Member Reviews

A well-written historical mystery. The atmosphere was great and very engaging, reminding me a lot of classic gothic novels. The middle part dragged a little but all in all it was a good read. (Round off rating at 4.5).

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Step into the fog-shrouded streets of Victorian London with this mesmerizing mystery that will ensnare your senses from the very first page. With tightly-woven plot threads, each twist and turn leaves you breathless, aching for more. The well-crafted characters leap off the page, each with their own secrets and motivations. The evocative setting envelops you in its embrace, transporting you back to a time of danger and intrigue.

With thrill-a-minute pacing, it grips you in its clutches and refuses to let go. Every chapter unleashes a new revelation, keeping you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. The atmosphere crackles with tension, as the shadowy underbelly of Victorian society is laid bare, and the stakes couldn't be higher. It's a story to get lost in, a narrative that hijacks your mind and refuses to release its grip until the final word has been read.

Having finished this riveting read, my appetite for more has been well and truly whetted. I’m eagerly anticipating the next installment, aching to dive back into this meticulously crafted world. The author deserves a roaring round of applause for her ability to strike a perfect balance between tension and authenticity, delivering a story that feels both timeless and utterly captivating. With characters to root for and mysteries to unravel, this is a tale that will linger in your thoughts long after you've turned the final page.

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This is the first book by this author that I have read. It was a wonderful, well written mystery that flowed beautifully and the characters were very engaging. It kept me turning the page and was not a heavy read. I enjoyed the beginnings of the romance and hope to see more of this series. I received this as an ARC from Netgalley and freely give my review.

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I really enjoyed this historic murder mystery it had me gripped and I loved being transported back in time to find out what would happen. I love that this is the first book in a series and shall definitely be keeping my eyes out for more Tate and Bell mystery books.

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What a fantastic start to a new historical mystery series! Sebastian Bell is called on to investigate a murder at Highgate Cemetery when the body of a young woman is found on a cross. Gemma Tate's brother was the one to discover the body, and afterward, he was crushed under the wheels of an omnibus. It isn't long after his death that Gemma suspects that he might have been murdered. When she tries to tell the police the detective, she speaks to dismisses her concerns and sends her away.

It isn't long before she is brought to Sebastian's attention. Unlike the other detective, Sebastian believes her. Soon, the two of them team up and are working together to solve the murders.

This book is dark and violent with a great plot and an intriguing mystery. It felt like so much more than your run of the mill murder mystery, and I absolutely loved it! This is a series that I will definitely continue with. The next book can't come soon enough.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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To be honest I was hoping for more with this book but it was good. It had some interesting parts and had moments of thrill to it. I personally just got bored at times with it and felt like it was trying to do too much.

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This book is set in the middle of the 1800s and tells the story of two crimes that may or may not be connected. You will have to read the book to find out. It is very entertaining and will be great fun for the weekend.

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A dark and gripping historical thriller, the first in a promising series. A couple of investigators, a mix of darkness and light moments.
I liked the story and appreciated the storytelling
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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A very interesting story based in the late 18th Century. The police are treated in a very different way and crime handled very randomly. Several women were raped and murdered by a group of men. The duo who did most of the investigation were really good and gave a touch of lightness to a very dark story. Great conclusion.

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It's an evocative and historically detailed mystery that doesn't shy away from graphic description. Gemma Tate and Sebastian Bell are complex characters who are likeable and immerse you in their lives, making you care about what happens to them. The plot has the necessary twists and is suspenseful. I like the dynamic between Gemma and Sebastian and the detailed investigation. It seemed overly graphic in some areas, but it was a worthwhile read.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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“The Highgate Cemetery Murder” by Irina Shapiro is available now in paperback and on Audible, Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

Loved this from start to finish. A great historical mystery full of great characters, atmospheric descriptive writing and a wonderful insight into the era. Looking forward to the next in the series!

His heart pounding, the man scribbles the words in his notebook as fast as he can: “Woman dead in Highgate. Man in caped coat. Milky way and red streaks. I’m being followed.”

Hours later, the man’s cold body lies in the city mortuary, alongside the woman he couldn’t save. And his sister, unconventional nurse Gemma Tate, tracks down troubled police inspector Sebastian Bell to unravel the truth.

Sebastian has enough pressure to solve the murder of an aristocratic heiress without Gemma meddling in his case. But the cryptic sentences she brings him from her brother’s notebook could be a crucial lead. If only they knew what “milky way” meant. But as the trail of clues takes them away from the gilded drawing rooms of the nobility and into the dangerous slums of London, how far will their partnership be tested on the quest for justice, and will they both emerge unscathed?

#books #booksbooksbooks #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #mystery #thriller #historicalmystery #historicalfiction

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When an aristocrat's daughter is murdered, it's up to Sebastian Bell to solve the mystery behind her death and catch the killer while figuring out how the death of Gemma Tate's brother fits into the puzzle.

As a lover of historical mysteries, The Highgate Cemetery Murder caught my attention as soon as I read the book's description and once I started reading, I couldn't stop. Admittedly I was in a bit of book slump when I first started reading so it was hard to get started and I had to take some time away before picking it up again but once I started reading it again I was hooked. Full of intrigue and suspense, the darkside of nineteenth-century England is on display and Shapiro's writing transports readers right there with her vivid imagery.

I loved how Shapiro seamlessly intertwined Sebastian Bell and Gemma Tate's individual stories into one case in order to introduce the characters and begin to set up this new series. The main characters, Sebastian and Gemma, are well crafted and the flaws that they have (in particular Sebastian) make them seem all the more real. The dynamic between them just flows and they work well with one another which makes me excited to see how their relationship builds as the series continues.

With so many twists and turns along with an ending I never saw coming, I would highly recommend this read. I absolutely cannot wait to read the next book in this series.

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I loved this book, it drew me in right from the off! I love the characters, the plot, everything! Twists were great, reading and seeing the investigation progress was amazing. Seeing the different class of people being interviewed and how they view the police, was great. Poor old Seb getting battered and pursued by villians lol, hiding in a wagon. Gemma bless her, strong woman never given up on wanting to find the truth. All i can say it i will be reading from this author again! I loved this duo, I hope we have more adventures together.

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This was my first time reading a book by Irina Shapiro's and I really enjoyed it. The Highgate Cemetery Murder is a quick and easy read that had me interested from the first pages. I love historical mysteries so this new series set in Victorian London was a delight to read. The story focuses on detective Sebastian Bell who has been going downhill since the death of his wife and Gemma Tate, a nurse, whose brother has just been killed after he discovered the body of a murdered woman in Highgate Cemetery.
Bell and Tate end up working together to investigate the pair of connected murders. Tate's brother was her last surviving relative, so his death has left her determined to find out who killed him. Both Bell and Tate are clinging to their hunt for the killer to also heal their grieving.
Bell and Tate have such an interesting chemistry and dynamic that I hope will continue to develop in the upcoming books!

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Inspector Sebastian Bell widower and since the death of his wife and baby he has turned to opium to kill the pain and can barely do his job.
Hem has been given the fob to solve the murder of a Viscount's daughter found in Highgate cemetery, and if Sebastian makes a mess of it that will give his boss an excuse to get rid of him.
At the same time a Miss Gemma Tate goes to the police station to report that her brother a journalist had been murdered but the police had put it down to an accident and was virtually thrown out of the station where she bumps into the coroner who ;puts her in touch with Bell.
Between the two of them they do indeed manage to solve the crime, this is a historical little number so no DNA CSI etc just bog standard police work where everything is written down and you rely on your notes and Miss Tate being a nurse who worked with Florence Nightingale rescues Sebastian of his habit. I do hope there is another one of these stories a lovely read and I would like to thank NetGalley and Storm Publishing for a ARC copy to read.

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I initially hadn't realised that this book was set in the Victorian age, but once past that, I really enjoyed the mystery. It was interesting to have a female lead in this era. I loved the dogged determination of Gemma who refuses to believe her brother death was an accident. Her relationship with the Inspector Sebastian Bell was warm and I liked the way he believed her. He was an enlightened gentleman as opposed the to policeman that bars her from the station! The unravelling of the clues was done at good pace and I did like the references to Hellfire Caves as they are local to me.

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I didn't read a mystery book in a very long time and I am so glad I decided to give this book a chance.

It's a historical mystery book that follows not one, but two murders, and searching to see if they are interconnected or not, while making sure they don't get in trouble and become the next crime scene.

I really liked how the MMC perceives the females and how he treats the FMC, because the society tended to see nurses and single ladies in a very poor light, but he believes in her and her intuition.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy in exchange for my honest opinion

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A brilliant historical mystery that kept me gripped right from the start and hooked all the way through. I couldn't put it down and has reminded me why I love this genre

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I enjoyed this SO much! I love a historical mystery and it’s been ages since one has captured my attention as well as this did. Can’t wait for the next instalment in the series (hoping there is one)

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This is such a great historical mystery novel! The right amount of suspense, intrigue, gruesomeness and historical setting.
I instantly liked Inspector Bell (a flawed character with morals and brains) and Gemma Tate (a strong woman who doesn't allow cultural restrictions to keep her in 'her place' but is also vulnerable).

I loved everything about this book (but would've liked more set in Highgate Cemetery as its one of my favourite places!).

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