Member Reviews

I always enjoy reading Lisa Gardner books and her latest thriller ‘Still See You Everywhere’ had me hooked from the first page.
Lots of action, twist and turns and unforgettable characters, I couldn’t put this book down and read it in one day.
I can’t wait for the next book from this author.
Thank you to NetGalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for my e-copy in return for an honest review.

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Frankie Elkin searches for missing people that have been long forgotten about. She makes it her mission to track them down, for free. In this installment she is asked by a serial killer, "The Beautiful Butcher", to find her sister who was kidnapped by wealthy Tech Mogul and Property Developer Saunders MacManus.

Frankie undertakes the job to find the missing sister, Leilani, which involves flying out to a remote atoll, and gathering information. She hopes to meet Leilani and find out if she was truly kidnapped and if so, rescue her. However, it's far more complicated than it initially seems.

This book was a slow burn for me for the most part, it sped up towards the ending, giving an exciting finish. I enjoyed the variety of characters involved in the storyline and the various twists toward the ending.

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Missing persons hunter Frankie Elkin is intrigued when contacted by a lawyer representing a notorious serial killer on death row. The 'Beautiful Butcher' had a younger sister, apparently missing since childhood. Despite some reservations, Elkin determines to go undercover as support staff on a private Hawaiian island, working for a tech billionaire who may be the key to the young woman's whereabouts.
Gardner is very good at her job so this kept my interest despite the absolutely improbable plot and the breathtakingly implausible number of twists (only possible because the perpetrator seems awash with money from an unclear source). For me, the denouement didn't satisfy, but I can see why others would find it completely right.
I was not aware that this was the third in a series for Frankie Elkin and it read well as a standalone.
I would say one for fans only -- start elsewhere with one of the other series if you are new to this best selling writer.

Thanks to NetGalley and Random House for ARC.

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I love Lisa Gardener books since book 1. This one started very well, gripping but then turned into a Richard Attenborough documentary, it's still worth a read. Frankie is back in business in a tropical setting. It's a slow read.

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Book three in the continuing life and times of Frankie Elkin. Contacted and hired by a death row serial killer, the Beautiful Butcher, to find out what happened to her little sister Leilani, Frankie’s adventures take her to a delightful if somewhat isolated island, Pomaikai, near the equator. There she befriends the team running the island on behalf of its billionaire owner, Sander MacManus. When things start to go wrong and out of control Frankie wonders if she has taken on too much this time.

Having read the first book in this series some time ago, I was interested when offered this latest instalment. Though it can be read as a standalone, I would recommend reading at least one of the previous books to get some grounding on who Frankie is and why she acts as she does. That being said, this book falls far short of the first. Far too much repetition and sidetracking, ludicrous plot line, and, as far as I can remember, Frankie was never such a whinging, self absorbed, pitiful character, so desperately in need of alcohol. Time and life certainly must have been hard for her in book two!

The twist at the end had headlights on it, could see it coming well ahead of the denouement. A good start, but soon tapered off. Not a patch on the first book, sorry!

End of the road for me and Frankie 🙁.

Thank you NetGalley and Random House.

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Frankie Elkin is hired by a serial killer about to be executed to find her missing sister. Frankie locates her on an isolated Hawaiin island and pretends to work there until she can speak to her about her situation. There are other mysteries on the island and Frankie doesn't know who to trust. The climax of the book is very much a locked room showdown. I have to say that I have been a bit disappointed by the last few novels by this author as they are feeling very much the same. I think I will be taking a break now as this was just pretty unpleasant although well paced. Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC.

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Still See You Everywhere is the new thriller from Lisa Gardner. It’s a captivating story that will see you following the journey of Frankie Elkin, an expert in finding missing persons, as she sets off on a dangerous quest to find the long lost sister of a female serial killer. Even though her new client is a bit out of the ordinary in that she faces execution in three weeks, Frankie takes the case as she finds that she can’t turn her back on a young woman who may be in serious trouble.

Frankie goes undercover on a remote island, seeking to uncover clues as to the woman’s whereabouts and aiming to rescue her from her alleged abductor. But all is not what it seems and it doesn’t take long for Frankie to wonder who is on her side and who is trying to sabotage the isolated camp.

The location for me was just as important as one of the characters in the book, described vividly from the jungle to the wild animal inhabitants. The characters were painted with an equally descriptive brush, and it became difficult to identity which one of the dozen strangers were working against the others for survival.

A fantastic whodunnit that kept me guessing right to the end!

Thanks to NetGalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for the advanced review copy in exchange for my honest opinions.

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I was keen to read this as it sounded so good but I didn’t realise it was the third in the series and I hadn’t read any of these before. However, I didn’t need to worry, a few pages in and I was well and truly hooked.

What to say next, well the descriptions of the island were amazing. Sometimes I actually felt I was with the characters by the ocean watching the stingrays. And those crabs, my god, I would be terrified!!!

This had a really action packed storyline with some really strong characters in. In fact, it would make for a good movie! I liked the story from start to finish and I thought the ending was very satisfying. I’m looking forward to reading more about Frankie.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Frankie looks for missing people. She's often successful though usually not in bringing them home alive. This is the third in a series but it can easily be read as a standalone. This time the request comes from an unusual source: a serial killer on death row. Kaylee claims her sister is being held captive by a billionaire. Frankie's mission is to save her.

The beginning of the book is excellent. The description of the remote Hawaiian atoll is excellent and you get a real sense of the remoteness of the place. I've never had any urge to visit a place like this and now even less so, The crabs would definitely be a turnoff for me.

I'm afraid though that on the whole the book didn't appeal. There were plot twists galore but they were quite unbelievable and the story as a whole seemed highly unlikely. Add into that at least one very grisly murder and I was quite put off. The book started off as a 5 but ended up a 2, so I've balanced it out at 3.5. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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This is my first book by this author. While it was an interesting story, it did wander off the plot a few times. I didn’t really gel with any of the characters and the ending seemed a bit far fetched.
Also don’t like the bad language.
3.5 stars from me

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Wow! So much action I didn't find an ideal moment to pause reading so I'm afraid to say I read on until the end. The characters and setting were described well so you could imagine them. There were also no limits on the amount of people injured or killed. I didn't expect what happened towards the end (to murderer etc). A great read in my opinion

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Ahh brilliantly unusual and completely and refreshingly different from anything I’ve read before. Some really great elements, from stunning and unusual backdrop on remote Hawaiian islands to quite possibly the bloodiest and intense prologue I’ve read in a long while! This book definitely captured my interest on a multitude of levels. I loved the psychological elements of what made such a prolific serial killer and her steely strong persona and her complex family backgrounds. The other characters in the book are brilliantly and individually built up so that they all feel as important as they are. Some quirky twists and turns and intense edge of the seat, fast action and peril. Loved it, very narrowly misses a five star rating from me, which I scarcely ever give so high praise.

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Tropical Island, blue crabs, hit people, money laundering, incest, What more can you want from a book?

Inspired writing, but in the middle it did tend to wander a little, more into the fauna of the Island than the thriller it was.

Thank you Netgalley for letting me read this book.

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I can't praise this book enough. In this brilliantly captivating plot Gardner is not afraid to tackle taboo subjects like prejudice, child abuse, and incest to name but a few of the topics, which are covered here.
Frankie, our protagonist travels around searching for lost people, those who society doesn’t care about uniting them with their families one way or another. She is trying to save them as she was unable to save Paul her ex husband. The plot begins with Frankie being somewhat forced into searching for the sister of a serial killer, Keahi, who is awaiting her execution for the murder of 18 men. Her search takes her to a beautiful island in Hawaii. The vivid description really conjures up a sense of paradise and serenity. Nothing however is, as it seems. As the group consisting of archaeologists, architects and a handful of basic staff attempt to turn the island into an eco-luxury resort. Danger is not far away in the form of a seventeen year old who is hell bent on revenge and greed.
The book packs a punch and if it weren’t that my Kindle required recharging I would not have put it down.
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this brilliant book.

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I just reviewed Still See You Everywhere by Lisa Gardner. #StillSeeYouEverywhere #NetGalley

This book starts off really well but unfortunately the “wheels fall off” after the first couple of chapters..

As soon as Frankie hits Hawaii, the story becomes more of a Natural History lesson than a thriller so it tires easily. I found myself skipping through big chucks of narration about flowers, crabs, spiders to TRY to get back to the plot but the book continues to go off at “tangents” that do nothing to move the story along.

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Thank you to the author, publishers Century and NetGalley UK for access to this as an advance reader’s ebook. This is an honest and voluntary review.

Frankie Elkin’s drive to find the forgotten missing has taken her to many places. But the building site for a billionaire’s paradise atoll brings it’s own unique challenges. Isolation, cannibal crabs, and the sister of a charismatic serial killer.

A third return for Frankie Elkin was always going to be a welcome one. Frankie’s off the grid living creates lots of interesting plot opportunities. Bringing her into contact with communities who by choice or circumstance are overlooked or unknown to the majority of the world.

It’s just as well I was already familiar with Frankie though. As it meant it took a while to realise that the initial set-up of a serial killer on death row asking for help to find the sister she’s lost had fallen way into the background for most of the first half of the book. Like to the extent that I began to wonder if it was going to be more than a starting point, which worried me as I liked the dynamic Frankie had in her meeting with the Beautiful Butcher. The brutal (and beautiful) young serial killer who believed her abusive ex had kidnapped her baby sister.

The plotting does come together of course, although I’m still not sure if it fully delivered in that initial promise. The final resolution to the situation felt both inevitable and rushed. Which was slightly anti-climactic after some really effective tension building.

It’s Lisa Gardner so of course it’s tense and readable with engaging characters. But, I think there was room for more time with the main threat of the plot.

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This is the latest in Lisa Gardner's Frankie Elkin series, she is an expert at finding the invisible, the missing persons that the world deems as not important. Still reeling and traumatised from her previous Wyoming case, Frankie is taking the Greyhound bus to a prison, at the request from lawyer Victoria Tennow, to what is to become her most surprising client, a death row prisoner. The Beautiful Butcher, Kaylee Pierson, is soon to be executed. Pierson, a product of an abusive home, lured 18 men from bars and killed them, unrepentent, she has never denied it and has not sought to appeal her death sentence. It is clear she would happily kill again but she wants Frankie to locate and help rescue her lost younger sister, Lealani, apparently abducted in Hawaii at the age of 5 by her ex, tech billionaire Sanders MacManus.

MacManus is currently in the process of building an exclusive eco-resort on a remote tropical atoll, Pomaiki, utilising a small group of skilled experts and development professionals, an interdependent team, operating under project manager, Vaughan. Employment is secured for Frankie, and she flies into a situation and location she has no experience of, facing the challenges of the intense humidity, sun, and being constantly drenched by the heavy rainstorms. Paradise is mesmerisingly beautiful, the teeming birds, the wildlife, not to mention the joys of Bert and Ernie, the manta rays, plus there are the terrifying coconut crabs. However, there are real serpents too, the most dangerous being of the human variety. In a narrative where little is as it appears, there are dead bodies, twists and turns galore, as Frankie finds herself tested to her limits, will she live to tell the tale?

You will need to suspend your disbelief to enjoy this latest Frankie outing, she is not at her strongest here, but I found myself gripped, turning the pages as fast as possible, as the tension and suspense reach sky high levels. What I liked were a number of the supporting cast, such as Charlie, Ann and Trudy. My highlights include the top notch atmospheric sense of location, there are rich and informative descriptions of the scenic island that make you feel as if you are right there. There is fun, banter and humour that helps lighten the heavy feel of menace that lingers throughout the novel. I cannot wait to see where Frankie goes next! Many thanks to the publisher for an ARC.

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"Still See You Everywhere" by Lisa Gardener's is full of suspense, intrigue, mystery and action.

It's the 3rd instalment in a series about a freelance missing person finder - Frankie Elkin of no fixed abode - who is asked by a woman on America's Death Row to help find her sister, whom she believes was kidnapped by her former lover. Frankie travels undercover to a very remote atoll off Hawaii and becomes part of the local crew, who are setting the groundwork for a luxury resort. There are some mysterious characters and odd behaviours going on, but naturally, the reader doesn't get the full picture until almost the end.

I had not read the first two books but this didn't matter as plenty of Frankie's background was provided. The descriptions of the location, people, wildlife (goodness, those coconut crabs!) and weather were very vivid.

My 4 stars are because the plot contained a few unreasonable coincidences and lucky escapes, but this is fiction after all. Sit back and enjoy!

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Loved this book.
Couldn't put it down and read it at lightning speed. It had me gripped from the start.

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I was unsure about reading this book once I realised it was part of a series but I needed have worried because it read well on its own. It was very fast-paced and exciting and it didn’t take me long to get into it and want to find out what was going to happen. Very enjoyable.

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