Member Reviews

It was a very interesting thriller. I did not read the first two books in the series, and I did not feel lost while reading this one. But it did make me want to read these two previous books. The plot was a mix of a adventurous treasure island quest and a mystery, in a way. The mystery itself was full of interesting reveals and most of them surprised me. The only thing I did not appreciate very much is the glimpse of romance that was unnecessary and annoying.

Thank you to Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for a honest review.

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An amazing return from Lisa Gardner that had me gripped.
Frankie is contacted by a lawyer on behalf of a death row inmate, to find her lost sister. To do so, Frankie travels to an atoll off the coast of Hawaii. Concerning events are happening and the task is not what it seems.

A great thriller, highly recommend

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Frankie Elkin #3

Frankie is back! Keahi Pearson aka The Beautiful Butcher, awaits the ultimate punishment on Death Row in a Texan prison after killing multiple men. Frankie makes her way there to learn Keahi wants her to find her much younger sister Lea who disappeared twelve years ago. Keahi tells a heartbreaking story, one that takes the sisters to safety in Hawaii where their mothers family is from, a story which is further complicated by Keahi’s involvement with tech mogul Sanders MacManus. Has MacManus got Lea? Has he had her under his control from her being a little girl of five? Although Frankie initially refuses to get involved and though she fully appreciates she could be way out of her depth going up against such a powerful man, she does agree to help. Has Frankie bitten off more than she can chew? Yes, probably but that’s Frankie for you!

First of all THAT setting. MacManus is developing the Hawaiian atoll of Pomaikai and Frankie is able to secure a job with the team. It’s truly an out of this world location for a cracking story. It’s beautifully described and used so effectively in the dramatic events that develop. The history of the islands, the stories of a marginalised native population, the flora and fauna and as for the wildlife- good grief. The manta rays (amazing), the birds such as boobies, I’m less keen to say the least of the wolf spider Frankie shares her accommodation with and yikes, yikes, yikes, the giant coconut crabs. Google them. I cannot believe my eyes and may not sleep tonight as they are nightmarish. All the above feature throughout this very exciting and twisty tale.

There are really good characters and a wide variety of them which I like with Ann and Trudy, the cooks, livening the pages. It’s clear that some are very untrustworthy (understatement) to say the least. The dialogue is smart as are Frankie’s reposts. What is so good about this latest instalment is that there are so many unpredictable and unexpected situations that catch you out and take you by surprise. The storytelling becomes increasingly gripping, it’s a novel that is hard to put down, it’s dramatic, unsettling, sometimes scary as well as horrifying and it’s all told at a fast pace. There are wolves on Pomaikai heavily disguised in sheep’s clothing and we only see their fangs towards the end. At times the island seems to be lit up like its Bonfire Night and there are shoot outs, OK Corral style. It builds to a good and very satisfying ending.

I thoroughly enjoyed the latest Frankie outing, in fact, I think this is my favourite so far. I can’t wait to see what adventures await her next.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Random House, UK, Cornerstone for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

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Frankie Elkin is back! She's not police, not even a qualified investigator but has managed to find missing persons successfully. This time, Kaylee Pierson, convicted serial killer, wants her help in finding her sister, Lea. She believes she is being held by a powerful man, one she had a relationship with many years ago. And Kaylee only has three weeks to live until she is put to death for her crimes. To find her, Frankie will need to travel to Pomaikai, a remote atoll off Hawaii, under the guise of working on the island, helped by Kaylee's lawyer.
Oh the suspense and action! From the moment the plane touches down you can just feel the trouble brewing and the author did not disappoint. The support characters created problems at every turn and you just could not guess who to trust in this action packed novel. I flew through this in just over a day and I can't wait for more by the author. 4.5*
Thanks so much to NetGalley and Random House UK for this gifted review copy.

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Lisa Gardner is a go-to author for me and I will read everything she writes.

This, for me, wasn't her best effort but will always follow Frankie on her travels

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As always I get drawn into a Lisa Gardener book so easily and I want to finish it in one sitting. The twists and turns kept me hooked and overall it was an exciting read.

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This was such an easy and great read! I've heard the term 'popcorn thriller, which I understand to be an interesting and uncomplicated and thrilling read, and this was definitely the case.

I liked the flawed character of frankie who works to find missing people that others don't care about or who no one is looking for anymore. The story itself had enough twists and turns to keep me reading. All in all, very satisfying.

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I've read all of Lisa's books and this is one of my favourites. It was very atmospheric, I could imagine myself on the tropical island with the stifling heat and numerous crabs.

Frankie is charged with tracking down the sister of a serial killer, stranded on an island with several misfits, things being sabotaged and going wrong around her. All is not what it seems...

This is an enthralling fast paced thriller that you won't want to put down.

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Having read a few of Lisa Gardner's books previously, I was excited to get in to this one.
As usual, the storyline is gripping, as well as disturbing, and keeps you guessing until the very end.
I couldn't recommend this book more, and will absolutely be recommending to friends!

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A Rollercoaster..
In a remote albeit tropical setting things are not always quite as placid as they may seem. Missing persons expert, Frankie Elkin, is on the island off the Hawaiian coast and she is on a mission. Who exactly can be trusted? Gripping from the off, a fast moving and suspenseful tale populated with a credible and well drawn cast of eclectic characters, a swiftly moving narrative and a propulsive plot in a well imagined setting. A rollercoaster of a read.

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I’ve read a couple of Lisa Gardner’s books featuring Frankie and really enjoyed them, this was no exception. It took me a little to get into this, I think it was that the start felt more logistical in terms of getting Frankie to the Hawaiian island but once she was there and I started to get a feel for the other characters something clicked and I was engrossed, This does start quite slowly but totally ramps up the pace as it continues. There’s a brilliant mix of characters and enough mystery about the events on the island to make you wonder who is trying to sabotage things then add a serial killer into the mix (and she’s not even the most frightening character imho) then you have a perfect set of events unfolding. Once I got into this I was totally gripped and couldn’t read it fast enough, another great read from Lisa Gardner. 9/10

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Look, Lisa Gardner always writes good books. When I saw this was available for request, I immediately jumped on it.

Frankie has found herself wrapped into another case. This time, she is looking for the missing sister of the Beautiful Butcher, a female serial killer on death row, whose execution is in a few weeks. The case takes Frankie to a remote island in Hawaii, where things quickly unravel.

I cannot highly recommend this book. From the first page, you are drawn into Frankie's world and you cannot help but fall in love with her. Please read this!

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Very well written, with relatable characters and well-constructed dialogue resulting in a very disturbing — but also satisfying — storyline ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐️ A rattling good tale with twists and turns aplenty. Tropical destination and plenty of action! Loved it!!!!

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