Member Reviews

Full of serendipity and bursting with wisdom and humanity, Let’s Pretend This Will Work, is a hallmark of a Maddie Dawson novel. I rationed the pages of this whimsical, vulnerable and emotionally intelligent story. To read a Dawson novel is to understand yourself and others in surprising, warm and hopeful new ways. Highly, highly recommended.

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Let’s Pretend This Will Work has all the hallmarks of a Maddie Dawson novel—a quirky heroine, a will-it-or-won’t-it-have-a-happy-ending trajectory (it will), and a magical element that helps make everything come together. The story takes place in New York City and New Haven, CT during the 1980s and is set against a cooperative daycare, which adds a host of colorful characters to the cast. Mimi, the story’s protagonist, finds herself in New Haven, following her sort-of fiancé from New York City after his ex-wife suffers a terrible accident and Mimi loses her job and her apartment. Here, Mimi finds a sublet above the daycare, which soon becomes the center of her life, and where she meets love interest #2, a widower with an adorable four-year old daughter. The move to New Haven puts Mimi’s life on a completely different course, ultimately pushing her to choose between what she thought she wanted and what the universe has offered her.

Mimi’s psychic, her sort-of fiancé’s daughters and ex-wife, the parents and children at the daycare, and the family of the widower’s late wife all mold and shape Mimi’s life in New Haven and the choices she ultimately makes. Not all the characters are likeable, but it is a sweet read with a happy ending.

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book "Let's Pretend This Will Work" and all opinions expressed are my own. My first book by Maddie Dawson and I will be reading more. I loved this book. It was set in the 1980's which I thought was really fun. I love the psychic aspect of the story also. The story was totally heartwarming and based on finding your way in life. I wanted to be right there with Mimi and be her friend. Just remember - you cannot plan out your life, what you think you want, the path you think you are on, can change at any moment.

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Unfortunately this was a DNF for me. Every single character is unbearable. I can’t stand reading about women who can’t tell people what they want, or who settle for horrible men. The FMC acts a lot younger than she’s supposed to be and frankly it’s just awful. The MMC is just an awful selfish man. The whole hanging out at a preschool premise is SUPER weird to me.

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This is such a great story I adored Mimi and really wanted happiness for her.

But sometimes things just aren't so simple She meets Ren and after dating for a while he proposes, only very shortly after proposing he receives devastating news that his ex has been in an accident, He has to move in with her short term to help look after his children, he wants to keep Mimi close by and so she finds herself living above a daycare.

As Ren starts to get close to his ex again Mimi realises she needs to figure her own life out and what it is she wants

I really loved the story and It really makes you think about life and the decisions we make everyday, amazing!

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"Let's Pretend This Will Work" by Maddie Dawson is a heartwarming and hilarious memoir that offers readers an intimate glimpse into the highs and lows of one woman's journey through life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. With her trademark wit and candor, Dawson invites readers to join her on a rollercoaster ride of laughter, tears, and unexpected revelations.

At the heart of "Let's Pretend This Will Work" is Dawson's irrepressible spirit and unshakeable optimism, even in the face of life's greatest challenges. From navigating the ups and downs of relationships to weathering the storms of parenthood and career upheaval, Dawson approaches each new adventure with equal parts humor and humility. Her willingness to share her most vulnerable moments and embarrassing mishaps with readers creates an instant connection, making her journey feel both relatable and inspiring.

Dawson's writing style is warm and engaging, with a sharp wit and keen observational humor that keep readers laughing out loud from start to finish. Whether she's recounting the joys of motherhood, the frustrations of online dating, or the absurdities of modern life, Dawson's voice is authentic and endearing, drawing readers into her world with ease. Her ability to find humor in even the most challenging situations is a testament to her resilience and her belief in the power of laughter to heal and uplift.

Moreover, "Let's Pretend This Will Work" is not just a comedy—it's also a heartfelt meditation on the universal quest for meaning and fulfillment. Dawson's reflections on love, loss, and the passage of time are both poignant and profound, offering readers a fresh perspective on what it means to live a full and meaningful life. Through her stories, Dawson reminds us that it's okay to make mistakes, to embrace our imperfections, and to find joy in the everyday moments that make life worth living.

The memoir is also notable for its richly drawn cast of characters and vividly rendered settings. From her quirky family members to her eclectic group of friends, Dawson populates her memoir with a colorful array of personalities, each one adding depth and dimension to the narrative. Whether she's reminiscing about her childhood in the suburbs or recounting her adventures in far-flung corners of the globe, Dawson's descriptive language and vivid storytelling transport readers to another time and place, immersing them in her world with all its quirks and charms.

In conclusion, "Let's Pretend This Will Work" by Maddie Dawson is a delightful and uplifting memoir that will leave readers laughing, crying, and nodding along in recognition. With its engaging prose, relatable anecdotes, and timeless wisdom, it's a book that reminds us of the power of humor, resilience, and human connection to help us navigate life's twists and turns. Dawson has crafted a memoir that is as entertaining as it is insightful, making it a must-read for anyone who appreciates a good laugh and a good cry.

3/5. Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and publisher for an advanced copy to review for my honest opinion.

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This isn’t my typical read and I thought it was just ok. Mimi is a likable character but is just so naive it was hard to relate to her. I know the timeframe plays into that as well. Yes, it was quirky but I found her decisions frustrating and annoying. Additionally - this was pretty predictable.

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A perfect mix if a charming backdrop, fun quirky characters and a glorious plot line. Satisified my voracious appetite for reading a good book.

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Dawson is an auto-buy author for me. Everything she writes seems to turn into magic. Her books make me laugh! Feel! Flip pages! Her latest is another gem. An engaged woman who follows her fiance to CT where he has to take care of his ailing ex-wife. Not exactly the way anyone imagines that rosy time in a relationship. Hence, the title. But CT brings a day-care center and a cute dad, and what happens next, you'll just have to read! Chock full of Dawson's charm and wit, Let's Pretend This Will Work is a brimming story of love and its complications with a protagonist readers will want to call friend.

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Cute feel good book.

A little slow to start, and I didn’t particularly love the voice, but really loved the character development. I appreciated that Maddie retained the essence of the characters throughout the whole story, specifically between Ren, Judith, and Mimi. The relationships there added the complexity and depth that I felt somewhat lacking with the remaining characters.

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I received this arc in exchange for an honest review. 🤍

after an endless period of failed dates, Mimi finds herself falling for her older co-worker Ren - a divorced drama teacher - who proposes to Mimi, making her wishes of finding true love finally come true.

shortly after proposing, Ren gets a call from his children to say that his ex-wife has been in an accident, causing him to up and leave to handle things. Mimi moves with him, but can tell she’s watching him reunite with his family as she and their love fade into the background.

with limited availability of places to stay, Mimi lives in an apartment above a rowdy, parent-run daycare centre. she finds herself becoming part of this chaotic community, and falling for Jamie, father of the little girl who has stolen her heart. but what happens when the daycare begins to fall apart and Ren’s ex-wife is on the road to recovery?

this was such a lovely read. it has the most perfect found family aspects within the daycare centre and a truly wonderful depiction of standing up for yourself and what you want in life. i absolutely flew through this as it was so easy to follow and i was so immersed in the story.

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Maddie Dawson’s books are in my opinion very similar to Katherine Center’s books. There is a lesson in each one, something that sometimes breaks your heart, and usually something that puts your heart back together.

Mimi’s fiancé’s ex- wife is in an accident which leads to him needing to move to care for her. Mimi the team player decides to follow him there. She lands herself living above a daycare and as she’s currently struggling to find a sense of belonging, she finds an unexpected found community in the people there.

This book brought me so much joy and was everything you would want in a happy but with a little bit of struggle mixed in book. It’s a story of finding where you belong, finding yourself, and hope.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC!

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Sometimes we think we know just what we need or what to do to find happiness. This is the story of a woman that learns we can’t always control where the road leads us and what we find out about ourselves and others along the way.

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Quirky, fun, and utterly delightful. I’ll read anything Maddie Dawson writes. Her romance novels are always good reads, and this one didn’t disappoint!

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I have been in a reading slump for over a month and Maddie Dawson saved the day! I shouldn't be surprised as this is my fourth read by her and the first three were all four-star reads as well. Matchmaking for Beginners, A Happy Catastrophe and Snap Out of It all gave me great joy and Let's Pretend This Will Work is no different. In this one Mimi follows her fiancé from MAnhatten to New Haven because his ex-wife has been in an accident and he needs to help his daughters help their mother. Mimi goes into this with hopes and wishes and fairy dreams of finally having a family...let's just say it isn't exactly what she's hoping for.

Mimi ends up getting an apartment on top of a daycare and that's when she starts to feel she fits in. The way the daycare children were written really touched my heart it was so realistic. Their vocabulary had me laughing out loud and it reminded me so much of when my boys were little. My boys were 80s/90s babies and this takes place in the 80s before cell phones and the internet and I thought that was great. The book is filled with quirky characters that I love. I liked that all the characters were so well written and acted like real-life people, the kind I would want to be friends with and have looking after my kids. I think my favourite character was Alice, I just loved her to bits. Dawson's ability to write a four-year-old so spot on gave me all the feels.

I hated the character of Ren so much, I have no idea what Mimi saw in him in the first place. His daughters are 19 and 23 and they acted like children and he let them get away with it. I felt a passionate dislike for both Jenna and Parker. I think of myself as a strong and fiercely independent woman so I would have kicked his ass to the curb tout de suite!

The ending kinda threw me for a loop and then Dawson added a curveball and it made me so happy. Mimi finally finds her true self and even though her behaviour frustrated me at times I was pleased when she learned that if someone really loves you they love you just the way you are. (Don't go changing to try and please me...) I am so grateful to Maddie Dawson for finally giving me a great read.

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In Maddie Dawson’s heartwarming and humorous novel, "Let's Pretend This Will Work," we follow the journey of Mimi Perkins, a single woman in her thirties who is yearning for love and a sense of belonging. After a string of unsuccessful dates, Mimi finds herself engaged to Ren Yardley, a charming drama teacher and single father. However, their relationship is put to the test when Ren's ex-wife is involved in a devastating car accident, prompting him to move back in with her to provide care for her and their daughters. With her unwavering loyalty, Mimi decides to leave her life in New York City and join Ren in New Haven, Connecticut. She finds a job at a local daycare, where she discovers an unexpected sense of community and friendship. As time goes on, Mimi begins to question whether Ren and his ex-wife are slowly rekindling their relationship. This realization forces her to confront her own desires and decide what she is willing to fight for and what she needs to let go of. Throughout the story, Mimi learns valuable lessons about love, resilience, and the importance of self-discovery. She navigates the complexities of relationships, family dynamics, and personal growth with honesty and humor. Dawson's writing style is engaging and relatable, drawing readers into Mimi's world and making them feel invested in her journey. "Let's Pretend This Will Work" is a delightful and thought-provoking novel that explores the complexities of modern love, the strength of friendship, and the unexpected paths that life can take. Mimi's journey is sure to resonate with readers of all ages, leaving them with a sense of hope and optimism for their own relationships and life choices.

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Thank you net galley and publisher for this ARC. I really enjoyed this story and was curious to see what was going to happen. I loved the positive community vibes as well.

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What a sweet and quirky story! This romantic novel, set in the 1980's, follows Mimi as she navigates various paths available to her. Mimi is a likeable free-spirit who believes in the power of her magical blue skirt. It secured her a job, an older man who adores her, and a triumph for her students. When her boyfriends ex-wife has a stroke and he must go and care for her- what's Mimi to do? Follow him, of course and continue to make a life together. Only- it's not that easy. His grown daughters don't want her there and it seems neither does he. She could go back to New York City or she could work on building a new life in New Haven. Which will she do? And will it work?
I received an advance copy in exchange for my review.
#LetsPretendThisWillWork #NetGalley

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this book surprised me every step of the way.
first off, with mimi who wasn't interesting to me at first but grew on me as i read one until she ultimately buried herself in my heart, her roots twisting and turning around it.
secondly, with how unpredictable it was. every single time i thought i knew what was going to happen next, it just didn't. it kept me interested, never bored.
and thirdly, with how much i can hate a love interest. ren deserves nothing good to ever happen to him.
would've been 5 stars if i didn't hate ren so much and if there was a bit more of the family mimi found for herself near the end of the book.

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I loved Maddie Dawson's book "Matchmaking for Beginners," so I jumped at the chance to read her new book. "Let's Pretend This Will Work" by Maddie Dawson is a heartwarming story about a woman's search for happiness and true love.

Mimi Perkins's life-changing journey isn’t all syrupy-sweet, but it sure is plateful and magical. The thirty-something Mimi Perkins from Manhattan is longing for love and a family to call her own. So, when her lover Ren Yardley, a divorced fellow teacher, proposes to her, she agrees despite some misgivings. Her psychic predicted a positive turn in her life after all. Oh yes, she goes to a psychic and believes that a magical skirt she bought in a thrift shop gives her luck.

When Ren gets the shocking news that his ex-wife has been in a debilitating car accident, he rushes to take care of her in their home in New Haven with the help of their two daughters. When Mimi is fired from her teaching position and loses her apartment on the same day, Ren suggests she move to New Haven so she can be near him. She does so, which was brave of her. However, Ren doesn't have much time for her, being too busy with his family's issues. Mimi finds a new lease on life as she makes friends with the parents who run the daycare facility beneath her apartment. Now, all she has to do is figure out her next move.

I enjoyed the book very much. It started slow but then picked up the pace. The book takes place in 1982, which was odd to me at first, but it gives the book a flavor of simpler (and better?) times. While the heroine was refreshing, I found her too naive and too eager to please others. She made some foolish choices in her life, and a few times I wanted to shake her and knock some sense into her. I was glad she finally stopped trying to be someone she was not and grew a backbone.

The writing in this book flows nicely. It's paced well, and the quirky characters were great. The author has a nice writing style and does a good job of fleshing out the characters. I liked the message of the story: that we should be ourselves, not change who we are, or live by the expectations of others. It was a sweet read from start to finish, so I rate it 4 out of 5 stars. It’s a lovely novel about bereavement, yearning for love, and finding your place in life. I would recommend this heartwarming novel to those who enjoy stories about healing, finding oneself, and love.

* Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for the opportunity to read this arc. All opinions are my own.

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