Member Reviews

would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this amazing book

well where to start with this one.....

Frankie Elkin finds people.... she works the cases that everyone has forgotten about.... she brings them home for the families to bury, and then she walks on and finds her next case, she survives out of a suitcase

frankie is on her way to see someone on deaths row...why she doesnt know....but its enough that she has spent the last 12 hours on a bus...whether she goes through with seeing The Beautiful Butcher aka Kaylee Pierson is another matter.... but keylee has a missing sister....and with less than 3 weeks before kaylee is put to death it is rather urgent....

omg this book keeps you enthralled right to the end and the hits dont stops coming....the surprises just keep coming... could not put this book down at all...

cant wait for the next book out from this author

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Frankie Elkin looks for missing persons, the ones the police and other agencies have given up but that families are still missing, wanting to give closure to them.
She has a call from the lawyer representing Kaylee Pierson, known as the Beautiful Butcher, requesting she visit the jail and discuss the disappearance of Kaylee's younger sister many years ago. Taking on the case Frankie is whisked away to a remote Hawaiian Island that is being set up as an eco resort, in order to spy on the proprietor and his ward, who it appears is Kaylee's long lost sister.
This is a fast paced and twisty story. I loved the setting which was full of details and really created a great sense of place. I also loved the idea of a group of misfits who travel the world, working in a out of the way places, that keep them away from the usual social settings and usual social norms.
In addition the characters, and in particular Frankie, are well developed. Frankie is witty, confident and self depreciating. She really makes this novel.
The writing is fast paced and sweeps the reader along. It flows well and is an 'easy' read. If a few things need suspense held, then so be it. It is still a good read.
With thanks to Netgalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for the early copy in return for an honest review.

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I loved this book, I couldn’t put it down it kept my attention the whole way through. I would highly recommend it and am really pleased I got to read an advanced copy. Please go and get this book, snuggle on the sofa. With a cup of tea and good box chocolates and you have a perfect Saturday afternoon set up.

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*3.5 stars*

Frankie Elkin finds missing persons - the cold cases that the law have closed, having exhausted all lines of enquiry. She doesn’t get paid for this service, she just wants to give closure to their loved ones.

However, Frankie’s latest case involves female serial killer Kaylee Pierson, nicknamed “The Beautiful Butcher’ requesting that she find her long lost sister.

It appears that Pierson’s 5 year old sister was kidnapped over a decade ago in Hawaii, and the kidnapper is thought to be Pierson’s tech mogul ex-boyfriend, Sanders MacManus. In the present, on a remote island in the middle of the Pacific—the site of MacManus’s latest vanity project—fresh evidence has appeared. Pierson herself is on death row and facing execution in three weeks time - clearly time is of the essence, and so it is that Frankie finds herself undercover on a remote atoll in the Pacific, in the hope that she can rescue the young woman from MacManus.

The story was a bit slow to take off, providing readers with lots of information about the flora and fauna found on the atoll, but once it got going it was firing on all cylinders. I did have to suspend disbelief at times but nevertheless I still enjoyed it.

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Frankie Elkin has a strange hobby, she finds missing people.
In communities where the missing fall through the crack's, Frankie seems to be able to ask the right questions and won’t let anything go, sometimes with deadly consequences, and her track record is 100%.

Still See You Everywhere finds Frankie coming face to face with a female serial killer on death row, who wants Frankie to find her missing little sister. She is then whisked off to an atoll in the middle of the Pacific Ocean where not everything is as it seems and the only rescue, if things go wrong, is days away.

This is the first Lisa Gardner book that I have read and I can tell you I’m now hooked!
This story is so well paced, with twists and turns that you don’t see coming, it will have you guessing right until the end.

I’d like to thank #netgalley and #Cornerstone for this ARC

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I read this as a standalone not realising it was book three in a series but I don't think that mattered. I would agree a point made by other reviewers that it is slow to start but picked up to be a good thriller. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to be an ARC.

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Well this felt odd. It really wasn’t what I was expecting from Gardner - it felt like AI was trying to replicate her writing. Disappointed

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Another challenging search for a missing person for Frankie Elkin. She finds herself on a remote atoll with like minded people to herself - those who travel to remote areas to do work others will not do. Frankie arrives believing one thing but then finds herself embroiled in other matters - who are the 'good' guys and who are the villains?
As ever, the characters in this group are well developed and interesting. A definite page turner, yet again!
Many thanks to Netgalley/Lisa Gardner/Random House UK for a digital copy of this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I missed the fact this is the third book in the series. Luckily, it does read as a standalone so that wasn’t much of a problem.

I absolutely loved the island vibes but the pace of the story was a bit too slow for me. Things do pick up towards the end, which didn’t really deliver the punch I was hoping for.

In order to enjoy this ride, you definitely need to suspend disbelief as a lot of things don’t make much sense.

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Hooked from page 1 and did not want to put it down until I had finished. The need for sleep put paid to that plan.

A book of fictions this may be but the people are real and the situations that they find themselves in are real too. Put them together, mix them up and you have this book; something to keep you on edge and guessing until the very last page.

Enough of my wittering, go out and buy it, find yourself a corner where you will not be disturbed and enjoy the ride.

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Really atmospheric! What an absolute rollercoaster with twists and turns in abundance. Frankie is requested by a prisoner awaiting the death sentence to try and find her sister. It is set on a remote island where only those chosen few are allowed to access and work.

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Frankie Elkin is back! She is one of my very favourite characters and it was so great to read another one of her fantastic adventures.

This action packed suspense thriller was super addictive and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. A unique storyline set on a remote atoll, with some shady characters, and interesting wildlife, this one had me guessing until the end. And what an end! This is my fave Frankie Elkin so far!

I really enjoy the author's easy flowing writing style with quips and banter between her characters. Frankie is funny and sassy and a very caring soul. I look forward to reading more of her in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House UK for an eARC of this book. Expected publication date is 14/3/24.

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this ARC

Brilliant book, my first featuring Frankie and I look forward to reading more about her. Kept me guessing as to what was really going on and who to trust.

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I hadn't realised that this was part of a series until I finished, which explained a few things but didn't effect the storyline too much as it does give you a bit of a back story on our main character Frankie. The book was nothing like what I was expecting but I really enjoyed it, what especially sticks out for me was the side characters. They all had so much depth, I really could imagine this being a TV series as would love to know more on the wacky kitchen double act, the gorgeous mysterious young couple,
Vaughns past, everything that happened in the missing years with Mac and especially Lea, there's so much content left unexplored with fascinating characters. My only negative would be that I felt like when they were in life or death situations the humour used was extremely light hearted. I assume it was meant as sarcastic but on occasion it just felt a bit silly.
Thank you #NetGalley for the arc of #StillSeeYouEverywhere a very strong 4 Stars

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Frankie Elkin specialises in finding missing people.

This time she only has three weeks to find Lani, before her client known as the Beautiful Butcher is executed. In just three weeks’ time.

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What a deceptive but clever book this is! The story starts off and you are going down where you think the story should be taking you only it seems to take a very long detour before coming to a junction and going in a totally different direction to where you think it really should be going! The waffle in the middle is somewhat distracting and you really need to persevere before the storyline hooks you back in again.

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I read this as a standalone not realising that it was third in the series but it still worked. This was a little slow to start with but then turned into a good read with a few twists along the way.

My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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I enjoyed the book. Especially the setting and character development of the members of the camp.

For me the ending felt a little flat, it had all built up ready for a showdown which didn’t really materialise. I’ll definitely read more in this series as and when they come out though.

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Lisa Gardner is one author I always look for when searching for a new read. I really enjoyed Frankie Elkins last out and found this book equally as good. This time Frankie has been asked by an execution row prisoner, known as the Beautiful Butcher, to find her sister Leilani; time is short as the execution is due to take place in 3 weeks.

This is a really good mystery/thriller, set on a remote atoll south of the Hawaiian Islands. Frankie is a great character, full of doubts but determined to help find people that the authorities have forgotten all about. She’s a wanderer, can’t settle anywhere, always on the search for her next mission. I liked the cast of characters on the island, so varied but again a great mix. Really well written, excellent pace and numerous twists & turns. Here’s hoping Frankie will be back soon.

The villains of the piece, Keahi and her ex, Max were really unpleasant character’s, but great to read about, I would have liked a bit more about what Vaughn’s background was but it didn’t spoil my enjoyment of the whole thing. Recommended.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I have enjoyed every one of this authors books and this series doesn't disappoint, in fact I think it is getting better with each book! Frankie is a fantastic characters and the storylines are so unique. This book kept my attention from start to finish and I really hope there are more to come in this series.

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