandable.

I wish I’d had a book like this one when I was a child. As a big fan of the Rebel Girls series for my children, I’ve been on the lookout for a book on explaining and teaching my children how to deal with money. This book provides an excellent introduction to financial matters and explains how money, savings, credit cards, and investments all work. It provides easy-to-understand guidance and presents complex financial concepts in age-appropriate, digestible ways. There’s great examples for how to earn money, what to do with it, and how to categorize things for budgeting. This book is geared largely towards an American audience, and I wonder if there will be other editions created for other parts of the world, but as an introductory financial literacy book, this is fantastic. I could easily see myself getting this book to further discuss the optic with my children when they’re around 8-10 so they can get a good foundation and early practice on how to set themselves up for financial success in the future. There are even great little quizzes and short stories to help teach and guide children into thinking about ways they can apply the principles taught to their own lives. I also really appreciated the Q&A’s section that highlighted questions kids had about money, and a financial professional’s response as I could easily see echoes of those questions happening in my own house. At the book’s end, there are even more resources presented to help underscore the money message in fun ways such as games and so on. A nice all-around resource for tackling a tricky, difficult topic that will have long-lasting impact on their lives.

I like the double meaning of this title. Here is a book about money matters (topics) and how money matters (makes a difference in a person’s life). It is an excellent resource and one that it is easy to recommend.
There was a time when girls/women were not supposed to concern themselves with issues related to money. However, financial literacy is so important and making it interesting to a young person is a true service.
This book, written by a financial planner, is packed with information and topics. Just a few of the chapters are those on making money, spending money and investing. The author’s perspective is that money is not something to “worship” but nor is it something to “ignore.” She looks at money as a tool that lets people live their lives.
This book will enable its readers to understand an important topic. It is a good title for both school and home libraries.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Rebel Girls for this title. All opinions are my own.

Okay so I now this is a children's book and I'm a 25-year-old-woman but this was just?? so well-explained? I have always loved the illustration style of the Rebel Girls series and I loved the characters and drawings in this book, too. I wish my parents had read me and my siblings this book when we were younger because I kinda had to learn the hard way to manage my (pocket) money resourcefully. Would definitely recommend.

An insightful book about financial responsibilities for young girls that will ensure they understand how their choices impact their stability.

I really appreciate the Rebel Girls series: I have been looking for books that are engaging for the young girls I work with. I was so happy to find this money edition, it was very comprehensive.

Personal finance for kids is always tricky but this book focuses on all the right things. They have quizzes and prompts that help show where feelings and patterns about money for the individual are and what that means moving forward. The definitions for terms are straightforward and there is even information about financial decisions to be made in the future like salaries and mortgages.