Member Reviews

This is definitely stepping out of my usual YA vampire comfort zone but I absolutely enjoyed my time doing so.

Kazan is a human blacksmith who finds herself caught in a 250 year old tradition in which a human is crowned "King/Queen of the Vampires", treated as a plaything for 3 days, then ultimately devoured.

I was drawn in immediately by the first act and loved the chemistry between Kazan and Adrius at the party. The way Ciel Pierlot was able to create such an intricate setting for the morally grey FMC to be trapped in was so interesting. Having human servants who were actively helping the vampires was giving me similar vibes as 'Ready or Not' which I loved! Her frustration was definitely apparent and I loved how she expressed that freely and showed her willful nature. Despite being offered up on a platter, Kazan strove to fight every step of the way. The romance between Adrius and Reya was also quite enjoyable. While I do think they had more chemistry with each other, as well as with Kazan individually, the scenes with the three of them involved felt as though Kazan was the odd one out. I would have loved to learn more about each of them and I think a multi-POV would have been amazing! Upon their alliance, I found it so funny that every time they believed their plan would go on without fail, Kazan would unexpectedly do something that would require them to regroup multiple times.

The climax was definitely gory by all means. Her determination to escape alongside her desire for revenge all unleashed on Dasar, led to one of the most graphic scenes I've ever read.

While I did enjoy the climax, the ending felt quite rushed to me. The decisions made were not what I expected, but I enjoyed how it was left open-ended for Kazan to possibly return for another book with her future endeavors. I loved how each character's motivation was complex, the political intrigue between the houses, and the lore involving the geists was unlike anything I've read before. Although I did find some parts to be slow paced and some questions were left unanswered, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and will definitely pick up the next one!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Angry Robot for the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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The Hunter's Gambit is a new twist on a the classic romantasy. The banter between the main characters is so well written and made this such a quick fun read. I cannot wait for book number 2!!

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Amazing read. A definite page turner from start to finish I was truly invested. I will recommend this to everyone

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and the Publisher for allowing me to read this book!

Looking for something with a female protagonist that throws together the Strahd campaign from D&D with Castlevania? You have this book.

This story is a quick read, but a good one in terms of vampires and escaping fate. Our female lead is a blacksmith, she has past dealings with vampires. She seeks out a woman who she wishes to sell one of her swords to, a sword for killing vampires. While waiting to see this female (think of her like a broker), she meets a vampire. This vampire is undercover and is actually a pretty nice guy. They strike up a bit of a friendship and soon after they both get their respective visit with the broker, they part ways. The broker tells our female lead she should try selling the sword out of town, and that she should leave with a caravan of vampire hunters. She leaves with the caravan, it gets attacked, she escapes, and ends up in a party of vampires who fight her, and sic their skilled vampire fighter on her - the vampire she just struck a friendship with, She is overtaken and ends up as a 'queen' in their castle. There she discovers for three days she has to put up with their revelry and debauchery until midnight of the third day. That's when they kill her.

This book is pretty gruesome, and involves a lot of fighting, swearing, blood, gore, and fucking. Vampires are regal, yes, but they do have needs and desires and urges which make them feral. Our female lead is alone, and she has to figure out how to escape, how to get her sword back, and how to kill these vampires or die trying.

95% of the story takes place in this castle, and I liked that our female never strayed for her goal. She was out for business, out to protect herself, and in return she got to know herself more than she ever did before. I liked that the author made her a flawed human (saving / savior / what constitutes as a death and sparing a life, etc.) and how decisions she makes either doom or give strength to her. I also liked that the vampires and how one becomes a vampire has other alternatives (people that die without being turned are spirits that roam the halls, and can possess you too).

The reason I ranked it down a star is that the world building was kind of bare outside of the vampires, and that I felt like I was missing something. Is there other stories to be had in this world, or other stories that came before this?

Otherwise, if you're looking for the above in a story you'll want to read this.

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I read this book in one sitting because I could NOT put it down. I usually don't jive with vampires but this book may have just set me on the path of consuming all things vampire.

I absolutely love the premise of this book and it only taking place over a span of three days. Kazan sass and unreliableness added so much to the book and she always had me questioning what she was actually going to do with her situation. I can't wait to see what else the author will publish in the future!

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⭐⭐⭐⭐ 🌶️🌶️

I honestly was expecting and hoping for more spice, but that aside, this was an amazing story from start to finish!

I could not put this book down. I was absolutely addicted to Kazan and her unwillingness to give up and give in to her situation.

The spicy scene itself was definitely 🔥 don't get me wrong! I just wish there was a tad more than that!

The story in general was not what I expected but I ate up every single moment of it. Once the 70% market hit, I was glued to the pages! I'm quite positive my jaw hit the floor quite a few times.

I'm also super happy this was a standalone! With all the open ended series I'm currently progressing through, it's nice to read a really good standalone, and the ending was not what I was expecting at all which also was a huge plus!

I will/ would definitely recommend this to my fellow dark fantasy, vampire readers! It's a solid story that will keep your attention page after page!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Angry Robot for sending me a digital ARC to review!

This book follows Kazan, a blacksmith who finds herself an unwilling vampire sacrifice. She has three days of revelry and ceremony to come up with a plan to escape. She teams up with the mysterious Adrius and the seductive Reya to overthrow vampiric royalty and save her life.

I thought this was a fun concept! This story was set up to be the fun vampire romantasy that I have been craving. The language was unique and fresh and I liked many of the characters. However, I found the world-building to be lackluster and flat. The magic system is not really explained, but it is used several times in combat. I was also not incredibly impressed with character development. The motivations of characters seemed superficial and they made decisions that made no sense other than to further the plot.

That being said, the romance was fun, the plot was refreshing and interesting, and the vampire lore involving geists was delightfully unique. I wish more detail had been given to the lore because it was definitely my favorite part.

If you’re looking for a fun “not your mother’s” vampire romantasy, then The Hunter’s Gambit comes out on June 25th!

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Gory and seductive with a touch of chaos, this book will play well with people who prefer that their vampires don’t sparkle.

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The vampire book I didn't realize I needed!! A woman trapped in a mansion filled with Vampires, uhm yes please!

This book was a delightful treat that kept me on my toes, definitely a page turner!

I would 100% recommend this book to my friends and family.

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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If you love vampire books, you have to pick this one up. This brutal and fascinating story follows Kazan, a determined and intelligent woman trapped in a mansion full of vampires, fighting for her survival. What I love about this book is its unapologetic brutality and the way it avoids common tropes; Kazan doesn't fall head over heels for a vampire or lose her independence. The world Ciel Pierlot has built is dark and immersive, raising the question of how far one would go to survive. Mark your calendars for June 5th, 2024—this is one vampire tale you won't want to miss! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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The book was very slow paced besides some bits that were scattered throughout the second half of the book, which made it hard for me to stay concentrated on it. The characters were ok but I had a hard time finding a connection to them and thought again that they had their highs and lows when it comes to chemistry. The world building was great though!

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A captivating story about a determined woman with questionable morals, willing to do whatever it takes to survive being trapped in a castle filled with vampires.

Kazan, whilst at a party meets a mysterious vampire, Adrius, who seems just as intrigued by her as she is by him. They part ways shortly after, only for their paths to cross again a few short hours later, except this time he's out to capture her. Kazan is whisked away to a castle teeming with vampires. There she is crowned 'Queen of Vampires', an annual tradition lasting 3 days, at the end of which she is killed. During her time their she desperately looks for a way out, uncovering less than savoury details about Adrius' past.

I loved this book from the start, it is beautifully written and easy to follow. Unlike so many vampire stories, Kazan isn't entirely smitten, she doesn't let herself get distracted by the devilishly handsome vampire and though she couldn't truly be described as a good person, she is definitely an interesting character.

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I loved this book! The Hunter's Gambit had a beautiful flow to it and was incredibly hard to put down. and all the characters intertwined wonderfully.

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This book was certainly interesting, however it lacked a certain level of intrigue. I found it really difficult to stay interested for the first 30%, as the plot and characters were moving fairly slowly. However, the world is incredibly detailed, the banter between the main characters is flawless. There is just something missing from the pace at the beginning.

Once you are through those first few pages, everything settles in, and you are consumed by an incredibly interesting and intriguing plot.

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Empezó bien, pero conforme avanzaban los capítulos la historia fue decayendo.

Cada año los vampiros capturan a una humana, la convierten en su reina por 3 días y al final se convierte en el banquete. Este año le tocó a ser Kazan la comida, ¿logrará escapar? ¿Descubrirá lo que se esconde detrás de esa tradición?

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I really wish I liked this more, it had quite a few amazing qualities but the ending wasn’t quite satisfying to me.
I enjoyed kazan’s character she was strong and independent from the start with a solid backstory and her ending as the “queen of the vampires” as if she were a court jester was quite original and intriguing. She also navigated all the court intrigue in a smart manner while seeking revenge.
I was really looking forward to her and Adrius having that chemistry later on. Their scene in the begining was quite a perfect introduction. When Raya comes in, I totally saw raya and Kazan also having great chemistry; however, with the three together it got lost somewhere. It was like Reya got most of the attention and Adrius also lost some of his allure.
Overall, I loved the plot and how Kazan decides with her instincts and how the sword comes to play in it as well as how things turned out with that sacrifice ritual. I was hoping for a better ending for Kazan, I think she deserved more and it seemed like she turned out ti be the major loser in the story by uprooting her life. I hope she finds her amazing future in her new life.

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"The Hunter's Gambit" by Ciel Pierlot is a wild ride through a vampire-infested mansion. Kazan's grit and determination make her a standout protagonist in a brutal world. Pierlot's storytelling keeps the suspense high and the action intense. While some loose ends might leave you curious, overall, it's a thrilling read for fans of dark fantasy.

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"Perfect for fans of Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff." This book was more boring than the great Empire of the Vampire.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Angry Robot for the ARC in exchange of an honest review.

Dark and delicious. Ah this definitely scratched the vampire craving I've been having. A girl trapped in a castle with tons of vampires and no way to get out. Who can she ally with? A smart and well-fleshed out novel and so, so addictive. Amazing. Bring back vampires, I need more.

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I was pleasantly surprised with this book. Sometimes vampire books can be cheesy and had to read but this didn't give any of that. The characters were done very well and so was the world building

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